677 research outputs found


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    The purpose of study is to investigate the effect of flipped classroom on students reading comprehension at SMA Negeri 1 Wawotobi. This study employed a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design without control group for quantitative approach. The population of this research was the entire XI IPS 2 students’ of SMAN 1 Wawotobi who enrolled in academic year 2021/2022. The data were obtained from students’ pre-test and posttest scores. The pre-test was given before the treatment applied and the posttest is given after the treatment finished. Results of the study found that there was a significant positive effect of flipped classroom on students’ reading comprehension, p (.000) 0.05 with the effect size was 3.57. In light of all these findings, flipped classroom significantly affected students’ reading comprehension


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    Interaction in English as an International Language (EIL) setting provides myriad opportunities for negotiation of meaning, arguably beneficial for language acquisition. The present study aims at finding out how meaning is negotiated in EIL interaction among two groups of postgraduate TESOL international students from two Asian countries, Indonesia and People’s Republic of China (PR China). The findings reveal that the students indeed utilized various strategies such as clarification requests, confirmation checks, comprehension checks, word-coinage, and use of approximation, self-repetition, other repetition, self-correction, and non-verbal expression of non-understanding. The relative frequency of strategies used appears to have been influenced by the interaction tasks. The variation of strategies across the three pairs is relatively similar. Some EIL features corresponding to pronunciation and grammatical structures also emerge in the present study. Finally, the study suggests that negotiation strategies need to be included in the English teaching syllabus. Moreover, current foreign or second language teaching methodology needs to pay serious attention to EIL features and to develop learners’ intelligibility and communication strategies by making them aware of standard varieties of English

    Teacher Professional Training: Instructional Practices and Classroom Management

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    Abstract: This study explored teachers’ general perceptions about their learning experiences with instructional practices and classroom management gained from teacher professional training, known as PLPG. 149 English teacher participants attending the 2013 PLPG at a public university in Palembang completed a survey questionnaire. Descriptive statistical measures were used to analyze the survey items. Study findings showed that the majority of the teachers perceived PLPG as a vehicle for learning such pedagogical knowledge as instructional practices and classroom management informed by theory and research. Other empirical evidence showed that the teachers argued that (1) continuous professional development, (2) salary increase and incentive, (3) supportive teaching environment, and (4) adequate teaching and learning facilities would sustain quality teaching. This study provided an evaluative account of program effectiveness in providing teacher professional training. Further studies should be undertaken to probe into how teachers translate their learning experience in their routine teaching practices. Keywords: instructional practices; classroom management; teacher professional training; teacher professional development Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi persepsi umum guru tentang pengalaman belajar mereka terkait praktek pembelajaran dan manajemen kelas yang diperoleh dari pelatihan profesi guru yang lebih dikenal sebagai PLPG. Seratus empat puluh sembilan guru bahasa Inggris sebagai peserta PLPG 2013 di salah satu universitas negeri di Palembang melengkapi pertanyaan survei. Analisa respon survei dilakukan dengan pengukuran statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas guru menganggap PLPG sebagai sarana m berbagai pengetahuan pedagogis seperti praktek pembelajaran dan manajemen kelas yang sesuai dengan teori dan hasil penelitian. Bukti empiris lainnya menunjukkan para guru menganggap bahwa (1) pengembangan profesi berkelanjutan, (2) kenaikan gaji dan insentif, (3) lingkungan pengajaran yang mendukung, dan (4) fasilitas pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang memadai akan mendukung proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini memberikan masukan terkait evaluasi efektivitas program pelatihan profesi guru. Studi lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana guru peserta pelatihan profesi guru menerjemahkan pengalaman belajar mereka dalam praktik mengajar sehari-hari. Kata-kata kunci: peraktek pengajaran; manajemen kelas; pelatihan profesi guru, pengembangan profesi gur

