13 research outputs found

    I Wrocławski Panel Obywatelski jako przykład zastosowania praktyki deliberacyjnej

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    W niniejszym artykule prezentowane są konkluzje z obserwacji I-go Wrocławskiego Panelu Obywatelskiego, przeprowadzonego w 2020 roku. Analizę rozpoczyna umiejscowienie Panelu w kontekście współczesnej literatury na temat deliberacji. Następnie przypadek ten poddany jest analizie empirycznej bazującej na obserwacji jawnej nieuczestniczącej, analizie dokumentów oraz wywiadów z uczestnikami i uczestniczkami. Analiza wykazuje mocne i słabe strony Panelu, co prowadzi do wniosków, że chociaż jest to obiecująca metoda zwiększania partycypacji obywatelskiej w procesie podejmowania decyzji, to wiąże się z licznymi wyzwaniami związanymi z planowaniem, organizacją i moderacją zarówno edukacyjnego, jak i deliberacyjnego aspektu tej procedury

    Participatory Budgeting in Hrubieszów, Poland, as an Example of Residents’ Sustainable Participation in Shaping Public Expenditure

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    The article contains a case study of residents' participation in the process of shaping the city's public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The analyzed data were collected as part of the National Science Center [anonymyzed]. The research methods and tools used in the study included desk research, CAWI, a survey and scenario interviews. The case of Hrubieszów is only a part of our research that deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of the significant number of the city officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in this city relatively late - in 2017. Another interesting fact is that it is the smallest participatory budget among the twelve Polish cities thoroughly examined in our project. In this article we will present the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the participatory budgeting process. In our analysis we are looking for local signs of readiness for cooperation which, in favorable conditions, focus on deliberative moments and are followed by a deliberative stance, constituting a basis for pro-participation activities.The article contains a case study of residents’ participation in the process of shaping the city’s public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The case of Hrubieszów deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of a significant number of the city’s officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in the city relatively late – in 2017. This article presents the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the process. The focus of analysis is on local signs of readiness to cooperate which, in favorable conditions, focus on “deliberative moments” and are followed by a “deliberative stance,” constituting a basis for pro-participation activities

    Participatory Budgeting in Hrubieszów, Poland, as an Example of Residents’ Sustainable Participation in Shaping Public Expenditure

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    The article contains a case study of residents' participation in the process of shaping the city's public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The analyzed data were collected as part of the National Science Center [anonymyzed]. The research methods and tools used in the study included desk research, CAWI, a survey and scenario interviews. The case of Hrubieszów is only a part of our research that deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of the significant number of the city officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in this city relatively late - in 2017. Another interesting fact is that it is the smallest participatory budget among the twelve Polish cities thoroughly examined in our project. In this article we will present the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the participatory budgeting process. In our analysis we are looking for local signs of readiness for cooperation which, in favorable conditions, focus on deliberative moments and are followed by a deliberative stance, constituting a basis for pro-participation activities.The article contains a case study of residents’ participation in the process of shaping the city’s public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The case of Hrubieszów deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of a significant number of the city’s officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in the city relatively late – in 2017. This article presents the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the process. The focus of analysis is on local signs of readiness to cooperate which, in favorable conditions, focus on “deliberative moments” and are followed by a “deliberative stance,” constituting a basis for pro-participation activities

    Participatory budgeting in Hrubieszów, Poland, as an example of residents' sustainable participation in shaping public expenditure

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    The article contains a case study of residents’ participation in the process of shaping the city's public expenditure through participatory budgeting. The case of Hrubieszów deserves a closer look due to the pro-participatory attitude of a significant number of the city's officials, social activists, and residents. There is also a certain level of enthusiasm, despite the fact that participatory budgeting arrived in the city relatively late - in 2017. This article presents the functioning of this process both from the perspective of the local authorities and officials, as well as the project applicants and residents involved in the process. The focus of analysis is on local signs of readiness to cooperate which, in favorable conditions, focus on "deliberative moments" and are followed by a "deliberative stance," constituting a basis for pro-participation activities

