60 research outputs found

    Parent psychoeducation groups in the treatment of adolescents with eating disorders

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    Eltern von an einer Essstörung erkrankten Kindern und Jugendlichen sind häufig hochgradig emotional belastet, was die Entwicklung dysfunktionaler Reaktionsweisen innerhalb der Familie begünstigen kann. Wir berichten über eine seit fünf Jahren an unserer Klinik durchgeführte Gruppen-Psychoedukation für Eltern von 153 Patientinnen mit Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa. Eine zum Gruppenabschluss durchgeführte Befragung zeigt, dass die teilnehmenden Eltern das Angebot überwiegend als hilfreich für die Bewältigung der mit der Essstörung verbundenen Probleme erleben.(DIPF/Orig.)Parents of adolescents with eating disorders show high levels of emotional distress, which may contribute to less functional coping with the illness of their child. In our department a psychoeducational group program is been offered to the parents of 153 children and adolescents with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. According to their own reports parents are highly interested in gaining information about the eating disorder and appreciate this means of support to help them to cope with the illness of their child.(DIPF/Orig.

    Es war einmal eine Website... - Kooperative Webarchivierung in der Praxis

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    Die Webarchivierung hat sich seit Ende der 1990er Jahre zu einem neuen Handlungsfeld für Bibliotheken entwickelt. Der Beitrag erläutert kurz die Bedeutung der Sammlung und dauerhaften Zugänglichmachung von Websites durch öffentliche Gedächtnisinstitutionen und beleuchtet die wichtigsten technischen Grundlagen sowie die derzeit in Deutschland geltenden rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Am Beispiel des Vorgehens der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek werden die Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen der Webarchivierung praxisnah illustriert, zudem beschreibt auch die Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky ihre Voraussetzungen, Anforderungen und Ziele bei der Archivierung von Websites. Der abschließende Ausblick auf ein aktuell laufendes und von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördertes Projekt zeigt, wie eine kooperative Nutzung von Infrastrukturen für die Webarchivierung umgesetzt werden kann.Web archiving has developed into a new field of action for libraries since the late 1990s. The article briefly explains the significance of the collection of and provision of permanent access to websites by public memory institutions and sheds light on the most relevant technological basics as well as the legal framework currently applicable in Germany. Exemplified by the approach of the Bavarian State Library, experiences and challenges of web archiving are illustrated with a practical emphasis. In addition to this the State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky also describes their requirements, needs and goals for archiving websites. In conclusion, a perspective on a currently ongoing project funded by the German Research Foundation shows, how a cooperative use of infrastructure for Web archiving can be implemented successfully

    Migration background and juvenile mental health: a descriptive retrospective analysis of diagnostic rates of psychiatric disorders in young people

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    Introduction: This article presents diagnostic rates for specific mental disorders in a German pediatric inpatient population over a period of 20 years with respect to migration background and socioeconomic status (SES).Methods: Diagnostic data were obtained over a period of 20 years from 8,904 patients who visited a child and adolescent psychiatry mental health service in Germany. Data from 5,985 diagnosed patients (ICD-9 and ICD-10 criteria) were included with respect to gender, migration background, and SES.Results: Migration- and gender-specific effects were found for both periods of assessment. The group of boys with a migration background showed significantly higher rates of reactions to severe stress, adjustment disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder compared to their male, non-migrant counterparts. Conversely, boys without a migration background showed a significantly higher percentage rate of hyperkinetic disorders than male migrants. Similar results were found for female migrants in the latter assessment period (ICD-10). In addition, female migrants showed lower rates of emotional disorders whose onset occurs in childhood compared to their non-migrant counterparts.Conclusions: Data from this investigation provide preliminary evidence that the prevalence of various psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents is influenced by migration background and SES

    Electrothermal analogy of thermostat for needle heaters

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    The objective of calibrating module in local hyperthermia complex is to maintain needle heaters' temperature on certain level. Electrothermal analogy method allows to transform calculating of thermal systems into calculating of electronic schemes. Using this method, we get a transition function of regulated asset, which can be used to calculate automatic control system

    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 17: Report of a family with reduced penetrance of an unstable Gln(49 )TBP allele, haplotype analysis supporting a founder effect for unstable alleles and comparative analysis of SCA17 genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 17 (SCA17), a neurodegenerative disorder in man, is caused by an expanded polymorphic polyglutamine-encoding trinucleotide repeat in the gene for TATA-box binding protein (TBP), a main transcription factor. Observed pathogenic expansions ranged from 43 – 63 glutamine (Gln) codons (Gln(43–63)). Reduced penetrance is known for Gln(43–48 )alleles. In the vast majority of families with SCA17 an expanded CAG repeat interrupted by a CAA CAG CAA element is inherited stably. RESULTS: Here, we report the first pedigree with a Gln(49 )allele that is a) not interrupted, b) unstable upon transmission, and c) associated with reduced penetrance or very late age of onset. The 76-year-old father of two SCA17 patients carries the Gln(49 )TBP allele but presents without obvious neurological symptoms. His children with Gln(53 )and Gln(52 )developed ataxia at the age of 41 and 50. Haplotype analysis of this and a second family both with uninterrupted expanded and unstable pathological SCA17 alleles revealed a common core genotype not present in the interrupted expansion of an unrelated SCA17 patient. Review of the literature did not present instability in SCA17 families with expanded alleles interrupted by the CAA CAG CAA element. CONCLUSION: The presence of a Gln(49 )SCA17 allele in an asymptomatic 76-year-old male reams the discussion of reduced penetrance and genotypes producing very late disease onset. In SCA17, uninterrupted expanded alleles of TBP are associated with repeat instability and a common founder haplotype. This suggests for uninterrupted expanded alleles a mutation mechanism and some clinical genetic features distinct from those alleles interrupted by a CAA CAG CAA element

    Medizinische Maßnahmen

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