379 research outputs found

    +MRT: Centralized Web Based Application for Managing Repetitive Tasks

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    Abstract—Task management is broadly classified as a process of managing and assigning different tasks to co-workers, employees or subordinates throughout the life cycle of a project via project managers. Tasks can be of various natures but more specifically we are referring here tasks that are used in the software industry. In this modern world, why a project manager has to assign a repetitive task to its team members repeatedly when a new project arrives. This research paper particularly addresses this issue of automatic task management. In this research we have investigated the problems regarding task management, that can occur during the life cycle of a project and presented a web application MRT which can be effectively served as a solution to those problems. Existing applications like Jira and Trello etc. are helping project managers to automate this process. However, we argue that they are still lacking in few aspects. After examining the existing tools, we felt that there are some problems in automatic task management which are not solved yet. We have solved the problems of task management via MRT. We claim that project managers can use MRT for automatic tasks assignments. MRT novel features, therefore, eliminates the need for human effort for repetitive tasks management. Another aspect of Task management is to provide global access to information regarding tasks status to different levels of employees in hierarchy such as manager, CEO, that helps them regarding taking strategic decisions about employees and further projects. MRT can be used as a safeguard against delays and missed deadlines. More precisely our contributions are i) An algorithm for assigning automatic tasks to employees based on their skill set. ii) Tracking of task dependencies that leads to successful project completion iii) Sub Tasks dependencies tracking that are essential to consider, for declaring a task as completed, pending or not completed. iv) Notification management for timely review of tasks. v). Task Tracking at various levels. vi) Priority-based task assignment vii) Additional feature of document storage viii) Creation of Executive Dashboard of the project to visualize the important metrics. ix) Usage of state of the art ASP.Net Web APIs which ensure the use of mobile apps for MRT x) Fresh API Tokens are sent on each call to enhance the security of MRT. xi) The creation of web services that allows integration of MRT data into various devices such as mobiles, tablets etc


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    This study target Health Insurance Program by government of KP, its budget allocation and utilization, level of awareness, and patient demographic profiles. The study also covers disease coverage and the minimum and maximum cost of the diseases. The study's population is the three major Medical Teaching Institutions (MTIs) of Peshawar. Sample of the study comprises 9,000 patients selected using purposive sampling approach from 2018 to 2020. The findings show that a lower average budget utilization ratio accounts for a lower level of public awareness. The study found that males dominate females by 55% in availing the Sehat Sahulat facility. The cardiac issue is the most common disease treated by the program. These findings are expected to assist policymakers in developing strategies for utilizing the program's resources. MTIs and insurance firms' managers may emphasize diseases cured and higher budget utilization ratios. Furthermore, policymakers may address less-covered areas and patient characteristics through awareness seminars to ensure the program's effectiveness. Finally, the study adds to the current literature by including imperial evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Pakistan in the program. Future studies may address comparative analysis of the said program with the other insurance coverage programs

    Spasmogenic, Spasmolytic and Chemical Screening of Cigarettes

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    The aqueous and ethanolic extracts derived from cigarettes (Morven Gold) were screened for chemicals, spasmogenic and spasmolytic activities. Aqueous extract showed strong relaxant activity that is, 92% against KCl induced contractions while ethanolic extract was found to be moderately spasmolytic (70%). Ethanolic extract was also found to have a strong spasmogenic activity, while aqueous extract depress the spasmogenic activity of pilocarpine induced contractions. Thus, the ethanoilc extract was found to be more efficient for spasmogenic activity while aqueous extract was noted to be more efficient for spasmolytic activity. The chemicals found in sufficient quantity in both the extracts were saponin and glycosides. It was also noted that tannins were present only in ethanolic extract in excess quantity. The research indicated clearly that cigarette is a good spasmolytic agent while the ethanolic extract has spasmogenic activity. Further studies are necessary to elucidate its exact mechanism of action.Keywords:Sapsmogenic, spasmolytic, chemical screening, cigaretteAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(39), pp. 5799-580

