12 research outputs found

    Dragons, Flashes and Torches as Elements of the Literary Vision of Decline in Jan Paweł Woronicz’s the Post-Partition Work

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    The subject of analysis and interpretation in the article Dragons, flashes and torches as elements of the literary vision of decline in Jan Paweł Woronicz’s the post-partition works is Jan Paweł Woronicz’s writings (poetry, sermons and homilies), who lived from 1757–1829. Through the careful observation of the language used in Woronicz’s works, the author tries to extract metaphors which show a sense of apathy and decline at the turn of the century. The author also attempts to reach the substructure of the preacher-poet’s thinking and to make a critical reflection on the state of culture in a specific period of time — namely the last years of the 18th century and the first decades of the 19th century. She treats metaphors not only as stylistic means, but also as visible signs (phenomena) of feelings towards the world, and recognizes at the same time that Woronicz’s work is one of many testimonies to the intensified intellectual and cultural movement of Poland at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In the article, the author presents Woronicz as a representative of time “in between,” and as an individual who has experienced something new, an often difficult situation that occurred within the framework of intense changes to the political and aesthetic paradigm that took place at the turn of the centuries

    Antysemityzm oraz totalitaryzm w świetle twórczości dramatycznej Antoniego Słonimskiego i Marii Pawlikowskiej-Jasnorzewskiej

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    The aim of this work is to present Nazi anti-Semitic practices and totalitarian actions in the interwar satire. The subject of the analysis are Antoni Słonimski’s and Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s comedies. The analysis of the topic shows that the threats of totalitarian regimes was seen at the beginning of the twentieth century.Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest sposób przedstawiania i kreowania nazistowskich praktyk antysemickich i działań totalitarnych przez autorów międzywojennej satyry. Przedmiotem analizy uczyniono komedie Rodzina Antoniego Słonimskiego oraz Mrówki i Baba-Dziwo Marii Pawlikowskiej-Jasnorzewskiej. Ujęcie pokazuje, że zagrożenia ze strony ustrojów totalitarnych, w tym szczególnie nazizmu, odczuwano już na początku lat trzydziestych ubiegłego wieku

    The impact of consumed coffee on the digestive system - review of the latest research

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    IntroductionCoffee stands as the second most widely consumed beverage globally, following water.[1] Recent research on the effects of coffee consumption underscores its positive outcomes when adhering to recommended doses—typically ranging from 2 to 5 cups a day, amounting to a maximum of 400 mg of caffeine daily. This newfound perspective highlights the potential benefits of moderate coffee intake on our overall health and well-being. Aim of the studyThe objective of this study was to comprehensively review the existing knowledge regarding the impact of coffee consumption on diverse aspects of the gastrointestinal tract.Materials and methodologyA literature review was conducted utilizing the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Google databases. Articles were systematically searched in both English and Polish, employing the keywords: coffee, caffeine, digestive system, digestion, and cancer.ResultsRecent research highlights coffee's diverse benefits, aiding digestion, hastening transit, and showing potential in cancer prevention. It stimulates gastric acid, enhances bile and pancreatic secretion, reduces gallstone risk, promotes large intestine movement, and modulates intestinal flora. Importantly, coffee isn't a primary factor in conditions like reflux, ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseases, or cancer. ConclusionsFurther research is essential to deepen our understanding of coffee's impact on the digestive system and its systemic effects on the body. Additionally, promoting awareness of safe daily caffeine doses that can contribute to health is worthwhile

    The Sleep Microbiome: Insights into Probiotics and Sleep Health

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    Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as "live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits to the host." A number of scientific reports show that their effects extend beyond the immune and gastrointestinal systems, and that poor sleep quality and insomnia are an increasingly important social problem. Studies indicate that 30-50% of adults experience sleep problems. Sleep deficiencies are associated with higher rates of obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders and increased risk of death. One promising way to help treat sleep problems is through the use of probiotics. Interaction through the gut-brain axis suggests that altering the gut microbiota may become a useful tool for improving sleep quality. Aim of the study The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential effectiveness of probiotics in improving sleep quality and treating insomnia. Materials and Methodology PubMed and Google Scholar databases were analyzed. Articles were searched in English using the following keywords: probiotics; sleep quality. Results Probiotics resulted in a favorable cumulative effect on sleep quality as measured by the PSQI global questionnaire and a statistically significant positive effect on at least one of the components characterizing sleep quality (i.e., sleep latency, sleep length, sleep disturbance, daytime sleepiness). They allow to maintain a high percentage of slow-wave sleep, despite stressors, and indirectly affect sleep quality in athletes by reducing muscle soreness. Conclusion The results of studies to date indicate that probiotics are an effective, safe and clinically sound adjunctive method for improving sleep quality and treating insomnia. However, these studies are at an early stage and require further efforts using larger research groups

