32 research outputs found

    Deep RNA sequencing of muscle tissue reveals absence of viral signatures in dermatomyositis

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    Objective: To explore a possible connection between active viral infections and manifestation of Dermatomyositis (DM). Methods: Skeletal muscle biopsies were analyzed from patients diagnosed with juvenile (n=10) and adult (n=12) DM. Adult DM patients harbored autoantibodies against either TIF-1γ (n=7) or MDA5 (n=5). Additionally, we investigated skeletal muscle biopsies from non-diseased controls (NDC, n=5). We used an unbiased high-throughput sequencing (HTS) approach to detect viral sequences. To further increase sequencing depth, a host depletion approach was applied. Results: In this observational study, no relevant viral sequences were detected either by native sequencing or after host depletion. The absence of detectable viral sequences makes an active viral infection of the muscle tissue unlikely to be the cause of DM in our cohorts. Discussion: Type I interferons (IFN) play a major role in the pathogenesis of both juvenile and adult dermatomyositis (DM). The IFN response is remarkably conserved between DM subtypes classified by specific autoantibodies. Certain acute viral infections are accompanied by a prominent type I IFN response involving similar downstream mechanisms as in DM. Aiming to elucidate the pathogenesis of DM in skeletal muscle tissue, we used an untargeted high-throughput sequencing and a host depletion approach to detect possible causative viruses

    The Passive Yet Successful Way of Planktonic Life: Genomic and Experimental Analysis of the Ecology of a Free-Living Polynucleobacter Population

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    Background: The bacterial taxon Polynucleobacter necessarius subspecies asymbioticus represents a group of planktonic freshwater bacteria with cosmopolitan and ubiquitous distribution in standing freshwater habitats. These bacteria comprise,1 % to 70 % (on average about 20%) of total bacterioplankton cells in various freshwater habitats. The ubiquity of this taxon was recently explained by intra-taxon ecological diversification, i.e. specialization of lineages to specific environmental conditions; however, details on specific adaptations are not known. Here we investigated by means of genomic and experimental analyses the ecological adaptation of a persistent population dwelling in a small acidic pond. Findings: The investigated population (F10 lineage) contributed on average 11 % to total bacterioplankton in the pond during the vegetation periods (ice-free period, usually May to November). Only a low degree of genetic diversification of the population could be revealed. These bacteria are characterized by a small genome size (2.1 Mb), a relatively small number of genes involved in transduction of environmental signals, and the lack of motility and quorum sensing. Experiments indicated that these bacteria live as chemoorganotrophs by mainly utilizing low-molecular-weight substrates derived from photooxidation of humic substances. Conclusions: Evolutionary genome streamlining resulted in a highly passive lifestyle so far only known among free-living bacteria from pelagic marine taxa dwelling in environmentally stable nutrient-poor off-shore systems. Surprisingly, such a lifestyle is also successful in a highly dynamic and nutrient-richer environment such as the water column of the investigate

    The genomic and transcriptional landscape of primary central nervous system lymphoma

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    Primary lymphomas of the central nervous system (PCNSL) are mainly diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCLs) confined to the central nervous system (CNS). Molecular drivers of PCNSL have not been fully elucidated. Here, we profile and compare the whole-genome and transcriptome landscape of 51 CNS lymphomas (CNSL) to 39 follicular lymphoma and 36 DLBCL cases outside the CNS. We find recurrent mutations in JAK-STAT, NFkB, and B-cell receptor signaling pathways, including hallmark mutations in MYD88 L265P (67%) and CD79B (63%), and CDKN2A deletions (83%). PCNSLs exhibit significantly more focal deletions of HLA-D (6p21) locus as a potential mechanism of immune evasion. Mutational signatures correlating with DNA replication and mitosis are significantly enriched in PCNSL. TERT gene expression is significantly higher in PCNSL compared to activated B-cell (ABC)-DLBCL. Transcriptome analysis clearly distinguishes PCNSL and systemic DLBCL into distinct molecular subtypes. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)+ CNSL cases lack recurrent mutational hotspots apart from IG and HLA-DRB loci. We show that PCNSL can be clearly distinguished from DLBCL, having distinct expression profiles, IG expression and translocation patterns, as well as specific combinations of genetic alterations

