234 research outputs found

    Perhitungan Total Biaya Persediaan Dengan Metode POQ, EOQ dan MIN MAX

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              Persediaan dalam produksi dapat diartikan sebagai sumber daya mengganggur. Alasannya adalah karena sumber daya tertentu tidak bisa didatangkan ketika sumber daya tersebut dibutuhkan. Adanya persediaan menimbulkan konsekuensi berupa resiko tertentu yang harus ditanggung perusahaan akibat adanya persediaan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, metode yang dilakukan metode EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), POQ (Periodic Order Quantity) dan Min Max yang dipilih sebagai perbandingan, karena ketiganya sama – sama digunakan untuk mencari biaya persediaan bahan baku yang minimal, mencari kuantitas pemesanan dan frekuensi pemesanan yang optimum. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganilisis penerapan metode EOQ, POQ dan metode Min Max dalam pengendalian bahan baku, tujuan lainnya sebagai perbandingan biaya persediaan yang terapkan perusahaan dengan biaya persediaan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode EOQ, POQ dan Metode Min Max. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan memperlihatkan metode EOQ mempunyai toal biaya persediaan lebih rendah dengan begitu perusahaan dapat meminimalkan total biaya persediaan sebesar 2,5%. Kata kunci : POQ, EOQ, Metode Min Max, Persediaa

    Multi-temporal Land-Cover Classification of Kinabalu Eco Linc Site and the Protected Park Areas

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    The Crocker Range Park and Kinabalu Park are Sabah’s largest terrestrial parks physically separated by approximately 10 km. Both parks are involved in a set up plan of ecological linkages to connect and further strengthen the biodiversity conservation efforts in the State of Sabah. The part of ecological linkages project is known as Kinabalu Eco-Linc (Kinabalu Ecological Linkage). This study is designed to monitor the land use change of the area between year 1991 - 2018 using Landsat imagery. Maximum likelihood classifier was used to create the land cover change map of both protected areas. Seven land cover type were identified in the area which comprises of primary forest, secondary forest, shrubland/grassland, barren land, agriculture, plantation, and river. The result illustrated a drastic declined of primary forest and increased secondary forest and agricultural over the period of 28-years assessed. The spatial changes that occur throughout the period within state park and KEL area is drives by natural and anthropogenic activities. To support the increase in local population and their demand, the natural environment underwent changes for their welfare improvement. It is concluded that, monitoring protected area using remote sensing technique provide useful spatiotemporal data to locate key areas that are vulnerable to threat and can be utilized for better management of both protected areas and human use resources in adjacent area

    Self-cleaning and colour-preserving efficiency of photocatalytic concrete: case study of the Jubilee Church in Rome

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    The Jubilee Church in the south-eastern outskirts of Rome is one of the first buildings constructed with super white reinforced concrete with self-cleaning photocatalytic cement. However, 16 years after the opening of the building, the self-cleaning and colour-preserving properties arising from the titania particles (TiO2) within the concrete mix are not meeting the design requirements and the concrete is showing premature evidence of decay. While the form of the decay is affecting the appearance of the building and not its structural soundness, the ageing pattern of the building's components is resulting in a high maintenance cost, one not easily affordable within the ordinary budget supported by a small parish. This study comprises the first comprehensive step in understanding the causes of the accelerated ageing pattern of the concrete, highlighting methods to improve the long-term durability of the concrete and therefore reduce the cost of its maintenance. Moreover, this research offered the opportunity to test the durability and the effectiveness of the TiO2 in the real conditions on an actual building featuring non-standard geometries. The findings highlight how the ageing pattern directly connects with the geometry of the building and inadequate consideration of the local weathering at the design stage

    Mapping pre and post earthquake land cover change in Melangkap, Kota Belud Sabah using multi-temporal satellite Landsat 8/OLI and Sentinel 2 Imagery

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    It is generally accepted that vegetation provides important ecosystem services especially in term of rainfall partitioning. This study aims to evaluate the influence of canopy structure namely crown area (CA), diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height (TH) and crown spread (CS) and stand density on the partitioning of rainfall. Twelve throughfall plots of 20 x 20 m with 64 gauges randomly placed within each plot were established. For stemflow measurements, all trees within a 100 m2 plot within the study area were collared. Interception loss was computed as the difference between precipitation and throughfall plus stemflow. Throughfall ranged from 73.47 – 82.32 % of the gross rainfall. Stemflow was found to be roughly around 2.01% of the gross rainfall. Highest interception was 24.52 % attributed to the plot having the highest above ground biomass (AGB) density. The relation between canopy interception and forest structure were analyzed by regression method. Multiple regression analysis on the potential influence of stand structure to the throughfall percentage shows that all the forest structures variables measured in this study are negatively correlated to the amount of throughfall generated. This study suggests that forests with higher value of DBH, CA, CS and TH had higher interception rate

    New Insights into the Evolution of Wolbachia Infections in Filarial Nematodes Inferred from a Large Range of Screened Species

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    Wolbachia are intriguing symbiotic endobacteria with a peculiar host range that includes arthropods and a single nematode family, the Onchocercidae encompassing agents of filariases. This raises the question of the origin of infection in filariae. Wolbachia infect the female germline and the hypodermis. Some evidences lead to the theory that Wolbachia act as mutualist and coevolved with filariae from one infection event: their removal sterilizes female filariae; all the specimens of a positive species are infected; Wolbachia are vertically inherited; a few species lost the symbiont. However, most data on Wolbachia and filaria relationships derive from studies on few species of Onchocercinae and Dirofilariinae, from mammals.We investigated the Wolbachia distribution testing 35 filarial species, including 28 species and 7 genera and/or subgenera newly screened, using PCR, immunohistochemical staining, whole mount fluorescent analysis, and cocladogenesis analysis. (i) Among the newly screened Onchocercinae from mammals eight species harbour Wolbachia but for some of them, bacteria are absent in the hypodermis, or in variable density. (ii) Wolbachia are not detected in the pathological model Monanema martini and in 8, upon 9, species of Cercopithifilaria. (iii) Supergroup F Wolbachia is identified in two newly screened Mansonella species and in Cercopithifilaria japonica. (iv) Type F Wolbachia infect the intestinal cells and somatic female genital tract. (v) Among Oswaldofilariinae, Waltonellinae and Splendidofilariinae, from saurian, anuran and bird respectively, Wolbachia are not detected.The absence of Wolbachia in 63% of onchocercids, notably in the ancestral Oswaldofilariinae estimated 140 mya old, the diverse tissues or specimens distribution, and a recent lateral transfer in supergroup F Wolbachia, modify the current view on the role and evolution of the endosymbiont and their hosts. Further genomic analyses on some of the newly sampled species are welcomed to decipher the open questions
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