61 research outputs found

    Dialektika Agama dan Negara dalam Karya Jurgen Habermas

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    Agama di negara sekuler dianggap tidak memiliki pengaruh sama sekali terhadap dinamika negara. Habermas melalui teori rasio komunikatif, etika diskursus, dan demokrasi deliberatif pada akhirnya memandang bahwa dalam negara demokratis yang terdapat dialog antara agama dan negara justru menunjukkan betapa agama mampu menggerakkan negara untuk selalu beradaptasi dan saling berkomunikasi. Cara yang digunakan yakni agama harus mentransformasi diri dari agama mitis (religious-metaphysical) ke agama rasional (religious-post-metafisik). Di sini warga beragama dan warga sekuler dalam masyarakat post-sekuler dapat saling belajar satu sama lain. Warganegara beriman juga mesti belajar dari sains dan teknologi yang memiliki klaim-klaim kesahihan ilmu pengetahuan. Warganegara beriman juga harus tunduk dan mengakui rasio sekuler yang menjadi basis legitimasi negara hukum demokratis

    Akar Radikalisme Islam Di Indonesia

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    “Agama sudah semestinya ditinggalkan manusia bukan karena alasan teologis, tetapi karena agama telah menjadi sumber kekerasan sekarang ini dan pada setiap zaman di masa yang lalu”. Ungkapan Harris dalam The End of Faith: Religion: Terror and the Future of Reason ini patut direnungkan karena maraknya berbagai isu kekerasan, bentrokan, permusuhan, di ranah sosial politik pada ujungnya sering berakhir pada permasalahan agama. Agama sangat potensial menyulut api kekerasan tetapi media massa ditengarai juga sangat berperan dalam menyulut api permusuhan ini. Tidak hanya itu, pencarian identitas Muslim yang takkunjung USAi serta tekanan sosiopolitik dan sosiohistoris Barat yang merepresentasikan Islam sebagai agama teror, menambah runyam dan buruknya representasi Islam di mata agama lainnya. Untuk itu diperlukan pemahaman bahwa Islam adalah agama perdamaian yang membawa kesejukan bagi agama dan kepercayaan lainnya. “Agama dan kepercayaan boleh berbeda-beda tetapi bertuhan satu jua”. Dengan berdasar pada landasan ini diharapkan tidak terjadi “right or wrong is my country”, hanya mendaku bahwa agamakulah yang paling benar. hi[� a.�_��[p> ganegarQ� ss�_�Q telah berfungsi sebagai alat penguasa untuk melanggengkan kekuasaan. Sosok Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic atau Citizenship) yang demikian memang sering muncul di sejumlah negara, khususnya negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia

    Tindakan Aborsi Di Indonesia Menurut Hukum Islam

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    Aborsi dalam bahasa Arab disebut isqatu al-hamli al-ijhad, merupakantindakan penghentian dini suatu proses alami atau penyakit, pengeluaran hasilkonsepsi dari uterus sebelum janin viabel.Secara umum, pengguguran kandungandapat dibagi menjadi 2 macam, yaitu: pengguguran spontan dan pengguguran buatanatau disengaja.Aborsi spontanadalah pengguguran tidak sengaja yang terjadi tanpatindakan apapun.Sedangkan aborsi buatan adalah pengguguran yang terjadi sebagaiakibat dari suatu tindakan. Aborsi dalam bentuk kedua ini dapat dibedakan dalam 2macam, yaitu aborsi articialis therapicus dan aborsi procatus criminalis. Aborsiarticialis therapicus adalah pengguguran yang dilakukan oleh dokter atas dasarindikasi medis yang dilakukan sebagai penyelamatan terhadap jiwa ibu yangterancam bila kelangsungan kehamilan dipertahankan.Sedangkan aborsi provocatuscriminalis adalah pengguguran yang dilakukan tanpa dasar indikasi medis misalnya,aborsi yang dilakukan untuk meniadakan hasil hubungan seks diluar perkawinan atauuntuk mengakhiri perkawinan yang tidak dikehendaki

    Kedewasaan untuk Menikah

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    Rumah tangga yang kekal dan harmonis seringkali dibangun oleh suamiistri yang memiliki kedewasaan, baik fisik maupun rohani karena mereka telah diikatoleh rasa tanggung jawab yang sempurna. Mereka mampu bereaksi dan bertindaksecara tepat dalam setiap situasi dan masalah serta berani menghadapi Kenyataan,mau menerima resiko dari segala perbuatannya tidak membohongi orang lain,apalagi membohongi dirinya sendiri. Walaupun kedewasaan bukan merupakan syaratsahnya suatu perkawinan dalam Islam namun ternyata tujuan perkawinan akanlanding dengan manis bila didukung kedewasaan suami istri. Modal cinta memangpenting tetapi cinta yang diikuti oleh rasa tanggung jawab untuk mengembangkandiri (extention of the self). Kedewasaan anak tergantung situasi, kondisi, dankebijakan pemerintah masing-masing negara. Kedewasaan pada dasarnya dapatditentukan dengan umur dan dapat pula dengan tanda-tanda, yakni antara umur16tahun sampai 30 tahun dan ditandai dengan Perubahan fisiknya