    Regression Model for Predicting Soaked CBR from UCC

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    ABSTRACT. Flexible pavement is a multi-layered structure with a subgrade layer acting as the pavement structure’s foundation. The performance and strength of soil for its use as a subgrade are ascertained by its California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value. CBR test is a technically extensive and labor-intensive mechanism that could cause delays in carrying out construction projects, which would raise the construction cost. Therefore, highway engineers need to design a predictive model for quick assessment of the CBR of subgrade soil. In this research, eight specimens of disturbed soil were obtained from Rawalpindi Division, Pakistan. All soil samples were subjected to laboratory testing and categorized according to the AASHTO soil Classification System. The specimens were subjected to soaked CBR, and unconfined compression tests based on Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) values, acquired from the Modified Proctor Compaction test. An empirical correlation between soaked CBR and unconfined compressive strength test is developed by the Suitable Trend-Line Method in Microsoft excel. From the single linear regression model, the value of the coefficient of correlation is found (0.98) indicating a very good correlation between soaked CBR and UCC strength test. Keywords: Regression Model, Correlation Coefficient, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), UCC strength

    Social Media and Pakistani Journalists: WhatsApp Usage for News and Ethical Performance

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    With the fast expansion and acceptance of the Social Media in Pakistan, it is observed that the traditional journalism has entered in a new avenue because social media not only facilitating networking platform for the communities but also it has also been becoming a source of news for the traditional media journalists. As previous studies discussed that social media including Twitter and Facebook become the important tool to disseminate the news. Previous researches are the evidence of the usage of social media as a news source however they also pointed out the questions of the credibility of the information provided by these social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and WhatsApp therefore the objective of this study is to find out how social media especially WhatsApp is being used as source of information for the journalists working in the traditional media and to what extent it is influencing the ethical performance of the journalists in Pakistan. This will be a qualitative study in which interview technique is employed and theoretical framework has been used based on the diffusion of innovation theory. Population of the study is all the news TV channels in Pakistan. Sample of the study will be ten field reporters and news room personnel from one private and one public main stream news TV channels of Pakistan. The results show that the Journalists, newsroom personnel and reporters use WhatsApp because of its extra ordinary features to enhance their reporting magnitude. Results also show that journalists and reporters ignore ethical rules and regulations during the reporting and in field even they are aware of rules and regulations of journalism. Keywords: Online media, journalists, news, diffusion of innovation, credibility, ethical performance, WhatsApp DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/88-02 Publication date: February 29th 202


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    Employees in the health sector perform their roles in highly stressful conditions. Multiple stressors at job influence their personal and professional life. The present research examined the moderating effect of social support between role stressors and outcomes. Sample consisted of 300 paramedics from 20 districts of Khyber Puhktoonkhwa (KPK) collected through stratified random sampling design. Organizational Role Stressor Scale Social Support Scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Job Satisfaction Scale and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire were used. Moderating Regression analysis revealed significant effect of organization stressors on outcomes among paramedics. The current investigation has applied value for the paramedics working in health institutions

    Does Librarian Job Satisfaction Mediate The Relationship Between Librarian Leadership Styles, Library Culture And Employees Commitment?

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    The current study tries to align various model of mediation through leadership styles (Transformational, Transactional), organization culture types (innovative, supportive and bureaucratic) with employee’s commitment thorough job satisfaction among the employees of government libraries from Khyber pakhtoonKhwa Pakistan. The data was collected through adopted construct from finite sample and it was analyzed through (Barron and Kenny) meditational procedure. Findings depict that employees commitment with job depend upon the leadership styles and it is positively mediated by their satisfaction from job. In contrast from three different cultural set up only bureaucratic cultural attribute shows significant relationship with employee’s commitment through meditational role of employee’s job satisfaction. Interestingly both supportive and innovative culture did not indicate the direct relationship with employee’s commitment, nor does it support the meditational role of employee’s job satisfactio

    Safety of Supracostal Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Paediatric Population: A Single Centre Experience

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    Objective The objective of this study is assessment of safety and efficacy of supracostal mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy in pediatric patients. Methodology This is prospective study of patients whose kidney stones were treated with mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy through supracostal approach between February 2019 and Dec 2020.These patients were selected for supracostal puncture based on preoperative ultrasound and CT KUB findings and peroperative assessment of stone burden, stone location and anatomy of pelvicalyceal system. Results Of 80 patients 72(90%) were treated with only one supracostal puncture while additional 2nd puncture was used for 8(10%) patients. Overall stone clearance is 85% only with percutaneous nephrolithotomy and the stone clearance has reached to 95% with ancillary procedures.13% of patient had hydrothorax , 3.75% had urosepsis, 2.75% had bleeding and 1.25 % had perinephric fluid collection. Conclusion This study concludes that the safety and efficacy of supracostal percutaneous nephrolithotomy is same as subcostal pcnl if surgical boundaries are not violated
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