122 research outputs found

    Development of regional strategies in Russia: the case of Sverdlovsk region

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    The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy of Sverdlovsk region and was realized by the analytical centre 'Expert' and the Graduate School of Economics and Management of the Ural Federal University.The article discusses the recent renewal of the 'Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Sverdlovsk Region until 2030' and its 'Action Plan'. Both of these documents were brought into compliance with the Federal Law № 172-ФЗ 'On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation'. 1 In the region’s strategic planning it was the first time that the communicative approach was applied. Drafting the strategic documents necessitated setting priorities in the long-term development of the region. The article describes the methodology for designing the region's strategic documentation and the drafting process and provides schemes of strategic planning realized in Sverdlovsk region. The article outlines the key provisions of the 'Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of Sverdlovsk Region for the Period Between 2016 and 2030' and the 'Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy'. Drawing from the experience of Sverdlovsk region, recommendations are given on optimization of strategic planning on regional and municipal levels

    Development of Small and Medium-Sized Regional Enterprises: Creation of Priority Areas (the Case of Sverdlovsk Region)

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    This article presents the results of the research which deals with the current level of development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Sverdlovsk region. The study analyses the statistics of entrepreneurship development as well as Russian and international experience in this sphere. It also includes a sociological survey of entrepreneurs’ satisfaction with the business climate in the region. The research was aimed at elaborating guidelines for the long-term development of a regional entrepreneurship support system. This system seeks to facilitate the implementation of the ‘Strategy for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Sverdlovsk Region before 2030’. As a result, an amalgam of strategic responses for the development of SMEs is presented. The completed response comprises measures intended to address the problems entrepreneurs face by developing SME support tools; to solve the endemic problems of the sector by improving the system of regional SME support; and to promote the realization of concrete priority areas for entrepreneurship development.The research work was carried out in collaboration with the Ural Federal University n.a. the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin and OOO “Analytical Centre Expert-Ural’” at the request of Sverdlovsk Regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund. The research was conducted in the period of September-November 2014. The state programme of Sverdlovsk region ‘Development of Industry and Science in Sverdlovsk Region Before 2020’ (approved by the Order of Sverdlovsk government of 24 October 2013 № 1293-ПП)

    Commodity and Financial Networks in Regional Economics

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    The article discusses the relationship between commodity-production and financial network structures in the regional economy as dual conjugate systems. Material flows (raw materials, goods and so on) circulate in the commodity network as shown by Leontiev’s input-output balance model. Nonmaterial flows of property rights, money, and so on circulate in the financial network and reflect the movement of material objects in commodity networks. A network structure comprises closed and open circuits, which have fundamentally different characteristics: locally closed circuits meet local demand by supplying locally produced goods, thus ensuring self-reproduction of the local economy; open (or transit) circuits provide export-import flows. The article describes the mechanism of ‘internal’ money generation in closed circuits of commodity-production networks. The results of the theoretical study are illustrated by the calculations of closed and open circuit flows in the municipal economy model. Mutual settlements between the population and manufacturing enterprises are given in matrix form. It was found that the volume of the turnover in closed circuits of the municipal economic network model is about 28.5 % of the total turnover and can be provided by ‘internal’ non-inflationary money. The remaining 71.5 % of the total turnover correspond to the flows in the network’s open circuits providing export and import. The conclusion is made that in the innovation-driven economy, main attention should be given to the projects oriented towards domestic consumption rather than export supplies. The economy is based on internal production cycles in closed circuits. Thus, it is necessary to find the chains in the inter-industrial and inter-production relations which could become the basis of the production cycle. Money investments will complete such commodity chains and ‘launch’ the production cycle.The work has been prepared with the supprot of the Ural Federal University within the UrFU Program for the winners of the competition “Young Scientists of UrFU” No.

    Implementation of the Smart City Technology for Environmental Protection Management of Cities: The Experience of Russia and Kazakhstan

