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    Study aim was to determine bioecology aspect of Batu-Batu and Walanae River for supporting aquacultureacitivies at Tempe Lake. Batu-Batu and Walanae Rivers were 2 out of 8 river where affected water quality ofTempe Lake. Research was conducted for 7 months and sampling was conducted for 5 times. Physical waterquality parameters were measured in situ while chemical, primary productivity and nutrients parameterswere analysed at laboratorium. Results showed that range of temperature and pH were 30.5 – 31.7oC and7.49 – 7.90, respectively. Range of phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance account for 512 – 2220 cell/Land 40 – 140 ind/L, repectively. Consentration nitrate was range 0.0015 – 0.0452 mg/L, while consentrationphosphate was range of 0.015 – 0.1340 mg/L Chlorophyll a concentration was range 0.007 – 2.550 mg/Land primary productivity had range account for 0.10 – 0.89. Based on water quality parameter concludedthat Batu-Batu and Walanae River had a significant effect on abundance of phytoplankton and primaryproductivity. Phosphate and nitrate concentration significantly affected on growth of phytoplankton andzooplankton, so this could be supported for aquaculture activities.   &nbsp

    Perbandingan Klorofil-a dan Kelimpahan Plankton di Perairan Pantai Kabupaten Pinrang Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan kandungan klorofil-a, kelimpahan fitoplankton, zooplankton, dan beberapa nilai parameter lingkungan berdasarkan bulan pengamatan selama periode Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2021. Manfaat penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dasar tentang penyebaran klorofil-a, kelimpahan fitoplankton, kelimpahan zooplankton, dan parameter lingkungan untuk dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pengelolaan perikanan tangkap. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai Mei sampai dengan Agustus 2021 di perairan Pantai Kabupaten Pinrang, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini terbagi menjadi beberapa tahap yang meliputi tahap persiapan, penentuan stasiun, dan pengambilan sampel, pengukuran parameter fisika dan kimia perairan, identifikasi dan pencacahan fitoplankton, analisa data serta analisa stastistik. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Analisis One Way Anova, Uji lanjut Post-Hoc Test menggunakan metode Tukey untuk membandingkan rata-rata kelimpahan antar stasiun. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada Mei sampai dengan Agustus di perairan pesisir Kabupaten Pinrang kandungan klorofil-a relatif homogen, rata-rata kelimpahan fitoplankton pada Agustus lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada bulan Juni dan Juli, kelimpahan zooplankton relatif homogen selama bulan Mei sampai dengan Agustus. Rata-rata salinitas dan pH berbeda nyata antar bulan pengamatan, sedangkan suhu dan kadar DO tidak berbeda nyata antar bulan pengamatan

    This research to study relation between environment parameter, plankton abundance and primary productivity with abundance of tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry, calculates plankton predating rate speed by tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry and other larva and studies plankton population dynamics, tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry before, at the time and after peak season.  Result of research indicates that some environment parameters significant differs according to observation period and season.  Highest abundance of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva reaches to 29067, 7733 and 54400 ind/1000 m3. Highest grazing rate to population of phytoplankton and plankton (phytoplankton + zooplankton) found when predator consisted of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva with grazing rate up to 125 cells/liter/hour and 129 plankter /liter/hour respectively.  Highest predating rate to zooplankton population when predator consist of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and there is phytoplankton as their prey up to 12 individual/liter/hour.  The certain plankton species significant correlation and estimated as natural food of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry that is some types of diatom and crustaceae from zooplankton.  Plankton population dynamics especially controlled by predator by tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva, while influence of environment parameter is small relative. Abundance of each phytoplankton and zooplankton ranged from 583-28563 cells/liter and 22-3413 ind/liter.  Average abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton significant differs higher at peak season compare  before and after tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry season. Predator-prey relation between phytoplankton and zooplankton shows phase change which succession between phytoplankton controls to zooplankton phases with zooplankton control to phytoplankton.  Abundance of plankton influences abundance of population of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry especially after peak season.  There is concordance of time between peak abundance of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and other larva with peak abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton.   Key words : population dynamics, predating, predating rate, predator, prey, phytoplankton, zooplankton, tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry, other larva, Pinrang

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    This research to study relation between environment parameter, plankton abundance and primary productivity with abundance of tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry, calculates plankton predating rate speed by tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry and other larva and studies plankton population dynamics, tiger prawn post larvae and milk fish fry before, at the time and after peak season.  Result of research indicates that some environment parameters significant differs according to observation period and season.  Highest abundance of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva reaches to 29067, 7733 and 54400 ind/1000 m3. Highest grazing rate to population of phytoplankton and plankton (phytoplankton + zooplankton) found when predator consisted of tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva with grazing rate up to 125 cells/liter/hour and 129 plankter /liter/hour respectively.  Highest predating rate to zooplankton population when predator consist of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and there is phytoplankton as their prey up to 12 individual/liter/hour.  The certain plankton species significant correlation and estimated as natural food of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry that is some types of diatom and crustaceae from zooplankton.  Plankton population dynamics especially controlled by predator by tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry and other larva, while influence of environment parameter is small relative. Abundance of each phytoplankton and zooplankton ranged from 583-28563 cells/liter and 22-3413 ind/liter.  Average abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton significant differs higher at peak season compare  before and after tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry season. Predator-prey relation between phytoplankton and zooplankton shows phase change which succession between phytoplankton controls to zooplankton phases with zooplankton control to phytoplankton.  Abundance of plankton influences abundance of population of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry especially after peak season.  There is concordance of time between peak abundance of tiger prawn post larva and milk fish fry and other larva with peak abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton.   Key words : population dynamics, predating, predating rate, predator, prey, phytoplankton, zooplankton, tiger prawn post larva, milk fish fry, other larva, Pinran

    Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital with and without respiratory symptoms

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    Background: COVID-19 is primarily known as a respiratory illness; however, many patients present to hospital without respiratory symptoms. The association between non-respiratory presentations of COVID-19 and outcomes remains unclear. We investigated risk factors and clinical outcomes in patients with no respiratory symptoms (NRS) and respiratory symptoms (RS) at hospital admission. Methods: This study describes clinical features, physiological parameters, and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, stratified by the presence or absence of respiratory symptoms at hospital admission. RS patients had one or more of: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or wheezing; while NRS patients did not. Results: Of 178,640 patients in the study, 86.4 % presented with RS, while 13.6 % had NRS. NRS patients were older (median age: NRS: 74 vs RS: 65) and less likely to be admitted to the ICU (NRS: 36.7 % vs RS: 37.5 %). NRS patients had a higher crude in-hospital case-fatality ratio (NRS 41.1 % vs. RS 32.0 %), but a lower risk of death after adjusting for confounders (HR 0.88 [0.83-0.93]). Conclusion: Approximately one in seven COVID-19 patients presented at hospital admission without respiratory symptoms. These patients were older, had lower ICU admission rates, and had a lower risk of in-hospital mortality after adjusting for confounders