52 research outputs found

    Peran Suami Selama Proses Kehamilan Sampai Nifas Istri

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    During pregnancy and delivery process, women need the husbands support because they worry, afraid and it can influencing the wifes convenience to faces the delivery. Lack of husbands role during pregnancy and delivery process of their wife indirectly may cause infant and to the mothers death. The purpose of this research was investigating of husbands characteristic and husbands role during pregnancy until delivery process of their wife and its related factors. A cross sectional research conducted at Diwek sub district, Jombang Regency.Population of this research is men who have baby, and the samples were 87 men randomly selected from 110 population men. Some variables analyzed were respondents characteristics including educational level, knowledge, pregnancy characteristic, wifes parity, family income, husbands occupational status, and the delivery process. Data collected by interviewing the respondents by using structured questionnaireand statistically analyzed by chi-square test. The result indicates that all variable correlated to husbands role during pregnancy until delivery process. Considering the result of this research, it is expected that health officer must be more innovative to encourage the husband role during pregnancy until delivery process, and suggested should equipped link book between health officer and husband in order to increase the husbands role to give attention to their wifes health during pregnancy.Key words: husbands role, pregnancy, delivery proces

    Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Kayu Secang Dan Ekstrak Daun Stevia Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Kadar Gula Total Pada Yoghurt Sebagai Alternatif Minuman Bagi Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Latar Belakang: Penatalaksanaan diet diabetes melitus tipe 2 dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan asupan antioksidan serta memperhatikan jumlah dan jenis karbohidrat yang dikonsumsi terutama asupan gula sederhana. Yoghurt, ekstrak kayu secang, dan ekstrak daun stevia merupakan bahan alami tinggi antioksidan dan rendah gula total yang dapat dijadikan pangan fungsional sebagai alternatif minuman untuk penderita DM tipe 2.Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh penambahan ekstrak kayu secang dan ekstrak daun stevia pada yoghurt terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, gula total dan sifat organoleptik yang meliputi warna, aroma, dan rasa yoghurt.Metode: Merupakan penelitian eksperimental rancangan acak lengkap dua faktorial yaitu penambahan ekstrak kayu secang (0%; 0,25% dan 0,5 %) dan ekstrak daun stevia (0% dan 0,25%) pada yoghurt. Analisis statistik untuk aktivitas antioksidan dan gula total menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA dilanjutkan uji Tukey, sedangkan analisis organoleptik menggunakan uji FriedmanTest dilanjutkan uji Wilcoxon.Hasil: Yoghurt dengan kombinasi penambahan ekstrak kayu secang 0,25% dan ekstrak daun stevia 0,25% paling disukai panelis untuk parameter warna, aroma dan rasa. Minuman ini memiliki aktivitas antioksidan 36,55%; dan kadar gula total 4,94%. Simpulan: Penambahan ekstrak kayu secang dan ekstrak daun stevia pada yoghurt dapat meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan dan organoleptik produk secara signifikan sehingga minuma ini dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif pilihan bagi diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Meskipun kadar gula total meningkat ketika esktrak daun stevia ditambahkan pada yoghurt akan tetapi masih dalam batas aman untuk konsumsi pasien diabetes elitus tipe 2

    Productivity, Nutrient Composition, and Hydrocyanic Acid Concentration of Super-2 Forage Sorghum at Different NPK Levels and Planting Spaces

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    Low digestibility and toxicity of hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in sorghum forage are disadvantage for ruminant. Appropriate fertilizer application and planting strategy can improve sorghum yield and quality. A field experiment was aimed to investigate the productivity, nutrients content, and HCN concentration of Super-2 forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) at different planting spaces and levels of NPK fertilizer. The seeds were planted according to 3Ă—3 factorial design in which the first factor was planting space (J1= 90Ă—20 cm, J2= 75Ă—25 cm, and J3= 60Ă—30 cm) and the second factor was three levels of NPK fertilizer (P1= 0 kg/ha; P2= 100 kg/ha; and P3= 200 kg/ha, respectively). Crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), and HCN concentration were affected by the interaction of NPK levels Ă— planting spaces (p<0.05). The CP and HCN content increased as NPK levels increased at all planting space patterns while CF content decreased. NPK fertilizer application significantly increased yield production (DM, OM, and CP productions), whereas planting space treatment did not show any improvement except for CF that significantly lower on 60Ă—30 cm planting space. Sorghum receiving 200 kg/ha of NPK at 60Ă—30 cm planting space produced the highest CP and the lowest CF content, resulting in the highest OM and CP biomass production. In conclusion, NPK fertilizer significantly improved productivity and nutrients composition and in the same way, also increased HCN concentration of sorghum Super-2 varieties