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    Approaches to the organization of management of environmental protection within the framework of introduction of Smart City technologies are reviewed in this article. For this purpose, a retrospective analysis of transformation of the Smart City notion has been carried out and basic characteristics of a modern smart city interpretation have been distinguished: the use of information technology in all functional areas of the city ecosystem, active involvement of residents in the processes of city management through organization of a system of user services, commitment to sustainable development of a city to the benefit of future generations. In the research process the key factors of the environment pollution in cities were reviewed having identified systemic challenges in the environmental field, which can be solved by introduction of the Smart City technology. For each environmental factor promising technologies of the Smart City system and effects that may be reached by means of their introduction are provided. Analysis of the existing technological solutions of the Smart City made it possible to identify the complex nature of environmental problems of cities, the solution of which requires introduction of smart technologies in all the spheres of functioning of the city. In the practical part of the article smart city's technology development and implementation experience is presented, aimed at environmental protection in the cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. The empirical basis of the analysis is constituted by the results of the studies carried out within the framework of the research work "Enhancement of the State Regulation Policy of Accelerated Clustering of the Industrial Regions" implemented on the grounds of the grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. © 2019 Irina Turgel et al., published by Sciendo 2019

    Species identification of spider mites (Tetranychidae: Tetranychinae): a review of methods

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    Spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) are dangerous pests of agricultural and ornamental crops, the most economically significant of them belonging to the genera Tetranychus, Eutetranychus, Oligonychus and Panonychus. The expansion of the distribution areas, the increased harmfulness and dangerous status of certain species in the family Tetranychidae and their invasion of new regions pose a serious threat to the phytosanitary status of agroand biocenoses. Various approaches to acarofauna species diagnosis determine a rather diverse range of currently existing methods generally described in this review. Identification of spider mites by morphological traits, which is currently considered the main method, is complicated due to the complexity of preparing biomaterials for diagnosis and a limited number of diagnostic signs. In this regard, biochemical and molecular genetic methods such as allozyme analysis, DNA barcoding, restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), selection of species-specific primers and real-time PCR are becoming important. In the review, close attention is paid to the successful use of these methods for species discrimination in the mites of the subfamily Tetranychinae. For some species, e. g., the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), a range of identification methods has been developed – from allozyme analysis to loop isothermal amplification (LAMP), while for many other species a much smaller variety of approaches is available. The greatest accuracy in the identification of spider mites can be achieved using a combination of several methods, e. g., examination of morphological features and one of the molecular approaches (DNA barcoding, PCR-RFLP, etc.). This review may be useful to specialists who are in search of an effective system for spider mite species identification as well as when developing new test systems relevant to specific plant crops or a specific region

    Visible light photoluminescence in TiO2/CdS nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel route: Effect of gel aging time

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    A series of sol-gel TiO2/CdS, TiO2 powders and coagulated CdS nanoparticles were studied by XRD, HRTEM and Raman spectroscopy to elucidate the effect of low-temperature gel aging time on visible photoluminescence (PL) emission of the TiO2/CdS composites. With an increase in aging time a content of amorphous titania and incorporated CdS nanoparticles decreases in composites. For all composites, visible PL emission includes bands attributed to surface oxygen vacancies and hydroxyl group of TiO2 nanocrystals, as well as yellow-green and red bands related to lattice defect states of CdS nanoparticles. It was found that gel aging time is a crucial parameter to influence visible PL emission in composites. This emission is suppressed with increasing aging time, and its evolution shows that healing of oxygen vacancy defects and hydroxyl group affect visible emission more significantly than improving crystallinity degree. The correlation between visible PL emission in TiO2/CdS and their visible-light photocatalytic activity was discussed. © 2020, ITMO University. All rights reserved.The research was carried out in accordance with the state assignment for ISSC UB RAS and financial support from ISSC UB RAS (theme AAAA-A19-119031890025-9). TEM study was supported by RFBR (grant No. 20-02-00906). The authors are grateful to Dr. Kozhevnikova N. S. and Dr. Gorbunova T. I. for the provided samples TiO2/CdS and CdS

    The choice of antibiotic for community-acquired pneumonia – the results of a survey of doctors and an analysis of real outpatient practice

