42 research outputs found

    A Scoping Review of Facilitators of Multi-Professional Collaboration in Primary Care

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    Introduction: Multi-professional collaboration (MPC) is essential for the delivery of effective and comprehensive care services. As in other European countries, primary care in Norway is challenged by altered patient values and the increased expectations of health administrations to participate in team-based care. This scoping review reports on the organisational, processual, relational and contextual facilitators of collaboration between general practitioners (GP) and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) in primary care. Methods: A systematic search in specialist and Scandinavian databases retrieved 707 citations. Following the inclusion criteria, nineteen studies were considered eligible and examined according to Arksey and O’Malley’s methodological framework for scoping reviews. The retrieved literature was analysed employing a content analysis approach. A group of stakeholders commented on study findings to enhance study validity. Results: Primary care research into MPC is immature and emerging in Norway. Our analysis showed that introducing common procedures for documentation and handling of patient data, knowledge sharing, and establishing local specialised multi-professional teams, facilitates MPC. The results indicate that advancements in work practices benefit from an initial system-level foundation with focus on local management and MPC leadership. Further, our results show that it is preferable to enhance collaborative skills before introducing new professional teams, roles and responsibilities. Investing in professional relations could build trust, respect and continuity. In this respect, sufficient time must be allocated during the working day for professionals to share reflections and engage in mutual learning. Conclusion: There is a paucity of research concerning the application and management of MPC in Norwegian primary care. The work practices and relations between professionals, primary care institutions and stakeholders on a macro level is inadequate. Health care is a complex system in which HCPs need managerial support to harvest the untapped benefits of MPC in primary care. As international research demonstrates, local managers must be supported with infrastructure on a macro level to understand the embedding of practice and look at what professionals actually do and how they work

    Enabling primary healthcare service development with patient participation: a qualitative study of the internal facilitator role in Norway

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    This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original article is properly cited.Aim: To explore how primary healthcare professionals (HCPs) tasked with facilitating primary healthcare service development with patient participation perceived their role. Introduction: Patient participation in health service development is a recognized means of ensuring that health services fit the public’s needs. However, HCPs are often uncertain about how to involve patient representatives (PRs), and patient participation is poorly implemented. Inspired by the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework, we address the innovation (patient participation), its recipients (PRs, HCPs, supervisors, and senior managers), and its context (primary healthcare at a local and organizational level). Methods: We conducted semi-structured individual interviews with six HCPs working as internal facilitators in primary healthcare in four Norwegian municipalities. The data were analyzed by applying Braun and Clarke’s reflexive thematic analysis. Findings: The themes show that to develop primary healthcare services with patient participation, facilitators must establish a network of PRs with relevant skills, promote involvement within their organization, engage HCPs favorable toward patient participation, and demonstrate to supervisors and senior managers its usefulness to win their support. Implementing patient participation must be a shared, collective responsibility of facilitators, supervisors, and senior management. However, supervisors and senior management appear not to fully understand the potential of involvement or how to support the facilitators. The facilitator role requires continuous and systematic work on multiple organizational levels to enable the development of health services with patient participation. It entails maintaining a network of persons with experiential knowledge, engaging HCPs, and having senior management’s understanding and support.publishedVersio

    Primary healthcare professionals' experience with patient participation in healthcare service development: A qualitative study

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    This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.Objective: How healthcare professionals experience patient participation in health service development impacts its use. This participatory study explores primary healthcare professionals' perceptions of developing health services with patient representatives. Methods: Four focus group interviews with primary healthcare professionals (n = 26) were conducted. We analyzed data by applying Braun and Clarke's reflexive thematic analysis. Results: The healthcare professionals perceived having a complementary interprofessional relationship with the patient representatives and regarded them as colleagues. However, the professionals navigated between a position of authority and collaboration, reconciling the need for participation with its challenges, e.g., to identify the representatives' collective representation among their personal experience, to ensure a more evidence-informed result that they and their colleagues would endorse. Conclusions: Regarding patient representatives as colleagues can blur the line between professionals and representatives' positions and functions and further complicate health service development. Our results indicate a need for skilled facilitators to lead the process. Innovation: This study identifies issues that professionals are uncertain about when collaborating with representatives to develop primary healthcare services; difficulties that professionals must overcome to collaborate constructively with representatives. Our findings can inform healthcare professionals' education about patient participation on all levels. We have suggested topics to address.publishedVersio

