76 research outputs found

    Phosphorus-containing sulfonated polyimides for proton exchange membranes

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    Synthesis and characterization of the novel sulfonated BAPPO monomer and its use in the synthesis of a new phosphine oxide-based sulfonated polyimide are described. BTDA, 6FDA, and DDS were used as monomers in the polyimide synthesis. Sulfonated polyimide membranes were obtained by a solution thermal imidization method. The thermal behavior of the polymers was investigated by DSC and TGA. The morphological structure of the membranes was investigated by tapping-mode AFM. The proton conductivities of the sulfonated polyimide increased regularly as a function of sulfonated diamine content. The conductivities are good compared to typical proton exchange membranes

    Estudios Políticos (no. 33 jul-dic 2008)

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    Balance del proceso de desmovilización, desarme y reinserción (DDR) de los bloques Cacique Nutibara y Héroes de Granada en la ciudad de Medellín / Alonso Espinal, Manuel Alberto ; Valencia Agudelo, German Dario Las políticas públicas como paradigmas / Surel, Yves ; Sanchez Segura, Javier Perspectivas teóricas para el análisis de las políticas públicas : ¿de la razón científica al arte retórico? / Roth Deubel, Andre Noel La ciencia política y las políticas públicas : notas para una reconstrucción histórica de su relación / Valencia Agudelo, German Dario ; Alvarez, Yohan Alexis Políticas públicas de cultura : un rasgo de la relación entre miedos y esperanzas, el caso del municipio de Bello, 1997-2007 / Atehortua Castro, Luis Alfredo La participación ciudadana en las políticas públicas de lucha contra la corrupción : respondiendo a la lógica de gobernanza / Cano Blandon, Luisa Fernanda Puesta en escena, silencios y momentos del testimonio : el trabajo de campo en contextos de violencia / Quiceno Toro, Natali


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    Factory Animation by Self-Organization Principles

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    In the paper a novel idea of combining a virtual reality with an automated action control based on selforganization simulation is introduced. The concept provides an intelligent control for entities in the virtual reality enabling the user to participate in real-time to the self-organization simulation through the virtual reality interface. The concept is demonstrated with an implementation in a manufacturing domain, where a real world factory shop-floor is modeled in virtual reality, and factory operations are controlled based on selforganization simulation. The control provides a real time and continuous adaptation of the factory operations to the user interactions and other environmental disturbances. The implementation is based on distributed programming, where the self-organization simulator and the virtual factory are running on a separate computers. Two programs interchange continuously information through a local area network. The first implementation have proved to provide suf..