8 research outputs found

    Efecto de la restricción de la luz solar y aumento de la temperatura en el crecimiento de las plantas de rábano

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    Solar radiation is the main source of energy for the photosynthesis, while the temperature influences the metabolism of plants by changing the speed of chemical reactions and enzyme activity. This study evaluated the influence of the reduction of solar radiation and the increase of temperatures in the growth of radish plants of two cultivars in Guarapuava (PR). It was evaluated: plant height, number of formed leaves, leaf area and total dry matter. In relation to the control plants, plants of the cultivar Cometa submitted to high temperature and restrict solar radiation showed higher number of leaves and taller plants at the beginning of the growth, and higher leaf area when submitted to higher temperature, while plants of the cultivar Gigante submitted to higher temperature formed higher total dry matter than the control plants at the end of the growth. It was concluded that at this study conditions, low solar radiation or high temperature leads to changes in radish plant morphology, depending on the cultivar.La radiación solar es la principal fuente de energía para la fotosíntesis, mientras que la temperatura influye en el metabolismo de las plantas cambiando la velocidad de las reacciones químicas y la actividad enzimática. Este estudio evaluó la influencia de la reducción de la radiación solar y el aumento de la temperatura en el crecimiento de las plantas de dos cultivares de rábano en Guarapuava (PR). Se evaluó: altura de planta, número de hojas formadas, el área foliar y masa seca total. En relación con las plantas control, las plantas de la cultivar cometa sometidos a tratamiento con altas temperaturas y restricción de la luz solar tuvieran mayor altura y mayor número de hojas en el comienzo del crecimiento y una mayor área foliar cuando se someten a altas temperaturas, mientras que las plantas del cultivar gigante en altas temperaturas forman una mayor cantidad de materia seca total al final del crecimiento. Se concluye que en las condiciones de este estudio, la baja radiación solar o alta temperatura causan cambios en la morfología de las plantas de rábano, dependiendo del cultivar.A radiação solar é a principal fonte de energia para a fotossíntese, enquanto que a temperatura influencia o metabolismo das plantas alterando a velocidade das reações químicas e atividade das enzimas. O presente trabalho avaliou a influência da redução de radiação solar e do aumento da temperatura no crescimento de plantas de rabanete de duas cultivares em Guarapuava (PR). Foram avaliadas: altura de planta, número de folhas formadas, área foliar, e massa de matéria seca total. Em relação à planta testemunha, plantas do cultivar Cometa submetidas ao tratamento com altas temperaturas e restrição de luz solar apresentaram maior altura e maior número de folhas no início do crescimento, e maior área foliar quando submetidas a altas temperaturas, enquanto que plantas do cultivar Gigante submetidas a temperaturas elevadas formaram uma maior massa de matéria seca total no final do crescimento. Conclui-se que nas condições deste estudo, baixa radiação solar ou temperatura elevada provocam mudanças na morfologia das plantas de rabanete, dependendo do cultivar

    Efecto de abonos verdes y fuentes de fósforo en la morfología y rendimiento de las plantas de maíz

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the maize crop in succession to different species of green manures, with different sources of phosphorus and their interaction. A completely randomized block in a split plot design was used, with three main treatments and seven secondary treatments, with three replications. The treatments consisted of three sources of phosphorus (plots) and six species of green manures (subplots). It was used maize plants of cultivar Premium Flex®. It were evaluated plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf area index, leaf and stem dry weight,  specific leaf area, ear number, mass of one hundred grains, stand and yield. There was no interaction effect on all traits. However, the dry weight of stem and seed yield showed significant difference between the sources of phosphorus, with positive results for both sources of phosphorus in relation to the control. This suggests that the shoot dry weight is responsive to the presence of phosphorus. It was observed that the phosphate rock has potential to achieve crop yield similar to that obtained with superphosphate.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento de las plantas de maíz en sucesión a diferentes especies de abonos verdes, con diferentes fuentes de fósforo y su interacción. El diseño experimental utilizado fue bloques al azar con parcelas divididas, con tres tratamientos principales y siete tratamientos secundarios con tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos consistieron en tres fuentes de fósforo (parcelas) y seis especies de abonos verdes (subparcelas o parcelas secundarias). Se utilizaron plantas de maíz de la variedad premium Flex®. Fueron evaluadas la altura de planta, número de hojas, diámetro del tallo, índice de área foliar, masa seca de hojas y tallo, área foliar específica, número de mazorcas, peso de cien granos, stand y productividad. No se observó efecto de interacción en ninguna de las características evaluadas. Sin embargo, el peso seco del tallo y el rendimiento de grano mostró diferencias significativas entre las fuentes de fósforo, presentando resultado positivo para ambas fuentes de fósforo en relación con los resultados del control. Esto sugiere que la producción de masa seca de la parte aérea de la planta es sensible a la presencia de fósforo. Se encontró que el fosfato natural presenta potencial de lograr rendimiento similar a lo obtenido con superfosfato simple.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de plantas de milho em sucessão a diferentes espécies de adubos verdes, com diferentes fontes de fósforo e sua interação. Foi utilizado delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas, sendo três tratamentos principais e sete tratamentos secundários, com três repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de três fontes de fósforo (parcelas) e seis espécies de adubos verdes (subparcelas). Foram utilizadas plantas de milho da cultivar Premium Flex®. Foram avaliados a altura de plantas, número de folhas, diâmetro de colmo, índice de área foliar, massa seca de folhas e colmo, área foliar específica, número de espigas, peso de cem grãos, estande e produtividade. Não houve efeito de interação em nenhuma das características avaliadas. No entanto, a massa seca de colmo e a produtividade de grãos apresentaram diferença significativa entre as fontes de fósforo, apresentando resultados positivos para ambas as fontes de fósforo em relação à testemunha. Isso sugere que a produção de massa seca da parte aérea seja responsiva a presença de fósforo. Verificou-se que o fosfato natural apresenta potencial de alcançar rendimento agrícola semelhante ao obtido com superfosfato simples

