58 research outputs found

    Konjunkturutvikling og annonseinntekter i redaksjonelle medier : en økonometrisk analyse av tidsseriedata

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    Denne utredningen studerer om det finnes systematiske forskjeller i hvordan konjunktursvingninger påvirker annonseinntekter i de redaksjonelle mediene dagsavis, tidsskrift, TV, radio og Internett, samt undergrupper av disse, i det svenske mediemarkedet i perioden 1994-2009. Gjennom empiriske analyser av tidsserie- og paneldata finner forfatterne at oppgangskonjunkturer og nedgangskonjunkturer ikke har symmetrisk effekt på annonseinntektene i enkeltmediene. De finner at annonseinntektene i trykte medier (dagsavis og tidsskrift) er mer følsomme overfor negative konjunktursjokk enn positive konjunkturer, mens kringkastingsmedier (TV og radio) er mer følsomme overfor positive enn negative konjunktursjokk. Forfatterne finner også enkelte forskjeller i konjunkturfølsomhet mellom mediene. Annonseinntektene i radiomediet er mer følsom for positive konjunkturer enn samtlige medier, tidsskrift er mer utsatt for nedgangskonjunkturer enn TV og radio, og dagsavis mer utsatt for nedgangskonjunkturer enn radio. For internettmediet finner forfatterne ingen klare konjunkturmønstre i annonseinntektene. Endringer i omsetning for Internett ser imidlertid ut til å være nært relatert til oppslutningsendringer. Funnene samsvarer med, men nyanserer etablerte oppfatninger om konjunkturfølsomhet i annonsemarkedet. Utredningen utvider tidligere studier ved å analysere effekten av høy- og lavkonjunkturer separat, justere for endringer i enkeltmediers oppslutning, analysere tall for internettannonsering og benytte kvartals- fremfor årsdata. Utredningen skiller seg også fra tidligere studier ved å fokusere på ett enkelt land: Sverige. Resultatene drøftes opp mot svenske markedsmessige og politiske forhold. Generaliserbarheten av konklusjonene utover det svenske markedet drøftes opp mot resultater fra tverrnasjonale studier. Gyldigheten av konklusjonene valideres blant annet gjennom å benytte ulike mål for økonomisk aktivitet og medieoppslutning. For noen medier er enkelte resultater mindre robust, men hovedkonklusjonene synes å være holdbare. Utredningen bør være av interesse for akademikere og praktikere interessert i makroøkonomiske svingningers betydning for medienes evne til å realisere kommersielle og samfunnsmessige mål

    The effect of high-dose vitamin D3 supplementation on bone mineral density in subjects with prediabetes

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    Purpose: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with increased fracture risk and recent studies show crosstalk between bone and glucose metabolism. Few studies have investigated the effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone without additional calcium. In the present study, we aimed to determine whether a high dose of vitamin D3 could improve bone mass density (BMD) in prediabetic subjects. Methods: The current study was conducted as a secondary research on a previously performed trial, in which five hundred and eleven subjects with prediabetes were randomized to vitamin D3 (20 000 IU per week) versus placebo for five years. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Results: Two hundred and fifty-six subjects were randomized to vitamin D and 255 to placebo. Mean baseline serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level was 60 nmol/L. Two hundred and two and 214 in the vitamin D and placebo groups, respectively, completed BMD measurements, whereas one in each group was excluded due to use of bisphosphonates. Males given vitamin D had significantly less reduction in BMD at the femoral neck measurement site compared to the controls (0.000 g/cm2 versus -0.010 g/cm2, p=0.008). No significant differences between intervention groups were seen at the total hip measurement site, regarding both males and females. Conclusions: Vitamin D3 supplementation alone may be beneficial in males with prediabetes, but confirmatory studies are needed

    Associations of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and subjective sleep measures in an arctic population: Insights from the population-based Tromsø Study

