674 research outputs found

    Metakognitive UrteilsfÀhigkeit und die metakognitive Komponente selbstregulierten Lernens. Ein personenorientierter, multimethodaler Ansatz

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    Metacognitive judgments as part of metacognitive monitoring can be measured using different methods and show individual differences. Moreover, metacognitive judgments are highly related to the metacognitive component of self-regulated learning (SRL-MC). Nevertheless, it is unclear how metacognitive judgments are related to different ways of measuring SRL-MC. Adopting a person-oriented, multimethod approach, we measured three metacognitive judgment forms in a sample of 99 college students. Latent profile analyses resulted in four groups with differing profiles of these metacognitive judgment measures. Linking the profiles to performance, we could contextualize them within the unskilled- and unaware-effect and extend previous research on this effect. Regarding their relationship to SRL-MC, we found no differences for questionnaire values, microanalysis results, and strategy knowledge scores. These results are discussed with regard to the conceptual overlap of metacognitive judgments and SRL-MC.Metakognitive UrteilsfĂ€higkeit als eine Komponente metakognitiven Monitorings kann ĂŒber verschiedene Erfassungsmethoden gemessen werden und zeigt individuelle Unterschiede. DarĂŒberhinaus steht die metakogntive UrteilsfĂ€higkeit in engem Zusammenhang zur metakognitiven Komponente selbstregulierten Lernens (SRL-MC). Es ist jedoch unklar, wie die metakognitive UrteilsfĂ€higkeit mit verschiedenen Methoden zur Erfassung von SRL-MC zusammenhĂ€ngt. Im Rahmen eines personenorientierten multimethodalen Ansatzes wurden drei Formen der metakognitiven UrteilsfĂ€higkeit bei N = 99 Studierenden erhoben. Latente Profilanalysen ergaben vier Gruppen, die sich im Hinblick auf die Formen der metakognitiven UrteilsfĂ€higkeit sowie Leistung unterscheiden. Diese Profile können in Bezug auf den „unskilled and unaware“-Effekt kontextualisiert werden und erweiteren den bisherigen Forschungsstand zu diesem Effekt. Im Hinblick auf SRL-MC zeigten sich keine Unterschiede zwischen den Profilen in Fragebogenwerten, mikroanalytischen Erfassungen oder Scores des Strategiewissens. Die Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf die konzeptuelle Überschneidung von metakognitiver UrteilsfĂ€higkeit und SRL-MC diskutiert

    Externalisierende Verhaltensstörungen in der frĂŒhen Kindheit: Risikofaktoren und FrĂŒherkennnung

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    Comprehensive knowledge about origins and maintaining conditions of externalizing behavior disorders in early childhood provide many opportunities for an early identification and development of prevention and intervention approaches. The aim of this dissertation was first to give an overview of the current state of research on selected environmental and child-related risk and protective factors, which have an impact on childĂą s development from pregnancy to preschool age (publications I-III). Even though children with externalizing disorders also often show impairment in basic skills, there are few studies which assess children at preschool age. Therefore, the aim of one of our empirical studies was to investigate possible deficits in a number of different basic skills as potential predictors for externalizing behavior disorders in preschoolers (n=201; publication IV). The results show that the more severly children are impaired in their development, the more likely is it that they show also behavior problems. Especially deficiencies in social and emotional skills were closely associated with an increased risk of behavioral problems. Based on the findings from publications I to IV then the possibilities and limitations of an early identification were examined critically. The systematic observation and documentation of a child's education and learning processes by educational professionals constitutes an important access to the identification of children at risk. However, the methods used differ considerably in their psychometric quality. Therefore, in a further empirical study (publication V) 127 four- to six-year olds were investigated by applying the EBD 48 - 72 as well as other psychological instruments (SSV 4-6, KET-KID, SDQ). Findings suggest that the EBD 48-72 is a valid instrument which can be used to identify children with special needs. The present dissertation reveals the importance of preceding stages of development, the psychosocial situation and the psychological conditions of pregnant women should emphasized both in research and clinical practice. The results of our work also indicate that further longitudinal studies are needed to examine early impairment in different areas of development in children with externalizing behavior disorder. These early impairment should be considered essential in the diagnostic process as well as in preventional and interventional settings

