211 research outputs found

    Voldoet de AVG aan de eisen gesteld in artikel 8 Handvest van de Grondrechten van de EU?

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    De conclusie van mijn onderzoek is dat de AVG niet voldoet aan de eisen die gesteld worden in artikel 8 HV Grondrechten EU. De onderbouwing van deze conclusie is als volgt: Er zijn twee processen aangaande persoonsgegevens in de samenleving waar te nemen: persoonsgegevens worden steeds meer verwerkt en wetgeving met betrekking tot persoonsgegevens krijgt meer aandacht en wordt uitgebreider. In mijn onderzoek heb ik de “oude wetgeving” (o.g.v. de richtlijn 95/46/EG en de Wbp) en de “nieuwe wetgeving”, (AVG en UAVG), gecheckt in hoeverre zij voldoen aan de eisen die artikel 8 HV Grondrechten EU stelt. In de praktijk voldoet de Wbp niet omdat: - Normen zijn niet concreet en contextafhankelijk - Doelvereiste is achterhaald - Organisaties ontberen procedures om verzoeken betrokkenen in te willigen - AP mist capaciteit AVG en UAVG zullen ook niet voldoen omdat: - Doelvereiste blijft - Meer formaliteiten, doch geen concretiseringen normen - AVG geeft wel mogelijkheden (o.a. gedragscodes), doch niet dwingend - AP-capaciteit is nu nog ontoereikend Nuances: Heldere normstelling is een sleutelwoord. Wetgeving kan dit niet bieden passend voor iedere casus. Wel zou de AP gebruik kunnen maken van haar bevoegdheden om gedragscodes en andere normen meer dwingend voor te schrijven

    Time-of-flight analysis of neutrals from a plasma as a diagnostic for the ion velocity distribution

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    In a plasma energy is transferred from ions to neutrals by elastic collisions and charge exchange. By measuring the velocity distribution of the fast neutrals with a time-of-flight spectrometer, one gets very detailed information on the ion velocity distributio

    Maritime cognitive workload assessment

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    The human factor plays the key role for safety in many industrial and civil every-day operations in our technologized world. Human failure is more likely to cause accidents than technical failure, e.g. in the challenging job of tugboat captains. Here, cognitive workload is crucial, as its excess is a main cause of dangerous situations and accidents while being highly participant and situation dependent. However, knowing the captain’s level of workload can help to improve man-machine interaction. The main contributions of this paper is a successful workload indication and a transfer of cognitive workload knowledge from laboratory to realistic settings

    Fatigue in cancer patients.

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    In this paper an overview is presented on what is currently known of fatigue in cancer. Fatigue is considered to be a multi-dimensional concept, that should be measured as such. However, fatigue has been assessed mostly by single items in general symptom checklists. The few specific instruments that have been used in cancer patient populations are discussed. The majority of cancer patients, about 70%, report feelings of fatigue during radio- or chemotherapy. Follow-up results show that, at least for some diagnoses, patients remain fatigued long after treatment has ended. Somatic and psychological mechanisms that have been proposed to explain fatigue are discussed. It is argued that the significance of the results obtained on fatigue as a symptom in cancer depends on comparison with other patient and non-patient populations. Also the occurrence of a response-shift has to be considered, leading to under reporting of fatigue. Finally, possible interventions to decrease feelings of fatigue are presented

    Fatigue and radiotherapy: (B) experience in patients 9 months following treatment.