    Agronomic, Physiological, and Post-Harvest Aspects of Different Blueberry Cultivars Treated with Silicon

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of silicon in different blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) cultivars. The treatments were installed in a factorial design with six replications, and consisted of three different cultivars (Brightwell, Beckblue and Climax) with or without regular application of silicon via foliar, using silicon oxide at 1.5 g L-1. It was evaluated the following plant attributes: leaf area, chlorophyll fluorescence, and phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity, meanwhile the following postharvest attributes were evaluated: fruit number, diameter and weight, yield, pH, content of soluble solids, titratable acidity, contents of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, and activity of peroxidase. Vegetative development of blueberry plants in response to Si presented higher yield, leaf area, phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity, and higher chlorophyll fluorescence relationships such as maximum photochemical efficiency and PSII potential activity, as well as less stressed plants, especially in cultivars Climax and Brightwell. For post-harvest physicochemical characteristics, silicon foliar application improved fruit weight and diameter for cvs. Beckblue and Climax, and fruit number for cv. Brightwell. All cultivars, in response to silicon application increased the titratable acidity, the levels of phenolic compounds, the level of anthocyanins, whereas peroxidase activity decreased. The performance of the evaluated blueberry cultivars was better through silicon application, with greater performance of vegetative growth, fruit yield, and fruit quality, especially in cultivar Climax, which was the most suitable in terms in of fruit yield in this study.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of silicon in different blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) cultivars. The treatments were installed in a factorial design with six replications, and consisted of three different cultivars (Brightwell, Beckblue and Climax) with or without regular application of silicon via foliar, using silicon oxide at 1.5 g L-1. It was evaluated the following plant attributes: leaf area, chlorophyll fluorescence, and phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity, meanwhile the following postharvest attributes were evaluated: fruit number, diameter and weight, yield, pH, content of soluble solids, titratable acidity, contents of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, and activity of peroxidase. Vegetative development of blueberry plants in response to Si presented higher yield, leaf area, phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity, and higher chlorophyll fluorescence relationships such as maximum photochemical efficiency and PSII potential activity, as well as less stressed plants, especially in cultivars Climax and Brightwell. For post-harvest physicochemical characteristics, silicon foliar application improved fruit weight and diameter for cvs. Beckblue and Climax, and fruit number for cv. Brightwell. All cultivars, in response to silicon application increased the titratable acidity, the levels of phenolic compounds, the level of anthocyanins, whereas peroxidase activity decreased. The performance of the evaluated blueberry cultivars was better through silicon application, with greater performance of vegetative growth, fruit yield, and fruit quality, especially in cultivar Climax, which was the most suitable in terms in of fruit yield in this study

    Bioestimulantes via tratamento de sementes na promoção de crescimento de raizes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris)