    Differential development and trainability of self-regulatory abilities among preschoolers

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    Self-regulation (SR) as well as self-regulated learning (SRL) show large interindividual variance in preschoolers. This variance may result in differential developmental trajectories. The present study aims to investigate whether a reduction in interindividual differences over time, which could previously be found for preschoolers' SR, is also present for SRL. Furthermore, the present study aims to explore whether preschool SRL training transfers to SR and whether training effects visible in SRL depend on initial performance. A sample of 94 preschoolers participated in this intervention study. Children were assigned to either a training group or to an active control group. Additionally, the sample was divided into high- and low-SRL preschoolers based on pretest SRL performance. Repeated measures ANCOVAs revealed that in the active control group, differences between high- and low-SRL preschoolers decreased over time. The training group showed a greater increase in SRL than the active control group. Training-induced increases did not vary between high- and low-SRL preschoolers. Additionally, increases in SR were identical for training and active control group. Further research on the transferability of preschool SRL training to SR is needed

    Self-regulated learning as a mediator of the relation between executive functions and preschool academic competence

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    Executive functions (EF) and self-regulated learning (SRL) are processes for the goal-directed control of cognition and (learning) behavior that positively affect academic outcomes. Based on the finding that EF form the developmental basis for SRL, this study tested a model that assumes SRL as a mediator of the relationship between preschool EF and academic competence. Previous studies that found evidence for this mediation considered as predictors cool EF, which are important in emotionally neutral situations. However, since (pre) school-based learning is also associated with motivational incentives (e.g., praise from teachers and educators), this study aimed to test the validity of the above-mentioned mediation model using as predictors hot EF, which are important in emotional–motivational contexts. To this end, the constructs included in the model were crosssectionally examined using performance measures and parent ratings in a sample of n = 77 German preschoolers (Mage = 71.61 months, SD = 4.13; 51.9 % girls). Results show that SRL mediates the relationship between hot EF and academic competence. Methodological limitations of the present study and implications for research and practice are discussed

    Erhöhte basale Serumtryptasekonzentration oder Mastozytose als Risikofaktor der Hymenopterengiftallergie Leitlinie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Allergologie und Klinische Immunologie (DGAKI) (AWMF-Leitlinie 061/018)

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    Hymenopterengift-allergische Patienten mit Mastzellerkrankung, das heißt Mastozytose und/oder erhöhtem basalen Serumtryptasespiegel, haben ein hohes Risiko schwerer, lebensbedrohender Stichreaktionen. Bei ihnen ist eine spezifische Immuntherapie mit Bienen- oder Wespengift besonders dringlich. Die Wirksamkeit der Hyposensibilisierung ist bei diesen Patienten grundsĂ€tzlich nicht eingeschrĂ€nkt. Allerdings benötigen sie hĂ€ufiger eine höhere Erhaltungsdosis als die Standarddosis von 100ÎŒg, so dass eine Therapiekontrolle durch Stichprovokation besonders wichtig ist. Bei Bienengifthyposensibilisierung, die weniger wirksam ist als Wespengifthyposensibilisierung, wird von vornherein eine Erhaltungsdosis von 200ÎŒg gegeben. Weiter ist bei Mastzellerkrankungen eine lebenslange FortfĂŒhrung der spezifischen Immuntherapie indiziert. Um das Vorliegen einer Mastzellerkrankung zu erkennen, sind vor allem eine sorgfĂ€ltige Inspektion der Haut hinsichtlich einer kutanen Mastozytose sowie die Messung der basalen Serumtryptasekonzentration erforderlich. Besteht eine Mastzellerkrankung, so sind weitere Untersuchungen nötig, um gegebenenfalls eine systemische Mastozytose zu erfasse