    The Learning Leverage of Teacher Professional Training in Indonesia

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    Abstract: Drawing upon Hunzicker’s (2008a, 2011) interpretive tool of learning leverage, the study aimed to find out the influence of teacher professional training, known as PLPG, on teacher learning. This study was conducted under the qualitative approach involving six high school English-language teachers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The study found that the majority of the participants agreed that the rigor, reward, and risk of PLPG had boosted their motivation to learn, and thus perceived PLPG as a powerful learning experience. In particular, two teachers considered rigor (high standards and expectations) of PLPG as the most influential factor. One teacher was very much concerned about the risk of not earning certification. Three teachers counted reward as most important in their PLPG experience. This study therefore suggests that teacher professional development through teacher certification could be a powerful learning experience for teachers when it incorporates an appropriate balance of rigor, reward, and risk. Keywords: learning leverage, teacher learning, teacher professional training, teacher education Abstrak: Mengacu pada Learning Leverage Interpretive Tool yang dikembangkan oleh (Hunzicker’s (2008a, 2011), penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru (PLPG) terhadap pembelajaran guru. Penelitian kualitatif ini melibatkan enam orang guru Bahasa Inggris sekolah menengah. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara bebas terpimpin. Riset ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar peserta setuju bahwa rigor, reward, dan risk PLPG memotivasi mereka untuk belajar dan mereka menganggap PLPG sebagai pengalaman belajar yang efektif. Khususnya, dua orang guru menganggap rigor sebagai faktor yang paling berpengaruh. Satu orang peserta sangat mengkhawatirkan resiko (risk) tidak lulus sertifikasi. Tiga orang peserta lainnya melihat reward sebagi faktor paling penting dalam pengalaman pembelajaran PLPG. Karena itu, riset ini merekomendasikan bahwa pengembangan profesi guru melalui program sertifikasi dapat menjadi wahana pembelajaran yang efektif bagi guru manakala program tersebut mengintegrasikan keseimbangan yang tepat antara rigor, reward, dan risk. Kata-kata kunci: learning leverage, pembelajaran guru, pengembangan profesi guru, pendidikan guru

    Investing in Teacher Learning: In-service Teacher Professional Training in Indonesia

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    Abstract: This study aimed to find out what happen in a 10-day in-service teacher professional training in Indonesia, commonly known as PLPG. A qualitative study using observations and document analysis was used as the research procedure. It was found that PLPG offered teachers substantial learning experiences covering professional and pedagogical competencies, necessary for teachers to achieve a professional level of quality in their duties. In addition, the activities featured in PLPG were in line with constructivist theory in that they seek to foster teacher-to-teacher interaction through active, contextualized, and collaborative modes of learning. The study suggests the need of a system of peer support and feedback integrated into long-term trainings, and extensively well-designed content-related continuing teacher professional development to improve and sustain teachers’ teaching practices. Key words: teacher learning; teacher certification; teacher professional development, teacher education Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat secara seksama pelaksanaan Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru (PLPG) di Indonesia. Data penelitian kualitatif ini diperoleh melalui observasi dan analisis dokumen. Riset ini menemukan bahwa PLPG menawarkan pengalaman belajar yang subsbtansial kepada guru yang mencakup kompetensi profesional dan pedagogis, dimana kedua kompetensi ini sangat diperlukan guru sebagai syarat menjadi guru yang profesional. Selain itu, kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam PLPG sejalan dengan teori konstruktivis yang mendorong terjadinya interaksi diantara peserta pelatihan melalui metode pembelajaran yang aktif, kontekstual, dan kolaboratif. Riset ini memberikan beberapa rekomendasi, yaitu perlunya dukungan dan umpan balik teman sebaya yang terintegrasi dalam pelatihan jangka panjang, dan perlunya pengembangan profesi guru berkelanjutan yang dirancang secara ekstensif untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan praktik pengajaran guru yang berkualitas.Kata-kata kunci: pembelajaran gur, sertifikasi guru, pengembangan profesi guru, Pendidikan guru