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    Os bioestimulantes são utilizados em lavouras de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris) para melhorar o desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas, em especial o radicular. Entretanto, há pouco embasamento científico sobre o efeito desses produtos no desenvolvimento radicular. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de bioestimulantes fornecidos via tratamento de sementes sobre o desenvolvimento radicular de plantas de feijão. O experimento foi realizado sob condições controladas e os tratamentos foram compostos por quatro bioestimulantes, sendo: ácidos húmico e fúlvico; extrato simples de algas (Ascophyllum nodosum); regulador vegetal com citocinina, giberelina e auxina; extrato alcalino de algas (Ascophyllum nodosum) e o tratamento controle. No estádio V4 foi avaliado o desenvolvimento radicular do feijão, a massa seca do sistema radicular e parte aérea. No sistema radicular das plantas foi quantificado o comprimento da raiz central, comprimento total de raízes, diâmetro de raízes, área projetada de raízes, volume de raízes, e volume especifico de raízes. Com exceção do comprimento da raiz central, os bioestimulantes não afetaram nenhuma característica avaliada no sistema radicular do feijão, massa seca ou a relação entre parte aérea e sistema radicular. Nenhum bioestimulante incrementou a relação entre parte aérea e raiz em relação ao controle. O uso de bioestimulantes via tratamento de sementes não incrementou o desenvolvimento do sistema radicular do feijão. Los bioestimulantes se utilizan en cultivos de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris) para mejorar el desarrollo vegetativo de las plantas, en particular el radicular. Sin embargo, hay poco fundamento científico sobre el efecto de estos productos en el desarrollo radicular. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de bioestimulantes suministrados vía tratamiento de semillas sobre el desarrollo radicular de plantas de frijol. El experimento fue realizado bajo condiciones controladas y los tratamientos fueron compuestos por cuatro bioestimulantes, siendo: ácidos húmico y fúlvico; extracto simple de algas (Ascophyllum nodosum); regulador vegetal con citocinina, giberelina y auxina; el extracto alcalino de algas (Ascophyllum nodosum) y el tratamiento de control. En el estadio V4 se evaluó el desarrollo radicular del frijol, la masa seca del sistema radicular y parte aérea. En el sistema radicular de las plantas se cuantificó la longitud de la raíz central, la longitud total de las raíces, el diámetro de las raíces, el área de raíces, el volumen de raíces, el volumen específico de raíces. Con excepción de la longitud de la raíz central, los bioestimulantes no afectaron ninguna característica evaluada en el sistema radicular del frijol, masa seca o la relación entre parte aérea y sistema radicular. Ninguno bioestimulante incrementó la relación entre la parte aérea y la raíz en relación al control. El uso de bioestimulantes vía tratamiento de semillas no incrementó el desarrollo del sistema radicular del frijol.Biostimulants has been used in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) crops to increase vegetative development, especially in roots. However, there are few reports in which biostimulants effect was assessed on root development. The goal this research was to evaluate the effects of biostimulants supplied by seed treatment on the root development of common bean. The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions and the treatments were composed of four biostimulants: humic and fulvic acids; simple algae extract (Ascophyllum nodosum); vegetable regulator with cytokinin, gibberellin and auxin; alkaline extract of algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) and control treatment. In V4 common bean stage the root development, root and shoot dry mass were evaluated. Root length, root length, root diameter, projected area of roots, root volume, and specific root volume were measured in the root system. Except for central root length, biostimulants did not affect characteristics evaluated in the root system, dry mass or the relation between shoot/root system. No biostimulant increased the shoot/root ratio compared with the control. Biostimulants use by seed treatment was not increase the development of the common bean root system

    Como a seleção de cultivares brasileiros de soja alterou atributos morfofisiológicos da planta?

