34 research outputs found

    Efecto de dosis aguda de alcohol sobre las caracterĂ­sticas bioquĂ­micas del sĂ­ndrome X en distintas categorĂ­as de bebedores nigerianos hombres y mujeres en aparente buen estado de salud

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    Background: «Syndrome X», known since the 1980’s is a disease condition precipitated by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes glucose and insulin to accumulate in the blood. Syndrome X is characterized by abnormal values of triacylglycerol (TAG), blood pressure (BP), glucose and HDL-cholesterol-all risk factors for heart disease. Insulin resistance may be exacerbated by bad diet, poor lifestyle, absence of physical activity, genetic predisposition and being overweight. However, recent reports have shown that poor lifestyle is likely to be the main cause rather than bad diet or being overweight. Even though heavy consumption of alcohol could be regarded as a poor lifestyle, its relationship to the biochemical features and symptoms of syndrome X in both genders is yet to be properly documented among Nigerian drinkers of alcohol. Methods: To establish a baseline information on the relationship between alcohol consumption and Syndrome X among Nigerians, two hundred and seventy-four consenting individuals in apparent good health and who were either light (53 male, 44 female), moderate (51 male, 42 female) or heavy (46 male, 38 female) drinkers of alcohol were selected. They had no personal or familial history of CHD, stroke, cancer or related diseases. The drinkers were tested using an acute dose (1 g ethanol/kg body weight) of alcohol. Results: Results show that the administered acute dose (1 g ethanol/kg body weight) increased serum glucose, (p>0.05), TAG (p<0.05) and BP (p<0.05) (some biochemical risk factors of Syndrome X) in both genders irrespective of the drinking category. However, alcohol-induced changes were highest among the female heavy drinkers. Thus, observations from this study suggest that heavy consumption of alcohol by especially the female folk could alter the pathways that metabolize carbohydrates and lipids and this may increase the risk of Syndrome X. Conclusions: Based on the available evidence, it would be reasonable to conclude that heavy consumption of alcohol by Nigerian women especially may be yet another predisposing lifestyle to Syndrome X. The incidence of Syndrome X among drinkers of alcohol should be further investigated in order to provide clues to the underlying molecular mechanisms. This is important in order to strategize therapeutic approaches, since individuals with the disease may not recognize it. Antecedentes: Desde la década de 1980 se conoce el síndrome X, entidad patológica que se precipita por la resistencia a la insulina. A su turno, esta resistencia hace que la glucosa y la insulina se acumulen en la sangre. El síndrome X se caracteriza por valores anormales de triacilglicerol (TAG), presión sanguínea (PS), glucosa y colesterol de alta densidad (HDL), que son todos elementos de riesgo para enfermedades cardíacas. La resistencia a la insulina se puede aumentar por malos hábitos dietéticos, falta de actividad física, predisposición genética y sobrepeso. Sin embargo, varios informes recientes demostraron que un estilo de vida poco saludable puede ser también una causa principal del síndrome, quizá más que los malos hábitos dietéticos o el sobrepeso. Aunque el consumo alto de alcohol se podría considerar como un estilo de vida poco saludable, su relación con los factores bioquímicos y los síntomas del síndrome X, en ambos géneros, aún no se ha documentado de manera precisa entre los nigerianos consumidores de alcohol. Métodos: Establecer una información de base acerca de las relaciones entre consumo de alcohol y síndrome X para 264 nigerianos en aparente buen estado de salud que participaron de modo voluntario en el estudio. Aunque todos consumían alcohol, entre ellos había consumidores ligeros (53 hombres, 44 mujeres); consumidores moderados (51 hombres, 42 mujeres); y consumidores pesados (46 hombres, 38 mujeres). Ninguno tenía historia familiar de enfermedad cardíaca coronaria (ECC), accidentes cerebro-vasculares, cáncer, y otras enfermedades relacionadas. A todos se les examinó con una dosis de prueba (1 g de etanol/kg peso corporal) de alcohol. Resultados: Se comprobó que la dosis de prueba administrada (1 g de etanol/kg peso corporal) aumentó los niveles sanguíneos de glucosa (p>0.05) y TAG (p<0.05), así como la PS (p<0.05), factores de riesgo para el Síndrome X en ambos géneros, sin tener en cuenta la categoría del consumidor. Sin embargo, los cambios inducidos por el alcohol fueron más altos en las mujeres de consumo pesado. Así, pues, las observaciones de este estudio sugieren que el consumo alto de alcohol, sobre todo en las mujeres, puede alterar las vías del metabolismo de carbohidratos y lípidos y de esta manera aumentar el riesgo del síndrome X. Conclusiones: Con base en la evidencia disponible, es razonable concluir que el consumo elevado de alcohol especialmente en las mujeres nigerianas puede ser otro estilo de vida poco saludable que predispone al síndrome X. La incidencia del síndrome X entre los consumidores de alcohol se debería investigar más a fin de suministrar sugerencias e indicios acerca de los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes. Esto es importante para diseñar estrategias en los manejos terapéuticos, pues los individuos con la enfermedad no la pueden reconocer

