64 research outputs found


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    Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dibutuhkan guna meningkatkan efektivitas sumber daya dalam penempatan pegawai pada kantor Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Way Rilau Kota Bandar Lampung, salah satu aspek terpenting dalam pengembangan sumberdaya manusia yang kompeten dilakukan melalui proses rekrutmen. Namun pada saat ini sulit menemukan tenaga kerja profesional dengan keterampilan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan organisasi. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memastikan kesesuaian penempatan karyawan di Kantor Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Way Rilau Kota Bandar Lampung dan Sistem Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, penelitian ini dirancang menggunakan metode kualitatif Deskriptif untuk mendefinisikan ruang lingkup dan fokus masalah memilih subjek dan sumber informasi. Temuan dari penelitian menunjukan sistem pengelolaan sumber daya manusia Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Way Rilau ditingkatkan melalui perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengawasan guna memaksimalkan penempatan pegawai secara sesuai dan memperbaiki sistem pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Way Ril


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana peran perpustakaan desa dalam pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa di Desa Bagelen Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif untuk mengetahui suatu permasalahan secara induktif dengan analisis yang dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa perpustakaan sebagai media belajar tempat sarana belajar masyarakat untuk menambah wawansan dan ilmu pengetahuan serta membantu mencerdaskan masyarakat di Desa Bagelen yang masih sangat terbatas dalam melaksanakan kegiatan terutama program-program inovasi desa, kemudian diketahui bahwa masih sangat minimnya pertisipasi masyarakat dan fasilitas sarana prasarana penunjang kegiatan atau program pemberdayaan desa di Desa Bagele


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    One of those associated with the financial management area is the poor quality of the financial management area as part of the classic problems that continue to overshadow the accountability financial management area (Ministry of finance,2014:141). The process of disbursement ditenggarai became one of the causes of the problems of the financial management area (Mardiasmo,2009). Problems of disbursement in the budgets and time inaccuracy can be realized the error document SP2D. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the quality of the service to the recipient's Kepuasa service on the Agency's financial management and Asset Research Metro City Area using quantitative research design with Samples in the research of 50 people. Results of the study indicate that there is the influence of the quality of public services against publishing service recipient satisfaction warrant disbursement on Regional Assets and Financial management of Metro City As for advice based on the results of research This is the use of Regional financial management system applications in the service of the issuance of the warrant of Disbursement needs to be improved, it should be upgraded again the responsibility of the employees on the Agency's financial management and assets in Metro City Area Warrant service Disbursements, needs to be improved readiness officer on the Agency's financial management and the City Metro Area Asset in serving the recipient Service i.e. Officials Administering finance and financial staff in the service of a warrant The disbursement of funds, needs to be increased again the ability of the officers to give confidence to the recipient of the services that the issuance of a warrant for Disbursement according to the time that has been set out in the operational standards


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    Puskesmas Sukaraja, Kecamatan Semaka, Kabupaten Tanggamus memiliki beberapa kendala terkait dengan dinas dan kerangka dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien virus corona, seperti kekurangan APD atau Personal Defensive Hardware karena kebutuhan anggaran, keterlambatan dalam merawat pasien dipengaruhi Corona karena banyaknya hal yang harus diurus, misalnya saat ada pasien yang terkena virus corona, petugas puskesmas belum muncul atau beberapa perwakilan sedang merawat pasien virus corona lainnya dan tidak didukung oleh perlengkapan yang memadai untuk melakukan aktivitas seperti tidak adanya ruang tunggu pasien, ruang rawat inap pasien dan ruang oksigen yang tidak memadai. Alasan peninjauan ini adalah untuk memutuskan kantor dan yayasan serta untuk menemukan administrasi kesejahteraan pasien Coronavirus di Puskesmas Sukaraja, Wilayah Semaka, Kabupaten Tanggamus. Strategi pemeriksaan yang digunakan adalah penyelidikan subjektif, dengan prosedur pengumpulan informasi persepsi, pertemuan dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan, disadari bahwa belum adanya kantor dan yayasan yang dapat diakses seperti perangkat individu yang representatif, ruang oksigen, ruang rawat inap dan ruang segregasi dan administrasi kesejahteraan di Sukaraja yang harus ditangani, misalnya, ketika ada pasien yang terkena virus corona, petugas puskesmas belum muncul atau beberapa perwakilan sedang merawat pasien virus corona lainny

    Design of Prototype Payment Application System With Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology based on Android

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    Since the late 1990s, people have enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle. Mobile devices supported by the development of wireless networks have spread throughout the world. People can get information, order tickets, download songs and perform commercial transactions, called mobile commerce. Mobile commerce applications become the most popular application for mobile device users who want to do business and financial transactions easily and securely, anytime and anywhere they are. Today the use of physical cash is experiencing a decline in popularity in the business world, because it is being replaced by non-physical payments are often called electronic money (e-money). An important technology behind mobile payments is called Near Field Communication (NFC). As an indication that the NFC has tremendous business potential, leading companies like Nokia, Microsoft, Visa Inc., and MasterCard Worldwide and NXP Semiconductors, is actively engaged on them. Payment processing integrated with NFC technology based mobile operating system that is a trend today is Android that support NFC technology is version 2.3.3 Gingerbread. The prototype application is designed to pay for 2 on the user side of the user as consumer and the merchant side as a trader or seller by using the handset that already have NFC technology is Google Samsung Nexus S. Pay an application prototype also implements the concept of security in e-commerce transactions by using the protocol-to-Tag Tag so that the user needs for security and comfort during the financial transaction are met. &nbsp

    Are post-treatment orthognathic patients attractive? A three-dimensional study

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    Background: The primary objective of orthognathic surgery is to improve facial aesthetics and function to an acceptable standard and to the patient’s satisfaction. Exactly what constitutes an acceptable standard of facial aesthetics to a patient has been the topic of numerous studies and yet has so far remained elusive. The patient, as a lay person, is the final end user of orthognathic services; it is their idea of facial attractiveness that ultimately is more relevant as a treatment goal than pre-determined measurements and standards developed by the clinicians. The standards for facial attractiveness of a given population tend to reflect the arbitrary standards of beauty set by cultural background and the influence of the media and fashion trends of the time. In the past, studies on facial attractiveness have used two-dimensional photographs. Using a 3D stereophotogrammetry system to capture images presented in a 3D configuration is probably a more realistic method to replace the actual patient. The overall aim of the present study was to compare, using angular and linear measurements, 3D facial images of a group of post-surgical orthognathic patients to a group of “attractive” individuals which were selected by a lay panel as being attractive, from a population from the West of Scotland. Part I Aims: To determine the 3D soft tissue facial measurements of an “attractive” group of West of Scotland males and females between the age of 18 and 35 as selected by a panel of lay people. Materials and Methods: Subjects for the attractive group were recruited from within the local population of West of Scotland on a voluntary basis. Inclusion criteria were that subjects had to be of Caucasian origin from the West of Scotland, without craniofacial defect or facial hair and had to be between 18-35 years of age. 61 females and 51 males took part in the study; the subjects were imaged using the Di3D stereophotogrammetry system. The images were assessed by a lay panel of 8 members for facial attractiveness using a VAS method. The VAS scores were ranked from most attractive to least attractive for each subject as recorded by each of the 8 lay panel members. The data was divided into three segments – most attractive, attractive and least attractive. Individuals who were thought of as being most attractive and attractive by at least 6 lay panel members were chosen to be part of the attractive control group. The attractive group comprised of 24 females and 16 males. Landmarks were placed on all the 3D images by the author. Angular and linear measurements were derived for comparison between groups. An error study of landmark localisation was performed which showed no systematic errors and all coefficients of reliability were above 90%. Results and Conclusions: The comparison of female and male attractive groups showed that all female linear measurements were smaller then male measurements except for columella length. There was a statistical difference (p<0.05) between the majority of linear measurements for males and females except for columella length and lower lip length. In all cases except upper facial convexity and nasolabial angle, female angular measurements were smaller than male measurements. The difference in the mean for nasolabial angle was minimal. There was no statistical difference between the majority of angular measurements for males and females except for upper facial convexity (p = 0.006). Overall the results show that attractive females from this sample have smaller facial dimensions than the attractive males for the most part except for upper facial convexity where the females showed a slightly flatter upper face. Part II Aims: To determine whether post-operative orthognathic patients look attractive based on objective measurements of 3D soft-tissue facial landmarks. Materials and Methods: 16 male orthognathic patients and 17 female orthognathic patients participated in the study. The post-operative orthognathic subjects were imaged using the Di3D stereophotogrammetry system. Angular and linear measurements were used for comparison between the attractive males and females to the male and female post-orthognathic groups. Results and Conclusions: In the male orthognathic group, the only statistical difference in comparison of means to the male attractive control group was noted for the measurements lower lip length and lower lip prominence. The male orthognathic sample appeared to have longer and more prominent upper and lower lips compared with the male controls though only the measurements for lower lip were statistically different in this study. In the female orthognathic group, the only statistical difference in comparison of means to the female attractive control group was noted for the measurements nose width, lower anterior face height, nasolabial angle, nasal tip convexity and facial convexity including nose. The values for nose width, lower anterior face height, nasal tip convexity and facial convexity angle including nose were larger in the orthognathic group than in the attractive control group whilst the value for nasolabial angle was smaller. These results suggest that the female orthognathic group in comparison to the female attractive group have more convex faces in the sagittal plane, more convex nasal tips, wider noses and smaller nasolabial angles

    Peranan Perpustakaan dalam Meningkatkan Budaya Gemar Membaca Mahasiswa pada Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Negara Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

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    This study entitled The Role of Libraries in Improving the Reading Culture of Students in the State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai University aims to determine the role of libraries which consists of four components, namely librarians, collections, management and spatial management. in improving the reading culture of students in the State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai University. This research uses a descriptive method. The data collection technique used is by distributing questionnaires, interviews, observations and literature studies. The results of the research can be said that the librarian in the library of the State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai University has a role in increasing the reading culture of students, collections in the library of the State Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sang Bumi University. Ruwa Jurai has a role in increasing students' reading culture, library management in the library of the State Administration Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sang Bumi University. Ruwa Jurai has a role in increasing students' reading habit, and the layout of the library in the Administrative Sciences Study Program library. The State Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai has a role in increasing the reading culture of students. Keywords: library, culture, love to rea

    First Person View on Flying Robot For Real Time Monitoring

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    Radio control nowadays not only control the car but can control the copter. First Person View is a way to change the viewpoint of the controller looks like in the copter. By using radio telemetry communication that sends video data from the camera on the copter and will be shown on a display on ground station. Radio telemetry communication will use wideband modulation techniques to transmit video at high speed until the video is shown to be a real time video. The transmitter has been designed which is able to transmit video data up to 1 kilometers. Good quality video data can be sent about 500 meters below. measurement of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) that distance and wall are greatly affect the quality of the video. Deficiencies in the delivery of video communication can be minimized by increasing the gain and transmission power of the radio frequency telemetry and matching between the video telemetry radio and radio control copter

    Sensor Fusion and Fuzzy Logic for Stabilization System of Gimbal Camera on Hexacopter

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    Hexacopter has the ability to fly in the air can be used as an air monitoring system. To get the video or images that have good quality then it is used gimbal camera as a movement stabilizer and vibration damping. Stabilization System consists of two axes, x axis (roll) and y axis (pitch) and has a 2-axis camera gimbal controller which is have microcontroller ATMEGA 328 that serves to regulate the stability of the gimbal camera. The Input of this system is derived from accelerometer and gyroscope sensors that are within the sensor module MPU 6050, to determine the tilt position of hexacopter. The output of this sensor will be filtered first using complementary filters that serve to reduce noise of both sensors and complement advantages and disadvantages of each sensor. The output of this system is the movement of two brushless motors, brushless roll and pitch, that are controlled with Sugeno fuzzy logic method because it has a simple calculation so the response is faster and more suitable for real-time applications. From the case study with the data of the roll at by 35 Âş and pitch at by 17 Âş resulting PWM duty cycle value by -69.47% roll and pitch resulting PWM duty cycle value by -25.5 %, where (-) represents the direction of movement.
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