    Effect Inundation Period to Summed Dominant Ratio (SDR) and Biomass Rice Weeds of Method SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in Indonesia

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    Research by title the effect inundation period to summed dominant ratio (SDR) and biomass rice weeds of method SRI (system of rice intensification) in Indonesia. Research have been conducted in the Faculty of Agricultural Land Andalas University, Limau Manih, Padang, from February to May 2018. The study aims to identify noxious weed found in SRI method of paddy cultivation in Indonesia. Weeds that have summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) and the highest biomass in this study is a weed Cyperus rotundus, Scirpus juncoides Roxb., Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl, Cyperus pedunculatus and Richardia brasiliensis Gomez. Highest weed biomass obtained in the treatment of inundation 3 days old and weed biomass lowest is 15 days long inundation

    Aplikasi Model Regresi Poisson Tergeneralisasi Pada Kasus Angka Kematian Bayi Di Jawa Tengah Tahun 2007

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    Infant Mortality is one of the issues that can affect the number and age composition of the population. The Government pays special attention to reduce the amount of Infant Mortality Rate in Central Java, so the role of data and information becomes very important. Poisson regression is a nonlinear regression which is often used to model the relationship between the response variable in the form of discrete data with predictor variables in the form of continuous or discrete data. Poisson regression models have equidispersi assumption, a condition in which the mean and variance of the response variable have equal value. In practice, the assumption is sometimes violated in the analysis of discrete data in the form of overdispersi (value of variance greater than the mean value) so that Poisson regression model is not appropriate to be used. Overdispersi is a condition in which the data of response variable shows. One model that can be used to solve the overdispersi problem is generalized Poisson regression model. The regression model is an extension of the Poisson regression and part of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) which does not require constancy of variance to test the hypothesis. From the data of Infant Mortality Rate in Central Java on 2007 known that there overdispersi. And the factors affecting Infant Mortality Rate is the number of health facilities, the number of medical personnel, and the percentage of households with clean water each county / city

    Antibacterial Activity Assay of Mangrove Extracts Against Salmonella Typhi and Listeria Monocytogenes

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    The antibacterial activities of mangrove species, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia caseolaris (collected from Teluk Payo, Banyuasin, South Sumatera), Ceriops tagal, Rizhopora apiculata, and Sonneratia alba (collected from Sadai, South Bangka) were screened against Salmonella typhi and Listeria monocytogenes by agar disk diffusion assays. Extractions were conducted using organic solvents (methanol, ethyl acetate, and acetone, subsequently). Most of the extracts tested showed potential antibacterial activity against both pathogens. The methanol extracts of the bark from S. alba and the fruit from A. marina showed particularly large inhibition zones (15 mm) against S. typhi. The acetone extract of S. alba leaves showed the largest inhibition zone (14 mm) when tested against L. Monocy-togenes. Further partial purifications of selected extracts which showed strong inhibition were performed by silica gel column chromatography using various eluent compositions with different polarities. The third fraction of methanol extract from S.alba leaves eluted with chloroform:methanol (1:5) resulted in a remarkably large inhibition zone (23 mm) against S. typhi. The third and seventh fractions of acetone extract from S. alba leaves eluted with ethyl acetate:methanol (7:3) resulted in a large inhibition zones (15 mm) against L. monocytogenes. In addition, the sixth fraction of methanol extract from A. marina fruit eluted with chloroform : methanol (6:4) resulted in the largest inhibition zone (17 mm) against L. monocytogenes. These results indicated that mangrove extracts could be developed as potential biomaterials for biopharmaceutical as well as biopreservation industries

