75 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Anxiety Symptoms, Anxiety Sensitivity, and Emotional Schemas in Patients Admitted to Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic

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    Introduction. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders being an important cause of disability as they impair the functionality of affected individuals. Our study aimed to evaluate the effects of anxiety sensitivity, which is one of the cognitive structures involved in the etiology and perpetuation of psychopathologies, and emotional schemas, which evaluate how people handle their emotions, on anxiety symptoms. Methods. One hundred participants who were admitted to the outpatient psychiatry clinic, agreed to participate in the study, and met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I), Leahy Emotional Schema Scale Turkish Version (LESS-T), and Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI-3) were administered to the participants. Results. A correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between the BAI score and BDI-I score, ASI-3 total score, and LESS-T Uncontrollability, Weakness, Comprehensibility, Acceptance of Emotions, Rumination, Denial of Emotions, Validation subscale scores (p < 0.05). A logistic regression analysis that examined the risk factors predicting anxiety symptoms in individuals found that increasing BDI-I and ASI-3 total scores had an increasing effect on the development of anxiety, and an increase in the LESS-T Denial of Emotions subscore had a decreasing effect. Conclusions. Determining anxiety sensitivity and emotional schemas in patients with anxiety symptoms may be a guide in identifying and treating the risk factors for the development of anxiety disorders

    Driving Force: Automotive Supply Chains and Forced Labor in the Uyghur Region

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    There are over 30,000 parts in a typical passenger car and every single part is at high risk or made with Uyghur forced labor, implicating over 96 international car companies such as Tesla, Volkswagen, Ford, Mercedes Benz, Honda, and, GM. The Chinese government has deliberately shifted raw materials mining and processing and auto parts manufacturing into the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR or Uyghur Region), essentially making international supply chains captive to repressive programs and systematic forced labor. The 78-page report is broken down into Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Nickel, Batteries, Car electronics, and Other Car Parts. This investigation has led to an ongoing Senate Inquiry into 8 major automotive companies, the US and Japan launching an international task force on forced labor in supply chains, an investigation into forced labor at Volkswagen, and has been referenced repeatedly by every major news outlet except the BBC.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2023/1077/thumbnail.jp

    A systematic evaluation of preservice teachers' opinions on learning objects

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate preservice teachers’ opinions on LOs in teaching and learning. ‘’LOs Perception Questionnaire” was developed and applied among preservice teachers. The survey consisted of four parts: “Merit of LOs’’, “Use of LOs”, “Accessing LOs”, and “Developing LOs”. The study included 336 preservice teachers from art, math, computer, and elementary education. Before the survey, participants took a three-hour learning module on LOs and repositories. The module included a one-hour teacher lecture, a one-hour web-quest, and a one-hour class discussion on LOs. Results indicated that instead of valuing, accessing, and using LOs to merely deliver content, it seemed more challenging for preservice teachers to know how to develop them for teaching and learning.The purpose of this study is to investigate preservice teachers’ opinions on Learning Objects (LO) in teaching and learning. ‘LOs Perception Questionnaire’ was developed and applied among preservice teachers. The survey consisted of four parts: “Merit of LOs’’, “Use of LOs”, “Accessing LOs”, and “Developing LOs”. The study included 336 preservice teachers from art, math, computer, and elementary education. Before the survey, participants took a three-hour learning module on LOs and repositories. The module included a one-hour teacher lecture, a one-hour web-quest, and a one-hour class discussion on LOs. Results indicated that instead of valuing, accessing, and using LOs to merely deliver content, it seemed more challenging for preservice teachers to know how to develop them for teaching and learning

    The mediator role of femininity-masculinity perceptions between body perception and eating attitudes

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    It is thought that ideal body norms which is shaped under the influence of Western culture are effective in rapid increase in the rate of eating disorders in recent years. Body norms are gender specific and it is thought that the desire to be thin in women and to be muscular in men increases body dissatisfaction. As these norms are more exposed in Western culture, it is claimed that femininity and masculinity norms over the body are reflected through ideal body characteristics. However, in recent years, it is thought that these ideal body norms specific to gender, due to factors such as communication tools and media, increase body dissatisfaction in other cultures. In this study, in order to test this view, in the Turkish population the mediation effect of femininity-masculinity perception in the relationship between gender-specific body dissatisfaction and eating attitudes was investigated with Process Macro Analysis. The study was carried out with 430 females and 414 males between the ages of 18 and 26 years. In this study, Ben-Tovim Walker Body Attitude Scale, Feminine Thoughts Scale, Male-Specific Body Attitude Scale, Masculinity Role Norms Scale, and Eating Attitude Test were administered to the participants. According to the findings, as the desire to be thin in women and desire to be muscular in men increased, body dissatisfaction also in-creased. As adherence to norms of femininity in women and masculinity norms in men in-creased, body dissatisfaction and deterioration in eating attitudes also increased. The mediating effect of gender role norms was not found in women. A low mediation effect of masculinity norms was found between body dissatisfaction and eating attitudes in men. As a result, ideal body characteristics changed according to gender and according to the level of adherence to gender norms, the risk of developing an eating disorder changed