    Silvanigrella aquatica gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a freshwater lake, description of Silvanigrellaceae fam. nov. and Silvanigrellales ord. nov., reclassification of the order Bdellovibrionales in the class Oligoflexia, reclassification of the families Bacteriovoracaceae and Halobacteriovoraceae in the new order Bacteriovoracales ord. nov., and reclassification of the family Pseudobacteriovoracaceae in the order Oligoflexales.

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    The unusual chemo-organoheterotrophic proteobacterial strain MWH-Nonnen-W8redT was isolated from a lake located in the Black Forest (Schwarzwald), Germany, by using the filtration-acclimatization method. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence of the strain could not provide clear hints on classification of the strain in one of the current classes of the phylum Proteobacteria. Whole-genome sequencing resulted in a genome size of 3.5 Mbp and revealed a quite low DNA G+C content of 32.6 mol%. In-depth phylogenetic analyses based on alignments of 74 protein sequences of a phylogenetically broad range of taxa suggested assignment of the strain to a new order of the class Oligoflexia. These analyses also suggested that the order Bdellovibrionales should be transferred from the class Deltaproteobacteria to the class Oligoflexia, that this order should be split into two orders, and that the family Pseudobacteriovoracaceae should be transferred from the order Bdellovibrionales to the order Oligoflexales. We propose to establish for strain MWH-Nonnen-W8redT (=DSM 23856T=CCUG 58639T) the novel species and genus Silvanigrella aquatica gen. nov., sp. nov. to be placed in the new family Silvanigrellaceae fam. nov. of the new order Silvanigrellales ord. nov

    Zwartia hollandica gen. nov., sp. nov., Jezberella montanilacus gen. nov., sp. nov. and Sheuella amnicola gen. nov., comb. nov., representing the environmental GKS98 (betIII) cluster

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    We present two strains affiliated with the GKS98 cluster. This phylogenetically defined cluster is representing abundant, mainly uncultured freshwater bacteria, which were observed by many cultivation-independent studies on the diversity of bacteria in various freshwater lakes and streams. Bacteria affiliated with the GKS98 cluster were detected by cultivation-independent methods in freshwater systems located in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. The two strains, LF4-65T (=CCUG 56422T=DSM 107630T) and MWH-P2sevCIIIbT (=CCUG 56420T=DSM 107629T), are aerobic chemoorganotrophs, both with genome sizes of 3.2 Mbp and G+C values of 52.4 and 51.0 mol%, respectively. Phylogenomic analyses based on concatenated amino acid sequences of 120 proteins suggest an affiliation of the two strains with the family Alcaligenaceae and revealed Orrella amnicola and Orrella marina (= Algicoccus marinus) as being the closest related, previously described species. However, the calculated phylogenomic trees clearly suggest that the current genus Orrella represents a polyphyletic taxon. Based on the branching order in the phylogenomic trees, as well as the revealed phylogenetic distances and chemotaxonomic traits, we propose to establish the new genus Zwartia gen. nov. and the new species Z. hollandica sp. nov. to harbour strain LF4-65T and the new genus Jezberella gen. nov. and the new species J. montanila-cus sp. nov. to harbour strain MWH-P2sevCIIIbT. Furthermore, we propose the reclassification of the species Orrella amnicola in the new genus Sheuella gen. nov. The new genera Zwartia, Jezberella and Sheuella together represent taxonomically the GKS98 cluster

    The Oncolytic Adenovirus XVir-N-31, in Combination with the Blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 Axis, Conveys Abscopal Effects in a Humanized Glioblastoma Mouse Model

