90 research outputs found

    Immobilisation of glycosidases from commercial preparation on magnetic beads: Part 2: Aroma enhancement in wine using immobilised glycosidases

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    Most of the terpenes in wines are conjugated to various sugars, representing a significant reservoir of aromatic precursors. To promote the release of these terpenes, certain enzymes, such as ÎČ-glucosidase, α-arabinosidase and α-rhamnosidase, are necessary. A simple and cost-effective procedure for the immobilisation of multiple glycosidase activities (ÎČ-D-glucopyranosidase, α-L-arabinofuranosidase, α-L-rhamnopyranosidase and ÎČ-D-xylopyranosidase) from commercial Aspergillus niger preparation onto magnetic beads as carriers was developed as reported in Part 1 (Ferner et al. 2016).The aim of this work was to analyse a possible application of this immobilised biocatalyst due to its well-known advantages over soluble enzyme preparations – that is, control of the reaction process and preparation of enzyme-free products. Volatile compounds were analysed by gas chromatography (mass spectrometric detection). After the treatment of the model wine with different glycosides and white wine with immobilised glycosidases, the amount of free terpenes was significantly increased with respect to that of the control wine.The results of this study are of considerable interest for possible future applications of immobilised enzymes in the wine-making industry

    A herbicide resistance risk matrix

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    Herbicide resistance is of increasing concern, especially as there is a lack of new modes of action. An assessment of resistance risk has been a key part of the pesticide authorisation process in most European countries since the early 2000's. However, little guidance is provided on how to quantify these risks. The risk matrix described here presents a quantitative approach to the evaluation of the resistance risk posed by the use of herbicides. The inherent, ‘unmodified’ risk is first assessed by ranking herbicides and major target weed species on a scale from low to high resistance risk, based largely on published information. In practice, agronomic management practices (‘modifiers’) will reduce the risk and these are factored into the matrix. Modifiers can include management strategies relating to herbicide use as well as non-chemical methods of weed control. By assigning defined impact factors to possible agronomic modifiers, the overall resistance risk of a herbicide under defined use conditions can be quantified. The approach, although simple, appears robust and produces realistic assessments of the resistance risks associated with four contrasting test scenarios. The aim is to achieve a better harmonisation of herbicide resistance risk assessment across Europe. Although the matrix has a European legislative focus, the approach and principles are relevant in other parts of the world where the extensive use of herbicides is a relatively recent development, and where there is currently limited knowledge and expertise on herbicide resistance and the evaluation of resistance risks.&nbsp

    Einsatz bioanalytischer Systeme bei der industriellen Produktion von PharmaaminosÀuren

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    AminosĂ€uren finden in den verschiedensten Bereichen vielfĂ€ltigen Einsatz. Hauptanwendungsgebiete sind die Nahrungsmittel- (50%), Futtermittel (30%)- und pharmazeutische (20%) Industrie. In der pharmazeutischen Industrie werden AminosĂ€uren höchster Reinheit benötigt. Ein sehr wichtiges Beispiel ist die Verwendung fĂŒr prĂ€- oder postoperative parenterale ErnĂ€hrung. In der Kosmetikindustrie dienen AminosĂ€uren als Ausgangssubstanzen fĂŒr die Herstellung hochwertiger Hautcremes. FĂŒr die Gewinnung von AminosĂ€uren stehen diverse großtechnische Verfahren zur VerfĂŒgung: die Extraktion aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, die fermentative Gewinnung, die chemische Synthese und die Biotransformation. Über diese Verfahren wird eine geschĂ€tzte Jahresproduktion von weltweit ca. 3. Mrd. Tonnen hergestellt. Bei der AMINO GmbH werden AminosĂ€uren fĂŒr den pharmazeutischen Markt aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen wie ZuckerrĂŒbenmelasse ĂŒber chromatographische Verfahren und Biotransformationen (enzymatische Katalyse) gewonnen. Hierbei ist eine On-line-Prozesskontrolle unabdingbar. Durch die optimierte Kontrolle und FĂŒhrung des Bioprozesses können Ressourcen eingespart werden. Daraus ergeben sich direkt Umweltentlastungen und Kostenersparnisse. Mit den bisher erzielten Ergebnissen kann eine 20% höhere Produktkonzentration erreicht werden. Dieses entspricht – gerechnet auf die nachfolgenden Aufarbeitungsschritte – einer Ersparnis von 200 bis 300 t Dampf pro Jahr (20% der Produkt spezifischen Energiekosten). Ebenfalls einsparen lassen sich bis zu 2000 m3 Abwasser (entsprechend 0,4 t COD) pro Jahr. Letztendlich ist es das Ziel mit Hilfe der bioanalytischen Verfahren pro Jahr 3,5 t Serin und 0,5 t Indol durch eine 30% höhere Produktausbeute einsparen zu können. Es zeigt sich somit, dass der Einsatz moderner bioanalytischer Verfahren wie der 2-D-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie durchaus zu einer Verbesserung der ökonomischen als auch der ökologischen Faktoren eines industriellen Prozesses fĂŒhren kann

    Optimization of insect cell based protein production processes - online monitoring, expression systems, scale-up

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    Due to the increasing use of insect cell based expression systems in research and industrial recombinant protein production, the development of efficient and reproducible production processes remains a challenging task. In this context, the application of online monitoring techniques is intended to ensure high and reproducible product qualities already during the early phases of process development. In the following chapter, the most common transient and stable insect cell based expression systems are briefly introduced. Novel applications of insect cell based expression systems for the production of insect derived antimicrobial peptides/proteins (AMPs) are discussed using the example of G. mellonella derived gloverin. Suitable in situ sensor techniques for insect cell culture monitoring in disposable and common bioreactor systems are outlined with respect to optical and capacitive sensor concepts. Since scale-up of production processes is one of the most critical steps in process development, a conclusive overview is given about scale up aspects for industrial insect cell culture processes


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    Sampling, trapping and rearing oilseed rape pests and their parasitoids

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