36 research outputs found

    Cruise report RV "Alkor" Cruise No. AL451

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    This report is based on preliminary data. Ventspils (Latvia). 01-02 March 2015 and 07-09 March 2015 Purpose of the cruise The original scientific goal of this cruise, conducted in the framework of the WGL/Pakt project ILWAO-II, was the investigation of the role of internal waves for basin-scale vertical mixing in the deep basins of the Baltic Sea. In agreement with IOW’s board, however, it was decided to devote a substantial part of the cruise time to the observation of one of the rare major saline inflow events that reached the central Baltic Sea exactly at the time of this cruise. In addition to the physical measurements, microbiological and chemical investigations were conducted, focusing on the role of methane-oxidizing bacteria in pelagic redoxclines

    Cruise Report R/V Alkor Cruise- No. AL400

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    04.-20. September 2012; Dates and names of ports of call Visby (Sweden) from 13 to 15 September 2012; This interdisciplinary cruise aimed at exploring the effects of lateral intrusions and turbulent mixing on the microbiology and biogeochemistry of the redoxcline in the deep basins of the Baltic Sea

    Cruise Report R/V "Alkor" Cruise- No. 06AK1001 [AL351]

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    Reply to: “Comments on ‘A generic length-scale equation for geophysical turbulence models’ ”by L. Kantha and S. Carniel

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    Recently, Kantha and Carniel (2003) commented on some earlier work of Kantha (2003) and Umlauf and Burchard (2003) on the formulation of a generalized length-scale equation in Reynolds stress models for geophysical flows. With the present short note, we respond to their major criticism of the Umlauf and Burchard (2003) generic two-equation model..

    Dense bottom gravity currents and their impact on pelagic methanotrophy at oxic/anoxic transition zones

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    We show that inflows of oxygenated waters into sulfidic layers have a strong impact on biogeochemical transformation at oxic/anoxic transition zones. Taking the pelagic methane dynamics in the Gotland Basin as an example, we performed our studies when one of the largest inflows ever recorded entered the Baltic Sea in March 2015. An inflowing gravity current transported oxic waters into the sulfidic deep layers and freshly generated a near-bottom secondary redox interface. At the upper slope, where the inflowing water masses were vigorously turbulent and the main and secondary redox interfaces in close contact to each other, methane oxidation rates inside the transition zone were found to be higher compared to the weakly turbulent basin interior. At the main redox interface in the basin center, lateral intrusions of oxygenated waters into intermediate water depth may have stimulated the growth of the methanotrophic community and their activity

    The vertical structure and entrainment of subglacial melt water plumes

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    Basal melting of marine-terminating glaciers, through its impact on the forces that control the flow of the glaciers, is one of the major factors determining sea level rise in a world of global warming. Detailed quantitative understanding of dynamic and thermodynamic processes in melt-water plumes underneath the ice-ocean interface is essential for calculating the subglacial melt rate. The aim of this study is therefore to develop a numerical model of high spatial and process resolution to consistently reproduce the transports of heat and salt from the ambient water across the plume into the glacial ice. Based on boundary layer relations for momentum and tracers, stationary analytical solutions for the vertical structure of subglacial non-rotational plumes are derived, including entrainment at the plume base. These solutions are used to develop and test convergent numerical formulations for the momentum and tracer fluxes across the ice-ocean interface. After implementation of these formulations into a water-column model coupled to a second-moment turbulence closure model, simulations of a transient rotational subglacial plume are performed. The simulated entrainment rate of ambient water entering the plume at its base is compared to existing entrainment parameterizations based on bulk properties of the plume. A sensitivity study with variations of interfacial slope, interfacial roughness and ambient water temperature reveals substantial performance differences between these bulk formulations. An existing entrainment parameterization based on the Froude number and the Ekman number proves to have the highest predictive skill. Recalibration to subglacial plumes using a variable drag coefficient further improves its performance

    The Baltic Sea Tracer Release Experiment. Part I: Mixing rates

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    In this study, results from the Baltic Sea Tracer Release Experiment (BATRE) are described, in which deep water mixing rates and mixing processes in the central Baltic Sea were investigated. In September 2007, an inert tracer gas (CF3SF5) was injected at approximately 200 m depth in the Gotland Basin, and the subsequent spreading of the tracer was observed during six surveys until February 2009. These data describe the diapycnal and lateral mixing during a stagnation period without any significant deep water renewal due to inflow events. As one of the main results, vertical mixing rates were found to dramatically increase after the tracer had reached the lateral boundaries of the basin, suggesting boundary mixing as the key process for basin-scale vertical mixing. Basin-scale vertical diffusivities were of the order of 10−5 m2 s−1 (about 1 order of magnitude larger than interior diffusivities) with evidence for a seasonal and vertical variability. In contrast to tracer experiments in the open ocean, the basin geometry (hypsography) was found to have a crucial impact on the vertical tracer spreading. The e-folding time scale for deep water renewal due to mixing was slightly less than 2 years, the time scale for the lateral homogenization of the tracer patch was of the order of a few months. Key Points: Mixing rates in the Gotland Basin are dominated by boundary mixing processes; The time scale for Gotland Basin deep water renewal is approximately 2 years; Mixing rates determined from the tracer CF3SF

