111 research outputs found


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    Due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, schools and universities around the world had to interrupt their education and switched to online education. In this study, it is aimed to determine the satisfaction levels of prospective teachers who have to take their courses with web-based distance education due to the pandemic towards e-learning. The satisfaction scale regarding the e-learning process developed by Gulbahar (2012) was used to collect data. The study was conducted at a state university in Turkey with 520 university students (prospective teachers). In this study, it was determined that prospective teachers were generally satisfied with the e-learning process. Students stated their level of satisfaction with the sub-dimensions of "Communication and Usability", "Teaching Process" and "Teaching Content" mostly as "often" and "always" on a Likert-type scale. While the students mostly answered "rarely" and "often" questions about the interaction of the "Interaction and Evaluation" sub-dimension, they answered "often" and "always" to the questions about Evaluation. In addition, a positive significant relationship at the level of 0.01 was found between four sub-dimensions in the study. Article visualizations


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    Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) can be defined as cumulative knowledge, beliefs, and practices transmitted from generation to generation, related to people's relationship with the environment. This study aims to determine the attitudes of gifted students towards traditional environmental knowledge and to examine them in terms of various variables such as age, class and gender. The study group of the research consists of 120 gifted/talented students (67 girls, 53 boys) studying at Manisa Science and Art Center. “Traditional Knowledge Attitude Scale (TKAS)” developed by Ugulu (2013) was used in the study. The t-test and ANOVA test were used to determine whether students' attitudes towards science showed a significant difference in terms of independent variables of the study. According to the results of the research, when the average of the students' attitudes towards traditional knowledge according to their grade levels were evaluated, it was seen that the eighth-grade students' attitude scores were the highest. In terms of gender, it was concluded that the attitude scores of female students were higher than male students. As a result of the statistical comparison of the attitude scores of the gifted students according to the independent variables of the study, it was concluded that the difference between the averages in terms of grade level and age variables was not significant, but there was a significant difference in favour of girls in terms of gender (p < 0.05).   Article visualizations

    The determinants of decentralised photovoltaic (PV) adoption in urban Nigeria and a verified model for rapid diffusion

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    Microgeneration technologies like residential solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have been shown to have immense potential for energy security and climate change mitigation. As a way of helping to resolve the decades-long power challenge in Nigeria, this study investigated the barriers to, and motives for, domestic PV adoption in Nigeria. It also assessed whether household PV can lead to increased energy use efficiency and examined the role of Government incentives towards large-scale uptake and diffusion. Adoption and innovation diffusion theories, willingness-to-pay (WTP), coproduction and self-help concepts were employed. Results were analysed using mainly Lagos State household data, collected through questionnaire surveys and interviews. Findings from correlation and logistic regression revealed the major barriers as high capital costs, lack of finance and low awareness. Field survey analysis established the key motives for uptake as power outages, cost-savings, including generator use fuel fraud and access to finance. It also showed that post-PV, adopting households engaged in more energy efficient practices. From this data the PV efficiency cycle was developed to demonstrate how energy conservation occurred. Empirical evidence from the surveys, interviews and LCOE calculations were used to design a verified model for rapid PV diffusion. This decision-making tool can be used by the Government, policymakers, PV designers, SMEs and households for choosing an appropriately-sized module. The results point to the need for regulatory and political intervention. Effective PV awareness creation campaigns and promotional strategies would also be necessary in the changing face of electricity supply in Nigeria

    Unfair Payment Issues in Construction: Re-thinking Alternative Payment Method for Tier-1 Contractors to Subcontractors

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    Recent statistics reveal substantial increase in late payments cases from 18% to 27%; with over £30 billion unpaid invoices to UK contractors. Furthermore, 82% of overdue invoices are monies owed to subcontractor by tier-1 main contractors. Indeed, tier-1 contractors are deemed to be the main elephant in the room despite various contractual, government and private initiatives designed to curb late payment menace. Yet, there is little research concerning use of Alternative Payment Method (APM) to leverage tier-1 contractors paying subcontractors’ invoices promptly. The aim of this study is to assess the use APM to enhance pragmatic and sustainable payment practices between tier-1 contractors and subbies. The research question is: what are the industry specific factors that influences unfair payment practices and how can alternative payment method help to leverage fair payments to subbies? The study adopted sequential exploratory design type of mixed method supported by questionnaire and structured interviews. The study population are drawn from experienced industry stakeholders including clients, contractors, designers, professionals in addition to use of computer simulation to validate proposed APM model. Initial findings reveal an optimism bias tendency of most subcontractors agreeing to lengthened and unfair payments terms induced by Tier 1 contractors. The study identified over five industry and business specific influential factors that encourages tier-1 contractors to clinch to unpropitious late payment practices. In specific terms, there are overwhelming evidences that APM has significant potential to minimize late payment in the UK construction industry if there is political, business and legislative will to implement the model