    Changes in some haematological parameters in Nigeria children with Burkitt's lymphoma

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    In order to investigate the prevalence of anaemia and related haematological disorders, fifty-seven Nigerian children with Burkitt's Lymphoma, (BL) between the ages of 4-14 years were randomly selected from the paediatric Ward, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria and Kaduna. Twenty-eight age-matched children in apparent good health were included as control subjects. Results show that BL patients had significant (

    Changes in some haematological parameters in Nigeria children with Burkitt's lymphoma

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    In order to investigate the prevalence of anaemia and related haematological disorders, fifty-seven Nigerian children with Burkitt's Lymphoma, (BL) between the ages of 4-14 years were randomly selected from the paediatric Ward, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria and Kaduna. Twenty-eight age-matched children in apparent good health were included as control subjects. Results show that BL patients had significant (p&lt;0.05) reduction in haemoglobin content compared to control values. Differential white blood cell (WBC) counts were not significantly different in the values for neutrophils and lymphocytes, when compared with control values, but the eosinophil count was significantly (p&lt;0.05) different when compared with values obtained from the control subjects. Evidence available from the data of this investigation suggest that some Nigerian children with BL had mild to moderate anaemia and higher eosinophilic response during the course of BL pathogenesis. Thus, any plan to treat BL patients should recognize these conditions

    Assessment of the impact of abattoir activities on the physicochemical properties of soils within a residential area of Omu-Aran, Nigeria

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    Waste effluents from abattoirs have been documented to have harmful effects on the soil media. There is little information about the level of contamination by abattoir effluents on the soil media in Omu-Aran. This study therefore assessed soil samples for possible contamination of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals from different points and some meters away from the mini abattoir in Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria. Soil samples which are 18 in number were collected from the soil around wells which are owned by individuals and a well designated as Control situated at distances which vary and different elevations to the abattoir. The physicochemical parameters of the soil samples were obtained by applying the standard methods. The analysis of data was achieved using descriptive statistics and ANOVA. The mean values of parameters in the soil samples collected around the studied wells ranged from 31.00±2.00–110.03±8.72 mg/L and 7.21±0.02–7.83±0.02 for electrical conductivity and pH respectively. Chloride, nitrate and phosphate had values of 6.37±0.13–9.13±0.21 mg/L, 3.67±0.07–4.50±0.31 mg/L and 3.86±0.07–5.41±0.30 mg/L respectively. However, average values for heavy metals (Ni, Cr and Pb) though slightly higher than the control site, were above permissible limits. Activities within Omu-Aran Abattoir impacts negatively on the surrounding arable soils; therefore, pollution control procedures which are sustainable should be implemented for abattoirs situated in residential area

    The TH1/TH2 balance in clinical course of burkitt's lymphoma

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    No Abstract.Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol. 13 (3) 2007: pp.411-41

    Intestinal Obstruction due to Bilateral Ovarian Cystic Teratoma in a Pregnant Woman: Report of a Case

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    Teratoma is the most common ovarian tumour associated with pregnancy. The complications in pregnancy include torsion, rupture and malignant transformation mimicking ovarian carcinoma. Its association with intestinal obstruction is uncommon. Case: A 35 year old gravida 5 para 4 woman with 18 week gestation was referred to our hospital with a 2 week history of abdominal pain, abdominal distension and vomiting. Initial physical examination and ultrasound scan showed bilateral ovarian masses andintrauterine singleton viable pregnancy. At surgery the right mass was observed to be adherent to a part of the small intestine. The masses were excised and confirmed grossly and histologically as benign cystic teratoma. She was well and discharged nine days post operatively. The pregnancy was managed conservatively and she was delivered of a normal male baby at term by spontaneous vertex delivery. Although intestinal obstruction due to benign cystic teratoma in pregnancy is uncommon, abrupt surgical intervention and conservative management is important for favourable outcome (Afr J Reprod Health 2011; 15[1]: 115-118)