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    The concept of consumer protection is to guarantee legal certainty to consumers, namely efforts to empower consumers to obtain or determine their choice of goods and/or services and to defend or defend their rights if business actors harm them. Legal norms to protect the interests of consumers are not sufficient. Therefore, to achieve a balance in protecting the interests of consumers and business actors, a clear legal order is needed so that a healthy economy can be realized. Consumer protection norms in the Consumer Protection Law System, as a fundamental norm, become the criteria for determining alleged violations of consumer rights. The aim of this study is to provide an alternative for resolving cases, a form of embodiment of the implementation of consumer rights protection policies. The approach method used in this research is juridical sociological. However, there are still legal loopholes that often occur. May harm the interests of consumers. The existence of regulations that still have to be synchronized and harmonized between the Consumer Protection Act and the rules governing Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution issues because the Consumer Protection Law formulates rules for resolving consumer disputes by separate arbitration, which is relatively different from the basic concept of the arbitration mechanism which generally accepted so that the settlement of consumer disputes becomes legal uncertainty

    Career Self-Management Scale (CEDLE scale) In The Indonesian Version of The Social Cognitive Model

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    Abstract. This study aimed to measure the adaptability of the Indonesian version of the Career Self-Management Scale (CEDLE Scale) and obtain a model fit from that scale. The CEDLE Scale was developed by Lent, et al in 2017. The process of adapting the CEDLE scale using the backward-translation technique method is translating the original scale into the Indonesian version, consulting with linguists, and translating back to the original language version. The population in this study were students in the province of South Sulawesi who registered in the 2021/2022 academic year. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling. The sample of this research is 320 students; 170 females and 150 males. This research instrument uses the CEDLE scale, which consists of 3 (three) indicators, namely Personal mastery (PM), Verbal persuasion (VP), and Vicarious learning (VL). The CEDLE scale consists of 12 items, and 8 items related to the emotions felt when conducting career exploration. The data analysis technique used a validity test concerning the corrected correlation item value and item reliability concerning Cronbach and McDonald's alpha values. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results showed that the adaptation of the CEDLE scale was in the Fit Index category with values of chi-square (90.263/51), RMSEA (0.053), GFI (0.950), CFI (0.963), GFI (0.952).

    Religious-Based Talent Management Through the Expertise of Foster Guardians at Pesantren

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen talenta berbasis religius melalui kepiawaian Wali Asuh Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid dalam meningkatkan kualitas intelektual dan religius santri-santri untuk mewujudkan pesantren yang mempunyai keunggulan dibidang akademik maupun dibidang keagamaan dan sosial kemasyarakatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada santri yang bertalenta religius melalui kepiawaian Wali Asuh Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam upaya meningkatkan talenta santri berbasis religius melalui kepiawaian Wali Asuh Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid ialah dengan melalui pendekatan secara personal approach, sharing, pembiasaan dengan melembagakan program tersebut dijadikan program rutinitas. Sehingga hal tersebut pesantren dapat berkembang melalui santri yang bertalenta religius melalui kepiawaian Wali Asuh

    The influence of Different Types of Career Exploration on Achievement Career Identity Among Z Generation

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    This study aims to determine the effect of career exploration on the achievement of career identity, as well as various aspects of career exploration consisting of aspects of parental influence, economic status, personal choices, personal preferences, teacher influence, peer influence, the media, and which religious orientation most influential on identity career achievement. Using a correlational research design to determine how much influence the independent and dependent variables have. The data collection technique used a career development questionnaire. It developed from theory of the career development questionnaire, which EFA and CFA had tested to determine model fit, and both Career identity development inventories (CIDI). The sample in this study was students in South Sulawesi. The data analysis technique used was Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. Based on the findings, it was found that: 1. Career exploration on the career identity of generation Z students has a positive influence, 2. Several aspects of career exploration consist of personal choices, preferences, peer influence, and the media positively influencing career identity, 3. Aspects of career exploration that do not affect achievement career identity are parental influence, economic status, teacher influence, and religious orientatio
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