3 research outputs found


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    The merit system is human resource management, which is used as a form of qualification by looking at workability to fill the position. This study looks at the effectiveness of implementing the open selection for JPT Pratama Aceh in 2022 in the new normal era and the factors influencing implementing the JPT Pratama selection. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through the variable records of books, papers, journals, newspapers, and so on. The research analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model. The results of the study show that the implementation of open selection for JPT Pratama within the Government of Aceh in 2022 includes the announcement of open selection, participant registration, paper writing, LGD, psychometric tests, interview tests, and announcement of selection results. Then, three factors influence the effectiveness of implementing open selection for JPT Pratama in the Government of Aceh: accountability, infrastructure, technology and transparency

    Collaborative Governance in Creating a Child-Friendly City in Banda Aceh City

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    Child-Friendly City is an effort to make cities safe, decent, and friendly for children. Child-Friendly Cities is a child-based development system integrated with government resources, the community, the media, community organizations, and the business world to guarantee children's rights. The City Government of Banda Aceh 2022 has again won an award as a Child-Friendly City in the Nindya category, and this category has increased at a level compared to last year. This achievement must be connected to the role and involvement of the government, the private sector, and the community. Therefore, this study aims to determine how far the Collaborative Governance process is in Creating a Child-Friendly City in Banda Aceh City. The research method used is a qualitative method with a type of research with a literature study approach obtained from books, journals, regulations, written sources, both printed and electronic, and others relevant to this research. After the data is collected, it will be analyzed following a research discussion raised using an interactive analysis model. The research findings are that the City of Banda Aceh can become a fully Child-Friendly City if it involves various parties or partners in making it happen. This is seen from three dimensions, namely (1) Principled Engagement; (2) Shared Motivation; (3) Capacity for Join Action, where collaboration between parties goes well

    Community Perceptions in the Management of Birth Certificates and Death Certificates in the Department of Population and Civil Registry of West Aceh Regency

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    This study aims to determine how public perceptions are and the factors that influence community perceptions in the service of obtaining birth certificates and death certificates at the Department of Population and Civil Registry of West Aceh Regency. The method used in this research is quantitative with data sources from 81 respondents who administer birth certificates and death certificates directly at Disdukcapil and the analysis technique used is correlation testing. The results of the study were carried out by testing the correlation between perceptual indicators and service indicators, it was known from the 9 tested service indicators, which obtained a correlation only on education indicators with personal service indicators which had test results of -0.270> 0.181 with a sig value of 0.015 and other supporting attributes. with age has a test result of 0.211> 0.181 with a sig value of 0.059. Disdukcapil in community service is good, provides comfort for the community, services are quite friendly and polite in providing, officers are responsible for receiving and solving problems from the community, getting convenience in administering birth and death certificates. So that it can be said that the factors that influence the service for obtaining birth certificates and death certificates are education for personal services and age for other supporting attributes