    Modelling emissions from natural gas flaring

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    The world today recognizes the significance of environmental sustainability to the development of nations. Hence, the role oil and gas industry plays in environmental degrading activities such as gas flaring is of global concern. This study presents material balance equations and predicts results for non-hydrocarbon emissions such as CO2, CO, NO, NO2, and SO2 etc. from flaring (combustion) of 12 natural gas samples representing composition of natural gas of global origin. Gaseous emission estimates and pattern were modelled by coding material balance equations for six reaction types and combustion conditions with a computer program. On the average, anticipated gaseous emissions from flaring natural gas with an average annual global flaring rate 126 bcm per year (between 2000 and 2011) in million metric tonnes (mmt) are 560 mmt, 48 mmt, 91 mmt, 93 mmt and 50 mmt for CO2, CO, NO, NO2 and SO2 respectively. This model predicted gaseous emissions based on the possible individual combustion types and conditions anticipated in gas flaring operation. It will assist in the effort by environmental agencies and all concerned to track and measure the extent of environmental pollution caused by gas flaring operations in the oil and gas industry

    Evaluation of the immune function in HIV/AIDS patients using migration inhibition factor (M/F) test

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    Several mechanisms have been described regarding HIV/AIDS immunopathogenesis. Some are related to the humoral response and others to the cellular immune response. Migration inhibition factor (MIF) test is one of the in-vitro methods used in monitoring the cell-mediated immunity of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH). This study monitored MIF level in symptomatic HIV seropositive AIDS patients (n=50) and asymptomatic HIV seropositive patients (n-40); HIV seronegetive (n=40) were included as control subjects. The various MIF percentage values for the HIV seropositive (symptomatic: 110.86 ± 14.97%; asymptomatic: 91.22±14.62%) groups were significantly higher (p‹0.05) than the control group (64.68±13.20%). This suggests that the cellular immune function in HIV seropositive and AIDS patient is highly compromised. Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol. 6 (1) 2007: pp. 5-

    Modelling combustion reactions for gas flaring and its resulting emissions

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    AbstractFlaring of associated petroleum gas is an age long environmental concern which remains unabated. Flaring of gas maybe a very efficient combustion process especially steam/air assisted flare and more economical than utilization in some oil fields. However, it has serious implications for the environment. This study considered different reaction types and operating conditions for gas flaring. Six combustion equations were generated using the mass balance concept with varying air and combustion efficiency. These equations were coded with a computer program using 12 natural gas samples of different chemical composition and origin to predict the pattern of emission species from gas flaring. The effect of key parameters on the emission output is also shown. CO2, CO, NO, NO2 and SO2 are the anticipated non-hydrocarbon emissions of environmental concern. Results show that the quantity and pattern of these chemical species depended on percentage excess/deficiency of stoichiometric air, natural gas type, reaction type, carbon mass content, impurities, combustion efficiency of the flare system etc. These emissions degrade the environment and human life, so knowing the emission types, pattern and flaring conditions that this study predicts is of paramount importance to governments, environmental agencies and the oil and gas industry

    Efecto de dosis aguda de alcohol sobre las caracterĂ­sticas bioquĂ­micas del sĂ­ndrome X en distintas categorĂ­as de bebedores nigerianos hombres y mujeres en aparente buen estado de salud

