3 research outputs found

    Effect of Shadowing and Multipath Fading on the Area Spectral Efficiency of a Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Network for Cell-Edge Users

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    The traditional macro-only network is not effective especially when communication signal is required for users far away from the macrocell base station and located in the cell edge. The signal strength reaching these users is excessively attenuated due to fading and shadowing. The deployment of femtocells around the cell edge of this macrocell helps to reduce the effect of fading and shadowing thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the cellular network. This holds a great promise for adaptive space-based wireless sensor networks, formation-flying satellites and constellations. Keywords: Femtocells; Heterogeneous networks; Macrocells; Spectral Efficiency; Uplin

    Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Frequency on the Radius of Curvature of Single and Double Rounded Edge Hill Obstruction

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    In this paper, comparative analysis of the impact of frequency on the radius of curvature of single and double rounded edge hill obstruction is studied, particularly when the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendation 526 version 13 method is used to compute the radius of curvature. The study is conducted with two  path profiles of  microwave links, one  with isolated  single edged hilltop and a second profile  with isolated  double edged hilltop. The frequencies considered are  from the 1.5 GHz in the L-band   to 36GHz in the K-band. The radius of curvature decreases with frequency in the case of single edged hilltop whereas the radius of curvature increases with frequency in the case of double edge hilltop. Essentially, other factors are responsible for determining whether the radius of curvature will increase or decrease with frequency.  One of such factors is the occultation distance. For all the frequencies considered, the occultation distance is 80.923 m for the single edged hilltop and 532.203m for the double edged hilltop. Further studies are therefore required to ascertain the factors that determine the exact impact of frequency on the radius of curvature for rounded edge obstructions

    5G-enabled Mobile Operating Hospital and Emergency Care Service

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    Critical care has frequently been fatal for trauma patients suffering from hemorrhage. The pre-hospital communication gap between the paramedics and the doctors contributes most towards this. This paper discusses a system model of a 5G-enabled communication architecture among the major trauma centres in the Greater Manchester. An Internet of sensors acquires and wirelessly communicates biosignals from the patient in real time, using 5G. These signals are then displayed as parameters to the closest trauma care management centres. This paper proposes a connectivity model that supports such a system by assessing and identifying the most optimal path for signal transmittance. A system-level 5G network modelling and simulation findings reveal that a signal-to-noise ratio of over 2dB is achieved for two base stations between the incident site and the nearest emergency medical centre. This value decreases by over 5 dB as the number of base station doubles. Hence, reconfigurable 5G base stations connectivity subsystems are required for critical vertical use cases of the radio standard