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    Objective - To investigate the relation between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (s-25(OH)D) and subjective sleep measures in an Arctic population (69°N). Methods - Cross-sectional data was collected from 21,083 individuals (aged ≥40 years) participating in the population based Tromsø Study: Tromsø7 (2015–2016). The present study included 20,438 participants, after having excluded respondents missing data on s-25(OH)D (n = 161) and/or subjective sleep measures (including sleep duration, insomnia, and daytime sleepiness)(n = 490). Based on s-25(OH)D (assessed using LC-MS/MS), participants were grouped as deficient (75 nmol/L). Sleep duration was grouped as inadequate (ISD) if Results - In both men and women, s-25(OH)D was positively associated with sleep duration, and compared to the sufficient s-25(OH)D group, the insufficient s-25(OH)D group reported significantly shorter sleep duration in both sexes. There was an increased odds of ISD in both men and women but adjusted for confounding factors this was only significant in women (1.16 [1.03, 1.32], p = .017). In men, there were no significant associations between s-25(OH)D and the remaining sleep measures. Women in the high s-25(OH)D group had lower ESS-scores (−0.28 [-0.47, −0.08], p = .006), but higher odds of insomnia (1.16 [1.01, 1.33], p = .036) compared to women in the sufficient group. Conclusions - In this Arctic population, a tenuous association was found between s-25(OH)D and subjective sleep measures, predominantly in women

    A Review of Acute and Long-Term Neurological Complications Following Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant for Paediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

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    Despite advances in haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) techniques, the risk of serious side effects and complications still exists. Neurological complications, both acute and long term, are common following HSCT and contribute to significant morbidity and mortality. The aetiology of neurotoxicity includes infections and a wide variety of non-infectious causes such as drug toxicities, metabolic abnormalities, irradiation, vascular and immunologic events and the leukaemia itself. The majority of the literature on this subject is focussed on adults. The impact of the combination of neurotoxic drugs given before and during HSCT, radiotherapy and neurological complications on the developing and vulnerable paediatric and adolescent brain remains unclear. Moreover, the age-related sensitivity of the nervous system to toxic insults is still being investigated. In this article, we review current evidence regarding neurotoxicity following HSCT for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in childhood. We focus on acute and long-term impacts. Understanding the aetiology and long-term sequelae of neurological complications in children is particularly important in the current era of immunotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (such as chimeric antigen receptor T cells and bi-specific T-cell engager antibodies), which have well-known and common neurological side effects and may represent a future treatment modality for at least a fraction of HSCT-recipients

    Dimensjonering av romlig stålfagverk : Forve gangbru

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    Bacherloroppgave - Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, program for bygg og miljø, 201

    The effect of dosing regimen on outcomes of vitamin D supplementation trials. A study of current literature

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    Results from observational studies have indicated associations between vitamin D and extra-skeletal outcomes, including respiratory tract infections (RTI) and all-cause mortality. However, available trial-data have shown inconsistent results. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate whether a beneficial effect of daily supplementation of vitamin D on RTI and all-cause mortality could have been masked by the use of less frequent supplementation intervals. This thesis included data from double-blinded, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in the last 10 years. Eligible trials were identified through screening of the reference lists of systematic reviews of meta-analyses (MAs), and of reference lists of MAs on the selected outcomes included in these reviews. Also, additional searches were performed to ensure that also recently published RCTs, not identified in a previous step of the search strategy, were considered for inclusion. The search strategy was designed to promote selection of trials of adequate methodological quality. To be included the record had to be written in English and report results of a double-blinded placebo-controlled RCT with vitamin D supplementation in a human population. Studies including pregnant women or assessing the effect of prenatal supplementation were not included, nor were studies including populations with chronic kidney disease and/or other diseases known to affect the conversion of active metabolites of vitamin D. Titles and abstracts of identified records were screened for eligibility. Eligible full-text articles were retrieved, and key information extracted and summarized in modified PICO-tables. This thesis included a total of 21 RCTs reporting effects of vitamin D supplementation on RTI, and 15 RCTs reporting effects of vitamin D supplementation on all-cause mortality. Comparing the effect of dosing regimen on the pooled relative effect estimates showed a significantly lower odds of RTI with daily supplementation compared to less frequent dosing regimens in children. The same trend was observed in adults, but the difference was non-significant. No significant effects of dosing regimen were observed regarding the all-cause mortality outcome