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is an obligatory lethal brain tumor with a median survival, even with the best standard of care therapy, of less than 20 months. In light of this fact, the evaluation of new GBM treatment approaches such as oncolytic virotherapy (OVT) is urgently needed. Based on our preliminary preclinical data, the YB-1 dependent oncolytic adenovirus (OAV) XVir-N-31 represents a promising therapeutic agent to treat, in particular, therapy resistant GBM. Preclinical studies have shown that XVir-N-31 prolonged the survival of GBM bearing mice. Now using an immunohumanized mouse model, we examined the immunostimulatory effects of XVir-N-31 in comparison to the wildtype adenovirus (Ad-WT). Additionally, we combined OVT with the inhibition of immune checkpoint proteins by using XVir-N-31 in combination with nivolumab, or by using a derivate of XVir-N-31 that expresses a PD-L1 neutralizing antibody. Although in vitro cell killing was higher for Ad-WT, XVir-N-31 induced a much stronger immunogenic cell death that was further elevated by blocking PD-1 or PD-L1. In vivo, an intratumoral injection of XVir-N-31 increased tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and NK cells significantly more than Ad-WT not only in the virus-injected tumors, but also in the untreated tumors growing in the contralateral hemisphere. This suggests that for an effective treatment of GBM, immune activating properties by OAVs seem to be of greater importance than their oncolytic capacity. Furthermore, the addition of immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) to OVT further induced lymphocyte infiltration. Consequently, a significant reduction in contralateral non-virus-injected tumors was only visible if OVT was combined with ICI. This strongly indicates that for an effective eradication of GBM cells that cannot be directly targeted by an intratumoral OV injection, additional ICI therapy is required

    Variability of genomic traits among genome-sequenced members of the family <i>Burkholderiaceae</i>.

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    <p>The depicted traits are the total number of ORFs, G+C content of the genomes, percentage of CDS encoding signal peptides, transmembrane domains, genes assigned to Enzyme Commission (EC) number classes, proteins assigned to protein families (Pfam), proteins assigned to KEGG categories, and proteins involved in signal transduction. For most traits, 78 genomes of strains affiliated with the family were analyzed using the IMG system <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032772#pone.0032772-Markowitz1" target="_blank">[24]</a>. The sole exception is the analysis of signal transduction genes, which was performed using the MIST2 database <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032772#pone.0032772-Ulrich1" target="_blank">[69]</a>, which provided data on 37 strains affiliated with the <i>Burkholderiaceae</i>. For all depicted parameters, all available genomes of family members were considered but not the genome of the endosymbiotic <i>Polynucleobacter</i> strain STIR1. Data of strain QLW-P1DMWA-1 are indicated as red dots.</p

    Gene number of bacterial genomes versus number of encoded signal transduction genes.

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    <p>The plot depicts the total number of annotated signal transduction genes in particular bacterial genomes versus the total number of genes of the respective genomes. Data on <i>Archaea</i> are not shown, and multiple genomes per species or species-like taxa were excluded. Strain <i>P. necessarius</i> QLW-P1DMWA-1 is highlighted as a yellow dot. (A) Entire data set consisting of 904 analyzed bacterial genomes. Red dots indicate bacteria obligately associated as symbionts or pathogens with a host; blue dots indicate free-living or facultative host-associated bacteria. (B) Plot of genomes of bacteria classified as free-living or facultative host-associated (shown in (A) as blue dots) with ≤100 signal transduction genes. All blue dots represent bacteria either facultatively associated with hosts (e.g., dwelling in the oral cavity or in the intestinal tract) or dwelling as free-living organisms in extreme environments (permanently anoxic, low or high temperature, low pH). The yellow (strain QLW-P1DMWA-1) and the green dots represent the only exclusively free-living taxa inhabiting non-extreme systems. Almost all of them are phototrophic (<i>Synechococcus</i> and <i>Prochlorococcus</i>) or predominantly heterotrophic taxa (<i>Pelagibacter</i> and <i>Puniceispirillum</i>) dwelling as planktonic bacteria in marine systems. The signal transduction gene data were obtained from the database MIST2 <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032772#pone.0032772-Ulrich1" target="_blank">[69]</a>.</p