    Hydrographic-hydrochemical assessment of the Baltic Sea 2017

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    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The article summarizes the hydrographic-hydrochemical conditions in the western and central Baltic Sea in 2017. Based on meteorological conditions, the horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature, salinity, oxygen/hydrogen sulphide and nutrients are described on a seasonal scale. For the southern Baltic Sea area, the “cold sum” of the air temperature of 31.7 Kd in WarnemĂŒnde amounted to a mild winter in 2014/15 and ranks as 15th warmest winter since the beginning of the record in 1948. The summer “heat sum” of 159.5 Kd ranks on 28th position of the warmest summers over the past 70 years and is slightly above the long-term average of 153.4 Kd. Based on satellite derived Sea Surface Temperature (SST) 2017 was the eleventh-warmest year since 1990 and with 0.24 K slightly above the long-term SST average. March, April and October - December contributed to the average by their positive anomalies. July and August were characterized by negative anomalies. The anomalies reached maximum values of +2 K and -3 K. The situation in the deep basins of the Baltic Sea was mainly coined by beginning stagnation at bottom-near water depths of the eastern Gotland Basin and ongoing ventilation of the upper part 5 of the deep-water above 150 m as a consequence of weak inflows. For the first time within this phase of intensified inflow activity, starting in 2014, the ventilation of the Farö Deep at the Northern Central Basin was registered at the beginning of the year. In the course of 2017 two weak inflows showing total volumes of 210 km^Âł (February) and 188 km^Âł (October) were registered. In conclusion, the impact of the observed phase of intensified water exchange processes with subsequent consequences for the biogeochemical cycles is weakening. GERMAN ABSTRACT: Die Arbeit beschreibt die hydrographisch-hydrochemischen Bedingungen in der westlichen und zentralen Ostsee fĂŒr das Jahr 2017. Basierend auf den meteorologischen VerhĂ€ltnissen werden die horizontalen und vertikalen Verteilungsmuster von Temperatur, Salzgehalt, Sauerstoff/ Schwefelwasserstoff und NĂ€hrstoffen mit saisonaler Auflösung dargestellt. FĂŒr den sĂŒdlichen Ostseeraum ergab sich eine KĂ€ltesumme der Lufttemperatur an der Station WarnemĂŒnde von 31,7 Kd. Im Vergleich belegt der Winter 2016/17 den 15. Platz der wĂ€rmsten Winter seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen im Jahr 1948 und wird als mild klassifiziert. Mit einer WĂ€rmesumme von 159,5 Kd rangiert der Sommer im Mittelfeld der 70jĂ€hrigen Datenreihe und reiht sich auf Platz 28 der wĂ€rmsten Sommer ein. Das Langzeitmittel liegt bei 153,4 Kd. Auf der Grundlage von satellitengestĂŒtzten MeeresoberflĂ€chentemperaturen (SST) war 2017 das elft- wĂ€rmste Jahr seit 1990 und mit 0,24 K etwas ĂŒber dem langfristigen SST-Mittel. MĂ€rz, April und Oktober - Dezember trugen durch ihre positiven Anomalien zum Durchschnitt bei. Juli und August waren durch negative Anomalien gekennzeichnet. Die Anomalien erreichten Höchstwerte von +2 K und -3 K. Die Situation in den Tiefenbecken der Ostsee war im Wesentlichen geprĂ€gt durch bodennah einsetzende Stagnation im östlichen Gotland Becken und BelĂŒftung der mittleren WassersĂ€ule oberhalb 150 m im Zuge kleinerer Einströme. Zu Jahresbeginn wurde das im nördlichen Zentralbecken gelegene Farö Tief erstmals innerhalb der aktuellen Einstromphase belĂŒftet. Im Jahresverlauf 2017 wurden zwei weitere schwache Einströme mit Volumina zwischen 210 kmÂł und 188 kmÂł im Februar sowie Oktober registriert. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die Auswirkungen der seit 2014 beobachten Phase von verstĂ€rkten Wasseraustauschprozessen mit entsprechenden Konsequenzen fĂŒr die biogeochemischen KreislĂ€ufe abklingen