270 research outputs found

    Determination of radionuclides in soil samples taken from Gura Topp (Jos) using sodium iodide thallium detector Nai(Ti)

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    The activity concentrations of natural radionuclides 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in soil samples taken from the tin mining area in Gura top, Jos were measured by gamma spectrometry using Sodium Iodide detector. The average specific activity concentrations of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th determined in the soil sample ranged from 11.26±3.16Bq/Kg to 543.35±0.64Bq/Kg with mean activity concentration of 161.96±7.56Bq/Kg for 40K, that of 226Ra ranged from 7.19±1.23Bq/Kg to 144.20±10.18Bq/Kg with the mean activity of 46.47±5.19Bq/Kg while 232Th ranged from 76.08±3.38Bq/Kg to 1267.91±15.37Bq/Kg, with mean activity concentration of 396.17±7.69Bq/Kg. The results indicates that the activity concentration of 40K was found to be below the world average while that of 232Th and 226Ra were detected to be above the world average value. This suggests that t the study area has excess thorium and radium activities which pose significant health hazard and is considered radio-logically unsafe for human to cultivate on the land.Keywords: Activity concentration, Gamma spectrometry, Natural radionuclides and Sodium, Iodide detecto

    A synopsis on the effects of anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions from power generation and energy consumption

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    Despite the looming difficult energy context in the majority of countries in the world, global change in environmental dignity resulting from power generation and energy consumption scenario is rapidly becoming a globally disturbing phenomenon. Stakeholders and environmental activists alike have been clamouring for adoption of reduction procedures using sustainable means because ignominious environmental practices have associated disastrous consequences. Increasing essential strategies are needed to fortify the pursuit for the reduction in the emissions from power generation and energy consumption. Therefore, this article presents an overview of the effects of anthropogenic energy generation and consumption practices capable of ejecting emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It also endeavors to identify some greenhouse gas emission reduction and control measures

    Insecticidal activity of Wild Spikenard (Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit) on Adult Mortality and Female Oviposition of Groundnut Bruchid, Caryedon serratus Olivier on stored Groundnut Seeds and Tamarind pods

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    An investigation was conducted to estimate the insecticidal deterrence of wild Spikenard (Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit) on adult mortality and female oviposition of groundnut bruchid, Caryedon serratus Olivier on stored groundnut seeds and tamarind pods. Data were taken on mean percentage mortality and mean number of eggs laid (female oviposition). The highest mean percentage mortality for both stored produces were reported in actellic dust and 12.00g levels of H. suaveolens whole powders (93.50; 91.75 and 92.25; 91.25) while the least were obtained in the controls (4.75; 3.25). Moreover, 12.00g levels of H. suaveolens whole powder and actellic dust recorded the least mean number of eggs laid (female oviposition)  (18.00; 17.00 and 19.25; 18.00) while the highest was reported in the controls (318.25; 305.50) respectively. There was no significant difference between the effects of rates of synthetic insecticides and 12.00g level of H. suaveolens whole powder in all the parameters measured

    Incidental finding of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in a 52-year-old man: a case report.

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) also known as Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD) is one of the most common systemic hereditary diseases. The disease usually presents between 20 to 39 years of age, although milder forms may not present until over 60 years and absence of renal failure has been rarely observed in some patients up to 80 years of age. Three distinct gene defects have been implicated in the pathogenesis of APKD designated as PKD1, PKD2, and PKD3. Patients with APKD may be asymptomatic, or may usually present with hypertension (in 50-70% of cases), renal insufficiency, and the complications of multiple cysts (haematuria, pain and infection) or as an abdominal mass discovered on incidental clinical or imaging examination. APKD is said to be rare in Africans. Case report: We report a case of an incidental finding of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in a 52-year-old normotensive man with a normal renal function test. Haematuria, dysuria and low-grade fever were the presenting complaints. The role of radiology in the diagnosis and management of ADPKD was highlighted. Conclusion: Although APKD is rare in Africans, a high index of suspicion for the disease is essential for the diagnosis of the disease especially in elderly patients with a family history of APKD who present with haematuria associated with multiple renal cysts

    Gender Difference in Students’ Academic Performance in Colleges of Education in Borno State, Nigeria: Implications for Counselling

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    This study examines the differences between students’ gender and academic achievement in Colleges of Education in Borno State. The study set one research objective, one research question and tested one research hypothesis. the population of this study include all the NCE students from three NCE awarding institutions in the state that were purposively selected for the study, the Krejcie and Morgan method of selecting sample was employed to choose (322) participants and proportionate techniques was also used to draw186 students out of 351 NCE III students’ in Kashim Ibrahim College of Education, Maiduguri and 136 students out of 210 NCE III students in Umar Ibn Ibrahim College of Education, Science and Technology, Bama. Students’ Academic Performance Aptitude Test (SAPAT) r=0.62 was used by the researchers. T-test was used to test the hypothesis raised in this study. The results indicated that there was no significant differences exist between gender and Academic performance in Colleges of Education in Borno State, in favour of female students therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted. The recommendation advanced was that: the male students lack pocket money thus, and state government should increase their annual scholarship so as to support their academic activities

    Real time sonography as an anatomy teaching aid in undergraduate radiography institutions in Northern Nigeria

