177 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Pengembangan Teknologi Desalinasi Air Laut Sebagai Penyedia Air Bersih di Desa Watukarung Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Kabupaten Pacitan merupakan salah satu daerah yang sering mengalami kekeringan atau kekurangan air bersih, dikarenakan struktur tanahnya yang berupa tanah kars yang tidak bisa menyimpan air sehingga air langsung mengalir kebawah. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi pengembangan teknologi berbasis air laut di Pacitan sebagai penyediaan air bersih pada masyarakat di desa Watuarung Kabupaten Pacitan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah systematic literature review mengenai teknologi deslinasi air laut dan metode survei lapangan pada masyarakat dan salah satu pantai di Pacitan. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan bahwa teknologi desalinasi air laut mampu menghasilkan air bersih dengan tingkat salinitas yang rendah yang dapat digunakan untuk kebutuhan masyarakat sehari-hari, sehingga sangat berpotensi dikembangkan di Pacitan sebagai solusi efektif untuk mengatasi kekurangan air bersih. Berdasarkan kajian literatur dan observasi yang dilakukan penulis teknologi desalinasi air laut ini dapat menghasilkan air bersih 100 ml  per hari setiap 1 L air laut dengan kadar garam sebesar 18 ppm

    Concept Analysis of Sound Wave Physics in Tabuhan Cave Rocks

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    Indonesia is a plural country with a diverse population and culture. Cultural diversity in Indonesia can be an important capital for the progress of the nation. One of them is the unique culture in Pacitan in the form of stones that can sound like the gamelan in Tabuhan Cave. Tabuhan Cave is a karst cave located at the western end of Pacitan and is included in 33 UNESCO sites. The purpose of this research is to analyze the physics concept of sound waves on the stone of Tabuhan Cave. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data analysis techniques in the form of content analysis. The results of the analysis obtained are the physics of sound waves in the Tabuhan Cave rock caused by the rock structure and environmental conditions. The sound of the Tabuhan Cave stones has a frequency ranging from 900-1000 Hz and the sound intensity level is around -40 to -100 dB which is measured at different distances. The greater the distance, the smaller the frequency and intensity of the sounds of the Tabuhan Cave stones. So it can be concluded that there is a physics concept of sound waves on the Tabuhan Cave stone which is influenced by the characteristics of the stone, the position of the stone, the hitting point, and the distance used. The greater the distance from the Tabuhan Cave stone, the smaller the sound will be heard with the frequency and intensity that is increasingly small too

    Identity Encounters in Public Spaces—Military Service as a Legally Binding Public Space. The Case of Women’s Singing in the Israel Defense Forces

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    The term ‘Public Sphere’ is used to distinguish it from the private. Here, we will use the term ‘Public Spaces’ to distinguish between various types of public spheres, differing from one another not only in their controlling identity, but also in the level of obligation to be in them and the extent in which they demand obedience from their participants. The new typology proposed in this paper conceptualizes the Israel Defense Forces [IDF] as a legally binding Public Space, using the case study of the Jewish religious law prohibiting Orthodox men to listen to a woman’s singing voice. This prohibition has sparked a strong public controversy and ongoing clashes between the army and religion. The case study illustrates a wide range of confrontations over the identity of the IDF’s space. While examining similar cases in other armies around the world, the paper presents a model explaining the terms and conditions for disputes on the nature of Public Spaces around the world, and when to expect confrontations between identities in different Public Spaces. Finally, the paper attempts to predict the extent and scope of such confrontations, on four dimensions: (a) The level of obligation to be in the Public Space; (b) the level of greediness of the Public Space; (c) the level of heterogeneity of identities within the Public Space; and (d) the level of personal identity greediness of persons and groups whose identity differs from the hegemonic identity in the public space
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