1,447 research outputs found

    Arahan Kebijakan Mitigasi pada Zona Rawan Banjir Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota, Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Indonesia is a country that has a wet tropical climate, so that about 60 % of the cities in Indonesia is very a hazard to flood. The floods have caused many losses to humans. The purpose of this study is determine the direction of development policy mitigation of flood hazard zones in Limapuluh Kota District, by using GIS analysis with the overlay technique. The indicators used to determine the flood hazard zones are rainfall, slope, landform, soil type, geology, elevation, and land use. Mitigation policy directives using AHP analysis involving 15 experts with conservation criteria, regulations, community capacity. The results showed 6,2 % is a very flood zone. Three main landing to reduce the impact of floods is disaster education, improved socialization in flood hazard zones, and planning of based spatial disaster

    Measures of Biodiversity Index of Algal Communities in a Freshwater Ecosystem in Northern Nigeria

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    The study of the diversity, species richness, and abundance of algae was under taken for the period of eight months (February – September 2007) in Shadawanka River, Bauchi State. Assessment of physicochemical characteristics of the river was also attempted to find out the state of the water quality of the river. Four hundred and eighty one species of phytoplankton were recorded. This consisted of 276 species of diatoms, which was made up of 237 species of Pennales and 39 species of Centrales. 123 species of desmids (green algae), 41 species of Euglenophyceae, 34 species of Cyanophyceae, 3 species of Phaeophyceae and Xanthophyceae having 4 species from a single order Heterococcales. Two hundred ad twenty-one algal species in the Epiphytic were identified, 122 species belonged to the Bacillariophyceae. This consisted of 97 species of Pennales and 25 species of Centrales. There were 58 species of Chlorophyceae, 14 species of Cyanophyceae, 7 species of Euglenophyceae, and 3 species of Xanthophyceae respectively. Seventy one species of Epilithic were observed, which included 33 species of Bacillariophyceae consisted of 22 species of Pennales and 11 species of Centrales, 23 species of Chlorophyceae and 9 species of Cyanophyceae and 6 species of Euglenophyceae. The highest species richness (16.50) was obtained in the phytoplankton and the lowest (3.82) was in the Epilithic whilst Epiphytic was an average (10.51). The similarities between phytoplankton and Epiphytic and that between Epiphytic and Epilithic were same (0.17), whilst the similarities obtained between the phytoplankton and Epilithic communities was lower (0.14). The River is well oxygenated (DO>9.8mg/L) and is Characterised by moderate nutrient levels, high electrical conductivity (>204 µmScm-1) and low BOD (2.1-6.4mg/L). pH was circumneutral, having three regimes, this attest that the water is not polluted and can support other forms of aquatic life Keywords: Centrales, Pennales, Physicochemical, Phytoplankton, Epilithic, Epiphyti

