94 research outputs found

    The Status and Function of English in Germany

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    English has, on the one hand, a guaranteed status in Germany as a general school subject and as a medium of instruction in a number of bilingual schools and in the “International Study Programmes” at university level. It is also established as the official business language of larger German companies. Beyond the legally established status, it is used in numerous formal or informal international contact situations. There is, on the other hand, a growing resistance against the spread of English in the country from the side of private organisations as well as parts of the German government. Nevertheless it seems likely that English will make further inroads into Germany. It may, in the long term, become more acceptable if it can be changed into a real pluricentric global language —which I have proposed to call “Globalish”— with generally accepted specific features for each linguistic background —French English, Ger- man English, etc.En Alemania el inglés posee ya un estatus garantizado como asignatura escolar y como medio de instrucción en cierto número de colegios bilingües, además de a nivel universitario en los denominados “Programas de estudio internacionales”. El inglés también se ha convertido en la lengua oficial de muchas de las grandes compañías alemanas. Junto con estos ámbitos, donde el uso del inglés ya está regulado, también se utiliza en otras numerosas situaciones de contacto internacional, tanto formales como informales. Sin embargo, en Alemania existe una creciente resistencia en contra de su expansión, tanto por parte de organizaciones privadas como de algunos sectores del gobierno. A pesar de ello, parece probable que el inglés siga difundiéndose en este país. A largo plazo, podría existir una mayor aceptación si se transformara en una lengua global pluricéntrica —a la que he pro- puesto llamar “Globalish”— con características específicas generalmente aceptables para cada uno de los diferentes bagajes lingüísticos —un inglés francés, un inglés alemán, etc

    Case Study of Effects of Mineral N Fertilization Amounts on Water Productivity in Rainfed Winter Rapeseed Cultivation on a Sandy Soil in Brandenburg (Germany) over Three Years

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    Detailed knowledge about farm management practices and related hydrological processes on water productivity is required to substantially increase the productivity of precipitation water use in agriculture. With this in mind, the effect of the nitrogen (N) fertilization level on water productivity of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was analyzed using a modeling approach and field measurements. In this first study of interception loss and water productivity in winter oilseed rape, the crop was cultivated in a field experiment on a sandy soil in Brandenburg (Germany) under five nitrogen fertilization treatments with 0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 kg mineral N ha−1 a−1. Based on data from three vegetation periods the water flows and the mass-based water productivity of seeds were calculated on a daily basis with the AgroHyd Farmmodel modeling software. As recommended from the recently developed guidelines of the FAO on water use in agriculture, the method water productivity was applied and uncertainties associated with the calculations were assessed. Economic profit-based water productivity (WPprofit) was calculated considering the costs of fertilization and the optimal level of N fertilization, which was determined based on a quadratic crop yield response function. Mean water productivity of seeds varied from 1.16 kg m−3 for the unfertilized control sample to 2.00 kg m−3 under the highest fertilization rate. N fertilization had a clearly positive effect on WPprofit. However, fertilizer application rates above 120 kg N ha−1 a−1 led to only marginal increases in yields. Water productivity of seeds under the highest fertilization rate was only insignificantly higher than under medium application rates. The optimum N level for the maximal WPprofit identified here was higher with 216 kg N ha−1 a−1. The conclusion is that further research is needed to investigate the interaction between fertilization and other farm management practices.Bundesministerium für Ernährung und LandwirtschaftPeer Reviewe

    Informationstechnologische Vernetzung, ökologische Innovationen und soziale Standards in der textilen Kette: zu den Voraussetzungen eines ökologischen Informations- und Kommunikationsnetzwerkes in der textilen Kette - Hintergrundinformationen und Orientierungen

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    "Dieser Bericht dokumentiert wesentliche Arbeitsergebnisse der Sozialforschungsstelle aus dem EU- und landesgeförderten ADAPT-Projekt 'Aufbau eines ökologischen Kommunikations- und Informationsnetzwerkes in der textilen Kette' (TexWeb). Ziel dieser Dokumentation ist es, Praktikern aus Verbänden und Unternehmen der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie Hintergrundinformationen und Orientierungshilfen hinsichtlich der Nutzung von modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien insbesondere beim Einstieg in die Business-to-Business-Kommunikation zu vermitteln; Anwendung textilbezogener ökologischer und sozialer Standards in Industrie und Handel zu geben. In einem dritten Schwerpunkt des Berichtes werden die Resultate eines Diskurses mit den europäischen Projektpartnern über ökologische Innovationsprozesse präsentiert. Mit seiner thematischen Ausrichtung steht der Bericht im Kontext der zentralen Fragestellungen des Forschungsbereiches 'Umweltinnovationen und Modernisierung' an der Sozialforschungsstelle. Unter einer anwendungsorientierten Perspektive wird in diesem Bereich angestrebt, gesellschaftliche Modernisierungsprozesse mit Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit zu verknüpfen." (Textauszug