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    Teaching grammar with no resources to be great challenge for many teachers because it is so difficult to be conducted. But there are many ways can be done by the teacher to teach grammar although resources unavailable. This article would like to explain kinds of effective activities in the teaching grammar with no resources. It can help the teachers who will teach grammar by using no resources. Besides that, it also proposes the procedure and variations of theme. Each activity is completed by level, language context of grammar, and age of the learners


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    In English subject in university, lecturer often finds the difficulty to learn college students to be able to converse English truly and fluent to tell the opinion or enquiring. This research tries to solve those problems the through the class action at semester college students II Tadris English STAIN Pamekasan passing game method. Having taken thrice rotations ( 3 cycles) activity with completion in each rotations, this research proves that game can improve the bravery and college students skill at English conversing subject ( Speaking English ). College student performance at I cycle is sentence structure (structure) with score 82,5%, while at uppermost II cycle is utterance clarity (comprehensibility) equal to 85% and uppermost III cycle is fluency (fluency) and pronunciation equal to 85% and 95%. Beside that, college student performance percentage also obtained in each cycles progressively, such as those are described at percentage I cycleI equal to 55,31% with category enough; II cycle equal to 65% with category enough and at III cycle equal to 70% with good category. Thereby is suggested that curator lecturer of conversing English subject can apply games method in overcoming the problem of ability to communicate in English, by creating interesting study atmosphere, pleasing, dynamic, creative, and pleasin


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    The purpose of this reasearch is to describe steps in the implementing of ALM in learning Speaking English, to know parts of Speaking English activities that can make the students more interest and active in their learning, the teacher’s obstacles in teaching Speaking English, and the teacher’s ways to solve the problems  by using ALM. It is a qualitative descriptive research. While the techniques of collecting data used observation, interview, and documentation. The reaseach result is concluded that there are three steps in teaching and learning Speaking English. They are (pre-teaching), (whilst-teaching), and (post-teaching).  The teacher used six techniques of ALM in teaching Speaking English namely dialog memorization, backward build up (expansion) drill, and repetition drill  at the first observation. For second observation, teacher used the technique of chain drill, question and answer drill, dan complete the dialog. Besides, teacher’s obstacles in teaching Speaking English are time allotment, teacher’s feeling (boring and tiring), and teaching media minimally. But, the teacher could solve the problems by giving homework somtimes, having enjoy in present the material, and collaborating the instructional material with simple media at the school

    A study on microfinance as a tool in developing entrepreneurship special reference to Ampara district of Sri Lanka

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    Microfinance is becoming a very relevant instrument to promote micro entrepreneurship in developing economics. The aim of the research was to investigate the role of microfinance to promote entrepreneurial development in Sri Lanka. Hence the study focused on for variables related to micro entrepreneurship in Ampara District, Sri Lanka. Desired sample size of the study was 200 respondents. Convenience sample techniques were applied to collect primary data from the microfinance beneficiaries by using a well-designed and pre-tested interview schedule. Multiple regression model and, Chi-squire test were used to test hypotheses. Micro finance seems to be an instrument for the development of micro entrepreneurs. The F value (80.974) shows that the model fitted is statistically at 5 percent level. The researchers suggested how to overcome the problem of micro finance sectors and make them economically and socially viable. Several institutions were involved in the micro credit activities in country in Sri Lanka. This is not suitable to the policies of micro finance programmes. So the government and institutions related micro finance should take steps to make sure of providing awareness training, insurance, savings and credit connected with micro finance programmes. Hence, this study might me immense value to developing countries such as Sri Lanka to promote micro businesse

    Influence of knowledge on technology adoption in the rice milling industry for transformation of the business in the Ampara district

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    The importance of technology adoption to businesses is widely acknowledged. Yet, while large businesses have been using sophisticated technologies for some time, small businesses have been slow adopting it. This paper examines the effect of knowledge of the owners/ managers and adoption of technology among Rice millers in the Ampara district of Sri Lanka. This is an explanatory study and the analysis is quantitative based on managerial level people in rice mills and hypothesis was formulated and tested using data collected from a sample of 28 rice millers in the district. The results suggest that the business related knowledge of Rice millers are not much influencing on technology adoption for transformation of their businesse

    The Comparison between Male and Female Students in Reading Comprehension Achievement at the Third Semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan

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    The students of STAIN Pamekasan consist of male and female students. Each of them shows different abilities. Male students generally have a good performance on spatial tasks and mathematical achievement. While, female students are superior in some aspects such as mathematic calculation, vocabulary, found an idea, memorizing, and making a relation, several verbal skills, reading, and writing. This study examines to know the different achievements between male and female students in reading comprehension in the third semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan and to measure the statistically significant difference between male and female students in reading comprehension achievement at the third semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan. This research is designed with ex-post facto. The population is 210 students, and 82 students were chosen as sample. The research instruments were tests and documentation. The quantitative data will be analyzed using a t-test. The result showed that there is no difference between male and female students in reading comprehension achievement in the third semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan. t-value is lower than t-table [-1,226 <2,64 (1%)] [1,226 <1,99 (5%)]. Based on the result above, the lecturer needs to pay attention more to the students’ improvement in studying English, especially in reading comprehensio