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    The average Brazilian soybean yield increased considerably from the beginning of the green revolution to the present day. Among the factors that contributed to the yield increase are the new technologies and agricultural practices, as well as the genetic gain provided by plant breeding. While soybean yield increased through breeding efforts, morphophysiological changes in Brazilian cultivars that contributed to yield increase are largely unknown. The objective of this study was to understand how morphophysiological changes increased yield in soybean cultivars grown in the last 50 years in Southern Brazil. The study was divided into three chapters: the first chapter refers to the experiment conducted in the field to evaluate yield and its components in 26 cultivars; the second chapter refers to the experiment conducted in pots to evaluate the roots of 25 cultivars; and the third chapter refers to two experiments in which attributes of energy conversion efficiency, foliar aging and plant response to elevated CO2 in the atmosphere were evaluated in 5 cultivars. The results showed that the yield increase was consistent throughout the years of cultivar release and the rate of increase was 46 kg ha-1 year-1. Among the yield components contributing to this increase we include the increase of biomass per area and harvest index, which therefore provide more seeds per area, due to a greater number of pods and seeds per pod. The lodging resistance improved during the year of cultivar release. For further increases in soybean yield, potential targets in future cultivars are increasing leaf nitrogen content at the R5 growth stage and the biological nitrogen fixation. Mean root diameter was reduced throughout the years of cultivar release, while the attributes total length, volume, projected area and root length were not consistently modified. The evaluated soybean cultivars presented consistent changes under elevated CO2 atmosphere [720 ppm]: the leaf chlorophyll content was reduced, the specific leaf area reduced, and the stem biomass partition increased. The old leaves presented less assimilation, less stomatal conductance, and lower leaf temperature in relation to the new leaves. However, they presented higher concentration of intercellular CO2, higher specific leaf area and chlorophyll content. The results obtained in this study will certainly contribute to strategies in breeding programs in the development of soybean cultivars that are more productive in the future. The results obtained identified morphophysiological changes in a selection of soybean cultivars grown in Southern Brazil.A produtividade média brasileira de soja aumentou consideravelmente desde o início da revolução verde até a época atual. Entre os fatores que contribuíram no aumento da produtividade, estão as novas tecnologias e práticas agrícolas, bem como o ganho genético propiciado pelo melhoramento vegetal. Enquanto a produtividade de soja aumentou através dos esforços do melhoramento, as modificações morfofisiológicas ocorridas nos cultivares brasileiros que contribuíram para o aumento da produtividade são amplamente desconhecidas. Neste estudo objetivou-se compreender como as mudanças morfofisiológicas aumentaram a produtividade em cultivares de soja cultivadas nos últimos 50 anos no sul do Brasil. O estudo foi dividido em três capítulos: o primeiro capítulo refere-se ao experimento conduzido a campo para avaliar produtividade e seus componentes em 26 cultivares; o segundo capítulo refere-se ao experimento conduzido em vasos para avaliar as raízes de 25 cultivares; e o terceiro capítulo refere-se a dois experimentos em que avaliou-se atributos de eficiência de conversão de energia, envelhecimento foliar e resposta das plantas a elevação do CO2 atmosférico em 5 cultivares. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o aumento da produtividade foi consistente ao longo do ano de lançamento dos cultivares e a taxa de aumento foi de 46 kg ha-1 ano-1. Entre os componentes de produtividade que contribuem para este aumento destacam-se o aumento da biomassa por área e do índice de colheita que, por consequência, propiciam maior número de sementes por área, em decorrência de um maior número de vagens e sementes por vagem. A resistência ao acamamento melhorou ao longo do ano de lançamento dos cultivares. Para aumentos futuros na produtividade, alvos potenciais para serem buscados nos cultivares futuros são maior teor de nitrogênio foliar no estádio R5 e maior fixação biológica de nitrogênio. O diâmetro médio de raízes reduziu ao longo do ano de lançamento de cultivares, enquanto os atributos comprimento, volume, área projetada e comprimento total da raiz principal não foram modificados de modo consistente. Os cultivares de soja avaliados apresentam mudanças consistentes sob atmosfera de CO2 elevado [720 ppm]: o teor de clorofila nas folhas reduziu, a área foliar específica reduziu e a partição de biomassa para haste aumentou. As folhas velhas apresentaram menor assimilação, menor condutância estomática, e menor temperatura foliar em relação as folhas novas. Entretanto elas apresentaram maior concentração de CO2 intercelular, maior área foliar específica e maior teor de clorofila. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo contribuem para estratégias em programas de melhoramento no desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja mais produtivas para o futuro. Os resultados obtidos identificaram mudanças morfofisiológicas ocorridas em uma seleção de cultivares de soja cultivadas na região sul do Brasil

    Sowing date of palisadegrass intercropped with grain sorghum and soybean yield in succession

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    The use of intercropping sorghum-palisadegrass for grain and straw production has become an advantageous cultivation option, can provide improvements in physical and chemical soil properties, maximizes production and income to the growers. There are still many management gaps to be improved in this intercropping in order that grower has the best outcome. Considering this, the objective of this study was to evaluate different sowing dates of palisadegrass in relation to sorghum, and evaluate the yield of soybean cultivated in succession. Palisadegrass was sown in monocrop and also between the lines of sorghum at different times (0, 15 and 25 days after sowing sorghum), as well the sorghum in monocrop. Soybeans were grown in succession on the straw of the mentioned treatments. It was evaluated biomass production and grain yield. Sowing palisadegrass and sorghum on the same day reduced sorghum grain yield and the palisadegrass biomass production. However, if palisadegrass are sowed 15 days after sorghum sowing, did not reduce the sorghum grain yield. Also, if the producer aims to produce sorghum grains, it is better to delay the sowing of palisadegrass in relation to sorghum. Although, if the producer aims to produce residual dry biomass, it is better to sow palisadegrass on the same day as sorghum or monocrop palisadegrass. Soybean yield did not differ among treatments when grown on different straws in the first year of cultivation

