22 research outputs found

    Breast imaging reports for malignant lesions: Are we maintaining recommended BI-RADS® lexicon standards

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mammography reports for diagnosed breast cancer cases in major government and private centers in Karachi, Pakistan, with respect to concordance with the Breast Imaging Reports And Data System (BI-RADS®) lexicon.Methods: A prospective, descriptive, multicenter study was conducted in the radiology sections of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Pakistan Naval Station Shifa Hospital, Advanced Radiology Clinic, Karachi Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine, and Civil Hospital Karachi between May and October 2010 after approval from the ethical review committee of Aga Khan University. Mammograms reported as BI-RADS category 4 and 5 were included in the study. Mammograms reported as BI-RADS category 0, 1, 2 and 3 were excluded. Fifty reports were collected from each center. Data were collected about the clinical indication, breast density, location and description of the lesion, calcification, and comments on axillary lymph nodes. This description was compared with the BI-RADS lexicon.Results: The mean age of the patients was 50 ± 12 years. The clinical indication, breast parenchymal density, lesion location, and presence of calcification were better described by the private centers, while description of lymph node status was better stated by the government centers. This difference was statistically significant, except for lesion description. The description of masses by the two reporting groups was comparable.Conclusion: Mammographic reporting of malignant breast lesions in the private sector is more in line with the BI-RADS lexicon, as compared with government sector hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. Lymph node documentation was better in government sector reports

    Can volatile organic metabolites be used to simultaneously assess microbial and mite contamination level in cereal grains and coffee beans?

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    A novel approach based on headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-ToFMS) was developed for the simultaneous screening of microbial and mite contamination level in cereals and coffee beans. The proposed approach emerges as a powerful tool for the rapid assessment of the microbial contamination level (ca. 70 min versus ca. 72 to 120 h for bacteria and fungi, respectively, using conventional plate counts), and mite contamination (ca. 70 min versus ca. 24 h). A full-factorial design was performed for optimization of the SPME experimental parameters. The methodology was applied to three types of rice (rough, brown, and white rice), oat, wheat, and green and roasted coffee beans. Simultaneously, microbiological analysis of the samples (total aerobic microorganisms, moulds, and yeasts) was performed by conventional plate counts. A set of 54 volatile markers was selected among all the compounds detected by GC×GC-ToFMS. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied in order to establish a relationship between potential volatile markers and the level of microbial contamination. Methylbenzene, 3-octanone, 2-nonanone, 2-methyl-3-pentanol, 1-octen-3-ol, and 2-hexanone were associated to samples with higher microbial contamination level, especially in rough rice. Moreover, oat exhibited a high GC peak area of 2-hydroxy-6-methylbenzaldehyde, a sexual and alarm pheromone for adult mites, which in the other matrices appeared as a trace component. The number of mites detected in oat grains was correlated to the GC peak area of the pheromone. The HS-SPME/GC×GC-ToFMS methodology can be regarded as the basis for the development of a rapid and versatile method that can be applied in industry to the simultaneous assessment the level of microbiological contamination and for detection of mites in cereals grains and coffee beans

    Cohort Profile: Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study

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    The Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study was established to assess the prevalence of chronic airflow obstruction, a key characteristic of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and its risk factors in adults (≥40 years) from general populations across the world. The baseline study was conducted between 2003 and 2016, in 41 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean and Oceania, and collected high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry from 28 828 participants. The follow-up study was conducted between 2019 and 2021, in 18 sites across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. At baseline, there were in these sites 12 502 participants with high-quality spirometry. A total of 6452 were followed up, with 5936 completing the study core questionnaire. Of these, 4044 also provided high-quality pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry. On both occasions, the core questionnaire covered information on respiratory symptoms, doctor diagnoses, health care use, medication use and ealth status, as well as potential risk factors. Information on occupation, environmental exposures and diet was also collected