    Measuring infrastructure skills productivity

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    This chapter presents the concept and meaning of construction productivity and the techniques used in measuring workforce skills productivity in the construction industry. There are three major methods highlighted for monitoring and measuring productivity in the construction industry. The first relates to visual recording that requires taught watchers to be available on location to monitor and record work by specialists. The second is the physical recording technique which involves a direct surveillance technique that includes a qualified observer observing the site for the full duration of the working day operation using the work study method or work measurement. This method was typically illustrated with the application of regression model and learning curve theory to improve labour productivity. The third measuring technique discussed is the use of questionnaires and interview survey which involves information gathering through an interview with supervisors and workers working in the construction industry. Finally, the chapter discussed how infrastructure productivity can be improved through effective supervision, material management and supply chain management, project front-end planning (loading) and work face planning, training and certification of workforce and labour management and relations

    Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Excess Summer Mortality in the UK

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    One of the main objective of the building design is to provide comfort and safety to occupants, particularly during adverse weather conditions. In most part of the world, people stay indoors during adverse weather conditions, thus increasing energy consumption. In UK, vulnerable people such as the elderly are highly affected with mortality rate during extreme weather conditions. The 2003 heatwave reached average of 38.5° C in the UK resulting in the death toll of 2,234. The 10 days period of extreme heat is thought to be the warmest about the last 500 years. Across Europe, the 2003 heatwave resulted in 20,000 deaths; in France alone, the number reached 15,000. Similarly, the 2018 summer heatwaves, reached 35.5°C contributing to 863 deaths. Yet, there is little research regarding impact of energy efficiency in building and deaths caused by excessive heatwaves in the UK. The study aims to investigate the impact of energy efficiency in buildings and excessive heatwave deaths among elderly people in the UK. Research question asked is; do energy efficiency programmes and policies contribute to excessive summer deaths in the UK? .The study adopted quantitative research method with participants drawn from low/average income households, in west midlands part of UK, between 2003/04 to 2017/18. Initial findings show that there is a significant relationship between energy efficiency adoption, government policies and excessive summer deaths

    Public Relation Skills of University Librarians in South-East Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria.

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    This study investigates the Public Relation Skills of University Librarians in South-East geo-political zone of Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study. Questionnaire with 19 items and interviews method were used for the study. Descriptive survey design was used. The population sample constitutes (13) Federal and State Universities with one hundred and seventy-four librarians and library officers in University Libraries South-East geopolitical zone-Nigeria. Sample used are five (5) University Librarians and thirty-seven (37) practising librarians, all totally 42. Data were collected, tabulated and analyzed using simple percentage method. The major findings of the study show that the public relation skills of university librarians are poor and this effects the overall library administration. The major recommendation is that the University should as a management matter of urgencies organize in-service-training on public relation skills for university librarian and library schools to include in their curriculum public relation courses in order to strengthen the leadership quality of future librarians. Keywords: Librarians, Public Relations Skills, Library services, and managemen

    Sustaining Lifelong Education through Public Library Services in the Electronic Age

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    The research work was on sustaining lifelong education through public library service in the electronic age. Public library services are free public services to any person in the society. It provides access to knowledge, information and works of the imagination through a range of resources and services and is equally available to all members of the community regardless of race, age, nationality, ages, gender, religion language, disability, economic and employment status and educational attainment. Therefore, lifelong education could be sustained through library services in the 21st century, because the public library is open to all categories of users in a community for their information needs that relates to life and workplaces. The article discussed services offered in public library at this age of technology era and Some of services provide by public library to sustain lifelong education in society include: mail service, SDI, bookmobile, outreach programmes, referral and information services etc another area that was in the article overview of lifelong education, goals of lifelong education and impact of ICTs on public library and lifelong learning were also reviewed in this paper. The researchers made some recommendations to librarians in public library. Keywords: Lifelong, education, public library, library services, and  ICTs

    Barriers and motivations for solar photovoltaic (PV) adoption in urban Nigeria

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    For decades, Nigerian households have endured unreliable national electricity supply which have stifled economic growth and socio-economic development. As nations shift to green electricity adoption and a commitment to lowering their carbon footprint, opportunities arise for developing countries like Nigeria to improve supply using solar PV for power generation. At over 50% private power systems ownership, the majority of urban Nigerian households rely on self-generation using expensive petrol and diesel-powered generators. With PV generated electricity increasingly becoming more cost-competitive with conventional sources due to technological learning and support policies, this paper investigates the barriers to and motivations for PV adoption in urban Nigeria. Using interviews, data were gathered on key barriers to and motivations for PV adoption and results analysed. Findings indicate that the major barriers are high capital costs and lack of finance. The key motivation for PV adoption was power outages, energy cost-savings including generator use fuel fraud, awareness and access to finance. The results point to the need for regulatory and political intervention. Effective PV awareness creation campaigns and promotional strategies would also be necessary in the changing face of electricity supply in Nigeria