    Tiroidektomi Sonrası Kadınlarda Cinsel Fonksiyon Değişiklikleri

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    Bu çalışmaya; tiroidektomi operasyonu olacak evli, cinsel yönden aktif, 20-50 yaş arasında ve gönüllü olarak katılan 30 bayan hasta alınmıştır. Uygulanacak Kadın Cinsel İşlev Ölçeği ile operasyon öncesi ve sonrası cinsel işlevlerde farklılık olup olmadığı tespit edilmek amacıyla bu çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya hasta grubuyla benzer özelliklere sahip 20 kadın kontrol grubu olarak alınmış ve aynı anket uygulanmıştır. Operasyon öncesi hastalara anket verilmiş ve uygun şekilde doldurulması istenmiştir. Operasyondan dört hafta sonra aynı anket hastalara uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak test edilmiştir. KCİÖ ile yapılan ölçüm sonucunda operasyon sonrası ortalama skor operasyon öncesi ortalama skordan anlamlı (p<0.05) bir şekilde yüksek çıkmıştır. Ölçeğin alt boyut skorları değerlendirildiğinde; istek düzeyinde operasyon sonrası ortalama skorlarının operasyon öncesi skorlara göre anlamlı (p<0.05) olarak yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda hastaların operasyon sonrası cinsel istek düzeylerinde değişiklik saptanmıştır. Cinsel uyarılma, kayganlaşma, orgazm, tatmin ve ağrı durumlarında operasyon öncesi ve sonrası bir değişiklik tespit edilmemiştir.Thirty female patients who will be operated as thyroidectomy between 20-50 years, sexual active, married were added voluntarily to this study. This study was applied to determine the differences between sexual activities before and after the operation. We used The Female Sexual Function Index for this measurement. To work with patients groups with similar characteristics as the control group 20 women received the same questionnaire was administered. The patients were given questionnaire and wanted to fill appropriately before the operation. The same questionnaire was administered to patients four weeks after the operation. The results obtained were statistically tested. As a result of the measurement with the average post-operative FSFI scores from preoperative mean scores significantly (p<0.05) were higher in a way. Subscale scores of the scale were evaluated at the level of demand after the operation the average scores significantly compared to preoperative scores (p<0.05) were found to be high. We found that there were some changes at the level of sexual desire. But there was no change in sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and pain before and after the operation

    Finansal performansın yükseltilmesinde iki belirleyici faktör: müşteri memnuniyeti ve çalışan tatmini: Malatya’da faaliyet gösteren süpermarketlerde bir uygulama

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    Bir işletmenin finansal performansının değerlendirilmesinde karlılık, büyüme, satışlar, pazar payı gibi finansal ölçütlerin dikkate alınması yeterli görülmemektedir. Çünkü bu ölçütler daha çok firmanın geçmişteki performansına yöneliktir. Geleceğe yönelik değerlendirmeler için finansal ölçütlerin dışında finansal başarı üzerinde etkili olan çeşitli faktörlerin de dikkate alınması gerekmektedir. Firmanın gelecekteki finansal performansı üzerinde etkili olan müşteri memnuniyeti ve firma çalışanlarının iş tatmini düzeyi finansal performans üzerinde doğrudan ya da dolaylı çeşitli düzeylerde etkilidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı “işgören tatmini ve müşteri memnuniyeti arasındaki ilişkiyi test etmek ve her ikisinin hizmet yönü ağır basan ticari işletmeler olan süpermarketlerin finansal başarısı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır”. Elde edilen araştırma sonuçları; “çalışan tatmini ile finansal performans arasında müşteri memnuniyetinin aracılık etkisinin güçlü olduğunu” göstermektedir

