49 research outputs found

    Novel Diagnostic Tools for Skin and Periorbital Cancer - Exploring Photoacoustic Imaging and Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

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    The eyelids are susceptible to a number of skin cancers which are challenging to excise radically without sacrificing excessive healthy tissue. The way in which a tumor is delineated preoperatively has not changed significantly over the past century. The aims of the work presented in this thesis were to investigate two novel non-invasive techniques for diagnosing and delineating skin tumors.Extended-wavelength diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (EWDRS) was evaluated to determine its ability to differentiate between and classify different skin and tissue types in an in vivo pig model, with the aid of machine learning methods.The recordings were used to train a support vector machine, and it was possible to perform classifications with an overall accuracy of over 98%. The ability of EWDRS to identify the borders of pigmented skin lesions in an in vivo pig model was also evaluated. Using a thin probe, it was possible to detect the border with a median discrepancy of 70 ÎŒm, compared to the border found on histological examination.Photoacoustic imaging (PAI), a biomedical imaging modality that combines laser irradiation and ultrasound, was used to examine basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and human eyelids ex vivo. Typical photoacoustic spectra were observed for BCCs as well as for the different layers of the healthy eyelid, and these structures could be visualized in three-dimensional images. A case was described in which PAI showed that the pentagonal excision of an eyelid BCC was non-radical, as was later confirmed by histological examination.In conclusion, both EWDRS and PAI are capable of differentiating between different kinds of tissue and, following further development and studies, could potentially be used to diagnose and delineate skin and eyelid tumors prior to surgical excision

    Cocreation in urban station communities 2015-2016 Mistra Urban Futures

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    Focusing on findings from the four transdisciplinary participation activities (theme days and half-days) held in 2015 and 2016, the purpose of this report is to give an overview of co-creative activities in the UrbanStation Communities knowledge process. The report is targeted at: the public sector’s regional and local agents; and, the researchers and experts actively involved in the knowledge process. We hope that the reportwill also be relevant for other agents who, in civil society and the business world, are involved in creating tomorrow’s urban station communities. The theoretical frame for our work includes: planningtheory (especially discussion of communicativeaction and communicative rationality); action research;design theory and design-driven dialogues; and,tools for co-creation and future-oriented planning thatis supported by participative backcasting and scenariomethodology. This frame was significant in structuringand enabling consideration and evaluation of the activitiesthat were carried out.The above-mentioned activities can be grouped intothree main themes: noise, vibration and risk; flexible,sustainable transport; and, design of sustainable communities.They were evaluated via questionnaires toparticipants after each activity and via a separate interviewstudy. The conclusions are that there is a positivebasic attitude towards participating in the processes andthat the tools used have been particularly appropriatefor handling complex, strategic, planning issues. Overall,it can be noted that our frames of reference havebeen widened through the theoretical contributions andthe transdisciplinary collaborations. The mix of representativesfrom various organisations and professionsis regarded as rewarding. Furthermore, the social capitalresulting from networks being built between peoplefrom different organisations also provides a long-termbasis for exchanges of findings in future processes. Inone case, a more thorough analysis and evaluation ofstation options has facilitated subsequent municipaldecision-making processes and a final choice of howdetailed planning is to be carried out.Critical factors affecting the success of the overallknowledge process include the limited time for theactivities and their informal nature. The latter meansthat there is no guarantee of results being carried forwardinto standard practice. However, in the long term,it may be presumed that structural change in ongoingpractices is possible. This is a subject for further research.The report gives some glimpses into the co-creationmethodology that we see as central in developingaccessible, green and just urban station communities.In many ways, co-creation revolves around creativeand trusting collaborations between very many differentagents. Said collaborations are not only for discussingand analysing the terms and conditions for andof station communities, but also for presenting andevaluating alternative proposals and strategies for thefuture. Viewed in a wider context, our report is abouta small-scale application of a methodology that offersgreat future potential in exploiting development potentialnot only in the Gothenburg region, but also in allMistra Urban Futures’ platforms elsewhere – local, regional,national and international.The co-creation methodology for urban stationcommunities (and other applications) needs to be furtherdeveloped as regards, for example:‱ Stronger theoretical linking to many differentsubject areas.‱ Stronger institutional capacity to enable coordinationbetween education, professional development,experimental planning and day-to-dayoperations.‱ Monitoring of impact on standard practice inregional and municipal bodies as a basis forstronger network collaborations between these.Mistra Urban Future

    Samskapande i det urbana stationssamhĂ€llet – erfarenheter frĂ„n arbetsseminarier med transdisciplinĂ€r aktörssamverkan 2015-2016