    The Effects Of Marketing Mix Elements On Brand Equity

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    Menurut Aaker (2001), ekuitas suatu merek merupakan sekumpulan asset dan kewajiban yang berhubungan dengan suatu merek, bisa merupakan nama dan symbol yang ditambahkan atau dikurangi dari nilai yang ditawarkan oleh suatu barang dan jasa pada Perusahaan dan atau pada pelanggan Perusahaan. Brand equity is an added value endowed to products and services. Nilai ini dapat tercermin dari apa yang konsumen pikirkan, rasakan dan perbuat pada merek, juga pada harga, pangsa pasar, dan keuntungan yang berhubungan dengan merek tersebut. Brand equity is an important intangible asset that has psychological and financial value to the firm. Ada banyak teori mengenai ekuitas merek, salah satunya dari Feldwick. Feldwick memberikan 3 pendekatan untuk ekuitas merek:λ brand value (the total value of company's intangible assets --- financial approach),λ brand strength (the strength of commitment to a particular brand --- behavioristic approach),λ brand description (associations and beliefs consumers have about a particular brand --- cognitive approach).Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan yang sama dengan pendekatan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu pendekatan perilaku terhadap ekuitas merek. Walaupun ekuitas merek menjadi perhatian banyak pihak namun pengaruh dari bauran pemasaran secara individual terhadap ekuitas merek belum pernah diteliti.Penelitian ini didasarkan atas penelitian Edo Rajh mengenai hal yang sama.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh elemen-elemen bauran pemasaran terhadap ekuitas merek. Akan diteliti lebih lanjut apakah model ini bisa digeneralisasi (terutama untuk sample di Bandung, Indonesia), atau lebih jauh lagi apakah model ini bisa berkembang.Tiga kategori produk dipakai dalam penelitian ini, (1) produk minuman berkarbonasi non-alkohol dengan merek Coca-Cola, Pepsi, A&W, (2) produk coklat dengan merek Toblerone, Cadburry, dan Silver Queen (3) produk elektronika dengan merek Philips, Samsung dan Sony. Responden yang diambil sebagai sampel adalah 200 mahasiswa/i Indonesia yang berdomisili di Bandung. Untuk mencari pengaruh masing-masing variabel digunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).Ada 11 hipotesis yang akan diuji. Hipotesis 1-5 menguji pengaruh variabel harga, intensitas aktivitas pemasaran, citra toko serta kebijakan harga pada kesadaran merek dan citra merek. Hipotesis 6 dan 7 menguji pengaruh variabel kesadaran merek dan citra merek pada ekuitas merek. Hipotesis 8 sampai dengan 11 menguji pengaruh tidak langsung variabel harga, intensitas aktivitas pemasaran, citra toko serta kebijakan harga terhadap ekuitas merek.Dari hasil penelitian ternyata model ini bisa digeneralisasi.Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil yang menyerupai hasil penelitian yang sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa elemen bauran pemasaran memang mempengaruhi ekuitas merek. Untuk itu ketika hendak memilih/mengintegrasikan bauran pemasaran pemasar perlu berhati-hati karena jika salah akan merusak ekutias merek. Melakukan aktivitas pemasaran intensitas tinggi tapi tidak mempedulikan kualitas barang juga bisa berdampak kurang baik pada ekuitas merek. Namun jika dilihat dari sisi positifnya dengan meningkatkan aktivitas pemasaran konsumen akan menjadi lebih sadar akan merek dan bisa meningkatkan citra merek.Pemilihan tempat berpengaruh terhadap citra merek, kalau konsumen membeli produk di tempat yang “berkelas” produk seakan-akan menjadi “berkelas” juga. Perlu dilakukan brand management

    Assessing the Abuse of Professional Practices in the Nigerian Construction Processes

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    In order to contain and curtail the harmful and negative consequences posed by abuse of professional  practices in the Nigerian Construction Industry, it is important to envisage the construction phase that records the highest frequency of abuse in the Industry. It is presumed that, this can be a step forward in mitigating abuse of professional practices in the Nigerian Construction Industry. This research was carried out to envisage the construction stage that are prone to severe abuse of professional practices among the three phases; Planning & Design Phase (PDP), Pre-qualification & Tendering Phase (PQTP) and Execution & Completion Phase (ECP) in the Nigerian Construction Industry. A quantitative research approach was systematically employed were semi structured questionnaire was design and administered to the major stakeholders (consultants, clients and contractors) in the Nigerian Construction Industry. Ranking was used to determine the phase that are susceptible to abuse of professional practices than others and ANOVA was further deployed to investigate whether there is significant different in the respondents view point. From the findings made, it was concluded that Pre-qualification and Tendering Phase (PQTP) was the most susceptible to abuse of professional practices in the entire construction processes. The respondents were in the view that although dozens of abuse of professional practices are uncovered each year in different construction phases certainly more cases are occurred frequently at bidding/tendering stage than others. In addition, from ANOVA we concluded that there is significant difference in the opinions of the consultants to that of clients and contractors in the context they all view what abuse of professional practices is all about

    Isu Strategis Komunikasi Politik di Kalangan Elite Daerah dalam Proses Pembentukan Kabupaten Luwu Tengah

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    This research aims to determine (1) the actual issues evolving and wished by local elites related to expansion of Central Luwu Regency, (2) the role of local elites in encouraging the acceleration of Central Luwu Regency expansion, (3) communication patterns among local elites in the underway process of Luwu Regency formation. The research was conducted in Luwu Regency, particularly in the prospective area of Central Luwu Regency and in Makassar. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, i.e. focusing on the description of the strategic issue among local elites in the formation process of Central Luwu Regency. The qualitative data is the interview result with informants chosen through purposive sampling method. Data is analyzed through depicting or describing (description) a number of variables that dealed with strategic issues which developed among the local elite in the formation process of Central Luwu Regency and the roles of local elites during the underway process of expansion. Results of this study indicate that the strategic issues as an excuse to encourage the expansion of Central Luwu Regency includes: full range of governance, inequalities in development, access to services, policy instruments, the realization of Tana Luwu to be a province and factor of elite interests. Political communication that occurs among the local elite in the prospective Central Luwu Regency is still dominated by private and group interests; the political process is going on a lot longer as political conflict. This is proved by the existence of factions that exist among local elites, hence until now a concensus or compromise which aims to speed up the formation of Central Luwu Regency has not happened yet

