129 research outputs found

    Natural History of Meningioma Development in Mice Reveals: A Synergy of Nf2 and p16Ink4a Mutations

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    Meningiomas account for approximately 30% of all primary central nervous system tumors and are found in half of neurofibromatosis type 2 patients often causing significant morbidity. Although most meningiomas are benign, 10% are classified as atypical or anaplastic, displaying aggressive clinical behavior. Biallelic inactivation of the neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) tumor suppressor is associated with meningioma formation in all NF2 patients and 60% of sporadic meningiomas. Deletion of the p16INK4a/p14ARF locus is found in both benign and malignant meningiomas, while mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene is uncommon. Previously, we inactivated Nf2 in homozygous conditional knockout mice by adenoviral Cre delivery and showed that Nf2 loss in arachnoid cells is rate-limiting for meningioma formation. Here, we report that additional nullizygosity for p16Ink4a increases the frequency of meningioma and meningothelial proliferation in these mice without modifying the tumor grade. In addition, by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to screen a large cohort of mutant mice, we were able to detect meningothelial proliferation and meningioma development opening the way to future studies in which therapeutic interventions can be tested as preclinical assessment of their potential clinical application

    PDGF-B-driven gliomagenesis can occur in the absence of the proteoglycan NG2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the last years, the transmembrane proteoglycan NG2 has gained interest as a therapeutic target for the treatment of diverse tumor types, including gliomas, because increases of its expression correlate with dismal prognosis. NG2 has been shown to function as a co-receptor for PDGF ligands whose aberrant expression is common in gliomas. We have recently generated a glioma model based on the overexpression of PDGF-B in neural progenitors and here we investigated the possible relevance of NG2 during PDGF-driven gliomagenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The survival curves of NG2-KO mice overexpressing PDGF-B were compared to controls by using a Log-rank test. The characteristics of tumors induced in NG2-KO were compared to those of tumors induced in wild type mice by immunostaining for different cell lineage markers and by transplantation assays in adult mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We showed that the lack of NG2 does not appreciably affect any of the characterized steps of PDGF-driven brain tumorigenesis, such as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) induction, the recruitment of bystander OPCs and the progression to full malignancy, which take place as in wild type animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our analysis, using both NG2-KO mice and a miRNA based silencing approach, clearly demonstrates that NG2 is not required for PDGF-B to efficiently induce and maintain gliomas from neural progenitors. On the basis of the data obtained, we therefore suggest that the role of NG2 as a target molecule for glioma treatment should be carefully reconsidered.</p

    Suppression of autophagy impedes glioblastoma development and induces senescence

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    The function of macroautophagy/autophagy during tumor initiation or in established tumors can be highly distinct and context-dependent. To investigate the role of autophagy in gliomagenesis, we utilized a KRAS-driven glioblastoma mouse model in which autophagy is specifically disrupted via RNAi against Atg7, Atg13 or Ulk1. Inhibition of autophagy strongly reduced glioblastoma development, demonstrating its critical role in promoting tumor formation. Further supporting this finding is the observation that tumors originating from Atg7-shRNA injections escaped the knockdown effect and thereby still underwent functional autophagy. In vitro, autophagy inhibition suppressed the capacity of KRAS-expressing glial cells to form oncogenic colonies or to survive low serum conditions. Molecular analyses revealed that autophagy-inhibited glial cells were unable to maintain active growth signaling under growth-restrictive conditions and were prone to undergo senescence. Overall, these results demonstrate that autophagy is crucial for glioma initiation and growth, and is a promising therapeutic target for glioblastoma treatment

    A Patient-Derived Cell Atlas Informs Precision Targeting of Glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is a malignant brain tumor with few therapeutic options. The disease presents with a complex spectrum of genomic aberrations, but the pharmacological consequences of these aberrations are partly unknown. Here, we report an integrated pharmacogenomic analysis of 100 patient-derived GBM cell cultures from the human glioma cell culture (HGCC) cohort. Exploring 1,544 drugs, we find that GBM has two main pharmacological subgroups, marked by differential response to proteasome inhibitors and mutually exclusive aberrations in TP53 and CDKN2A/B. We confirm this trend in cell and in xenotransplantation models, and identify both Bcl-2 family inhibitors and p53 activators as potentiators of proteasome inhibitors in GBM cells, We can further predict the responses of individual cell cultures to several existing drug classes, presenting opportunities for drug repurposing and design of stratified trials. Our functionally profiled biobank provides a valuable resource for the discovery of new treatments for GBM.Patrik Johansson, Cecilia Krona and Soumi Kundu share first authorship</p

    Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein Can Prevent Development of Mouse Experimental Glioblastoma

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    Extensive angiogenesis, formation of new capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels, is an important feature of malignant glioma. Several antiangiogenic drugs targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or its receptors are currently in clinical trials as therapy for high-grade glioma and bevacizumab was recently approved by the FDA for treatment of recurrent glioblastoma. However, the modest efficacy of these drugs and emerging problems with anti-VEGF treatment resistance welcome the development of alternative antiangiogenic therapies. One potential candidate is histidine-rich glycoprotein (HRG), a plasma protein with antiangiogenic properties that can inhibit endothelial cell adhesion and migration. We have used the RCAS/TV-A mouse model for gliomas to investigate the effect of HRG on brain tumor development. Tumors were induced with platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B), in the presence or absence of HRG. We found that HRG had little effect on tumor incidence but could significantly inhibit the development of malignant glioma and completely prevent the occurrence of grade IV tumors (glioblastoma)

    PDGF in gliomas: more than just a growth factor?

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    Platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF-B) is a growth factor promoting and regulating cell migration, proliferation, and differentiation, involved in both developmental processes and in maintaining tissue homeostasis under strict regulation. What are the implications of prolonged or uncontrolled growth factor signaling in vivo, and when does a growth factor such as PDGF-B become an oncogene? Under experimental conditions, PDGF-B induces proliferation and causes tumor induction. It is not known whether these tumors are strictly a PDGF-B-driven proliferation of cells or associated with secondary genetic events such as acquired mutations or methylation-mediated gene silencing promoting neoplasia. If PDGF-B-driven tumorigenesis was only cellular proliferation, associated changes in gene expression would thus be correlated with proliferation and not associated with secondary events involved in tumorigenesis and neoplastic transformation such as cycle delay, DNA damage response, and cell death. Changes in gene expression might be expected to be reversible, as is PDGF-B-driven proliferation under normal circumstances. Since PDGF signaling is involved in oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and maintenance, it is likely that PDGF-B stimulates proliferation of a pool of cells with that phenotype, and inhibition of PDGF-B signaling would result in reduced expression of oligodendrocyte-associated genes. More importantly, inhibition of PDGF signaling would be expected to result in reversion of genes induced by PDGF-B accompanied by a decrease in proliferation. However, if PDGF-B-driven tumorigenesis is more than simply a proliferation of cells, inhibition of PDGF signaling may not reverse gene expression or halt proliferation. These fundamental questions concerning PDGF-B as a potential oncogene have not been resolved

    On the origin of glioma

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    Glioma is the most frequent primary brain tumor of adults that has a presumably glial origin. Although our knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in gliomagenesis has increased immensely during the past decade, high-grade glioma remains a lethal disease with dismal prognosis. The failure of current therapies has to a large extent been ascribed the functional heterogeneity of glioma cells. One reason for this heterogeneity is most certainly the large number of variations in genetic alterations that can be found in high-grade gliomas. Another factor that may influence glioma heterogeneity could be the cell type from which the glioma is initiated. The cell of origin for glioma is still undefined, and additional knowledge about this issue may prove critical for a more complete understanding of glioma biology. Based on information from patients, developmental biology, and experimental glioma models, the most putative target cells include astrocytes, neural stem cells, and oligodendrocyte precursor cells, which are all discussed in more detail in this article. Animal modeling of glioma suggests that these three cell types have the capability to be the origin of glioma, and we have reason to believe that, depending on the initiating cell type, prognosis and response to therapy may be significantly different. Thus, it is essential to explore further the role of cellular origin in glioma