    A survey of undergraduate anesthesia rotation in medical colleges of Pakistan

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    Background: Student perceptions of specialties influence career choice decisions. It is important to expose undergraduates to the scope of rewarding careers in specialties like anesthesia by ensuring a good quality educational experience during anesthesia rotation. Our objective was to survey the curriculum structure and placement of the anesthesia undergraduate rotation in all the medical colleges of Pakistan recognized by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.MATERIALS AND Methods: A standardized survey questionnaire was distributed by direct contact, postal mail or e mail to one identified anesthetist in all recognized medical colleges with enrolment of 100 or more students. The response rate was 75%. We received responses by hand, email and postal mail.Results: We received responses from 15 out of 20 anesthetists contacted. 11 reported undergraduate anesthesia rotation while 4 reported absence of this rotation in their undergraduate curriculum. The rotation placement, duration and curriculum showed a wide variation and lack of standardization.CONCLUSION: Our survey indicates that the inclusion of anesthesia rotation in undergraduate medical education is not mandatory and standardized. The rotation duration, placement and curriculum need to be standardized to enhance the quality of the experience and promote the scope of the specialty for rewarding careers

    Development of comprehensive coursework of quality management in universities pertinent to the construction industry: a case of Pakistan

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    PurposeThe purpose of this research is to determine a comprehensive coursework for teaching quality management in the universities of developing countries i.e. Pakistan pertinent to the construction industry. Additionally, a framework was also developed based on the results.Design/methodology/approachFactors and course contents of quality management are extracted through a content analysis of the published literature. Further, a questionnaire survey is conducted involving 150 professionals to assess the requirements of the industry and academic professionals of the construction industry for effective quality management. Finally, for getting a more objective perspective, using quality function deployment (QFD) matrix a framework is developed.FindingsThe results show the level of importance of each design requirement. We can identify the design requirements through which we can fulfill the needs and demands of the stakeholders. Contents like benchmarking, supply chain management, six sigma and other data analysis methods, costing and auditing of quality, customer satisfaction analysis, TQM: theory and practices and ISO certification processes and procedures should be included in any course program related to quality management pertinent to the construction industry. Along with these contents, workshops and seminars must be arranged to address the user requirement for increased leadership and communication skills.Originality/valueThere is a lack of literature available on course content for quality management in the universities for the construction sector, therefore, a huge scope of future research in the field of quality management in the construction industry needs to be investigated. This research highlights the most significant quality management factors and course contents as per the requirement of industry professionals. Therefore, this study adds to the existing body of knowledge by developing a robust framework that will help decision-makers and top management to develop constructive quality management course work at university level that will help in producing qualified and trained quality professionals to the construction industry.</jats:sec

    Optoelectronic properties of naphtho2, 1-b:6, 5-b'difuran derivatives for photovoltaic application: a computational study

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    Some important optoelectronic properties of naphtho[2,1-b:6,5-b′]difuran (DPNDF) and its two derivatives have been limelighted by applying the density functional theory (DFT). Due to their low cost, high stability and earth abundance, the DPNDF and its derivatives are considered as potential organic semiconductor materials for their optoelectronics applications. Highly proficient derivatives are obtained systematically by attaching –CN (cyanide) to DPNDF at various sites. Our calculations indicate that DPNDF has a wide and direct band gap with an energy gap of 3.157 eV. Whereas the band gaps of its derivatives are found to be decreased by 88 meV for derivative “a” and 300 meV for derivative “b” as a consequence of p orbitals present in C and N atoms in derivative structures. The narrowing of the energy gap and density of states for the derivatives of DPNDF in the present investigation suggest that energy gap can be engineered for desirable optoelectronic applications via derivatives designing. Furthermore, their obtained results for optical parameters such as the dielectric and conductivity functions, reflectivity, refractive index, and the extinction coefficients endorses their aptness for optoelectronic applications. [Figure not available: see fulltext

    Photovoltaic Properties of ZnO Films Co-Doped with Mn and La to Enhance Solar Cell Efficiency