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    Background: Real-time ultrasound scanning is increasing in popularity as a teaching tool for human anatomy because it is non-invasive, offers real-time 3-D anatomy and is cheaper than dissections.Objectives: To assess real-time ultrasound scanning as a teaching method of human anatomy, and to determine what teaching methods radiography students consider effective for understanding human anatomy.Materials and methods: One hundred and ten self-administered, structured and pre-tested questionnaires were distributed to Clinical Radiography students (Third, fourth and fifth year)in Northern Nigeria featuring University of Maiduguri and Bayero University Kano. The questionnaire consists of two sections;Demographics and preferred methods of delivery of anatomical information. Participation was voluntary. Comparisons among teaching methods were made using repeated measures ANOVA.Results: A significant difference among the eight delivery methods with 3-D Radiology imaging being as the most preferred method overall (48.17, p<0.0001) and ultrasound the least (32.48, p<0.0001). With Duncan’s multiple Range test, it is clearly shown that 3-D Radiology imaging differ with mean value(5.2522) followed by Computer programs(5.1292), Anatomic models(4.7593), Laboratory videos(4.5815), textbooks(4.5358), animal dissection(4.2568), lectures(3.2568) and finally ultrasound scan (3.6087), (P<0.0001).Conclusion: 3-D Radiology imaging is the most preferred method of delivering anatomical information and ultrasound scanning is the least preferred method.Keywords: Real time sonography, radiography institutions, Northern Nigeria

    Effect of different drying treatments and different extraction methods on alpha-Glucosidase inhibitory activities of S. zalacca fruit

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    Introduction: Salacca zalacca (Gaertn Voss), commonly known as snake fruit and belongs to the Arecaceae family and natives of Southeast Asia. This fruit is edible and have certain medicinal values. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of different drying and extraction methods. Material and methods: Flesh of this fruit was subjected to two different drying methods namely; oven dried (OD) and freeze dried (FD) and extracts were prepared using soxhlet (SX), sonication (SC) and maceration (MC) techniques. The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of extracts were evaluated using α-glucosidase enzyme. Results: The S. zalacca fruit extracts obtained through SC and MC demonstrated better α-glucosidase inhibitory activity as compared to SX method, specifically, the FD extracts showed higher activity compared to the OD extracts. Analysis of α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the OD S. zalacca fruit extract indicates that extract obtained through SC method possesses significantly higher activity (IC50 79.42 μg/mL) than that of SX extracted sample which displayed IC50 at 125.73 μg/mL. Considering the effects of both methods (drying and extraction) on the α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of S. zalacca fruit extracts, extract obtained through SC of the FD fruits demonstrated the highest activity (IC50 19.40 μg/mL) Meanwhile, extracts obtained via OD and different extraction methods such as SX, MC and SC showed the least inhibition with IC50 125.73, 87.23 and 79.42 μg/mL, respectively. Conclusion: This study suggests that S. zalacca fruit has the potential for nutraceutical enhancement and as ingredient in medicinal preparation

    Genotype × Environment Interaction for Resistance to Early Leaf Spot of Groundnut Mini Core Collections in the Savannas of Nigeria

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    Background: The genetic yield potential of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) has been continuously challenged by several diseases including early leaf spot (ELS). Methods: In the current study, we evaluated groundnut mini core collections under artificial and natural disease epiphytotics in six environments to identify stable elite sources for ELS resistance and pod yield. Mixed model analysis was done to adequately capture the variance component as a result of genotype (G), environment (E) and G E interaction (GEI). Result: Highly significant (p <0.001) effects for G and GEI on ELS and pod weight were observed. The parametric and non-parametric stability models ranked the genotype differently for their stability to ELS. The GGE biplot identified ICG 1519 as a stable genotype for the ELS resistance. For pod weight, ICG 8896 and ICG 7897 were consistently stable from all the stability models including the GGE biplot. ICG 9449 and ICG 4540 were identified as stable genotypes for both ELS and pod weight. These elite sources of ELS resistance identified in the current study will be useful in the development and deployment of groundnut varieties with resistance to ELS and high pod yielding potentials

    Microbial Analysis and Sensory Attributes of Garri Produced and Marketed in Bida Niger State, Nigeria

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    Garri is one of the most preferred cassava products due to its less expensive nature, less bulky, easy to cook and not readily perishable. This study was carried out to ascertain the microbial analysis and sensory attributes of garri produced and marketed in Bida Niger state, Nigeria. The collected samples were analyzed using standard methods and procedures. The results show moisture content of the garri sample ranged from 7.0 to 11.0%. The swelling index ranged from 2.0 to 4.0%.&nbsp; The mean bacteria count ranged from 4.04±3.98 to 4.11±3.98 Cfu/g and the mean fungal count ranged from 3.57±3.50 to 3.62±3.50 Cfu/g. There was no significant difference (p&gt;0.05) in the mean bacterial and fungal count observed among the samples from the studied garri production area. The bacterial isolates encountered were Micrococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella sp. While the fungal isolates were Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Rhizopus sp., Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp. Most of the isolates are of public health importance and there is need to maintain a clean, safe personal and environmental hygiene in garri producing areas of Bida Niger state to avoid microbial contamination

    Evaluation of Kinetic Models of Copper and Lead Uptake from Dye Wastewater by Activated Pride of Barbados Shell

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    Abstract Pride of Barbados shell was effectively used as a raw materials for the production of activated carbon with HNO 3 as an activating agent using twostep process. Batch adsorption was used in interacting the dye wastewater with activated carbon within 30-150 minutes contact time. The maximum adsorption of Cu and Pb were 96.63% and 85.55% at 150 minutes and 30 minute contact time respectively. The result was found to match well with pseudo second-order compared to pseudo first-order, Natarajan and khalaf first order and Elovich model tested. Therefore, activated pride of barbados shell could be employed as an adsorbent in removing Cu and Pb from similar wastewater and aqueous solution