64 research outputs found

    Stability of general relativistic Miyamoto-Nagai galaxies

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    The stability of a recently proposed general relativistic model of galaxies is studied in some detail. This model is a general relativistic version of the well known Miyamoto-Nagai model that represents well a thick galactic disk. The stability of the disk is investigated under a general first order perturbation keeping the spacetime metric frozen (no gravitational radiation is taken into account). We find that the stability is associated with the thickness of the disk. We have that flat galaxies have more not-stable modes than the thick ones i.e., flat galaxies have a tendency to form more complex structures like rings, bars and spiral arms.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Potential flows in a core-dipole-shell system: numerical results

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    Numerical solutions for: the integral curves of the velocity field (streamlines), the density contours, and the accretion rate of a steady-state flow of an ideal fluid with p=K n^(gamma) equation of state orbiting in a core-dipole-shell system are presented. For 1 < gamma < 2, we found that the non-linear contribution appearing in the partial differential equation for the velocity potential has little effect in the form of the streamlines and density contour lines, but can be noticed in the density values. The study of several cases indicates that this appears to be the general situation. The accretion rate was found to increase when the constant gamma decreases.Comment: RevTex, 8 pages, 5 eps figures, CQG to appea

    Investigating the mass-ratio dependence of the prompt-collapse threshold with numerical-relativity simulations

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    The next observing runs of advanced gravitational-wave detectors will lead to a variety of binary neutron star detections and numerous possibilities for multi-messenger observations of binary neutron star systems. In this context a clear understanding of the merger process and the possibility of prompt black hole formation after merger is important, as the amount of ejected material strongly depends on the merger dynamics. These dynamics are primarily affected by the total mass of the binary, however, the mass ratio also influences the postmerger evolution. To determine the effect of the mass ratio, we investigate the parameter space around the prompt-collapse threshold with a new set of fully relativistic simulations. The simulations cover three equations of state and seven mass ratios in the range of 1.0q1.751.0 \leq q \leq 1.75, with five to seven simulations of binary systems of different total mass in each case. The threshold mass is determined through an empirical relation based on the collapse-time, which allows us to investigate effects of the mass-ratio on the threshold mass and also on the properties of the remnant system. Furthermore, we model effects of mass ratio and equation of state on tidal parameters of threshold configurations

    Incorporating a radiative hydrodynamics scheme in the numerical-relativity code BAM

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    To study binary neutron star systems and to interpret observational data such as gravitational-wave and kilonova signals, one needs an accurate description of the processes that take place during the final stages of the coalescence, e.g., through numerical-relativity simulations. In this work, we present an updated version of the numerical-relativity code BAM in order to incorporate nuclear-theory based Equations of State and a simple description of neutrino interactions through a Neutrino Leakage Scheme. Different test simulations, for stars undergoing a neutrino-induced gravitational collapse and for binary neutron stars systems, validate our new implementation. For the binary neutron stars systems, we show that we can evolve stably and accurately distinct microphysical models employing the different equations of state: SFHo, DD2, and the hyperonic BHBΛϕ\Lambda \phi. Overall, our test simulations have good agreement with those reported in the literature

    High-accuracy high-mass ratio simulations for binary neutron stars and their comparison to existing waveform models

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    The subsequent observing runs of the advanced gravitational-wave detector network will likely provide us with various gravitational-wave observations of binary neutron star systems. For an accurate interpretation of these detections, we need reliable gravitational-wave models. To test and to point out how existing models could be improved, we perform a set of high-resolution numerical-relativity simulations for four different physical setups with mass ratios qq = 1.251.25, 1.501.50, 1.751.75, 2.002.00, and total gravitational mass M=2.7MM = 2.7M_\odot . Each configuration is simulated with five different resolutions to allow a proper error assessment. Overall, we find approximately 2nd order converging results for the dominant (2,2)(2,2), but also subdominant (2,1)(2,1), (3,3)(3,3), (4,4)(4,4) modes, while, generally, the convergence order reduces slightly for an increasing mass ratio. Our simulations allow us to validate waveform models, where we find generally good agreement between state-of-the-art models and our data, and to prove that scaling relations for higher modes currently employed for binary black hole waveform modeling also apply for the tidal contribution. Finally, we also test if the current NRTidal model to describe tidal effects is a valid description for high-mass ratio systems. We hope that our simulation results can be used to further improve and test waveform models in preparation for the next observing runs