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    In the present investigation, ZnO films co-doped with Mn and La were synthesized by the sol&ndash;gel technique. XRD analysis revealed that ZnO had a hexagonal structure. Mixed hexagonal and cubic phases appeared in ZnO containing Mn (1%) and La (1.5%). The grain size, d-spacing, unit cell, lattice parameters, atomic packing fraction, volume, strain, crystallinity, and bond length of co-doped ZnO films were determined as a function of doped ion contents. Through UV analysis, it was found that pristine ZnO had Eg = 3.5 eV, and it decreased when increasing the doping concentration, reaching the minimum value for the sample with 1% Mn and 1% La. The optical parameters of the films, such as absorption, transmittance, dielectric constants, and refractive index, were also analyzed. DSSCs were fabricated using the prepared ZnO films. For pure ZnO film, the values were: efficiency = 0.69%, current density = 2.5 mAcm&minus;2, and open-circuit voltage = 0.56 V. When ZnO was co-doped with Mn and La, the efficiency increased significantly. DSSCs with a ZnO photoanode co-doped with 1% Mn and 1% La exhibited maximum values of Jsc = 4.28 mAcm&minus;2, Voc = 0.6 V, and efficiency = 1.89%, which is 174% better than pristine ZnO-based DSSCs. This material is good for the electrode of perovskite solar cells

    Improving the Structural, Optical and Photovoltaic Properties of Sb- and Bi- Co-Doped MAPbBr3 Perovskite Solar Cell

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    We prepared 1% Bi- and (0, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%) Sb- co-doped MAPbBr3 films by a sol-gel spin coating technique. For the first time, the detailed structural properties including grain size, dislocation line density, d-spacing, lattice parameters, and volume of co-doped MAPbBr3 films have been investigated. XRD confirmed the cubic structure of MAPbBr3 with high crystallinity and co-doping of Bi and Sb. The 1% Bi and 1% Sb co-doping have a surprising effect in MAPbBr3 structures, such as large grain size (59.5 nm), d-space value (6.23 &Aring;), small dislocation line dislocation (2.79 &times; 1018 m&minus;2), and small lattice parameters (a = b = c = 6.3 &Aring;) and volume of unit cell. The detailed optical properties, including energy band gap (Eg), refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k) and dielectric constant (&#400;), which are very important for optoelectronics applications, were investigated by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The film of 1% Bi and 1% Sb co-doped MAPbBr3 showed good optical response including small Eg, high n, low value of k, high real and low imaginary parts of dielectric constant, making it good for solar cell applications. Solar cells were fabricated from these films. The cell fabricated with pure MAPbBr3 has Jsc of 8.72 mA cm&minus;2, FF of 0.66, Voc of 1.29 V, and &eta; of 7.5%. All the parameters increased by co-doping of Bi and Sb in MAPbBr3 film. The cell fabricated with 1% Bi and 1% Sb co-doped MAPbBr3 film had high current density (12.12 mA-cm&minus;2), open circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (0.73), and high efficiency (11.6%). This efficiency was 65% larger than a pure MAPbBr3-based solar cell

    Bi and Sn Doping Improved the Structural, Optical and Photovoltaic Properties of MAPbI3-Based Perovskite Solar Cells

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    One of the most amazing photovoltaic technologies for the future is the organic&ndash;inorganic lead halide perovskite solar cell, which exhibits excellent power conversion efficiency (PCE) and can be produced using a straightforward solution technique. Toxic lead in perovskite can be replaced by non-toxic alkaline earth metal cations because they keep the charge balance in the material and some of them match the Goldschmidt rule&rsquo;s tolerance factor. Therefore, thin films of MAPbI3, 1% Bi and 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% Sn co-doped MAPbI3 were deposited on FTO-glass substrates by sol-gel spin-coating technique. XRD confirmed the co-doping of Bi&ndash;Sn in MAPbI3. The 1% Bi and 1% Sn co-doped film had a large grain size. The optical properties were calculated by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The 1% Bi and 1% Sn co-doped film had small Eg, which make it a good material for perovskite solar cells. These films were made into perovskite solar cells. The pure MAPbI3 film-based solar cell had a current density (Jsc) of 9.71 MA-cm&minus;2, its open-circuit voltage (Voc) was 1.18 V, its fill factor (FF) was 0.609 and its efficiency (&eta;) was 6.98%. All of these parameters were improved by the co-doping of Bi&ndash;Sn. The cell made from a co-doped MAPbI3 film with 1% Bi and 1% Sn had a high efficiency (10.03%)