24,181 research outputs found

    Electron-beam-sustained discharge revisited - light emission from combined electron beam and microwave excited argon at atmospheric pressure

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    A novel kind of electron beam sustained discharge is presented in which a 12keV electron beam is combined with a 2.45GHz microwave power to excite argon gas at atmospheric pressure in a continuous mode of operation. Optical emission spectroscopy is performed over a wide wavelength range from the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) to the near infrared (NIR). Several effects which modify the emission spectra compared to sole electron beam excitation are observed and interpreted by the changing plasma parameters such as electron density, electron temperature and gas temperature.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Non-uniform convergence of two-photon decay rates for excited atomic states

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    Two-photon decay rates in simple atoms such as hydrogenlike systems represent rather interesting fundamental problems in atomic physics. The sum of the energies of the two emitted photons has to fulfill an energy conservation condition, the decay takes place via intermediate virtual states, and the total decay rate is obtained after an integration over the energy of one of the emitted photons. Here, we investigate cases with a virtual state having an energy intermediate between the initial and the final state of the decay process, and we show that due to non-uniform convergence, only a careful treatment of the singularities infinitesimally displaced from the photon integration contour leads to consistent and convergent results.Comment: 3 pages; LaTe

    Rates of public health insurance coverage for children rise as rates of private coverage decline

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    This brief uses data from the 2008, 2009, and 2010 American Community Survey to document changes in rates of children’s health insurance, between private and public. The authors report that, nationally, private health insurance for children decreased by just under 2 percentage points, while public health insurance increased by nearly 3 percentage points. Rural places and central cities witnessed significant declines in rates of private health insurance for children in nearly every region. Rates of public insurance coverage rose in every region and place type. Children’s health insurance coverage overall continued to rise in 2010, increasing by 0.6 of a percentage point since 2009, and 1.9 percentage points since 2008

    Two-Loop Bethe Logarithms for non-S Levels

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    Two-loop Bethe logarithms are calculated for excited P and D states in hydrogenlike systems, and estimates are presented for all states with higher angular momenta. These results complete our knowledge of the P and D energy levels in hydrogen at the order of alpha^8 m_e c^2, where m_e is the electron mass and c is the speed of light, and scale as Z^6, where Z is the nuclear charge number. Our analytic and numerical calculations are consistent with the complete absence of logarithmic terms of order (alpha/pi)^2 (Z alpha)^6 ln[(Z alpha)^(-2)] m_e c^2 for D states and all states with higher angular momenta. For higher excited P and D states, a number of poles from lower-lying levels have to subtracted in the numerical evaluation. We find that, surprisingly, the corrections of the "squared decay-rate type" are the numerically dominant contributions in the order (alpha/pi)^2 (Z alpha)^6 m_e c^2 for states with large angular momenta, and provide an estimate of the entire B_60-coefficient for Rydberg states with high angular momentum quantum numbers. Our results reach the predictive limits of the quantum electrodynamic theory of the Lamb shift.Comment: 14 pages, RevTe

    The adaptive markets hypothesis: evidence from the foreign exchange market

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    We analyze the intertemporal stability of excess returns to technical trading rules in the foreign exchange market by conducting true, out-of-sample tests on previously studied rules. The excess returns of the 1970s and 1980s were genuine and not just the result of data mining. But these profit opportunities had disappeared by the early 1990s for filter and moving average rules. Returns to less-studied rules also have declined but have probably not completely disappeared. High volatility prevents precise estimation of mean returns. These regularities are consistent with the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis (Lo, 2004), but not with the Efficient Markets Hypothesis.Foreign exchange market ; Foreign exchange

    Characteristics of Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations Observed with Michelson Doppler Imager

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    We report on the spatial distribution of magnetogram oscillatory power and phase angles between velocity and magnetogram signals as observed with the Michelson Doppler Imager. The dataset is 151.25 arcsec times 151.25 arcsec containing sunspot from Dec 2, 1997 with a temporal sampling interval of 60 seconds and spatial sampling of 0.605 arcsec. Simultaneously observed continuum intensity and surface velocity accompany the magnetic information. We focus on three frequency regimes: 0.5-1.0, 3.0-3.5 and 5.5-6.0 mHz corresponding roughly to timescales of magnetic evolution, p-modes and the 3 minute resonant sunspot oscillation. Significant low frequency magnetogram power is found in lower flux pixels, 100-300 Gauss, in a striking ring with filamentary structure surrounding sunspot. Five minute magnetogram power peaks in extended regions of flux 600-800 Gauss. The 3 minute oscillation is observed in sunspot umbra in pixels whose flux measures 1300-1500 Gauss. Phase angles of approximately -90 degrees between velocity and magnetic flux in the 3.0-3.5 and 5.5-6.0 mHz regimes are found in regions of significant cross amplitude.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figures -- For better Figure files see: http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~norton/pub_list.htm

    Triple Compton effect: A photon splitting into three upon collision with a free electron

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    The process in which a photon splits into three after the collision with a free electron (triple Compton effect) is the most basic process for the generation of a high-energy multi-particle entangled state composed out of elementary quanta. The cross section of the process is evaluated in two experimentally realizable situations, one employing gamma photons and stationary electrons, and the other using keV photons and GeV electrons of an x-ray free electron laser. For the first case, our calculation is in agreement with the only available measurement of the differential cross section for the process under study. Our estimates indicate that the process should be readily measurable also in the second case. We quantify the polarization entanglement in the final state by a recently proposed multi-particle entanglement measure.Comment: 5 pages; RevTeX; to be published in Phys.Rev.Let

    The 1984 solar oscillation program of the Mount Wilson 60-foot tower

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    The instrumentation, data, and preliminary results from the summer, 1984, solar oscillation observing program which was carried out using the 60-foot tower telescope of the Mt. Wilson Observatory are described. This program was carried out with a dedicated solar oscillation observing system and obtained full-disk Dopplergrams every 40 seconds for up to 11 hours per day. Between June and September, 1984, observations were obtained with a Na magneto-optical filter on 90 different days. The data analysis has progressed to the point that spherical harmonic filter functions were employed to generate a few one-dimensional power spectra from a single day's observations
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