    Community Empowerment in Waste Management through Waste Bank Program in Tabanan Regency

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    This study is intended to collect data and then analyze it to obtain results that can provide an overview of community empowerment in waste management through the waste bank program, describe what factors are inhibiting and supporting factors, as well as the efforts made in overcoming these factors. The theoretical basis used in this research is the theory of community empowerment by Mardikanto & Soebito (2018). The four aspects in this theory include human development, business development, environmental development, and institutional development. The research design used in this study is a qualitative research using descriptive methods. Data collection techniques used three ways, namely, interviews, observation, and documentation. The data that has been collected is analyzed starting from data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This research was conducted in Tabanan Regency. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that community empowerment in waste management through waste banks in Tabanan Regency has been implemented. However, there are still obstacles in implementing the program. Therefore, researchers provide suggestions to further intensify education to the community, continue to build good relations with vendors, and continue to pay attention to the condition of waste management facilities and infrastructure

    Sosialisasi Tanggap Darurat Pencegahan Covid-19 di Kepulauan Talaud

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    Since the World Health Organization or WHO declared that the Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is a pandemic, the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Regional Government and their staff have worked hand in hand to make some tactical steps to prevent the spread of this virus. The public must be informed on the dangers of Covid-19, through creation of special protocols which are expected to prevent the spread of this virus. The purpose of this activity was to conduct socialization directly or indirectly in providing education, convincing, and providing an overview of the dangers of the Covid-19 Virus and applying health protocols to the community in Melonguane District, Talaud Islands Regency, North Sulawesi Province. This activity took place from July 7 to August 28, 2020. The results of this activity showed that the people in the Talaud Islands have understood the importance of using good and correct masks when outside the home and also the use of hand soap or hand sanitizer which can help people to avoid this dangerous virus. Keywords: covid-19, emergency response, Kepulauan Talaud, Melonguan

    LC/ESI-ITMS Detection of the Neurotoxic Amino Acids in Cultured Cyanobacterial Isolate Nostoc MAC PCC 8009

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    The non-protein amino acid β-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), is a neurotoxic agent that is produced by various strain of cyanobacteria. 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (2,4-DAB), and N-(2-aminoethyl) glycine (AEG) are the common isomers of BMAA. 2,4-DAB exhibit neurotoxic properties like BMAA. Various studies have shown that cyanobacteria produce BMAA and DAB, however, no studies have shown the  detection of these amino acids using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-ITMS) method. This study aimed to assess the occurrence of BMAA and its isomer 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) in axenic laboratory culture of  cyanobacterial strain Nostoc MAC PCC 8009. Axenic laboratory cultures were harvested after 12 weeks of growth and non-protein amino acids were extracted by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and methanol extraction. Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry (LC/ESIITMS) was employed to analyse the presence of BMAA and 2,4-DAB. Both BMAA and 2,4-DAB were detected in the axenic cultures, which confirms the production of these neurotoxic amino acids by cyanobacteria. Multiple stage mass analysis by ESI-ITMS using [M+H] + was useful to distinguish between the two isomers

    Hubungan Penguasaan Struktur Dan Ciri Kebahasaan Teks Dengan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Deskripsi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penguasaan struktur dan ciri kebahasaan teks dengan kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Medan. Yang menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 36 orang, yaitu kelas VII-K. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan struktur teks siswa adalah baik dengan skor rata-rata = 69,05 dan standar deviasi = 11,93. Penguasaan ciri kebahasaan teks siswa berada di posisi baik dengan skor rata-rata = 71,27 dan standar deviasi = 9,07. Kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa tergolong baik dengan skor rata-rata = 70,69 dan standar deviasi = 8,79. Berdasarkan uji normalitas, variabel X1 diperoleh nilai Lhitung = 0,1158, variabel X2 diperoleh Lhitung = 0,0854, dan variabel Y diperoleh Lhitung = 0,1391, kemudian setelah dikonsultasikan dengan Ltabel pada taraf signifikan 5% (N= 36) didapat Ltabel = 0,1478. Artinya, uji normalitas setiap variabel diperoleh Lhitung 0,329), variabel X2 terhadap Y (0,32 > 0,329), dan variabel X1 terhadap X2 (0,72 > 0,329) maka rxy memenuhi kriteria pengujian hipotesis atau dengan kata lain terdapat hubungan antara penguasaan struktur dan ciri kebahasaan teks dengan kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015
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