    Diclofenac does not interact with codeine metabolism in vivo: A study in healthy volunteers

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    BACKGROUND: Previously, we have demonstrated a marked inhibition of codeine glucuronidation by diclofenac in human liver tissue homogenate. We therefore aimed to investigate whether diclofenac inhibits glucuronidation of codeine also in vivo in healthy volunteers. METHODS: In a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over study, 12 healthy volunteers received a singe of 100 mg codeine phosphate plus 50 mg diclofenac sodium or codeine phosphate plus placebo. Over a 36 hour period serum concentrations of codeine and its metabolites as well as urinary excretion were analysed using LC-mass spectrometry. Side effects were recorded and analgesic efficacy was determined using the cold pressor test (0–6 h). RESULTS: A single dose of diclofenac did not alter the formation of codeine-6-glucuronide in healthy volunteers. Metabolic clearance of codeine to morphine was not affected by diclofenac. In terms of side effects, both treatments were well tolerated. Diclofenac did not significantly influence the analgesic effects of codeine in the cold pressor test. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to recent in vitro data, a single oral dose of diclofenac did not alter the glucuronidation of codeine in healthy volunteers

    Functional relationship of particulate matter (PM) emissions, animal species, and moisture content during manure application

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    Livestock manure is recycled to agricultural land as organic fertilizer. Due to the extensive usage of antibiotics in conventional animal farming, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are highly prevalent in feces and manure. The spread of wind-driven particulate matter (PM) with potentially associated harmful bacteria through manure application may pose a threat to environmental and human health. We studied whether PM was aerosolized during the application of solid and dried livestock manure and the functional relationship between PM release, manure dry matter content (DM), treatment and animal species. In parallel, manure and resulting PM were investigated for the survival of pathogenic and antibiotic-resistant bacterial species. The results showed that from manure with a higher DM smaller particles were generated and more PM was emitted. A positive correlation between manure DM and PM aerosolization rate was observed. There was a species-dependent critical dryness level (poultry: 60% DM, pig: 80% DM) where manure began to release PM into the environment. The maximum PM emission potentials were 1 and 3 kg t(-1) of applied poultry and pig manure, respectively. Dried manure and resulting PM contained strongly reduced amounts of investigated pathogenic and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms compared to fresh samples. An optimal manure DM regarding low PM emissions and reduced pathogen viability was defined from our results, which was 55-70% DM for poultry manure and 75-85% DM for pig manure. The novel findings of this study increase our detailed understanding and basic knowledge on manure PM emissions and enable optimization of manure management, aiming a manure DM that reduces PM emissions and pathogenic release into the environment

    Particulate matter emissions during field application of poultry manure - The influence of moisture content and treatment

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    Along with industry and transportation, agriculture is one of the main sources of primary particulate matter (PM) emissions worldwide. Bioaerosol formation and PM release during livestock manure field application and the associated threats to environmental and human health are rarely investigated. In the temperate climate zone, field fertilization with manure seasonally contributes to local PM air pollution regularly twice per year (spring and autumn). Measurements in a wind tunnel, in the field and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed to analyze PM aerosolization during poultry manure application and the influence of manure moisture content and treatment. A positive correlation between manure dry matter content (DM) and PM release was observed. Therefore, treatments strongly increasing the DM of poultry manure should be avoided. However, high manure DM led to reduced microbial abundance and, therefore, to a lower risk of environmental pathogen dispersion. Considering the findings of PM and microbial measurements, the optimal poultry manure DM range for field fertilization was identified as 50–70%. Maximum PM10 concentrations of approx. 10 mg per m3 of air were measured during the spreading of dried manure (DM 80%), a concentration that is classified as strongly harmful. The modeling of PM aerosolization processes indicated a low health risk beyond a distance of 400 m from the manure application source. The detailed knowledge about PM aerosolization during manure field application was improved with this study, enabling manure management optimization for lower PM aerosolization and pathogenic release into the environment