80 research outputs found

    Gabių mergaičių mokymosi patyrimas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje

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    The Munich Dynamic Ability-Achievement Model during the school period emphasizes the increasing impact of the school environment on the transformation of the ability (potential) of exceptional achievement, making it an integral part of the development of giftedness. However, the literature indicates that the identification and education of gifted children in Lithuania and abroad is often left to the personal discretion and initiative of teachers, parents or gifted students. In general education schools, gaps in teachers’ theoretical and practical training in gifted children education, as well as abilities to determine their academic and emotional needs, can be identified. Gifted are often seen as “awkward” students, and during adolescence they are faced with the need to choose between mimicking “normal teenage life” and being a “geek”. Gifted teens girls additionally feel pressured to conform to the “normal image of a girl” rather than displaying exceptional abilities and vigorously competing for achievement as “normal for the male image”. Teachers often think that boys can accomplish more than girls, so they need more reinforcement and encouragement. These factors pose a greater risk for gifted adolescent girls to be unrecognized, not properly promoted, and have not realized giftedness.A qualitative research strategy was used to reveal the authentic learning experience of gifted girls (teens) in general education schools. Six gifted girls from 13 years 10 months to 14 years 7 months, from three Vilnius schools, participated in the survey. The learning experience of gifted girls was revealed by three themes. They have shown that teachers’ attitudes that all students have equal learning needs, their obligation to help low achievers, and disbelief that gifted students need special education assistance had made gifted girls bored and waste time in the classroom. It was also revealed that the most commonly used methods of teacher training reflect a passive form of teaching that does not facilitate the process of acquiring knowledge. Finally, teacher indifference, high expectations, comparing students to gifted girls cause uncomfortable feelings, while teacher rigidity and insensitivity provoke conflict situations and reduce learning motivation. All of this, combined with inconsistent behaviour by applying different norms for themselves and students, widens the gap between “good” and “bad” students.Gabūs vaikai bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose ne visada atpažįstami, todėl jų ugdymosi poreikiai nėra tinkamai patenkinami. Pagal Miuncheno dinaminį gebėjimų ir pasiekimų modelį, gebėjimams ugdyti ypatingą vaidmenį turi mokyklos aplinka. Šiame tyrime analizuotas šešių intelektualiai gabių mergaičių, besimokančių skirtingų bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų aštuntose klasėse, mokymosi patyrimas. Taikant indukcinę teminę analizę, išskirtos trys jų mokymosi aplinką atskleidžiančios temos: mokytojų nuostatos dėl visų mokinių vienodų mokymosi pagalbos poreikių, mažai efektyvių tradicinių mokymo metodų ir mokytojų santykio su mokiniais klasėje

    Leczenie zachowawcze ciąży ektopowej

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    Ciąża ektopowa stanowi jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn śmiertelności matek w I trymestrze ciąży. Jest definiowanajako stan, w którym pęcherzyk ciążowy implantuje się poza jamą macicy i stanowi 1–2% wszystkich ciąż. Charakterystyczne objawy w postaci opóźnionego krwawienia miesięcznego, nieprawidłowych krwawień z narządówpłciowych i bólu brzucha rzadko występują jednocześnie, zwłaszcza na wczesnych etapach ciąży.Znajomość czynników ryzyka oraz wykorzystanie ultrasonografii i seryjnych oznaczeń stężeń gonadotropiny kosmówkowej pozwalają na ustalenie rozpoznania, zanim pojawią się niepokojące symptomy, a tym samym w części przypadków uniknąć leczenia operacyjnego.Leczenie zachowawcze ciąży ektopowej polegające na zastosowaniu metotreksatu wymaga starannej kwalifikacjipacjentek, niemniej jednak wiąże się z krótszym czasem hospitalizacji i znaczną redukcją kosztów leczenia. Celempracy było przedstawienie aktualnego piśmiennictwa w aspekcie skuteczności zachowawczego leczenia ciążyektopowej i odpowiedniej kwalifikacji pacjentek do terapii

    The influence of local development on the impact of natural disasters in Northeast Brazil: The case of droughts and floods in the state of Ceará

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    Using data from the Damage Assessment Reports from the Civil Defence, the current study investigates the relationship between the damage caused by natural disasters and local development at the municipality level in Ceará state, Brazil. The results show that a better urban and water supply infrastructure, a lower population density, and a higher proportion of own revenues relative to total revenues are associated with smaller disaster damage. However, economic development in terms of GDP per capita exhibits a convex relationship with the impact of natural disasters across municipalities, reflecting the potential decreasing returns of preventive investments due to the highly hazardous environment that involves municipalities

    Assessing the Impact of Household Participation on Satisfaction and Safe Design in Humanitarian Shelter Projects

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    Participation has long been considered important for post‐disaster recovery. Establishing what constitutes participation in post‐disaster shelter projects, however, has remained elusive, and the links between different types of participation and shelter programme outcomes are not well understood. Furthermore, recent case studies suggest that misguided participation strategies may be to blame for failures. This study analysed 19 shelter projects implemented in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013 to identify the forms of participation employed. Using fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis, it assessed how household participation in the planning, design, and construction phases of shelter reconstruction led to outcomes of household satisfaction and safe shelter design. Participation was operationalised via eight central project tasks, revealing that the involvement of households in the early planning stages of projects and in construction activities were important for satisfaction and design outcomes, whereas engagement during the design phase of projects had little impact on the selected outcomes.National Science Foundation, United States Agency for International Development Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, Nicolas R. and Nancy D. Petry Fellowship in Construction Engineering and Managemen

    The role of temporary accommodation buildings for post-disaster housing reconstruction

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    The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of homeless people is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction programmes. Reconstruction works often last long and during that time, it is essential to provide victims with the minimum conditions to live with dignity, privacy, and protection. This research intends to demonstrate the crucial role of temporary accommodation buildings to provide spaces where people can live and gradually resume their life until they have a permanent house. The study also aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to reach better design solutions. It is found that temporary accommodation is an issue that goes beyond the simple provision of buildings, since the whole space for temporary settlement is important. Likewise, temporary accommodation is a process that should start before a disaster occurs, as a preventive pre-planning. In spite of being temporary constructions, these housing buildings are one of the most important elements to provide in emergency scenarios, contributing for better recovery and reconstruction actions.The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, FCT, through grant SFRH/BD/73853/2010