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    Little is known regarding the prevalence and course of fatigue in cancer patients after treatment has ended and no recurrence found. The present study examines fatigue in disease-free cancer patients after being treated with radiotherapy (n = 154). The following questions are addressed. First, how do patients describe their fatigue 9 months after radiotherapy and is this different from fatigue in a nonselective sample from the general population (n = 139)? Secondly, to what degree is fatigue in patients associated with sociodemographic, medical, physical and psychological factors? Finally, is it possible to predict which patients will suffer from fatigue 9 months after radiotherapy? Results indicated that fatigue in disease-free cancer patients did not differ significantly from fatigue in the general population. However, for 34% of the patients, fatigue following treatment was worse than anticipated, 39% listed fatigue as one of the three symptoms causing them most distress, 26% of patients worried about their fatigue and patients' overall quality of life was negatively related to fatigue (r = -0.46). Fatigue in disease-free patients was significantly associated with: gender, physical distress, pain rating, sleep quality, functional disability, psychological distress and depression, but not with medical (diagnosis, prognosis, co-morbidity) or treatment-related (target area, total radiation dose, fractionation) variables. The degree of fatigue, functional disability and pain before radiotherapy were the best predictors of fatigue at 9-month follow-up, explaining 30%, 3% and 4% of the variance respectively. These findings are in line with the associations found with fatigue during treatment as reported in the preceding paper in this issue. The significant associations between fatigue and both psychological and physical variables demonstrate the complex aetiology of this symptom in patients and point out the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach for its treatment

    Accelerated high-dose radiotherapy alone or combined with either concomitant or sequential chemotherapy; treatments of choice in patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Results of high-dose chemo-radiotherapy (CRT), using the treatment schedules of EORTC study 08972/22973 or radiotherapy (RT) alone were analyzed among all patients (pts) with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) treated with curative intent in our department from 1995–2004.</p> <p>Material</p> <p>Included are 131 pts with medically inoperable or with irresectable NSCLC (TNM stage I:15 pts, IIB:15 pts, IIIA:57 pts, IIIB:43 pts, X:1 pt).</p> <p>Treatment</p> <p>Group I: Concomitant CRT: 66 Gy/2.75 Gy/24 fractions (fx)/33 days combined with daily administration of cisplatin 6 mg/m<sup>2</sup>: 56 pts (standard).</p> <p>Group II: Sequential CRT: two courses of a 21-day schedule of chemotherapy (gemcitabin 1250 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>d1, cisplatin 75 mg/m2 d2) followed by 66 Gy/2.75 Gy/24 fx/33 days without daily cisplatin: 26 pts.</p> <p>Group III: RT: 66 Gy/2.75 Gy/24 fx/33 days or 60 Gy/3 Gy/20 fx/26 days: 49 pts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 1, 2, and 5 year actuarial overall survival (OS) were 46%, 24%, and 15%, respectively.</p> <p>At multivariate analysis the only factor with a significantly positive influence on OS was treatment with chemo-radiation (P = 0.024) (1-, 2-, and 5-yr OS 56%, 30% and 22% respectively). The incidence of local recurrence was 36%, the incidence of distant metastases 46%.</p> <p>Late complications grade 3 were seen in 21 pts and grade 4 in 4 patients. One patient had a lethal complication (oesophageal). For 32 patients insufficient data were available to assess late complications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study we were able to reproduce the results of EORTC trial 08972/22973 in a non-selected patient population outside of the setting of a randomised trial. Radiotherapy (66 Gy/24 fx/33 days) combined with either concomitant daily low dose cisplatin or with two neo-adjuvant courses of gemcitabin and cisplatin are effective treatments for patients with locally advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. The concomitant schedule is also suitable for elderly people with co-morbidity.</p

    Psychosocial interventions for patients with advanced cancer – a systematic review of the literature

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    Advanced cancer is associated with emotional distress, especially depression and feelings of sadness. To date, it is unclear which is the most effective way to address these problems. This review focuses on the effects of psychosocial interventions on the quality of life (QoL) of patients with advanced cancer. It was hypothesised that patients will benefit from psychosocial interventions by improving QoL, especially in the domain of emotional functioning. The review was conducted using systematic review methodology involving a systematic search of the literature published between 1990 and 2002, quality assessment of included studies, systematic data extraction and narrative data synthesis. In all, 10 randomised controlled studies involving 13 trials were included. Overall interventions and outcome measures across studies were heterogeneous. Outcome measures, pertaining to the QoL dimension of emotional functioning, were most frequently measured. A total of 12 trials evaluating behaviour therapy found positive effects on one or more indicators of QoL, for example, depression. The results of the review support recommendation of behaviour therapy in the care of patients with advanced cancer