    Tamanho de tubérculo-semente e espaçamento na produtividade de batata em condições de campo

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    The seed tuber size and spacing plants are important in the productivity of the potato. The objectiveof this study was to evaluate the effect of different sizes of seed tubers and plant spacing on tuberyield of potato plants cultivar Agata. The experiment was conducted in a commercial potatocrop at Guarapuava-PR, from December, 2010. The treatments were constituted of three spacingbetween plants (20, 25, and 30 cm, plot), and two different types of seed (type I and type III, subplot),arranged in a split plot design in randomized block design with three replications. The characteristicsanalyzed were: yield and total number of tubers; yield, dry matter (MS) and number of commercialtubers separated into three size classes. There was no statistically significant difference for totaland commercial yield and commercial MS among the different planting spacing and potato seedtype. There was statistically significant difference among the different planting spacing for total andcommercial number of tubers, due to higher number of small tubers (<100 g) in plants from the lowestplanting spacing. The average weight of commercial tubers of plants from potato seed type III washigher than from type I. There was no significant interaction between the different planting spacingand types of tuber seed, suggesting that the use of potato seed type III and planting spacing of 30cm provides the best cost-benefit ratio for potato growers as it minimize the use of seed potatoes inthe field and reduce the costs of crop establishment.Resumo Dentre os insumos responsáveis pelo alto custo da lavoura de batata, destaca-se a semente, sendo que a decisão do produtor de adquirir e plantar batata-sementes maiores ou menores possui grande influência econômica.  Considerando as alternativas associadas ao manejo cultural, o espaçamento entre plantas é um elemento fundamental para a obtenção de melhores resultados com a cultura da batata. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o efeito de diferentes tamanhos de batata-semente e diferentes espaçamentos entre plantas na produtividade de tubérculos de plantas de batata. O experimento foi conduzido em uma lavoura comercial de batata em Guarapuava-PR, a partir de dezembro de 2010. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de três espaçamentos entre plantas (20, 25, e 30 cm, parcela) e duas diferentes categorias de semente (tipo I e tipo III, subparcela), arranjados em esquema de parcela subdividida, em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. As sementes eram da classe básica e cultivar Ágata. As características analisadas foram: massa fresca (MF) e número de tubérculos totais; MF, massa seca (MS) e número de tubérculos comerciais separadas em três classes de tamanho. Não houve diferença estatística significativa para MF total e comercial e MS comercial de tubérculos entre os diferentes espaçamentos e tipo de batata-semente. Houve diferença estatística significativa entre os diferentes espaçamentos de plantio no número total e comercial de tubérculos, devido a um maior número de tubérculos pequenos (<100 g) em plantas oriundas dos menores espaçamentos. O peso médio comercial dos tubérculos de plantas originadas de batata-semente do tipo III foi maior do que as de tipo I. Não houve interação significativa entre os diferentes espaçamentos e tipos de batata-semente, sugerindo que o uso de batata-semente tipo III e o espaçamento entre plantas de 30 cm proporcionam a melhor relação custo x benefício ao produtor de batata consumo, pois minimizam o uso de batata-semente a campo e reduzem os custos de implantação da cultura. Tuber, seed size and spacing on potato yield under field conditionsAbstractThe seed tuber size and spacing plants are important in the productivity of the potato. The objectiveof this study was to evaluate the effect of different sizes of seed tubers and plant spacing on tuberyield of potato plants cultivar Agata. The experiment was conducted in a commercial potatocrop at Guarapuava-PR, from December, 2010. The treatments were constituted of three spacingbetween plants (20, 25, and 30 cm, plot), and two different types of seed (type I and type III, subplot),arranged in a split plot design in randomized block design with three replications. The characteristicsanalyzed were: yield and total number of tubers; yield, dry matter (MS) and number of commercialtubers separated into three size classes. There was no statistically significant difference for totaland commercial yield and commercial MS among the different planting spacing and potato seedtype. There was statistically significant difference among the different planting spacing for total andcommercial number of tubers, due to higher number of small tubers (<100 g) in plants from the lowestplanting spacing. The average weight of commercial tubers of plants from potato seed type III washigher than from type I. There was no significant interaction between the different planting spacingand types of tuber seed, suggesting that the use of potato seed type III and planting spacing of 30cm provides the best cost-benefit ratio for potato growers as it minimize the use of seed potatoes inthe field and reduce the costs of crop establishment