    How can we describe impact of adult patient participation in health-service development? A scoping review

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    This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Objective: Patient participation represents a worldwide policy, but its impact lacks research. This study investigates impact of patient participation in health-service development by providing a comprehensive overview of how the literature describes it. Method: A scoping review with a broad search strategy was conducted. The literature was examined for study characteristics, purpose for, approaches to and impact of patient participation. The data were analyzed using a thematic analysis. Results: The 34 included primary studies reported impacts of patient participation that were interpreted to constitute two categories: 1. The participatory process impact on involved patient representatives and health professionals, and the organization s patient participation practice itself. 2. The participatory service development s impact on the design and delivery of services regarding patients and health professionals, and the organization. Conclusion: The literature describes a broad variation of impacts from health-service development, relevant for health professionals and patient representatives when initiating or participating in such processes. Our review provides an overview and discussion of these types of impact. Practice implications: The findings can be of practical relevance to those aiming to develop services, quality indicators regarding effects of patient participation, or to further investigate aspects of participatory service development.publishedVersio

    How can we support children, adolescents and young adults in managing chronic health challenges? A scoping review on the effects of patient education interventions

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    Objectives This scoping review aims to give a comprehensive and systematic overview of published evaluations and the potential impact of patient education interventions for children, adolescents and young adults who are living with chronic illness and/or impairment loss. Methods Relevant literature published between 2008 and 2018 has been comprehensively reviewed, with attention paid to variations in study, intervention and patient characteristics. Arksey and O'Malley's framework for scoping studies guided the review process, and thematic analysis was undertaken to synthesize extracted data. Results Of the 7214 titles identified, 69 studies were included in this scoping review. Participant‐reported benefits of the interventions included less distress from symptoms, improved medical adherence and/or less use of medication, and improved knowledge. The majority of studies measuring physical activity and/or physiologic outcomes found beneficial effects. Interventions were also beneficial in terms of decreased use of urgent health care, hospitalization, visits to general practitioner and absence from school. By sharing experiences, participants had learned from each other and attained new insight on how they could manage illness‐related challenges. Discussion Study results corroborate previous research suggesting that different types of patient education interventions have a positive impact on children, adolescents and young adults, but research on this field is still in a starting phase. The results summed up in the current review supports the utility of patient education interventions that employ behavioural strategies tailored to the developmental needs of children, adolescents and young adults with different cultural backgrounds.publishedVersionsubmittedVersio

    Implementation strategies to enhance the implementation of eHealth programs for patients with chronic illnesses: realist systematic review

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    Background: There is growing evidence of the positive effects of electronic health (eHealth) interventions for patients with chronic illness, but implementation of such interventions into practice is challenging. Implementation strategies that potentially impact implementation outcomes and implementation success have been identified. Which strategies are actually used in the implementation of eHealth interventions for patients with chronic illness and which ones are the most effective is unclear. Objective: This systematic realist review aimed to summarize evidence from empirical studies regarding (1) which implementation strategies are used when implementing eHealth interventions for patients with chronic illnesses living at home, (2) implementation outcomes, and (3) the relationship between implementation strategies, implementation outcomes, and degree of implementation success. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in the electronic databases MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Scopus, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Cochrane Library. Studies were included if they described implementation strategies used to support the integration of eHealth interventions into practice. Implementation strategies were categorized according to 9 categories defined by the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change project: (1) engage consumers, (2) use evaluative and iterative strategies, (3) change infrastructure, (4) adapt and tailor to the context, (5) develop stakeholder interrelationships, (6) use financial strategies, (7) support clinicians, (8) provide interactive assistance, and (9) train and educate stakeholders. Implementation outcomes were extracted according to the implementation outcome framework by Proctor and colleagues: (1) acceptability, (2) adoption, (3) appropriateness, (4) cost, (5) feasibility, (6) fidelity, (7) penetration, and (8) sustainability. Implementation success was extracted according to the study authors’ own evaluation of implementation success in relation to the used implementation strategies. Results: The implementation strategies management support and engagement, internal and external facilitation, training, and audit and feedback were directly related to implementation success in several studies. No clear relationship was found between the number of implementation strategies used and implementation success. Conclusions: This is the first review examining implementation strategies, implementation outcomes, and implementation success of studies reporting the implementation of eHealth programs for patients with chronic illnesses living at home. The review indicates that internal and external facilitation, audit and feedback, management support, and training of clinicians are of importance for eHealth implementation. The review also points to the lack of eHealth studies that report implementation strategies in a comprehensive way and highlights the need to design robust studies focusing on implementation strategies in the future.publishedVersio

