315 research outputs found

    <Original Article>The Effects of Heritage Protection Policies on Living Vernacular Heritage: The Case of Ukrainian Wooden Churches

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    Individualismo e desengajamento na contemporaneidade: o mercado da solidão no meio virtual

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    CEFET/GO - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de GoiásTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o cenário social em que floresceu a mercantilização de simulações de relacionamentos e emoções como namorado(a)s, amigos e familiares de aluguel, abraçadores profissionais e centros de ressocialização de indivíduos isolados da sociedade por escolha própria; sob uma perspectiva social teórica que trata das modificações da modernidade para a contemporaneidade e suas repercussões em relações de amizade e romance

    Cytoplasmic tail–dependent internalization of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase is important for its invasion-promoting activity

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    Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is an integral membrane proteinase that degrades the pericellular extracellular matrix (ECM) and is expressed in many migratory cells, including invasive cancer cells. MT1-MMP has been shown to localize at the migration edge and to promote cell migration; however, it is not clear how the enzyme is regulated during the migration process. Here, we report that MT1-MMP is internalized from the surface and that this event depends on the sequence of its cytoplasmic tail. Di-leucine (Leu571–572 and Leu578–579) and tyrosine573 residues are important for the internalization, and the μ2 subunit of adaptor protein 2, a component of clathrin-coated pits for membrane protein internalization, was found to bind to the LLY573 sequence. MT1-MMP was internalized predominantly at the adherent edge and was found to colocalize with clathrin-coated vesicles. The mutations that disturb internalization caused accumulation of the enzyme at the adherent edge, though the net proteolytic activity was not affected much. Interestingly, whereas expression of MT1-MMP enhances cell migration and invasion, the internalization-defective mutants failed to promote either activity. These data indicate that dynamic turnover of MT1-MMP at the migration edge by internalization is important for proper enzyme function during cell migration and invasion


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    科学研究費助成事業 研究成果報告書:挑戦的萌芽研究2016-2017課題番号 : 16K1436

    Note on Civil Case of the Supreme Court

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    Cytoplasmic tail-dependent internalization of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase is important for its invasion-promoting activity

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    金沢大学自然科学研究科 理化学研究所・横浜研究所 免疫アレルギー科学総合研究センター(RCAI) 横浜市立大学大学院国際総合科学研究科生体超分子科学専攻 客員教授Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is an integral membrane proteinase that degrades the pericellular extracellular matrix (ECM) and is expressed in many migratory cells, including invasive cancer cells. MT1-MMP has been shown to localize at the migration edge and to promote cell migration; however, it is not clear how the enzyme is regulated during the migration process. Here, we report that MT1-MMP is internalized from the surface and that this event depends on the sequence of its cytoplasmic tail. Di-leucine (Leu571–572 and Leu578–579) and tyrosine573 residues are important for the internalization, and the µ2 subunit of adaptor protein 2, a component of clathrin-coated pits for membrane protein internalization, was found to bind to the LLY573 sequence. MT1-MMP was internalized predominantly at the adherent edge and was found to colocalize with clathrin-coated vesicles. The mutations that disturb internalization caused accumulation of the enzyme at the adherent edge, though the net proteolytic activity was not affected much. Interestingly, whereas expression of MT1-MMP enhances cell migration and invasion, the internalization-defective mutants failed to promote either activity. These data indicate that dynamic turnover of MT1-MMP at the migration edge by internalization is important for proper enzyme function during cell migration and invasion

    Tetraspanin CD63 Promotes Targetion and Lysosomal Proteolysis of Membrance-Type 1 Matrix Metalloproteinase

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    金沢大学がん研究所Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is known to be internalized from cell surface, however, the fate of internalized MT1-MMP is still unknown. Here we demonstrate that at least a part of internalized MT1-MMP is targeted for lysosomal proteolysis. Treatment with an inhibitor of lysosomal proteinases chloroquine suppressed degradation of internalized MT1-MMP and induced accumulation of MT1-MMP in CD63-positive lysosomes. Ectopic expression of CD63 accelerated degradation of MT1-MMP, which was blocked by chloroquine. MT1-MMP, and CD63 were shown to form a complex through hemopexin-like domain of MT1-MMP and N-terminal region of CD63, and thus accelerated degradation of MT1-MMP was not observed with mutants lacking these domains. CD63 mutant lacking lysosomal targeting motif was unable to promote MT1-MMP degradation. These results suggest that CD63 regulates MT1-MMP by targeting to lysosomes

    The Structural Features of Trask That Mediate Its Anti-Adhesive Functions

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    Trask/CDCP1 is a transmembrane protein with a large extracellular and small intracellular domains. The intracellular domain (ICD) undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation by Src kinases during anchorage loss and, when phosphorylated, Trask functions to inhibit cell adhesion. The extracellular domain (ECD) undergoes proteolytic cleavage by serine proteases, although the functional significance of this remains unknown. There is conflicting evidence regarding whether it functions to signal the phosphorylation of the ICD. To better define the structural determinants that mediate the anti-adhesive functions of Trask, we generated a series of deletion mutants of Trask and expressed them in tet-inducible cell models to define the structural elements involved in cell adhesion signaling. We find that the ECD is dispensable for the phosphorylation of the ICD or for the inhibition of cell adhesion. The anti-adhesive functions of Trask are entirely embodied within its ICD and are specifically due to tyrosine phosphorylation of the ICD as this function is completely lost in a phosphorylation-defective tyrosine-phenylalanine mutant. Both full length and cleaved ECDs are fully capable of phosphorylation and undergo phosphorylation during anchorage loss and cleavage is not an upstream signal for ICD phosphorylation. These data establish that the anti-adhesive functions of Trask are mediated entirely through its tyrosine phosphorylation. It remains to be defined what role, if any, the Trask ECD plays in its adhesion functions