180 research outputs found

    Governing Chinese Engagement with the Hydrocarbon-Rich Countries; Examining Chinese Investment in the Hydrocarbon Sector of Canada and Russia

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    China’s global quest for energy has been one of the most fascinating developments of the past twenty years. As Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have increasingly gone ‘global’ in search of energy resources, scholars have explored the rationale and implications of China’s investment abroad. However, existing studies have yet to examine the ability of Chinese SOEs to complete the intended investment projects. Several studies that have noted this gap suggest that researchers should examine the ability of Chinese SOEs to adapt to different institutional environments (Smith and D’Arcy 2013) and to analyze the responses of local stakeholders to Chinese SOEs’ engagement (Abdenur 2017). Responding to their call, my study aims to explain how domestic political economy (more specifically, institutional arrangements and stakeholder relations) shapes the ability of Chinese SOEs to successfully participate in hydrocarbon projects in a host country. To answer this question, I conducted a qualitative comparative study of Chinese engagement in the Canadian and Russian hydrocarbon sector. My research consisted of fieldwork, interviews, and library research in Canada and Russia. I utilized within-case studies – by looking at specific hydrocarbon projects where Chinese SOEs indicated interest to participate - to examine the reception of Chinese SOEs’ investment and loans (or other finance) along the hydrocarbon chain in both countries. My analytical framework combined historical institutionalism with stakeholder theories to analyze the ability of Chinese SOEs to participate in hydrocarbon projects in host societies. My framework proposes that stakeholder politics are shaped by an intervening variable, inter-state relations, which influences the receptiveness of stakeholders toward Chinese SOEs. My research finds that Chinese SOEs’ participation – which includes direct investment, loans, and other finance – in the hydrocarbon industry is determined by host-country institutions and stakeholder politics. Relatedly, Chinese engagement/participation in the hydrocarbon sector varies on the basis of the local needs. I propose that inter-state relations influence the timing of Chinese engagement as they shape stakeholder strategies in recipient countries, while formal and informal institutions interact with stakeholder politics in shaping the ability of Chinese SOEs to participate in hydrocarbon projects. Ultimately, this study explains the responses of investment-recipient countries to foreign direct investment and loans from Chinese SOEs in the hydrocarbon sector. In doing so, it makes theoretical and empirical contributions to the existing scholarship on international business, comparative political economy, and China studies

    Orphanages in the Sverdlovsk region in the early postwar years

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с ликвидацией возросшей детской беспризорности и безнадзорности после Великой Отечественной войны: меры принятые правительством для устройства детей-сирот, положение детских домов в Свердловской области в первые послевоенные годы, а так же проблемы учреждений для детей, оставшихся без опеки родителей. Многие использованные исторические источники впервые вводятся в научный оборот.It this article there are questions connected with liquidation of high children's homelessness and child neglect after The Second World War: measures, that was taken by government for putting homelessness children into children's com-munity in Sverdlovskiy Oblast' after-war year's and measures to put in special school's children who had no parents. Also many historical sources came into scientific usage

    Формирование толерантности в профессиональной подготовке специалистов социальной сферы

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    The article is devoted to consideration of a problem of formation of tolerance as valuable basis of professional education of experts of the social sphere. Conditions of development of tolerance in vocational training of social workers and feature of influence of the educational environment on this process are openedСтатья посвящена рассмотрению проблемы формирования толерантности как ценностного основания профессионального образования специалистов социальной сферы. Раскрыты условия развития толерантности в профессиональной подготовке социальных работников и особенности влияния образовательной среды на этот процес

    Formation of legal competence of social workers in the course of professional education

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    In article possibilities of formation of legal competence of social workers in the course of vocational training in the conditions of a higher educational institution are consideredВ статье рассматриваются возможности формирования правовой компетентности социальных работников в процессе профессиональной подготовки в условиях высшего учебного заведени

    Migration safety in education: Adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments

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    The topicality of the problem under study stems from the changed geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions in Russia, which resulted in uncontrollable international and migration processes, changes in the ethnic composition of territories, worsening of ethnic and social relations of migrants and members of the society receiving them, search for educational paradigms complying with new conditions of the country's development. The aim of the research is to determine specific features relating to adaptation of migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments and to draw up a programme of social, psychological and pedagogical activities to adapt migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The leading research method is an experimental one, which enables us to fully consider the problem of adapting migrant students to conditions at higher educational establishments. The article outlines a system of social, psychological and pedagogical help to migrant students needed to optimise a process of their adaptation to an educational environment. The programme is aimed at creating social, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the efficient interaction of all members of an educational process, as well as full fulfillment of a person in conditions of a poly-cultural educational process. Teachers, curators, heads of subdivision and administrations of higher educational establishments may find the materials of the article useful. © Authors


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    Сборник выпущен при поддержке Фонда содействия развитию УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцин

    Problems of normative and legal regulation of integrated rehabilitation, early assistance and support of children with disabilities at the present stage of development of the company

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    In article tendencies of a legal regulation in the field of rehabilitation of disabled children are designated, suggestions for improvement of the current legislation are given. Factors and problems interfering formation of system of comprehensive rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled children, and solutions are formulated.В статье обозначены тенденции правовой регламентации в области реабилитации детей-инвалидов, даны предложения по совершенствованию действующего законодательства. Сформулированы факторы и проблемы, препятствующие формированию системы комплексной реабилитации и абилитации детей-инвалидов, а также пути решения

    Dermatoscopic Pattern in Children Suffering from Dermatomycosis capitis or from Alopecia areata

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of dermatoscopy for differential diagnostics between alopecia areata and mycoses, results from own investigations and from the literature are discussed. These diseases are common in children and occasionally not or quite late recognized.Ziel: Bewertung der diagnostischen Effektivität der Dermatoskopie mit zehnfacher Vergrößerung für die Differenzialdiagnose von Mykosen des behaarten Kopfes oder Alopecia areata bei Kindern. Derartige Erkrankungen kommen bei Kindern häufig vor und werden gelegentlich nicht oder erst spät erkannt. Hier werden Ergebnisse eigener Untersuchungen und Literaturangaben zum Thema besprochen

    Dermatoscopic Pattern in Children Suffering from Dermatomycosis capitis or from Alopecia areata

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of dermatoscopy for differential diagnostics between alopecia areata and mycoses, results from own investigations and from the literature are discussed. These diseases are common in children and occasionally not or quite late recognized.Ziel: Bewertung der diagnostischen Effektivität der Dermatoskopie mit zehnfacher Vergrößerung für die Differenzialdiagnose von Mykosen des behaarten Kopfes oder Alopecia areata bei Kindern. Derartige Erkrankungen kommen bei Kindern häufig vor und werden gelegentlich nicht oder erst spät erkannt. Hier werden Ergebnisse eigener Untersuchungen und Literaturangaben zum Thema besprochen