19 research outputs found

    Numerical Study of Influence of Infill Walls on the Vertical Irregularity Limit of Turkish Seismic Code

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    Abstract -Weak/soft story irregularities are resulted from sudden changes of stiffness, strength and/or mass between adjacent stories. These irregularities introduce a soft zone into a structure where the damage initiates and concentrates, often leading to complete collapse. It is argued that masonry infill walls not constructed at ground floors of some commercial building create such a zone. To examine this phenomenon along stiffness irregularity conditions described in Turkish Seismic Cod

    Flight Simulator Model Integration for Supporting Pilot-in-the-Loop Testing in Model-Based Rotorcraft Design

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    Model-Based Design (MBD) enables iterative design practices and boosts the agility of the air vehicle development programs. Flight simulators are extensively employed in these programs for evaluating the handling qualities of the designed platforms. In order to keep up with the agility provided by the MBD, integration of the air vehicle models in fairly complex flight simulators needs to be addressed. The AVES Software Development Kit (SDK), which is the simulation software suite of DLR Air Vehicle Simulator (AVES), enables tackling the model integration starting from the modeler’s desktop. Additionally, 2Simulate, which is the enabling real-time simulation infrastructure of AVES SDK, provides automated model integration workflow for MATLAB/Simulink models using Simulink Coder code generation facilities. This paper presents the successful employment of AVES SDK and the 2Simulate model integration workflow for addressing integration challenges for Pilot-in-the-Loop Testing in AVES


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    The Digital Twin Paradigm for Aircraft–Review and Outlook

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    With the ever increasing complexity of airborne systems, it is becoming extremely hard to identify, analyze and resolve problems during the life-cycle of aircraft. Increasing the reliability of future air vehicles designed for the airspace with rapidly growing traffic, collecting data during the system design and manufacturing phases and fetching information about the product's future from this data is becoming critical. Digital Twin is defined as a virtual copy of a product that is created starting from the very first moment when the product idea materializes. The virtual copy reflects the real one by using all of the available data. Digital Twin also promises understanding, learning and reasoning from the real-time product data. Nowadays, data collection, data analytics, machine learning and Big Data are gaining importance within Digital Transformation. These technological improvements are also pushing the Digital Twin concept. This paper aims at, while not exclusive, a comprehensive review of the available approaches and technologies, in addition to the challenges facing Digital Twin and the future of Digital Twin for aircraft

    Emergency Department During Long Public Holidays

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    SUMMARY: Objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the expected increase in the volume of patient visits in the emergency department during holiday periods on physicians' tendencies regarding test and consultation requests as well as on the length of time patients stay in the emergency department. Methods: The study groups included all of the patients who visited the emergency department during the nine-day public holiday (Eid al-Adha, a religious festival of sacrifice) celebrations and a nine-day non-holiday “normal” period. The patients' demographic information, reasons for their visits, comorbid diseases, whether or not they had undergone laboratory and screening tests, consultations, length of stay, and the way their visits ended were compared statistically. Results: Of the 6353 patients enrolled in the study, 3523 (55.5%) were seen in the emergency department during the holiday period, while 2830 (45.5%) were seen during the non-holiday period (p≤0.001). During the holiday period, there was a 1.9% decrease in laboratory test requests (p=0.108), a 7.7% increase in radiology examination requests (p≤0.001), and a 1.2% increase in consultation requests (p=0.063). The patients' length of stay during the holiday period was 55.9±75.3 minutes and was 56.3±71.9 minutes during the non-holiday period (p=0.819). The length of time for the patients who underwent tests or consultations was 88.6±92.8 minutes during the holiday period and 92.6±87.5 minutes during the non-holiday period (p=0.224). Conclusions: As expected, the number of patient visits to the emergency department increased during the holiday period, but this increase did not lead to a similar increase in test and consultation requests by the physicians, except for radiology examination requests. In addition, the length of time that patients stayed in the emergency department was not affected by the increase in the volume of patient visits during the holiday period. ÖZET: Amaç: Çalışmamızda uzun tatillerde acil servis başvurularında artış beklentisinin, hekimlerin inceleme ya da konsültasyon isteme yönelimine ve acil serviste hastaların kalış süresine etkisi olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda tatil dönemi olarak dokuz günlük Kurban Bayramı tatili kabul edilirken, karşılaştırma grubu ise dokuz günlük tatil dışı bir dönemde acil servise başvuran tüm hastalardan oluşturuldu. Her iki dönemde acil servise başvuran hastalar demografik bilgileri, başvuru nedenleri, komorbid hastalıkları, laboratuvar ve görüntüleme incelemesi yapılıp yapılmadığı, konsültasyon istemleri, acil serviste kalış süreleri ve sonuçlanma şekilleri bakımından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Tatil döneminde 3523 (%55.5), tatil dışı dönemde 2830 (%45.5) olmak üzere toplam 6353 acil servis başvurusu kaydedildi (p≤0.001). Tatil dışı döneme göre tatil döneminde laboratuvar inceleme istemlerinde %1.9 oranında azalma (p=0.108), radyolojik inceleme kullanımında %7.7 oranında artış (p≤0.001), konsültasyon istemlerinde %1.2 oranında artış (p=0.063) saptadık. Acil serviste ortalama kalış süreleri tatil döneminde 55.9±75.3 dakika, tatil dışı dönemde 56.3±71.9 dakika olarak bulundu (p=0.819). İnceleme veya konsültasyon yapılan hastaların ortalama kalış süresini tatil döneminde (88.6±92.8 dakika) tatil dışı döneme (92.6±87.5 dakika) göre daha kısa saptadık (p=0.224). Sonuç: Uzun süreli tatillerde acil servislerde beklendiği gibi hasta yoğunluğu artmaktadır. Bu yoğunluk, hekimlerin laboratuvar incelemesi ve konsültasyon istemlerinde artışa yol açmazken, radyolojik inceleme istemlerinde artış gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca acil serviste ortalama kalış süresi başvuru sayısındaki artıştan etkilenmemektedir. Key words: Consultation, emergency, holiday, length of stay, test, Anahtar sözcükler: Konsültasyon, acil, tatil, kalış süresi, incelem

    Delayed initiation of clozapine may be related to poor response in treatment-resistant schizophrenia

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    The aim of this retrospective chart-review study was to investigate the relationship between delayed commencement of clozapine and the level of response in treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). We included 162 patients with schizophrenia who used clozapine. The mean delay until starting clozapine after fulfillment of the TRS criteria was 29 months. The delay was shorter in those who gained benefit from clozapine (P=0.04), those who were treated in a specialized psychosis outpatient unit (P=0.01), and in men (P=0.009), and it correlated with age (P<0.001). The delay in starting clozapine and the maximum clozapine dose were independent contributors toward the response to clozapine in the logistic regression analysis. Moreover, of those who gained considerable benefit from clozapine, the patients were younger (P=0.01), the duration of illness before clozapine treatment was shorter (P=0.001), and the numbers of adequate antipsychotic trials before the use of clozapine were fewer (P=0.05). Our findings suggest that efforts aimed at reducing the delay for starting clozapine may increase the effectiveness of clozapine in TRS

    The Effect of Intravitreal Azithromycin on the Albino Newborn Rabbit Retina

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    Faculty Senate meeting minutes from April 16, 2020