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    Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) remains an urgent problem in the structure of infectious diseases worldwide including the Russian Federation. According to medical statistics the incidence rate of CAP increased by 19.1 % by December 2018 as compared to year 2017. The authors addressed the problem of rational choice of antimicrobial agents (AMAs) for outpatient treatment of this disease. The aim was to assess structure and rationality of choice of AMAs for outpatient treatment of CAP by primary care physicians in municipal outpatient clinics in Moscow. A two-stage single-center pharmacoepidemic study was conducted. The survey involved 45 primary care physicians with average age 48.5 ± 13.2 years and medical experience 22.7 ± 13.6 years. Relevant information was also copied out from 650 ambulatory records of patients receiving AMs for CAP. According to the results of our survey the leaders of the respondents’ preferences are beta-lactam antibiotics — amoxicillin/clavulanate (49.0 %) followed by amoxicillin (25.5 %) and cephalosporins (15.7 %). Analysis of real clinical practice brings different picture: cephalosporins become comparable to amoxicillin/clavulanate in terms of frequency of administration, The latter significantly loses popularity, as does amoxicillin as monotherapy These data match with similar survey of 233 Moscow primary care physicians conducted earlier in 2013-2014 by one of the authors where amoxicillin/clavulanate accounted for 43.6 % of total AMAs recommendations. Thus, the initial choice of AMAs for outpatient treatment of CAP in most cases does not comply with current clinical guidelines. Physicians tend to start initial outpatient management of CAP with second-line AMAs (amoxicillin/clavulanate, cephalosporins, less commonly fluoroquinolones), underestimating macrolides and almost neglecting doxycycline. These circumstances result in unwarranted increase in drug load on the patient, decrease in safety of treatment and ineffectiveness of antimicrobial therapy in case if CAP is caused by atypical pathogens

    Preparations of Bacillus pumilus secreted RNase: One enzyme or two?

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Immunochemical analysis of the following purified preparations of Bacillus pumilus RNase (binase) was carried out: industrially manufactured enzyme (Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia) and the enzymes isolated from the culture liquid of the native B. pumilus producer and from the Escherichia coli BL21 recombinant strain bearing the pGEMGX1/ent/Bi plasmid. Electrophoresis of all three samples of purified binase revealed two protein fractions with ribonuclease activity possessing molecular masses of ∼12 and 25 kDa. The possible presence of binase II, a second secreted RNase, was ruled out. Both high- and low-molecular mass proteins interacted with binase-specific antibodies in the immunoblotting reaction, which indicated their antigenic identity. The difference in molecular mass between these proteins indicated the possible presence of two forms of binase in solution, a monomer and a dimer

    Direct inhibition of oncogenic KRAS by Bacillus pumilus ribonuclease (binase)

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V.RAS proteins function as molecular switches that transmit signals from cell surface receptors into specific cellular responses via activation of defined signaling pathways (Fang, 2015). Aberrant constitutive RAS activation occurs with high incidence in different types of cancer (Bos, 1989). Thus, inhibition of RAS-mediated signaling is extremely important for therapeutic approaches against cancer. Here we showed that the ribonuclease (RNase) binase, directly interacts with endogenous KRAS. Further, molecular structure models suggested an inhibitory nature of binase-RAS interaction involving regions of RAS that are important for different aspects of its function. Consistent with these models, phosphorylation analysis of effectors of RAS-mediated signaling revealed that binase inhibits the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway. Interestingly, RAS activation assays using a non-hydrolysable GTP analog (GTPγS) demonstrated that binase interferes with the exchange of GDP by GTP. Furthermore, we showed that binase reduced the interaction of RAS with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), SOS1. Our data support a model in which binase-KRAS interaction interferes with the function of GEFs and stabilizes the inactive GDP-bound conformation of RAS thereby inhibiting MAPK/ERK signaling. This model plausibly explains the previously reported, antitumor-effect of binase specific towards RAS-transformed cells and suggests the development of anticancer therapies based on this ribonuclease

    大腿骨頚部内側骨折の治療 : 人工骨頭置換術について(ほっとぷらざ )

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V.RAS proteins function as molecular switches that transmit signals from cell surface receptors into specific cellular responses via activation of defined signaling pathways (Fang, 2015). Aberrant constitutive RAS activation occurs with high incidence in different types of cancer (Bos, 1989). Thus, inhibition of RAS-mediated signaling is extremely important for therapeutic approaches against cancer. Here we showed that the ribonuclease (RNase) binase, directly interacts with endogenous KRAS. Further, molecular structure models suggested an inhibitory nature of binase-RAS interaction involving regions of RAS that are important for different aspects of its function. Consistent with these models, phosphorylation analysis of effectors of RAS-mediated signaling revealed that binase inhibits the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway. Interestingly, RAS activation assays using a non-hydrolysable GTP analog (GTPγS) demonstrated that binase interferes with the exchange of GDP by GTP. Furthermore, we showed that binase reduced the interaction of RAS with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), SOS1. Our data support a model in which binase-KRAS interaction interferes with the function of GEFs and stabilizes the inactive GDP-bound conformation of RAS thereby inhibiting MAPK/ERK signaling. This model plausibly explains the previously reported, antitumor-effect of binase specific towards RAS-transformed cells and suggests the development of anticancer therapies based on this ribonuclease