6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of genetic differentiation of autochthonous sloe (Prunus spinosa, Rosaceae) populations across Germany using molecular markers

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    Background and aims – Sloe is a woody plant often used for plantings in the open landscape in Germany. As the use of autochthonous plant material is now required by the new German Nature Conservation Act six regions of origin have been designated according to eco-geographical parameters. As little is known about the actual genetic situation of most species affected by the new law we investigate the genetic diversity/differentiation of autochthonous sloe populations across Germany and discuss our findings with respect to conservation law and its practical implication.Methods – Fifteen autochthonous populations of sloe from all officially designated regions of origin were analysed using a highly reproducible high-annealing-temperature (HAT-) RAPD protocol. Genetic differentiation was assessed using distance based and Bayesian approaches.Key results – General heterozygosity detected within the populations was in the same range as described for other woody species (he 0.171?0.213). While the observed values of genetic differentiation between populations varied considerably (F ST 0.025?0.226) the majority was found in the moderate range. Only two moderately differentiated genetic clusters were identified for sloe in Germany.Conclusions – Moderate genetic differentiation was observed between the two main clusters of sloe populations in Germany. Here, no strong evidence was found for isolation by distance (IBD) or by adaption (IBA). The genetic constitution of sloe populations across Germany rather seems to support isolation by colonialization (IBC) as the main driver of the moderate genetic differentiation in this species. The observed genetic differentiation and the geographic location of the identified genetic clusters only partially coincide with the designated regions of origin defined by German authorities for the implementation of the Nature Conservation Act. In our opinion, those regions can only be considered a first step in the preservation of genetic diversity. Upon availability of data on genetic structure and differentiation in a given species, the regions of origin should gradually be adapted to reflect those structures for each analysed species

    Evaluation of genetic differentiation of autochthonous sloe (Prunus spinosa, Rosaceae) populations across Germany using molecular markers

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    Background and aims – Sloe is a woody plant often used for plantings in the open landscape in Germany. As the use of autochthonous plant material is now required by the new German Nature Conservation Act six regions of origin have been designated according to eco-geographical parameters. As little is known about the actual genetic situation of most species affected by the new law we investigate the genetic diversity/differentiation of autochthonous sloe populations across Germany and discuss our findings with respect to conservation law and its practical implication.Methods – Fifteen autochthonous populations of sloe from all officially designated regions of origin were analysed using a highly reproducible high-annealing-temperature (HAT-) RAPD protocol. Genetic differentiation was assessed using distance based and Bayesian approaches.Key results – General heterozygosity detected within the populations was in the same range as described for other woody species (he 0.171–0.213). While the observed values of genetic differentiation between populations varied considerably (F ST 0.025–0.226) the majority was found in the moderate range. Only two moderately differentiated genetic clusters were identified for sloe in Germany.Conclusions – Moderate genetic differentiation was observed between the two main clusters of sloe populations in Germany. Here, no strong evidence was found for isolation by distance (IBD) or by adaption (IBA). The genetic constitution of sloe populations across Germany rather seems to support isolation by colonialization (IBC) as the main driver of the moderate genetic differentiation in this species. The observed genetic differentiation and the geographic location of the identified genetic clusters only partially coincide with the designated regions of origin defined by German authorities for the implementation of the Nature Conservation Act. In our opinion, those regions can only be considered a first step in the preservation of genetic diversity. Upon availability of data on genetic structure and differentiation in a given species, the regions of origin should gradually be adapted to reflect those structures for each analysed species


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    cpDNA data: nucleotide sequences at 8 differentiating loci in two chloroplast regions observed in 236 individuals from 30 populations (as described in Methods & Materials, Table 1, Fig. 6 and Supplementary Material)

    Data from: Revisiting the provenance delineation of a widespread shrub, Frangula alnus—the role of spatial, temporal and environmental patterns

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    Including population genetic aspects into the selection of planting material within the framework of conservation and restoration measures is of vital importance for the long-term persistence of populations. This is especially true facing climate change since genetic diversity and the spread of potentially beneficial alleles are important for the adaptability of populations. Therefore, knowledge about genetic variability within and between populations is a critical aspect when determining provenance regions. In our study, we investigated the population genetic structure of a widespread, insect-pollinated and mainly bird-dispersed shrub species, Frangula alnus, on the basis of seven microsatellites and two chloroplast DNA markers throughout Germany. The aim was to determine the spatial, temporal and ecological processes genetically structuring populations to critically revise existing provenance regions. Therefore, we conducted analyses on different spatial scales (country-wide, regional and local) using the two different marker sets in addition to environmental variables. We detected distinct patterns on all spatial scales which indicated influences of historic recolonization processes, regional differences of seed dispersal across the landscape, as well as small-scale spatial genetic structures attributable to local dispersal processes. No relation of underlying environmental gradients such as temperature or precipitation and genetic patterns was found. We conclude that different aspects of historic and more recent gene flow shape population genetic structures and that a thorough analysis on a variety of spatial, temporal and environmental scales is necessary to appropriately select planting material for conservation and restoration measures. Correspondingly, management advice regarding provenance delineations will be provided


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