101 research outputs found

    SUMO Modification: Wrestling with Protein Conformation

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    SUMO modification of human thymine-DNA glycosylase facilitates the processing of base excision repair substrates by an unusual mechanism: while leaving the catalytic center unaffected, it induces product release by eliciting a conformational change in the enzyme

    Mechanistic analysis of PCNA poly-ubiquitylation by the ubiquitin protein ligases Rad18 and Rad5

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    Poly-ubiquitylation is a common post-translational modification that can impart various functions to a target protein. Several distinct mechanisms have been reported for the assembly of poly-ubiquitin chains, involving either stepwise transfer of ubiquitin monomers or attachment of a preformed poly-ubiquitin chain and requiring either a single pair of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) and ubiquitin ligase (E3), or alternatively combinations of different E2s and E3s. We have analysed the mechanism of poly-ubiquitylation of the replication clamp PCNA by two cooperating E2–E3 pairs, Rad6–Rad18 and Ubc13–Mms2–Rad5. We find that the two complexes act sequentially and independently in chain initiation and stepwise elongation, respectively. While loading of PCNA onto DNA is essential for recognition by Rad6–Rad18, chain extension by Ubc13–Mms2–Rad5 is only slightly enhanced by loading. Moreover, in contrast to initiation, chain extension is tolerant to variations in the attachment site of the proximal ubiquitin moiety. Our results provide information about a unique conjugation mechanism that appears to be specialised for a regulatable pattern of dual modification

    The RING finger ATPase Rad5p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contributes to DNA double-strand break repair in a ubiquitin-independent manner

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    Tolerance to replication-blocking DNA lesions is achieved by means of ubiquitylation of PCNA, the processivity clamp for replicative DNA polymerases, by components of the RAD6 pathway. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the ubiquitin ligase (E3) responsible for polyubiquitylation of the clamp is the RING finger protein Rad5p. Interestingly, the RING finger, responsible for the protein's E3 activity, is embedded in a conserved DNA-dependent ATPase domain common to helicases and chromatin remodeling factors of the SWI/SNF family. Here, we demonstrate that the Rad5p ATPase domain provides the basis for a function of the protein in DNA double-strand break repair via a RAD52- and Ku-independent pathway mediated by the Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 protein complex. This activity is distinct and separable from the contribution of the RING domain to ubiquitin conjugation to PCNA. Moreover, we show that the Rad5 protein physically associates with the single-stranded DNA regions at a processed double-strand break in vivo. Our observations suggest that Rad5p is a multifunctional protein that—by means of independent enzymatic activities inherent in its RING and ATPase domains—plays a modulating role in the coordination of repair events and replication fork progression in response to various different types of DNA lesions

    Contributions of ubiquitin- and PCNA-binding domains to the activity of Polymerase η in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Bypassing of DNA lesions by damage-tolerant DNA polymerases depends on the interaction of these enzymes with the monoubiquitylated form of the replicative clamp protein, PCNA. We have analyzed the contributions of ubiquitin and PCNA binding to damage bypass and damage-induced mutagenesis in Polymerase η (encoded by RAD30) from the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We report here that a ubiquitin-binding domain provides enhanced affinity for the ubiquitylated form of PCNA and is essential for in vivo function of the polymerase, but only in conjunction with a basal affinity for the unmodified clamp, mediated by a conserved PCNA interaction motif. We show that enhancement of the interaction and function in damage tolerance does not depend on the ubiquitin attachment site within PCNA. Like its mammalian homolog, budding yeast Polymerase η itself is ubiquitylated in a manner dependent on its ubiquitin-binding domain

    SNM1A is crucial for efficient repair of complex DNA breaks in human cells

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), such as those produced by radiation and radiomimetics, are amongst the most toxic forms of cellular damage, in part because they involve extensive oxidative modifications at the break termini. Prior to completion of DSB repair, the chemically modified termini must be removed. Various DNA processing enzymes have been implicated in the processing of these dirty ends, but molecular knowledge of this process is limited. Here, we demonstrate a role for the metallo-β-lactamase fold 5′−3′ exonuclease SNM1A in this vital process. Cells disrupted for SNM1A manifest increased sensitivity to radiation and radiomimetic agents and show defects in DSB damage repair. SNM1A is recruited and is retained at the sites of DSB damage via the concerted action of its three highly conserved PBZ, PIP box and UBZ interaction domains, which mediate interactions with poly-ADP-ribose chains, PCNA and the ubiquitinated form of PCNA, respectively. SNM1A can resect DNA containing oxidative lesions induced by radiation damage at break termini. The combined results reveal a crucial role for SNM1A to digest chemically modified DNA during the repair of DSBs and imply that the catalytic domain of SNM1A is an attractive target for potentiation of radiotherapy

    Long non-coding RNA PCAT19 safeguards DNA in quiescent endothelial cells by preventing uncontrolled phosphorylation of replication protein A2

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    In healthy vessels, endothelial cells maintain a stable, differentiated, and growth-arrested phenotype for years. Upon injury, a rapid phenotypic switch facilitates proliferation to restore tissue perfusion. Here we report the identification of the endothelial cell-enriched long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) PCAT19, which contributes to the proliferative switch and acts as a safeguard for the endothelial genome. PCAT19 is enriched in confluent, quiescent endothelial cells and binds to the full replication protein A (RPA) complex in a DNA damage- and cell-cycle-related manner. Our results suggest that PCAT19 limits the phosphorylation of RPA2, primarily on the serine 33 (S33) residue, and thereby facilitates an appropriate DNA damage response while slowing cell cycle progression. Reduction in PCAT19 levels in response to either loss of cell contacts or knockdown promotes endothelial proliferation and angiogenesis. Collectively, PCAT19 acts as a dynamic guardian of the endothelial genome and facilitates rapid switching from quiescence to proliferation

    SUMO modification of PCNA is controlled by DNA

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    Post-translational modification by the ubiquitin-like protein SUMO is often regulated by cellular signals that restrict the modification to appropriate situations. Nevertheless, many SUMO-specific ligases do not exhibit much target specificity, and—compared with the diversity of sumoylation substrates—their number is limited. This raises the question of how SUMO conjugation is controlled in vivo. We report here an unexpected mechanism by which sumoylation of the replication clamp protein, PCNA, from budding yeast is effectively coupled to S phase. We find that loading of PCNA onto DNA is a prerequisite for sumoylation in vivo and greatly stimulates modification in vitro. To our surprise, however, DNA binding by the ligase Siz1, responsible for PCNA sumoylation, is not strictly required. Instead, the stimulatory effect of DNA on conjugation is mainly attributable to DNA binding of PCNA itself. These findings imply a change in the properties of PCNA upon loading that enhances its capacity to be sumoylated

    Design principles in housing for people with complex physical and cognitive disability: towards an integrated framework for practice

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    To develop a research-based environmental framework to guide the design and construction of suitable residential dwellings for individuals with complex disability. An environmental approach to housing design and development recognises that there are physical, psychological and social components relating to housing design, dwelling location and the neighbourhood context, and that these elements interact to affect the physical, psychological, and social wellness of individuals. Following theoretical review and synthesis, a comprehensive set of design features that are conducive to residents’ wellness and quality of life are described. It is clear that housing design and development for people with complex disability ought to consider the physical, social, natural, symbolic, and care environment in relation to housing design, dwelling location, and the neighbourhood context for improved housing outcomes. An integrated housing design and development framework is presented. It is hoped this practical matrix/evaluative tool will inform future inclusive housing design and development decisions in Australia and internationally. The application of this framework is especially relevant to political climates striving to achieve design innovation to increase housing choice for people with complex disability