    Mindfulness and Movement: Scientifically Exploring the Health Impacts of Yoga

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    Introduction: Yoga combines asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing exercises), and dhyanas (meditation) to improve physical and mental well-being. It's recognized for its substantial health benefits, safety, and cost-effectiveness, leading to calls for its broader integration into healthcare for its therapeutic and preventative potential. This study aims to explore yoga's multifaceted health benefits across physical, mental, and biochemical aspects to support its integration as a holistic health practice. Material and Methods of Research: A literature search was conducted on PubMed and Google Scholar using keywords related to yoga's health benefits to gather insights into its holistic impacts. Results: Yoga benefits musculoskeletal health, enhancing balance, strength, and reducing fracture risks, and improves respiratory function through practices like pranayama. It positively impacts brain health, aiding in cognitive function and potentially slowing neurodegenerative decline. Yoga also offers mental health benefits, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, and has antioxidative effects that combat oxidative stress. Additionally, it supports endocrine function, reduces stress, and has anti-inflammatory effects that bolster immune health. Yoga's influence on metabolic health suggests its potential in managing cardiovascular risk factors and diabetes, highlighting its comprehensive health benefits. Conclusion: This study highlights yoga's comprehensive benefits on physical, mental, and biochemical health, demonstrating its efficacy in enhancing musculoskeletal and respiratory function, combating cognitive decline, reducing mental health issues, and offering antioxidative and anti-inflammatory benefits, underscoring its value in modern holistic healthcare

    Significance of the Gut-Brain Axis in the Development of Overweight and Obesity

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    Introduction: The global obesity crisis results from inactive lifestyles and poor diets, increasing the risk of metabolic disorders. Emerging research links obesity with gut microbiome changes influenced by factors like age, genetics, and diet. Gut-brain communication via neural, endocrine, and inflammatory pathways, influenced by microbial compounds, affects nervous system function. Materials and Methods of Research: A thorough literature review was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar, employing keywords related to the gut-brain axis and obesity. Results: Obesity shifts gut microbiota composition due to factors like childbirth method, diet, antibiotics, and environment. This imbalance impacts metabolism, appetite, and insulin sensitivity. Gut microbes influence the brain, regulating energy balance and inflammation. Dysregulated tryptophan metabolism leads to insulin resistance. Gut-brain communication via the vagal nerve affects nutrient metabolism. Hormones like insulin and leptin, along with microbial metabolites, affect lipid metabolism and appetite. Gut microbiota abundance correlates with leptin signaling, and changes in ghrelin levels relate to microbiota composition. Microbial presence affects food cravings. Inflammation in obesity is linked to gut microbiota changes, mediated by bile acids and microbial metabolites. Interventions like probiotics and fecal microbiota transplantation offer potential for managing obesity. Emerging therapies like peptide D3 hold promise but require further study. Conclusion: The microbiome-gut-brain axis is vital in obesity, affecting metabolism, inflammation, and appetite. Utilizing interventions such as dietary adjustments and probiotics targeting gut-brain signaling shows promise in managing obesity. Personalized approaches are crucial due to microbiome complexity. Further research is needed to develop effective therapies for the obesity epidemic

    Permutacja newrozy i bezdogmatyzmu w polskiej literaturze najnowszej (wybrane przykłady)

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    W artykule podjęto temat powracających w literaturze permutacji kulturowych: newrozy i bezdogmatyzmu. Przedmiotem badań uczyniono trzy powieści wydane w 2017 roku: #upał Michała Olszewskiego, Lata powyżej zera Anny Cieplak oraz Wzgórze psów Jakuba Żulczyka. Na marginesie analizy i interpretacji powieści przedstawiono kombinatoryczną metodę czytania literatury, głównym jej przedmiotem zainteresowania czyniąc poszukiwania nawracających w literaturze i kulturze permutacji.The subject of the article are cultural permutations recurring in the literature: neurosis and without-dogma personality. The subject of the research were three novels published in 2017: #upał by Michał Olszewski, Lata powyżej zera by Anna Cieplak and Wzgórze psów by Jakub Żulczyk. The author presented – on the margin of the analysis and interpretation of the novel – the combinatorial method of reading literature, the main research interest in this method is to look for accumulating in literature and culture permutations

    O retoryczności ukrytej we wzniosłych przedmiotach i metaforach (na podstawie pism Augusta Cieszkowskiego, Józefa Kremera i Karola Libelta)

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    Polscy hegliści stanowią jedną z najważniejszych grup filozoficznych w Polsce XIX wieku. Ich twórczość, dziś pozostająca w cieniu dokonań słynnych wieszczów romantycznych, jest jednak interesującym obiektem badań teoretycznoliterackich. Pisane przez nich traktaty odznaczają się niezwykłą literackością, przez którą należy rozumieć zarówno poetycki język (nasycenie tekstu rozlicznymi metaforami, czy porównaniami), jak i narracyjne uporządkowanie, Cullerowskie, „niezwykłe złożenia słów (rollrock)”. Stąd pomysł, by literaturoznawczej analizie poddać pisma Augusta Cieszkowskiego, Józefa Kremera i Karola Libelta. Rozważania wpisuję w hermeneutyczny klucz interpretacyjny, który pozwala mi na odczytywanie tego typu twórczości jako komunikatu z przeszłości, zarazem określającego przyszłość. Odwołuję się do kategorii takich jak: kultura dialogu, czytanie krytyczne, retoryczność i intertekstualność