    Microstructure and Texture evolution during foil rolling of an extruded WE43 alloy

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    WE43 magnesium foils (thickness ≀ 200 ÎŒm) were successfully produced via hot rolling. The initially extruded material was heat treated at 450 °C for 2 h to achieve a more homogenous microstructure. Afterwards the sheets were hot rolled at 480 °C in two to five rolling passes to achieve a thickness less than 200 ÎŒm and finally heat treated (T5 and T6 heat treatment). Microstructural und texture evolution after foil rolling and the final heat treatment were investigated and the resulting mechanical properties were also evaluated. Therefore, the samples were quenched directly after foil rolling and the final heat treatment. The foil rolling led depending on the number of the rolling passes either to a deformation microstructure (two and three passes) or globular grains (four and five passes)

    Can Happiness change? An Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Investigation of the Dynamics of Happiness

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    None of the major basic questions social sciences are concerned with can satisfyingly be answered from the perspective of one discipline alone. Each of them proposes theories and perspectives that make unique and important contributions. At the same time theoretical perspectives in general inevitably do have their blind spots. This fundamental insight was the reason for us to choose as the motto for the 19th IACCP congress held in Bremen in 2008 “Crossing borders – (Cross-) Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Endeavor”. In this chapter we first want to illustrate this motto and our reasons for choosing it by reviewing recent research on one exemplary basic question of the social sciences: Can happiness change? We will cover findings across the social science disciplines in order to illustrate the benefits of interdisciplinary, multi-method investigations. This review will also reveal that the recent evidence violates traditional mono-disciplinary views on the respective question. After that, we will briefly introduce the contributions of this volume

    Rendering Borders Obsolete: Cross-Cultural and Cultural Psychology as an Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Endeavor

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    A peer-reviewed book based on presentations at the XIX Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2008, Bremen, Germany. (c) 2011, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychologyhttps://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/iaccp_proceedings/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Linking academic buoyancy and math achievement in secondary school students: Does academic self-efficacy play a role?

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    Academic buoyancy describes the ability to successfully overcome and recover from setbacks in an academic context (e.g., a poor grade, motivational dips, stress due to upcoming performance exams). This day-to-day form of academic resilience has recently been defined in the context of positive psychology. The present study aimed to gain insights into the mechanisms of academic buoyancy by predicting math achievement. Since there is already evidence that this relationship is rather indirect than direct, we were particularly interested in investigating a potential actor of an indirect effect, namely academic self-efficacy. For this purpose, n = 974 students at eleven secondary schools in southwestern Germany were surveyed through a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using a latent variable approach. The results of the study show that academic buoyancy is a significant predictor of math achievement and that this relation is explained through academic self-efficacy, even when controlling for gender. Implications for practice and further research are also discussed

    Sesquiterpene Cyclases from the Basidiomycete Cerrena unicolor

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    Hundreds of terpenoids have been isolated from Basidiomycota, among them are volatile mono- and sesquiterpenes with amazing sensory qualities, representing a promising alternative to essential oils from endangered plant species. Sesquiterpene synthases (STS) appear to be an abundant class of enzymes in these fungi. The basidiomycete Cerrena unicolor, a known sesquiterpene producer, was in silico screened for sesquiterpene cyclases via homology Basic Local Alignment Search Tool searches. Cyclase genes identified were cloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli Bl21 using pCOLD I as the expression vector. Ten cyclases were successfully produced and purified, and their identity was confirmed using amino acid sequencing of tryptic peptides by nano-liquid chromatography-high resolution-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis was applied to characterize these cyclases according to the formation of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxidized terpenoids. Bioinformatic characterization and phylogenetic determination allowed for the classification of these diverse fungal enzymes. A representative single and a multi-product STS, respectively, were further analyzed for their dependency from divalent metal cations as a cofactor for the catalytic activity
