492 research outputs found

    Total service quality management and the service industry: Evidence from international airlines

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    Today the airline industry is one of the fastest and largest growing industries in the world because of its importance in facilitating national and international relation among st countries, Tangibles, Reliability, Competence, Responsiveness, and Empathy are the core characteristics of service industry.In line with the international standard parameters the study which to recommend to the airline industry to enhance the level of customer satisfaction, customer royalty and customer retention in the industry by providing safety of their life and property, restore full confidence on their quality of service delivery and delight their existing customers in order to attract potential customers

    Evaluation Of Palm Oil Potentiality As A Liquid Dielectric Fluid In High Voltage Applications

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    Electrical insulating and dielectrical materials can be broadly divided into; gaseous, liquids, vacuum and solids. These materials are widely used in electrical components like, circuit breakers, transformers, cables and capacitors. Liquids dielectrics in particular are preferred because of their ability to have self-cure to situations leading to partial or total discharges. Petroleum and mineral based fluids have, for almost half a centuary, been used for cooling and insulation purposes. Their popularity stems out of their availability and cheapness. However recent evidence has shown deficiencies with these fluids. They have low properties especially flash and fire points and most importantly low dielectric break down voltage. The most serious of these shortcomings is the inability to meet up with health and environmental laws. This is because they are not organic and hence not biodegradable; their spillage takes very long time to decompose. These developments have led to seeking alternatives in vegetable based fluids. The fluids that have been tested and to be used as dielectric fluids include Castor oil, Coconut oil, Soya bean oil, and Rapeseed oil. The present work has measured the properties of palm oil against the IEEE C637 and ASTM D section for possible use as a dielectric fluid. The results show that refined palm oil has break down voltage of 75 KV/mm, flash point (>220), fire point (>220) and moisture content (0.08%). Hence these have shown the potential of palm oil as a dielectric fluid. However future work should focus on further investigation before field application. Malaysia as country stands a lot of gains in this type of research, since it is the world leader in the palm oil production

    Women and Poverty in Nigeria: Agenda for Poverty Eradication

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    Women constitute a vital social group in all known human societies. Apart from playing a very significant role in the continuity of society through reproduction and socialization, their economic, social and political roles cannot be overemphasized. Yet, this vital group has been mitigated with very harrowing challenges in their various respective societies. In Nigeria where the level and rate of poverty have skyrocketed over the years, women continue to face daunting and debilitating challenges. In fact, despite every efforts made by the Nigerian authorities and other none-formal organizations towards poverty reduction in the country, this problem has continued to mitigate women from living happily and contributing their own quota to national growth and development. This negative trend calls for urgent concern. This paper utilized secondary data to study women and poverty in Nigeria. The objective of the paper is to analyze the condition of women under persistent poverty with the view of suggesting how the problem can be effectively dealt with in Nigeria. The paper argued that, although women contribute greatly in societal growth and development, they have continued to suffer unjustly in precarious condition of poverty due to their underprivileged class position in the society. It was suggested in conclusion that until the structural imbalances in the existing social system was corrected by means of poverty eradication agenda; women will not only continue to suffer from poverty but the future effects may be catastrophic to social order in the country

    Intention Toward Acceptance of Online Shopping Among Consumers in Kano, Nigeria: Application of UTAUT Model Approach in A Nigerian Context

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    Interestingly, the internet has become one of the most significant and popular platforms for businesses to market their offerings throughout the world. Shopping through the internet has emerged in recent years as a new concept and is advancing in many countries around the world, including sub-Saharan Africa such as Nigeria. However, the acceptance of e-shopping faces many challenges and barriers, such as technological, cultural, organisational, personal and social issues, which must be addressed for improved acceptance by consumers. Using a qualitative approach with a modified version of the UTAUT2 model (by integrating ‘awareness of online shopping’ and ‘mobile skilfulness’), the focus of this paper is to explore the critical factors influencing consumer behavioural intention towards the acceptance of online shopping based on the UTAUT model approach. Purposive sampling technique was employed to select a sample of 17 participants. Focus group interview was conducted with Nigerian postgraduate students of Lovely professional university India. The findings suggest that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, awareness of online shopping and mobile skilfulness are the major factors that are likely to influence behavioural intention to accept online shopping in Nigeria. The result of this study will be beneficial for policy makers/government agencies, telecommunication companies as well as online stores. Keywords: Behavioural intention, Consumer, Internet shopping, Online shopping in Nigeria, UTAUT DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/64-01 Publication date:May 31st 202


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    Assessment of Guidance and Counselling Services in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Gashua Educational Zone in Yobe State, Nigeria