    The Idea of Freedom in Radical and Delibe-rative Models of Democracy

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    Basing on the idea of freedom brought by I. Berlin we can derive to classical models of democracy: liberal and republican. Refl ection on postmodern theories of democracy – radi-cally plural and deliberative – points that they do not strongly differ from the traditional ones, but rather give them new challenges. Radical democracy of Ch. Mouffe and E. Laclau praising pluralism and negative freedom is a deconstruction of a liberal model, while delib-erative project of J. Habermas, praising community and negative freedom, remains in a republican tradition. In the end of the article the author also presents the understanding of the educative role of society and tradition in both classical and postmodern models of democracy

    The Idea of Freedom in Radical and Deliberative Models of Democracy

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    Basing on the idea of freedom brought by I. Berlin we can derive to classical models of democracy: liberal and republican. Reflection on postmodern theories of democracy – radically plural and deliberative – points that they do not strongly differ from the traditional ones, but rather give them new challenges. Radical democracy of Ch. Mouffe and E. Laclau praising pluralism and negative freedom is a deconstruction of a liberal model, while deliberative project of J. Habermas, praising community and negative freedom, remains in a republican tradition. In the end of the article the author also presents the understanding of the educative role of society and tradition in both classical and postmodern models of democracy

    The Concept of Freedom in Postmodern Models of Radical Democracy

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    Na podstawie koncepcji wolności według I. Berlina, można rozróżnić dwa klasyczne mo-dele demokracji: liberalny oraz republikański. Pogłębiona refl eksja nad wolnością w ponowo-czesnych koncepcjach demokracji – radykalnie pluralistycznej oraz deliberacyjnej, pokazuje, że nie są one zdecydowanie różne od teorii tradycyjnych, a raczej stawiają im nowe wyzwania. Ra-dykalna demokracja Ch. Mouff e i E. Laclau, z aprecjacją pluralizmu i wolności negatywnej, jest dekonstrukcją modelu liberalnego, a demokracja deliberacyjna J. Habermasa, ceniąca wspólnotę i wolność pozytywną, pozostaje zakorzeniona w nurcie republikańskim.Based on the idea of freedom formulated by I. Berlin, we can distinguish two classical models of democracy: liberal and republican. Reflections on postmodern theories of democracy—radically plural and deliberative— show that the two concurrent theories—postmodern and traditional ones—are not as divergent as one would have thought. Still, the postmodern theories of democracy challenge the traditional ones. Radical democracy in Ch. Mouffe’s and E. Laclau’s rendition, extolling pluralism and negative freedom, aims at deconstructing the liberal model, while J. Habermas’s deliberative project, favouring community and negative freedom, is grounded in the republican tradition

    Recenzja: GUY STANDING, A Precariat Charter. From Denizens to Citizens

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    Narada obywatelska jako deliberacyjna innowacja społeczna – analiza przykładu wrocławskiego

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    Narada obywatelska jest stosunkowo nowym narzędziem na mapie polskich praktyk partycypacyjnych, które do tej pory nie doczekało się dokładnego opracowania akademickiego popartego badaniami empirycznymi. Przedmiotem niniejszego tekstu jest jedna z pierwszych w Polsce narad, która odbyła się w lipcu 2023 r. we Wrocławiu i dotyczyła remontu ul. ruskiej. W tekście autorzy odwołują się do metody badawczej action research, łączącej obserwację naukową z aktywną współpracą ze środowiskiem praktycznym. zebranie analizowanych danych odbyło się za pomocą trzech metod badawczych: obserwacji uczestniczącej, wywiadów grupowych oraz analizy dokumentów zastanych.Citizen’s summit is a relatively new method in the landscape of Polish participatory practices that, up to this point, has not received a comprehensive academic treatment supported by empirical research. The subject of this text is one of the first publicly organized summits in Poland, which took place in july 2023 in Wrocław and concerned the renovation of ruska Street. In the text, the authors refer to the action research method, which combines scientific observation with active cooperation with the practical environment. The collection of analysed data was carried out using three research methods: participant observation, group interviews, and the analysis of existing documents