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    Background: «Syndrome X», known since the 1980's is a disease condition precipitated by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance causes glucose and insulin to accumulate in the blood. Syndrome X is characterized by abnormal values of triacylglycerol (TAG), blood pressure (BP), glucose and HDL-cholesterol-all risk factors for heart disease. Insulin resistance may be exacerbated by bad diet, poor lifestyle, absence of physical activity, genetic predisposition and being overweight. However, recent reports have shown that poor lifestyle is likely to be the main cause rather than bad diet or being overweight. Even though heavy consumption of alcohol could be regarded as a poor lifestyle, its relationship to the biochemical features and symptoms of Syndrome X in both genders is yet to be properly documented among Nigerian drinkers of alcohol. Methods: To establish a baseline information on the relationship between alcohol consumption and Syndrome X among Nigerians, two hundred and seventy-four consenting individuals in apparent good health and who were either light (53 male, 44 female), moderate (51 male, 42 female) or heavy (46 male, 38 female) drinkers of alcohol were selected. They had no personal or familial history of CHD, stroke, cancer or related diseases. The drinkers were tested using an acute dose (1 g ethanol/kg body weight) of alcohol. Results: Results show that the administered acute dose (1 g ethanol/kg body weight) increased serum glucose, (p>0.05), TAG (p<0.05) and BP (p<0.05) some biochemical risk factors of Syndrome X in both genders irrespective of the drinking category. However, alcohol-induced changes were highest among the female heavy drinkers. Thus, observations from this study suggest that heavy consumption of alcohol by especially the female folk could alter the pathways that metabolize carbohydrates and lipids and this may increase the risk of Syndrome X. Conclusions: Based on the available evidence, it would be reasonable to conclude that heavy consumption of alcohol by Nigerian women especially may be yet another predisposing lifestyle to Syndrome X. The incidence of Syndrome X among drinkers of alcohol should be further investigated in order to provide clues to the underlying molecular mechanisms. This is important in order to strategize therapeutic approaches, since individuals with the disease may not recognize it.Antecedentes: Desde la década de 1980 se conoce el síndrome X, entidad patológica que se precipita por la resistencia a la insulina. A su turno, esta resistencia hace que la glucosa y la insulina se acumulen en la sangre. El síndrome X se caracteriza por valores anormales de triacilglicerol (TAG), presión sanguínea (PS), glucosa y colesterol de alta densidad (HDL), que son todos elementos de riesgo para enfermedades cardíacas. La resistencia a la insulina se puede aumentar por malos hábitos dietéticos, falta de actividad física, predisposición genética y sobrepeso. Sin embargo, varios informes recientes demostraron que un estilo de vida poco saludable puede ser también una causa principal del síndrome, quizá más que los malos hábitos dietéticos o el sobrepeso. Aunque el consumo alto de alcohol se podría considerar como un estilo de vida poco saludable, su relación con los factores bioquímicos y los síntomas del síndrome X, en ambos géneros, aún no se ha documentado de manera precisa entre los nigerianos consumidores de alcohol. Métodos: Establecer una información de base acerca de las relaciones entre consumo de alcohol y síndrome X para 264 nigerianos en aparente buen estado de salud que participaron de modo voluntario en el estudio. Aunque todos consumían alcohol, entre ellos había consumidores ligeros (53 hombres, 44 mujeres); consumidores moderados (51 hombres, 42 mujeres); y consumidores pesados (46 hombres, 38 mujeres). Ninguno tenía historia familiar de enfermedad cardíaca coronaria (ECC), accidentes cerebro-vasculares, cáncer, y otras enfermedades relacionadas. A todos se les examinó con una dosis de prueba (1 g de etanol/kg peso corporal) de alcohol. Resultados: Se comprobó que la dosis de prueba administrada (1 g de etanol/kg peso corporal) aumentó los niveles sanguíneos de glucosa (p>0.05) y TAG (p<0.05), así como la PS (p<0.05), factores de riesgo para el Síndrome X en ambos géneros, sin tener en cuenta la categoría del consumidor. Sin embargo, los cambios inducidos por el alcohol fueron más altos en las mujeres de consumo pesado. Así, pues, las observaciones de este estudio sugieren que el consumo alto de alcohol, sobre todo en las mujeres, puede alterar las vías del metabolismo de carbohidratos y lípidos y de esta manera aumentar el riesgo del síndrome X. Conclusiones: Con base en la evidencia disponible, es razonable concluir que el consumo elevado de alcohol especialmente en las mujeres nigerianas puede ser otro estilo de vida poco saludable que predispone al síndrome X. La incidencia del síndrome X entre los consumidores de alcohol se debería investigar más a fin de suministrar sugerencias e indicios acerca de los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes. Esto es importante para diseñar estrategias en los manejos terapéuticos, pues los individuos con la enfermedad no la pueden reconocer