66 research outputs found

    KKTC toplumunda fenestrasyon ve dehisens prevalansının konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir grup KKTC popülasyonunda, Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi (KIBT) kullanılarak fenestrasyon ve dehisens prevalansının belirlenmesi ve fenestrasyonların lokalizasyonlarına göre sınıflandırılmasıdır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: 100 hastanın KIBT görüntüleri restrospektif olarak incelenmiş ve çalışmamıza dahil edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda toplamda 2619 diş ve 4153 kök değerlendirilmiştir. Kök fenestrasyonları 6 alt tipte değerlendirilmiştir. Dişlerde dehisens varlığı da ayrıca kaydedilmiştir.Bulgular: Değerlendirilen dişlerin % 10.1’inde fenestrasyon ve dehisens bulunduğu gözlenmiştir. En fazla fenestrasyon ve dehisense rastlanan dişler sırası ile maksiller 1. molar, mandibular ve maksiller kanin dişlerdir. En az etkilenin dişler ise mandibular molar dişler olarak tespit edilmiştir. Fenestrasyon tiplerinden Tip I, IV ve VI hepsi 1 vaka hariç maksillada görülmüştür. Tip IV fenestrasyon, % 1.47 görülme oranı ile fenestrasyon tipleri arasında en sık görülen tiptir. En az görülen fenestrasyon tipi ise % 0.2 ile Tip III olarak bulunmuştur. Toplamda incelenen köklerin % 4.3’ünde fenestrasyona, 2.3’ünde ise dehisense rastlanmıştır.Sonuç: Popülasyonumuzda özellikle maksillada fenestrasyon ve dehisens prevalansı yüksek bulunmuştur. Maksillada yapılacak olan endodontik, ortodontik ve cerrahi operasyonlarda bunun göz önünde bulundurularak şüpheli durumlarda bölgenin anatomik yapısının doğru bir şekilde belirlenmesi için KIBT’nin kullanımı yararlıdır.ANAHTAR KELİMELER Fenestrasyon, Dehisens, KIB

    An Anti-Cheating System for Online Interviews and Exams

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    Remote examination and job interviews have gained popularity and become indispensable because of both pandemics and the advantage of remote working circumstances. Most businesses and educational organizations use these platforms for recruitment as well as online exams. However, one of the critical problems of the remote examination systems is conducting the exams in a reliable environment. In this work, we present a cheating analysis pipeline for online interviews and exams. The system only requires a video of the candidate, which is recorded during the exam by using a webcam without a need for any extra tool. Then cheating detection pipeline is employed to detect the presence of another person, electronic device usage, and candidate absence status. The pipeline consists of face detection, face recognition, object detection, and face tracking algorithms. To evaluate the performance of the pipeline we collected a private video dataset. The video dataset includes both cheating activities and clean videos. Ultimately, our pipeline presents an efficient and fast guideline for detecting and analyzing cheating actions in an online interview and exam video

    Evaluation of dissociative life of male athletes in some disability sportive branches

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    This research focused on evaluation of dissociative lives of male disabled athletes who played in teams of amputee football league and regional wheelchair basketball league. In this research; general survey method, one of the descriptive research methods, was used. As data collection tools; “Personal Information Form”, “Household Income Form” and “The Dissociation Scale Questioner” were used. A total of 92 male disabled participants (55 amputee football players and 37 wheelchair basketball players) were included in the study.There were no significant statistical differences between participants’ dissociation levels and age, educational status, marital status, whether or not being a national player and employment status. However; there was statistically significant difference in terms of use of prostheses-use, sportive branch, household income and time of disability.It may be argued that acquired traumatic events that occur after birth have stronger traumatic life levels/effects compared to congenital traumatic events that occur before or during birt

    The impact of hybrid capture-based comprehensive genomic profiling on treatment strategies in patients with solid tumors

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    Objective: The development of bioinformatics and comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) has provided insights into the ap-plicability and functionality of the genomic alterations (GA). In this study, we evaluated the impact of CGP on the treatment plan and outcomes in a significant number of patients. Material and Methods: We carried out a retrospective case-control study on 164 adult patients with advanced solid tumors from 15 oncology centers in Türkiye. Results: In all cases, CGP was performed within 23.8 [standard deviation (SD)±32.1] months of initial diagnosis. Non-small cell lung carcinoma, breast cancer, unknown primary carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, and sarcoma were among the most common tumor types, accounting for 61.5% of all cases. CGP was performed immediately after the diagnosis of advanced cancer in 13 patients (7.9%). In 158 patients (96.4%), at least one GA was found as per the CGP report. Also, in the reports, the average tumor mutational burden (TMB) and GAs were 7.3 (SD±8.7) mut/Mb and 3.5 (SD±2.0), respectively. According to CGP reports, 58 patients had 79 evidence-based drug suggestions for their particular tumor type, whereas 97 patients had 153 evidence-based drug suggestions for another tumor type. After the primary oncologist interpreted the CGP reports, significant changes were made to the treatment of 35 (21.3%) patients. Conclusion: We strongly believe that in the future, high-TMB or other tumor-agnostic biomarkers will become much more afford-able, and CGP will serve as one of the major decision-making tools for the treatment of patients along with pathological, radiological or lab-oratory tests

    Active vibration absorber for road vehicles.

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    Evaluation of pH and Calcium Ion Diffusion from Intracanal MTA and Bioaggregate to Simulated External Resorption Cavities Through Dentinal Tubules

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    Purpose: This in vitro study compared the effects of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), BioAggregate and calcium hydroxide on calcium and hydroxyl ion diffusion through dentinal tubules to the root surfaces without cementum in various root levels. Materials amp; Methods: The study consisted of 120 mature single-rooted mandibular premolar teeth. The teeth were decoronated and instrumented using Protaper Universal rotary files. To simulate external root resorption, artificial defects were created in cervical-middle-apical thirds of root surfaces. The teeth were divided into four main groups: Control (1), calcium hydroxide (2), MTA (3) and BioAggregate (4). In control group, root canals of specimens left empty. Other root canals of specimens filled with calcium hydroxide, MTA or BioAggregate. Each specimen was immersed in a vial containing 10 mL distilled water. Calcium concentrations and pH of the immersion media was measured at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Statistical analysis was accomplished by Kruskal–Wallis H and Mann–Whitney-U tests. Results: This study indicated that intracanal placement of both calcium hydroxide, MTA and BioAggregate resulted in the diffusion of calcium and hydroxyl ions across dentine. The results showed greater calcium and hydroxyl ions released by calcium hydroxide groups than MTA and BioAggregate groups (p lt;0.05). MTA and BioAggregate groups showed similar properties and there were no differences between these groups in whole study period (p gt;0.05). Conclusion: MTA and BioAggregate may be preferable for external root resorption cases because of their stimulation of hard tissue formation and ion releasing ability

    A field study on family-work and work-family conflicts of seafarers

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    İş ve aile alanları arasındaki çatışma, çalışan bireyin üstlendiği çeşitli rollerin gerekleri arasındaki çatışmanın bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, gemiadamlarının iş aile ve aile iş çatışmalarının saptanması amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada, veri toplama aracı olarak anket formu kullanılmıştır. Anket formunda iş-aile yaşam çatışması ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma örneklemi 259 gemiadamından oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışma sonuçlarına göre katılımcıların iş sorumlulukları nedeniyle çoğunlukla aileleriyle ilgili planlarını değiştirdikleri ve katılımcıların aile yaşamlarının iş yaşamları üzerinde fazla etkili olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Yaşa bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında, medeni duruma bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında, eğitim durumuna bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında, çalışma durumuna bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında, gemi sınıfına bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında anlamlı ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Göreve bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında, cinsiyete bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında, üniversite okumaya bağlı olarak iş-aile ve aile-iş çatışması arasında anlamlı ilişki olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Aynı şirkette çalışma durumu ve çatışma ölçeği ilişkisi incelendiğinde aynı şirkette çalışma durumuna bağlı olarak iş-aile çatışması arasında anlamlı ilişki tespit edilememişken, aile-iş çatışması arasında anlamlı ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştirConflict between work and family domains is a result of conflicts between the role requirements of various roles employees assume. The aim of this study is to determine the work-family and work conflicts of seafarers. A questionnaire containing work-family conflict scale was used for data collection. The research sample is composed of 259 seafarers. According to the findings, work responsibilities of respondents cause frequent changes in their plans regarding family activities while family life has little effect on their working lives. The findings reveal that age, marital status, level of education, experience and ship class is significantly correlated with work-family and family-work conflicts. Gender, task and university diploma, however, is not significantly correlated with work-family and family-work conflicts. When tenure in the same company and conflict scale results are examined, no significant relationship between tenure and work-family conflict could be found while a significant relationship was found for family-work conflic


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    Background: Clinical research has provided conflicting evidence regarding sexual dysfunction in patients with OCD and PD. This study was undertaken to assess and compare certain parameters of sexual functioning in OCD and PD patients. Subjects and methods: The study population consisted of 80 patients between 20 and 60 years of age with a diagnosis of OCD or PD who were followed and treated at the anxiety outpatient unit of Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital for Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders between 2005 and 2006. The total study population comprised of 40 patients with OCD, 40 patients with PD, and 40 healthy volunteers as the control group. Of the two questionnaires used for study purposes, the first provided information on demographic data and certain parameters of sexual functioning, while the second was the validated Turkish translation of the Golombok-Rust Sexual Satisfaction Inventory with transliteral equivalence. Results: Male subjects with OCD had a lower age of first masturbation and first nocturnal ejaculation. Infrequency problem among female and male patients with OCD occurred in 63.6% and 57.1%, respectively. Corresponding figures for PD patients were 36% and 38%. Thus, infrequency problem was more frequent among OCD patients. Sexual avoidance was found in 60.6% of female OCD patients and in 64% of female PD patients. Anorgasmia was detected in 24.2% of the female subjects with OCD. Conclusion: Sexual dysfunction unrelated to pharmacotherapy has been found to occur in OCD and PD. Assessment of sexual functioning in these individuals before treatment may help prevent deterioration of sexual function that may occur upon introduction of psychotropic medications