    Space-time geometry and thermodynamic properties of a self-gravitating ball of fluid in phase transition

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    A numerical solution of Einstein field equations for a spherical symmetric and stationary system of identical and autogravitating particles in phase transition is presented. The fluid possesses a perfect fluid energy-momentum tensor, and the internal interactions of the system are represented by a van der Walls-like equation of state, able to describe a first order phase transition of the type gas-liquid. We find that the space-time curvature, the radial component of the metric, and the pressure and density show discontinuities in their radial derivatives in the phase coexistence region. This region is found to be a spherical surface concentric with the star, and the system can be thought of as a foliation of acronal, concentric and isobaric surfaces in which the coexistence of phases occurs in only one of these surfaces. This kind of system can be used to represent a star with a high energy density core and low energy density mantle in hydrodynamic equilibrium.70

    Gravitational waves and mass ejecta from binary neutron star mergers: Effect of large eccentricities

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    As current gravitational wave (GW) detectors increase in sensitivity, and particularly as new instruments are being planned, there is the possibility that ground-based GW detectors will observe GWs from highly eccentric neutron star binaries. We present the first detailed study of highly eccentric BNS systems with full (3+1)D numerical relativity simulations using consistent initial conditions, i.e., setups which are in agreement with the Einstein equations and with the equations of general relativistic hydrodynamics in equilibrium. Overall, our simulations cover two different equations of state (EOSs), two different spin configurations, and three to four different initial eccentricities for each pairing of EOS and spin. We extract from the simulated waveforms the frequency of the f-mode oscillations induced during close encounters before the merger of the two stars. The extracted frequency is in good agreement with f-mode oscillations of individual stars for the irrotational cases, which allows an independent measure of the supranuclear equation of state not accessible for binaries on quasicircular orbits. The energy stored in these f-mode oscillations can be as large as 10−3  M⊙∼1051  erg, even with a soft EOS. In order to estimate the stored energy, we also examine the effects of mode mixing due to the stars’ offset from the origin on the f-mode contribution to the GW signal. While in general (eccentric) neutron star mergers produce bright electromagnetic counterparts, we find that for the considered cases with fixed initial separation the luminosity decreases when the eccentricity becomes too large, due to a decrease of the ejecta mass. Finally, the use of consistent initial configurations also allows us to produce high-quality waveforms for different eccentricities which can be used as a test bed for waveform model development of highly eccentric binary neutron star systems.S. V. C. was supported by the DFG Research Training Group 1523/2 “Quantum and Gravitational Fields.” T. D. acknowledges support by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 749145, BNSmergers. N. K. J.-M. acknowledges support from STFC Consolidator Grant No. ST/L000636/1. B. B. was supported by DFG Grant No. BR 2176/5-1. W. T. was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-1707227. Also, this work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 690904. This research was supported in part by Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through Industry Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation. Computations were performed on the supercomputer SuperMUC at the LRZ (Munich) under the project number pr48pu and on the ARA cluster of the University of Jena

    Numerical self-consistent stellar models of thin disks

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    We find a numerical self-consistent stellar model by finding the distribution function of a thin disk that satisfies simultaneously the Fokker-Planck and Poisson equations. The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation is found by a direct numerical solver using finite differences and a variation of Stone's method. The collision term in the Fokker-Planck equation is found using the local approximation and the Rosenbluth potentials. The resulting diffusion coefficients are explicitly evaluated using a Maxwellian distribution for the field stars. As a paradigmatic example, we apply the numerical formalism to find the distribution function of a Kuzmin-Toomre thin disk. This example is studied in some detail showing that the method applies to a large family of actual galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, version accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic