55 research outputs found


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    Ayurveda being essentially the science of life and longevity narrates all aspects of life and puts special emphasis on Jara (ageing). The world population of the elderly is increasing and by the year 2030, older persons are projected to account for one in six people globally. Ageing is a process of unfavorable progressive changes associated with decline in vigor and ending in death. It is an irreversible and inevitable process and has multidimensional aspects. Everyone must undergo this phase of life at his/her own life. In Ayurveda, Jara (ageing) is clearly defined as that which has lost age means become old by the act of degeneration of bodily tissues and organs. It is described of two types- Kalaja jara and Akalaja jara. The Kalaja jara (timely ageing) can be regarded as chronological ageing where Dhatukshaya occurs whereas the Akalajajara (premature ageing) which occurs untimely i.e., before its prescribed time it can be regarded as biological ageing and is more intense than that of the chronological ageing. Several concepts are reported in Ayurveda regarding ageing process e.g, decade wise ageing process is described by Acharya Vagbhat and Sharangdhara. According to them one particular bodily feature is being degraded by each decade of lifespan, in the same way multiple theories are also analyzed in contemporary science. The whole biology of ageing has been dealt in present article within the Ayurvedic frame


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    Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. A person with a BMI of 30 or more is generally considered obese. A person with a BMI equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight. Medodhatuvridhi causes Snigdhata of Shareera, Udara-parshvavridhi, Kasa, Shwasa, Hikka and Daurgandhya of Shareera. The Medovaha Srotas moola means the organs closely related to the functions of Medodhatu or the important sites related to beginning or ending of the channels of Medodhatu. The Acharya (Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata) considered Vrikka as Moola of Medovaha Srotas and also considered Vapavahana, Kati and Mamsa as second Moola respectively. The present study was conducted on 30 clinically diagnosed patients of 'Medoroga' (Obesity). The patients of ‘Medoroga’ (Obesity) were randomly divided into three groups of 10 patients in each. In Group A, 10 patients were treated with ‘Navakaguggulu’ 2 tab (each tab. of 500mg) three times a day with lukewarm water for 30 days. In Group B, 10 patients were treated with ‘Triphala Kwatha’ 50ml two times a day (morning and evening) for 30 days and in Group C, 10 patients were treated with ‘Navakaguggulu’ 2 tab (each tab. of 500 mg) three times a day with lukewarm water and ‘Triphala Kwatha’ 50ml two times a day (morning and evening) for 30 days. After completion of trial, Group C has shown the best result followed by Group A and B while in lab parameters Group A has shown highly significant result only in Triglyceride level. Similarly Group Cprovided better results in majority of the parameters

    Evidence of mobile carriers with Charge Ordering gap in Epitaxial Pr0.625_{0.625}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_{3} Thin Films

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    Epitaxial thin films of charge-ordered Pr0.625_{0.625}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_{3} have been studied using variable temperature Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS). The as grown films were found to be granular while the annealed films show atomic terraces at all temperatures and are found to be electronically homogeneous in 78-300K temperature range. At high temperatures (T>>TCO≈_{CO}\approx 230 K) the local tunnel spectra of the annealed films show a depression in the density of states (DOS) near Fermi energy implying a pseudogap with a significant DOS at EF_F. The gap feature becomes more robust with cooling with a sharp jump in DOS at EF_F at TCO_{CO} and with a gap value of ∼\sim0.3 eV at 78K. At low temperatures we find a small but finite DOS at EF_F indicative of some delocalized carriers in the CO phase together with an energy gap. This is consistent with bulk transport, which shows weakening of the activation gap with cooling below 200K, and indicates the presence of two types of carriers at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    According to AcharyaSushruta, in the presence of the Etiological factors the dosha get vitiated and provoked all the three Doshas spread out of their place and vitiate the RasaDhatu in the heart. Vitiate Rasa Dhatu (body lymph /chyle) manifestation of various types of pain is being produced, which is called ‘Hridbadha’ or Hridroga. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most important cause of global death, accounting for 17.3 million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than 23.6 million by 2030. Aim and objectives-Diagnosis and treatment of Hridroga through Ayurveda and its modern correlation.Mode ofAction of Hridyadrugs promoting heart’s health.Improper diet (excessive intake of Kshar, Lavana Rasa, Virudahbhojana) and Vegadharna, Chinta,Krodhaetc. are few among the many causes of Hridroga. In understanding symptomology of cardiovasculardisorder, it should be noted thatVaivarnya (Panduta /Shweta/Shyava) can be correlated to pallor and cyanosis, Murcchato Syncope, Kasato cough with or without Hemoptysis, Shwasato breathlessness or dyspnea, Ruja to Chest pain or discomfort. Drugs used in various formulations in Hridrogahaveproperties like Pachana, Deepana, Hridya, Anulomana,Rasayana and Krimihara.So, in present article an effort has been made to explain the heart disease and its management through Ayurveda as well as modern medicine

    Evidence for Orbital Order and its Relation to Superconductivity in FeSe0.4Te0.6

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    The emergence of nematic electronic states accompanied by a structural phase transition is a recurring theme in many correlated electron materials, including the high-temperature copper oxide- and iron-based superconductors. We provide evidence for nematic electronic states in the iron-chalcogenide superconductor FeSe0.4Te0.6 from quasi-particle scattering detected in spectroscopic maps. The symmetry-breaking states persist above Tc into the normal state. We interpret the scattering patterns by comparison with quasi-particle interference patterns obtained from a tight-binding model, accounting for orbital ordering. The relation to superconductivity and the influence on the coherence length are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, updated with published versio

    STM studies of electronic inhomogenieties in La_<SUB>{0.35}</SUB>Pr_<SUB>{0.275}</SUB>Ca_<SUB>{0.375}</SUB>MnO_<SUB>{3</SUB>} thin films

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    We report on temperature dependent STM/S measurements of Laser ablated epitaxial thin films ( &#8773; 400nm thick) of La0:35Pr0:275Ca0:375MnO3 (LPCMO) on NdGaO3 (NGO) substrate. Four-probe resistivity measurement on this film shows a sharp transition near 145K (TMI ) and a significant hys- teresis with temperature between 90K and 160K. The topographic STM images show a clean terraced surface at all temperatures (77-350K) with mono-atomic steps and terrace width of 300-400nm. Some inhomogeni- eties are observed in the conductance images on a length scale of &#8773;20nm and more apparent near the terrace steps. Although spatial variations in spectra are seen at all temperatures but with some common features that evolve with temperature. The spectra become gap-like below 210K (i.e. TCO) and with cooling this charge-ordering (CO) gap becomes more pronounced with a magnitude of 0.4-0.5eV. This shows an increase in the strength of the CO order parameter and makes us believe that with cooling the CO fraction in the phase-separation scenario is not decreas- ing with temperature. In this case the large resistivity change at TMI may have to invoke a third phase (other than metallic and CO phases) that becomes metallic with cooling rather than CO fraction melting into metallic phase

    Preparation of magnetic tips for spin-polarized STM on Fe_{1+y}Te

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    The interplay of electronic nematic modulations, magnetic order, superconductivity and structural distortions in strongly correlated electron materials calls for methods which allow characterizing them simultaneously - to allow establishing directly the relationship between these different phenomena. Spin-polarized STM enables studying both, electronic excitations as well as magnetic structure in the same measurement at the atomic scale. Here we demonstrate preparation of magnetic tips, both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic, on single crystals of FeTe. This opens up preparation of spin-polarized tips without the need for sophisticated ultra-high vacuum preparation

    Tunneling Study of the Charge-Ordering Gap on the Surface of La0.350_{0.350}Pr0.275_{0.275}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_3 Thin Films

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    Variable temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy studies on (110) oriented epitaxial thin films of La0.350_{0.350}Pr0.275_{0.275}Ca0.375_{0.375}MnO3_3 are reported in the temperature range of 77 to 340 K. The films, grown on lattice matched NdGaO3_3 substrates, show a hysteretic metal-insulator transition in resistivity at 170 K. The topographic STM images show step-terrace morphology while the conductance images display a nearly homogeneous surface. The normalized conductance spectra at low temperatures (T<<150 K) show an energy gap of 0.5 eV while for T≥\geq180 K a gap of 0.16 eV is found from the activated behavior of the zero bias conductance. The presence of energy gap and the absence of phase separation on the surface over more than 2 μ\mum×\times2 μ\mum area contradicts the metallic behavior seen in resistivity measurements at low temperatures. We discuss the measured energy gap in terms of the stabilization of the insulating CO phase at the film surface.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures To appear in Phys. Rev.
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