    Vitamin D: Relations with Sleep and Bone Mineral Density. Insights from the Tromsø Study and randomized controlled trials

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    In this thesis, the relationship between vitamin D and health-related outcomes has been investigated. More than 21,000 individuals participated in the Tromsø Study 2015-16. The participants donated blood samples and filled in questionnaires regarding their health status, including questions about their sleep health. Using these data, the association between vitamin D and sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, and insomnia (sleeplessness) were explored. In women, a positive association was found between vitamin D and sleep duration, while the prevalence of insomnia was lower in women with a normal vitamin D level compared to women with higher vitamin D levels. To further explore this relationship, the effect of vitamin D supplementation on sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, and prevalence of insomnia was explored. A sleep questionnaire was implemented as part of an ongoing intervention study, originally designed to evaluate the effect of vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In total, 189 participants with low vitamin D levels at baseline filled in the sleep questionnaire. After four months of treatment, there were no differences in sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, or prevalence of insomnia between the group taking vitamin D versus placebo, neither when stratified by sex, nor by vitamin D level or sleep status at baseline. It was further investigated in another intervention study whether vitamin D supplementation without additional calcium could have a positive effect on bone mineral density, as a preventive measure against deteriorated bone health. In this intervention study, originally designed to evaluate vitamin D for the prevention of type 2 diabetes, it was found that vitamin D supplementation alone had a positive effect on bone mineral density in men, and that the effect appeared to vary according to measurement site

    The effect of dosing regimen on outcomes of vitamin D supplementation trials. A study of current literature

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    Results from observational studies have indicated associations between vitamin D and extra-skeletal outcomes, including respiratory tract infections (RTI) and all-cause mortality. However, available trial-data have shown inconsistent results. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate whether a beneficial effect of daily supplementation of vitamin D on RTI and all-cause mortality could have been masked by the use of less frequent supplementation intervals. This thesis included data from double-blinded, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in the last 10 years. Eligible trials were identified through screening of the reference lists of systematic reviews of meta-analyses (MAs), and of reference lists of MAs on the selected outcomes included in these reviews. Also, additional searches were performed to ensure that also recently published RCTs, not identified in a previous step of the search strategy, were considered for inclusion. The search strategy was designed to promote selection of trials of adequate methodological quality. To be included the record had to be written in English and report results of a double-blinded placebo-controlled RCT with vitamin D supplementation in a human population. Studies including pregnant women or assessing the effect of prenatal supplementation were not included, nor were studies including populations with chronic kidney disease and/or other diseases known to affect the conversion of active metabolites of vitamin D. Titles and abstracts of identified records were screened for eligibility. Eligible full-text articles were retrieved, and key information extracted and summarized in modified PICO-tables. This thesis included a total of 21 RCTs reporting effects of vitamin D supplementation on RTI, and 15 RCTs reporting effects of vitamin D supplementation on all-cause mortality. Comparing the effect of dosing regimen on the pooled relative effect estimates showed a significantly lower odds of RTI with daily supplementation compared to less frequent dosing regimens in children. The same trend was observed in adults, but the difference was non-significant. No significant effects of dosing regimen were observed regarding the all-cause mortality outcome

    Microsoft Modern Workspace

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    Oppgaven tar for seg en bedrift med en tradisjonell arbeidsflate. Bedriften har en IT-strategi som sier «Cloud first» og ønsker en moderne arbeidsflate. Oppgaven beskriver hvordan den nye arbeidsflaten bygges opp i skytjenesten Microsoft Azure, hvordan enheter og applikasjoner sikres og hvordan systemet driftes. Til dette benyttes hele registeret av Microsoftprodukter i Microsoft 365. Det tilbys også en måte for bedriften å forflytte seg i fra den tradisjonelle plattformen opp til den moderne arbeidsflaten i Azure