    Regulated ATF5 loss-of-function in adult mice blocks formation and causes regression/eradication of gliomas

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    Glioblastomas are among the most incurable cancers. Our past findings indicated that glioblastoma cells, but not neurons or glia, require the transcription factor ATF5 (activating transcription factor 5) for survival. However, it was unknown whether interference with ATF5 function can prevent or promote regression/eradication of malignant gliomas in vivo. To address this issue, we created a mouse model by crossing a human glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter-tetracycline transactivator mouse line with tetracycline operon-dominant negative-ATF5 (d/n-ATF5) mice to establish bi-transgenic mice. In this model, d/n-ATF5 expression is controlled by doxycycline and the promoter for GFAP, a marker for stem/progenitor cells as well as gliomas. Endogenous gliomas were produced with high efficiency by retroviral delivery of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-B and p53-short hairpin RNA (shRNA) in adult bi-transgenic mice in which expression of d/n-ATF5 was spatially and temporally regulated. Induction of d/n-ATF5 before delivery of PDGF-B/p53-shRNA virus greatly reduced the proportion of mice that formed tumors. Moreover, d/n-ATF5 induction after tumor formation led to regression/eradication of detectable gliomas without evident damage to normal brain cells in all 24 mice assessed

    Non-Invasive Detection of a Small Number of Bioluminescent Cancer Cells In Vivo

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    Early detection of tumors can significantly improve the outcome of tumor treatment. One of the most frequently asked questions in cancer imaging is how many cells can be detected non-invasively in a live animal. Although many factors limit such detection, increasing the light emission from cells is one of the most effective ways of overcoming these limitations. Here, we describe development and utilization of a lentiviral vector containing enhanced firefly luciferase (luc2) gene. The resulting single cell clones of the mouse mammary gland tumor (4T1-luc2) showed stable light emission in the range of 10,000 photons/sec/cell. In some cases individual 4T1-luc2 cells inserted under the skin of a nu/nu mouse could be detected non-invasively using a cooled CCD camera in some cases. In addition, we showed that only few cells are needed to develop tumors in these mice and tumor progression can be monitored right after the cells are implanted. Significantly higher luciferase activity in these cells allowed us to detect micrometastases in both, syngeneic Balb/c and nu/nu mice

    Brain Abnormalities and Glioma-Like Lesions in Mice Overexpressing the Long Isoform of PDGF-A in Astrocytic Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Deregulation of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) signaling is a hallmark of malignant glioma. Two alternatively spliced PDGF-A mRNAs have been described, corresponding to a long (L) and a short (S) isoform of PDGF-A. In contrast to PDGF-A(S), the PDGF-A(L) isoform has a lysine and arginine rich carboxy-terminal extension that acts as an extracellular matrix retention motif. However, the exact role of PDGF-A(L) and how it functionally differs from the shorter isoform is not well understood.\ud \ud METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We overexpressed PDGF-A(L) as a transgene under control of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) promoter in the mouse brain. This directs expression of the transgene to astrocytic cells and GFAP expressing neural stem cells throughout the developing and adult central nervous system. Transgenic mice exhibited a phenotype with enlarged skull at approximately 6-16 weeks of age and they died between 1.5 months and 2 years of age. We detected an increased number of undifferentiated cells in all areas of transgene expression, such as in the subependymal zone around the lateral ventricle and in the cerebellar medulla. The cells stained positive for Pdgfr-α, Olig2 and NG2 but this population did only partially overlap with cells positive for Gfap and the transgene reporter. Interestingly, a few mice presented with overt neoplastic glioma-like lesions composed of both Olig2 and Gfap positive cell populations and with microvascular proliferation, in a wild-type p53 background.\ud \ud CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that PDGF-A(L) can induce accumulation of immature cells in the mouse brain. The strong expression of NG2, Pdgfr-α and Olig2 in PDGF-A(L) brains suggests that a fraction of these cells are oligodendrocyte progenitors. In addition, accumulation of fluid in the subarachnoid space and skull enlargement indicate that an increased intracranial pressure contributed to the observed lethality.\ud \u