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    This research was on assessement of guidance and counselling services in public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone. The researchers employ the use of survey research design for the study. The target population of the study was 378 teachers with a sample of 186 respondents in six selected public senior secondary schools (three schools drawn from rural and three from urban area) using stratified and simple random sampling technique. Two hypotheses are tested. A self-designed questionnaire named Assessment of Guidance and Counselling Services Questionnaire (AGCSQ) with a reliability chronbachs coefficient of .72 was use for data collection. Data collected for the research was analysed using t-test for independent sample to the test the research hypotheses. The study shows that a significant difference was found between the view of male and female teachers in respect to offering of guidance services (counselling, orientation, information, referral, and follow-up services). With regard to offering of appraisal and placement services it shows that there was no significant difference in the view of male and female teachers in public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone. Furthermore, the findings indicated a significant difference in school location with regard to offering of guidance services (counselling, orientation, information, appraisal, and placement services) and with regard to offering of referral and follow-up services it indicated that no significant difference in school location in public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone was found. From the findings, it is recommended that there is a need for public senior secondary schools to offer counselling service, appraisal service, placement service, referral service and follow-up service to assist students in making a wise decision. This decision include%253B educational plan, career choice of interest and personal social adjustment. Similarly,orientation service should be improved to assist students on how to participate in sport exercise like football. It is also recommended that information service should be improved to assist students toward educational development and career choices of interest in all public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone be it in rural or urban schools

    A Purview into the Historical Development of Terriorism in Nigeria

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    This study of Nigeria history of terrorism is a retrospective study and much more a re-occurrent issue in the contemporary time. The act of terrorism, being existed or has happened in most countries of the world, by various unidentified groups with the use of powerful weapons has now graduated to making use of individual as instrument, differently; still targeting civilians deliberately, government representatives, government buildings, aeroplanes or ships belonging to a particular country etc., politically religiously motivated .The act of terrorism in Nigeria is a borrow idea of what’s going on in international arena. The effect of the clamour for the America independence was the successive result of the French revolution .Most of the terrorist attack in various parts of the world produces result, except few that fails

    Purwarupa Alat Untuk Memantau Kecepatan Putaran Pada Mesin Berputar Berbasis IoT

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    Peralatan industri banyak mengaplikasikan mesin berputar. Seiring pemakaianya mesin tersebut akan mengalami keausan, apalagi jika mengalami overspeed, maka kerusakan akan lebih cepat terjadi. Oleh karena itu diperlukanlah sebuah alat yang bisa digunakan untuk memantau kecepatan putaran pada mesin berputar, yang bisa dilakukan secara realtime dan dimana saja. Sensor yang digunakan pada pengujian ini adalah sensor infrared, sensor ini bekerja saat transmitter memancarkan cahaya infrared ke reflektor kemudian diterima lagi oleh receiver dalam bentuk pulse. Data kemudian diolah oleh mikrokontroller Arduino dan Nodemcu Esp8266 untuk kemudian ditampilkan dalam bentuk nilai rpm pada LCD, aplikasi Blynk dan webserver Thinkspeak. Khusus pada aplikasi Blynk dan wbserver Thinkspeak data akan tertampil secara nirkabel. Dari hasil pengujian, data yang tertampil pada LCD dan aplikasi Blynk akan terupdate setiap 1 detik, sedangkan pada webserver Thinkspeak data hanya akan terupdate setiap 15 detik. Kemudian saat kondisi overspeed notifikasi akan terkirim via e-mail. Kata Kunci: Arduino Uno, BLYNK, LCD, NodeMCU ESP8266, Thingspeak

    Pendekatan Non-invasif Untuk Memantau Kadar Glukosa Darah Dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) menggunakan Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) Pada Citra Digital

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    Peningkatan konsentrasi glukosa dalam darah (hiperglikemia), menyebabkan penumpukan glukosa dalam darah karena tidak diserap oleh sel-sel tubuh dengan baik sehingga dapat menimbulkan berbagai gangguan pada organ tubuh. Untuk menghindari masalah, perlu untuk memeriksa kadar gula darah secara teratur. Pemantauan kadar gula darah saat ini masih menggunakan teknik invasif yang bersifat nyeri, diperlukan pemantauan non invasif. Penelitian ini menyajikan pendekatan teknik non-invasif untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeteksi glukosa darah melalui pengolahan citra kulit tangan. Metode pengembangan ini adalah dengan mengambil gambar tangan dengan glukosa darah invasif dan 40 peserta berusia 20-60 tahun, analisis data dilakukan dengan preprocessing citra, menentukan nilai gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), menggunakan  metode regresi  dan Jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) dengan algoritma backpropagation untuk melakukan pelatihan dan pengujian data. untuk menentukan model pemantauan glukosa darah. Validasi hasil identifikasi metode GLCM-Regresi menunjukkan error rata-rata 37,7% dan metode GLCM-JST prediksi kadar glukosa darah dengan error rata-rata 10%. Sehingga model PGD (non-invasive) dengan metode GLCM-JST ini layak untuk diterapka