    Growth and Production of Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG5 in Three Difference Regrowth Phase Treated by Gamma Radiation Dose

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    This study was aimed to determine the effect of dose of gamma radiation of seeds on plant growth and plant production of Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG5 during 3 different growth phases. The variables measured were plant growth parameters (height and length of plant, number of leaves and tillers) and production (dry matter and organic matter productions). Data were analyzed in a 5 x 3 factorial design. The first factor was dose of gamma radiation consisted of 5 levels i.e., 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 Gy. The second factor was regrowth phase consisted of 3 levels i.e., growth phase 1, growth phase 2, and growth phase 3. The difference between means was analyzed using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that dose of gamma radiation influenced the plant growth and production (P<0.05) on different growth phases. The dose of 100 Gy gamma radiation showed the highest height and length, as well as dry matter and organic matter productions. The dose of 200 Gy gamma radiation showed the highest number of leaves and tillers. During regrowth phase 2, the grasses showed the highest of height, number of leaves and tillers, and organic matter production, while during regrowth phase 3, the grasses showed the highest length (P<0.05). There was an interaction between the dose of gamma radiation of seeds and regrowth phases on the growth and production  of B. brizantha cv. MG5 (P<0.05). The dose of 100 Gy radiation of seeds and regrowth phase 2 gave the best interaction.  In conclusion, the dose of 100 Gy radiation of seeds gave the best growth and production of B. brizantha cv. MG5 during regrowth phase 2


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    The study aimed to determine fowering and production performance of milk stage corn planted in critical sandy land with bio mulch. Plastic mulch and bio mulch (feedstuff used), were used on 3 (three) beds planted with Pioneer® seed corn. Seeds were planted with 25 x 50 cm in sandy land Jangkaran Village, Temon, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Litter manure waste was used as basal fertilizer by spreaded over the beds at the level 7.5 t/ha. Corn seed planted on the bed without basal fertilizer and mulch as a control. Chemical fertilizers, urea and SP-36 are given in equal amounts and the corresponding frequency written on the label. Water was given to corn plant every other day. Quantity of flower was observed since the first time produce flower up to harvested at 10 weeks, while production was determined from total weight of whole plant harvested. The study is based on completely randomized design (CRD) and the data were analyzed by ANOVA with SPSS advanced analysis of LSD. Corn plant with bio mulch produced significantly higher of flower and whole plant compare with control but not significantly higher compare with plastic mulch. However, bio mulch always has highest level of flower 34.4% compare with plastic mulch 17.7% and control 9.2; highest production level of fresh whole plant13.3, plastic mulch 12.93 and 3.91 t/ha. Utilization of mulch has significant effect on the quantity of flower and production leve

    Identification of Bioactive Compound From Microalga BTM 11 as Hepatitis C Virus RNA Helicase Inhibitor

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major causative agent of chronic liver disease. Recently, the inhibition of NS3 RNA helicase/ATPase activity is being explored as the specifically targeted antiviral therapy (STAT) against HCV infection. This study was aimed to elucidate potential candidates for anti-HCV therapy derived from Indonesian indigenous microalgae. The microalga designated as BTM 11 was isolated and cultured. Methanol extract of BTM 11 was screened as the opponent of purified HCV NS3 RNA helicase enzyme through colorimetric ATPase assay. Screening of chemical compound and fractionation by using gel filtration chromatography with eluent of methanol : chloroform (1:99) were conducted for identification and isolation of the bioactive compounds. The third fraction of fractionated sample showed a relatively strong ATPase inhibitory effect (81.23 ± 2.25 %) compared to the negative control. Further analysis of third fraction using thin layer chromatography (TLC) with eluent of chloroform : methanol (9:2) gave two spots with the Rf value of 0.8 and 0.37, respectively. In addition, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed absorption peak with the highest abundance at the retention time of 12.483 and 16.617 minutes which absorbed at 266 and 230 nm wavelenght, respectively. According to those analyses, this study suggests that bioactive compounds derived from BTM 11 were classified as the groups of flavonoids and feasible as potential candidates for anti-HCV therapy through the inhibitory effect of NS3 RNA helicase/ATPase activity
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