    A scoping review of facilitators of multi-professional collaboration in primary care

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    Introduction: Multi-professional collaboration (MPC) is essential for the delivery of effective and comprehensive care services. As in other European countries, primary care in Norway is challenged by altered patient values and the increased expectations of health administrations to participate in team-based care. This scoping review reports on the organisational, processual, relational and contextual facilitators of collaboration between general practitioners (GP) and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) in primary care. Methods: A systematic search in specialist and Scandinavian databases retrieved 707 citations. Following the inclusion criteria, nineteen studies were considered eligible and examined according to Arksey and O’Malley’s methodological framework for scoping reviews. The retrieved literature was analysed employing a content analysis approach. A group of stakeholders commented on study findings to enhance study validity. Results: Primary care research into MPC is immature and emerging in Norway. Our analysis showed that introducing common procedures for documentation and handling of patient data, knowledge sharing, and establishing local specialised multi-professional teams, facilitates MPC. The results indicate that advancements in work practices benefit from an initial system-level foundation with focus on local management and MPC leadership. Further, our results show that it is preferable to enhance collaborative skills before introducing new professional teams, roles and responsibilities. Investing in professional relations could build trust, respect and continuity. In this respect, sufficient time must be allocated during the working day for professionals to share reflections and engage in mutual learning. Conclusion: There is a paucity of research concerning the application and management of MPC in Norwegian primary care. The work practices and relations between professionals, primary care institutions and stakeholders on a macro level is inadequate. Health care is a complex system in which HCPs need managerial support to harvest the untapped benefits of MPC in primary care. As international research demonstrates, local managers must be supported with infrastructure on a macro level to understand the embedding of practice and look at what professionals actually do and how they work

    Mestringstiltak med brukermedvirkning for personer som har langvarige helseutfordringer

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    I samarbeid med Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for lÌring og mestring innen helse (NK LMH), har Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten utført et systematisk litteratursøk med püfølgende sortering av mulig relevante publikasjoner. Formület var ü finne forskning som ser pü effekt av mestringstiltak med brukermedvirkning, for personer som har langvarige helseutfordringer

    ‘Struggling to participate in everyday life’: emerging adults’ experiences of living with long-term health challenges

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    Abstract Aim To gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of participation in the everyday life of emerging adults living with long-term health challenges and how this influences their own quality of life. Methods Using an explorative study design, data were collected through in-depth interviews with a sample of 12 young people aged 18–29 years living with long-term health challenges in Norway. Findings The analysis identified one overarching theme of struggling to participate in everyday life, and four subthemes: the notion of being independent but also dependent, experiencing mismatch between needs and support, experiencing deprivation of spontaneity and feeling uncertain about the future. The emerging adults experienced difficulties with participation in key areas of life such as education, employment and leisure activities. Associated symptoms of their diagnosis, limited physical abilities and lack of sufficient support made it hard to participate in everyday life the way they aspired to. Conclusion The challenges of living with a long-term health challenge as an emerging adult contributed to limitations in participation in different areas of life that was perceived as important for their quality of life

    Hospital Social Workers’ Boundary Work in Paediatric Acute Wards—Competitive or Collaborative?

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    Recent research suggests that the notion of boundary work can improve our understanding of interprofessional tension and collaboration in health care, yet hospital social workers (HSWs) have not received sufficient attention in this area. Using boundary work as a theoretical framework, this article investigates HSWs’ boundary work in interactions with other health care professionals in paediatric acute wards. The data were based on in-depth interviews with nineteen HSWs at hospitals in Norway about their experiences with interprofessional collaboration. Based on their situated narratives, abductive analysis was performed, using the conceptually distinct but inter-related forms of competitive and collaborative boundary work that are grounded in Abbott’s framework of jurisdiction. The findings demonstrate how HSWs construct, defend and extend boundaries to create distinctions between themselves and others, and how they sometimes adapt and downplay boundaries in order to achieve common goals and perform their work. As a facilitator of this process, the HSW might be viewed as a boundary subject. This, in turn, can result in optional and intentional ways for HSWs to carry out boundary work. There is reason to believe that, the less specific educational requirements and role guidelines, the more important these mechanisms become