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    Syftet med denna rapport Ă€r att ge en bild av arbetet med samskapande inom kunskapsprocessen Det urbana stationssamhĂ€llet med fokus pĂ„ erfarenheter frĂ„n de fyra aktiviteter (temadagar och temahalvdagar) med transdisciplinĂ€r aktörssamverkan som genomfördes 2015-2016. Den riktar sig till den offentliga sektorns regionala och lokala aktörer samt de forskare och experter som aktivt medverkar i kunskapsprocessen. Förhoppningsvis kan rapporten Ă€ven ha relevans för andra aktörer inom civilsamhĂ€lle och nĂ€ringsliv, som medverkar i att skapa framtidens urbana stationssamhĂ€llen.Det teoretiska ramverket för arbetet inrymmer planeringsteori och framför allt diskussionen kring kommunikativt handlande och kommunikativ rationalitet, aktionsforskning, designteori och designdrivna dialoger samt verktyg för samskapande, framtidsinriktat planeringsarbete med stöd av participativ backcasting och scenariometodik. Det teoretiska ramverket har varit betydelsefullt för att lĂ€gga upp och 41058 reflexion och utvĂ€rdering av de aktiviteter som genomförts.Genomförda aktiviteter kan inordnas i tre huvudteman: Buller, vibrationer och risker; flexibla hĂ„llbara transporter samt struktur och design av ett hĂ„llbart samhĂ€lle. De har utvĂ€rderats genom enkĂ€ter till de medverkande efter varje aktivitet men ocksĂ„ genom en sĂ€rskild intervjustudie. Slutsatserna Ă€r att det finns en positiv grundinstĂ€llning till att medverka i processerna och att verktyg som anvĂ€nts Ă€r sĂ€rskilt lĂ€mpliga för att hantera komplexa strategiska planeringsfrĂ„gor. Överlag konstateras att referensramarna breddats genom de teoretiska bidragen men ocksĂ„ genom förbĂ€ttrad transdisciplinĂ€r samverkan. En blandad representation av aktörer frĂ„n olika organisationer och professioner ses som givande. Det sociala kapital som ett nĂ€tverksbyggande mellan personer frĂ„n olika organisationer innebĂ€r ger ocksĂ„ en lĂ„ngsiktig grund för utbyte av erfarenheter i framtida processer. En mer ingĂ„ende analys och utvĂ€rdering av stationsalternativ har i ett fall underlĂ€ttat fortsatt kommunal beslutsprocess och slutligt val av ett alternativ för fördjupad planering.Kritiska faktorer för framgĂ„ng har varit begrĂ€nsad tid för aktiviteterna men ocksĂ„ att de Ă€r informella vilket gör att det inte finns nĂ„gra garantier för att resultatet förs vidare i den ordinarie praktiken. PĂ„ lĂ„ng sikt kan antas att det finns möjligheter till strukturell förĂ€ndring av pĂ„gĂ„ende praktik vilket Ă€r en frĂ„ga för fortsatt forskning.Rapporten ger nĂ„gra glimtar in i det samskapande arbetssĂ€tt som vi ser som centralt för att utveckla tillgĂ€ngliga, gröna och rĂ€ttvisa urbana stationssamhĂ€llen. Samskapande handlar i mĂ„ngt och mycket om en kreativ och tillitsfull samverkan mellan en rad olika aktörer för att diskutera och analysera stationssamhĂ€llens förutsĂ€ttningar och villkor men ocksĂ„ för att ge och utvĂ€rdera alternativa förslag och strategier för framtiden. Sett i en större kontext handlar vĂ„r rapport om en smĂ„skalig tillĂ€mpning av ett arbetssĂ€tt som har stora framtida potentialer och utvecklingsmöjligheter inte bara i Göteborgsregionen, utan i alla Mistra Urban Futures plattformar och pĂ„ andra hĂ„ll – lokalt, regionalt, nationellt och internationellt.Det samskapande arbetssĂ€ttet för urbana stationssamhĂ€llen – och andra tillĂ€mpningar– behöver vidareutvecklas t ex nĂ€r det gĂ€ller:‱ En stĂ€rkt teorikoppling till fler olika Ă€mnesomrĂ„den‱ StĂ€rkt institutionell kapacitet som möjliggör koordination mellan utbildning och fortbildning, experimentell planering samt löpande verksamhet‱ Uppföljning av effekter pĂ„ ordinarie praktik i regionala och kommunala organ som grund för stĂ€rkt nĂ€tverkssamarbete mellan dessaMistra Urban Future

    The Impact of Environmental Labelling on Consumer Preference: Negative vs. Positive Labels

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    Eco-labels in use today signify environmentally benign outcomes: "Choose this product, it is better for the environment than the average product." Another strategy would be to indicate negative outcomes with the purpose of trying to persuade consumers to avoid a product: "Do not choose this product, it is worse for the environment than the average product." In a computer-based experiment, it was investigated how these two types of labels affected preference for some everyday products. Individuals who had a weak or no interest in environmental issues were unaffected by either kind of label. Individuals with an intermediate interest in environmental issues were more affected by a negative label than by a positive label. Individuals with a strong interest in environmental protection were equally affected by the two kinds of labels. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004