    Web browsers forensic analysis reviewWeb tarayıcılarda adli analiz incelemesi

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    Nowadays, web browser tools are seen ıntensıvely durıng the usage of web applıcatıons. Because of that, browsers provıdes ınfrastructure of a largo majorıty of crımes. Because guılty or suspect can use the browsers to collect ınformatıons, to hıde hıs crıme, learn new crımınal methods or to apply they have learned. In thıs study, ıt ıs also seeked answers of how a process can be monıtored on the computers whıch are used on browsers, ın whıch fıles whıch datas are looked and when and whıch sıtes are accessed. Accordıng to research of W3counter web stats tool, Chrome Web browser, whıch has %43 persentage of across the world ın usage, ıs proses as the most demanded browser ın thıs study by users, and ıt ıs scented out ın thıs browser's related fıles. In these days, ''hıdden mode'' whıch take part ın vast majorıty of browsers ıs also examıned. Thıs feature of the browser, whıch ıs receıved reference, ıs tracked by testıng and ıs sought data ın RAM memory and fıle systems. Thus, '' hıdden mode'' effects are dıscussed ın provıdıng studıes about suspect or crımınal posıtıon people, what kınd of data can be obtaıned ın usıng '' hıdden mode” ıs revealed. ÖzetGünümüzde internet uygulamalarının kullanımı sırasında web tarayıcı araçlarının yoğun bir şekilde kullanımı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle tarayıcılar, işlenen suçların büyük bir çoğunluğuna altyapı sağlar. Çünkü suçlu ya da şüpheli, tarayıcıları bilgi toplamak, suçunu gizlemek, yeni suç metotları öğrenmek ya da öğrendiklerini uygulamak için kullanabilir.  Bu çalışmada da tarayıcıların kullanıldığı bilgisayarlar üzerinde bırakılan izlerin tespitinde nasıl bir süreç izlenebileceği, hangi dosyalarda hangi verilere bakılabileceği ve ne zaman hangi sitelere erişim sağlandığı gibi çeşitli sorulara cevaplar aranmaktadır. w3counter adlı internet istatistik aracının yaptığı araştırmaya göre, dünya genelinde %43'lük bir kullanım alanına sahip olan Chrome web tarayıcısı, kullanıcılar tarafından en çok talep gören tarayıcı olarak bu araştırma içinde referans alınmaktadır ve bu tarayıcıya ait ilgili dosyalarda izler sürülmektedir. Ayrıca günümüz tarayıcıların büyük bir çoğunluğunda yer alan “gizli mod” özelliği incelenmektedir.  Referans alınan tarayıcının bu özelliği test edilerek iz sürülmekte, dosya  sistemlerinde ve RAM bellekte veri aranmaktadır.Böylelikle “gizli mod” kullanımında ne tür veriler elde edilebileceği ortaya konarak şüpheli ya da suçlu konumundaki kişilere ait delillendirme çalışmalarında “gizli mod” kullanımının etkileri tartışılmaktadır.

    Cracking the Code of Market Secrets: A Deep Dive into Financial Anomalies

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    This paper reviews the literature on market anomalies and puzzles, providing a comprehensive overview of these complex phenomena that challenge the traditional Efficient Market Hypothesis. The authors examine a wide range of anomalies, including long-term return irregularities, earnings management, information uncertainty, mutual fund performance, day-of-the-week returns, the January effect, weather-induced mood shifts, international asset pricing, weekend anomalies, cryptocurrency efficiency, social transmission bias, emotional finance, biased beliefs, investor optimism, sentiment, global market inefficiencies, the influence of unique events and seasonal factors, and disappearing anomalies in country and industry returns. The authors also discuss the evolving landscape of market anomalies research, including machine learning approaches, investor behavior challenges, and the disappearance of some anomalies over time. They conclude by setting the groundwork for a more holistic comprehension of market anomalies, suggesting future research directions such as exploring new data sources, developing comprehensive theoretical models, and examining the role of technology, market regulations, and environmental changes in market anomalies

    Use of SCADA Data for Failure Detection in Wind Turbines

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    This paper discusses the use of existing wind turbine SCADA data for development of fault detection and diagnostic techniques for wind turbines

    Evaluation of the prick test results of patients with allergic rhinitis in Van province

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    INTRODUCTION: This study was carried out to detect allergen distribution of the patients admitted with allergic rhinitis symptoms and to determine the age, gender distribution and smoking rates in allergic patients, and to contribute to compose an allergy map in Van region. METHODS: 220 patients allergic to at least one allergen according to prick test results were included between May 2014- December 2015. RESULTS: 59.1% (n=130) of 220 patients were male and 40.9% (n=90) were female. Male/female ratio was 3: 2. Prevalence of smokers were 31.1% (n=28) among females and 40.7% (n=53) among males. According to prick test results; sensitivity to meadow was 20% (n=44), to mixed herbs 16.3% (n=36), to mites 13.6% (n=30), to flower mixture 10% (n=22), to egg yolk 9.1% (n=20), to cat 8.2% (n=18), to Aspergillus 7.3% (n=16), to peanut 7.3% (n=16), to tomato 1.8% (n= 4), to almond 1.8% (n=4), to Alternaria 1.8% (n=4), to Clasdioporum 1.3% (n=3), to egg white 1.3% (n= 3). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Among 220 patients according to prick test, male predominance was detected and smoking prevalence was between 30% - 40%. In our study, the most common susceptibility was detected against meadow, secondly against mixed herbs and thirdly against house mites. Also, nutritional allergens (egg yolk, peanut, tomato, almond and egg white) were important factors with 21% frequency in Van region. Determination of herbal allergens and mites on the first ranks, although different climate and environmental status of Van, was parallel to the other studies in the literature