11 research outputs found

    A Re-Examination of Trade Policy and Industrial Sector Performance in Nigeria

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    In this paper, the purpose was to investigate the extent to which trade policy impact on industrial sector performance in Nigeria within the period of 1970 to 2014. Particularly, the study was carried out using ARDL bounds testing approach. It was observed that the trade policy variables of exchange rate, trade openness and tariff significantly impact on industrial sector performance. Specifically, exchange rate and tariff have negative and significant impact on manufacturing sub-sector and industrial sector performance in Nigeria. On the other hand, trade openness has a significantly positive effect on industrial sector growth. On the basis of these findings, the study suggested the implementation of appropriate exchange rate and tariff policies that will promote industrial activities as well as protect domestic firms from external competition. Emphatically, moderate tariff on importation of raw materials and machineries should be adopted and enforced

    A Re-Examination of Trade Policy and Industrial Sector Performance in Nigeria

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    In this paper, the purpose was to investigate the extent to which trade policy impact on industrial sector performance in Nigeria within the period of 1970 to 2014. Particularly, the study was carried out using ARDL bounds testing approach. It was observed that the trade policy variables of exchange rate, trade openness and tariff significantly impact on industrial sector performance. Specifically, exchange rate and tariff have negative and significant impact on manufacturing sub-sector and industrial sector performance in Nigeria. On the other hand, trade openness has a significantly positive effect on industrial sector growth. On the basis of these findings, the study suggested the implementation of appropriate exchange rate and tariff policies that will promote industrial activities as well as protect domestic firms from external competition. Emphatically, moderate tariff on importation of raw materials and machineries should be adopted and enforced

    Market size, agricultural reforms and agricultural productivity in Nigeria

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    This paper examined market size, agricultural reforms and agricultural productivity nexus in Nigeria with a view to finding out if market size and agricultural reforms can boost agricultural productivity in Nigeria. The study used time series variables that were estimated based on Autoregressive Distributed Bounds Testing approach (ARDL). The results indicated that market size has the capacity to drive agricultural productivity in Nigeria. In the light of this, reforms aimed at adequately financing agricultural sector by government should be pursued. Government should also continue to evolve reforms towards mobilising the private sector to invest in agriculture.Keywords: Reforms, Government, incentives and Marke

    Social Capital and Economic Growth Opportunities: A Case Study of Rural Households in Obudu, Cross River State-Nigeria

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    This study examined the relationship between social capital and economic growth opportunities Primary data were collected from a sample of 500 households in Obudu Local Government Area Cross River State Nigeria Information on household income demographic factors human capital physical assets and social capital were collected Social capital covers six dimensions groups and networks trust and solidarity collective action and cooperative information and communication social cohesion and inclusion and empowerment political action Social capital index for each household was constructed in the scale of 1 to 10 using linear transformation technique The entire data was analyzed using logit model estimation The results provides evidence and lend supports to the assertion that social capital play important role in stimulating economic growth of the rural households Other variables found to be important include physical capital human capital household size and dependency facto

    Corruption and Infrastructural Decay: Perceptible Evidence from Nigeria.

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    Globally, evidences abound in literature confirming a strong nexus between corruption and infrastructural decay. This paper attempts to articulate descriptively the link between corruption and infrastructural decay in Nigeria. Two selected infrastructural sub-sectors (electricity and governance) were briefly examined and used to demonstrate the correlation between corruption and the current state of infrastructural decay. It was very glaring from the simple correlation analysis that it is not absolute lack of funds that has caused infrastructural decay but outright mismanagement of funds (corruption) that is principally responsible for the level of infrastructural decay in Nigeria. On the basis of this analysis, some policy options were suggested. In essence, the promotion and institutionalization of good governance, long term infrastructural planning and public private partnership in the provision of infrastructures were among the policies recommended. Key words: Corruption, infrastructure, decay, governance and Nigeria

    Heavy Metal Tolerance profile among Bacterial species Isolated from Hydrocarbon polluted sites and their mobile genetic elements

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    This present study evaluated the plasmid incidence in bacteria and their genetic elements in heavy metals tolerant-antibiotics resistant microbes isolated from petroleum hydrocarbon polluted sites. The plasmid isolation was carried out using the fermentas Genejet plasmid miniprep kit (Thermofisher Scientific Inc, USA). Screening for class 1, 2, and 3 integrons, incompatibility group P testing, plasmid replicon typing, plasmid restriction analysis, and other analysis was performed using standard laboratory procedures. Plasmid incidences were higher among multiple heavy metal-tolerant bacterial species from hydrocarbon-polluted sites than those from the pristine site. Further, Class 1 integron incidence was significantly higher among the integrons in heavy metal tolerant bacterial isolates isolated from the polluted ecosystems than those from pristine ecosystems. Plasmid replicon type of bacteria with multiple heavy metal tolerance and antibiotics resistance indexes revealed that IncN plasmid replicon type carrying class 1 integron. This encodes resistance to sulphamethazole/trimethoprim, ampicillin, and tolerance to Cd, Ni, and Cu in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate from petroleum-polluted soil. This is the first report of IncN plasmid in environmental bacteria in Nigeria, particularly from petroleum polluted environment. The conjugation experiment confirmed the possible transferability of antibiotic resistance determinants among isolates in polluted ecosystems. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that petroleum hydrocarbon pollution vis-a-vis heavy metal selective pressure with the abundance of mobile genetic elements amongst isolates from polluted ecosystems could contribute to the dispersing of antibiotic resistance genes, thus posing a serious public health concern

    Mechanical and Thermomechanical Properties of Clay-Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata Walp.) Husks Polyester Bio-Composite for Building Applications

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    This study investigates the feasibility of creating a clay polymer-based composite using cowpea husk (CPH) as filler for production of roof tiles. Polymeric composites were fabricated by mixing unsaturated polyester (UPT) resin with cowpea husk at different filler weights and curing. A hybrid composite was produced with the addition of 3 wt.% clay and all samples produced were subjected to flexural, hardness and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) tests. The effect of clay addition on the mechanical and thermo-mechanical behaviour of formulated composites was investigated. The morphological analysis of the mono and hybrid system shows a rough and coarse inhomogeneous surface with voids created due to the addition of CPH filler for the mono reinforced and clay uniformly filling the voids that were created by the CPH in the hybrid composite. It is observed that hardness, tensile modulus and flexural modulus of hybrid composites increase with an increase in the CPH contents, while the strength and flexural strength all decrease with filler content. The optimal composition was obtained using Grey relational analysis (GRA) at 18% CPH for both mono and hybrid composite. The results imply that the composite combination can be used in making rooftiles and/or also in applications where low strength is required

    Mechanical and Thermomechanical Properties of Clay-Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata Walp.) Husks Polyester Bio-Composite for Building Applications

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    This study investigates the feasibility of creating a clay polymer-based composite using cowpea husk (CPH) as filler for production of roof tiles. Polymeric composites were fabricated by mixing unsaturated polyester (UPT) resin with cowpea husk at different filler weights and curing. A hybrid composite was produced with the addition of 3 wt.% clay and all samples produced were subjected to flexural, hardness and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) tests. The effect of clay addition on the mechanical and thermo-mechanical behaviour of formulated composites was investigated. The morphological analysis of the mono and hybrid system shows a rough and coarse inhomogeneous surface with voids created due to the addition of CPH filler for the mono reinforced and clay uniformly filling the voids that were created by the CPH in the hybrid composite. It is observed that hardness, tensile modulus and flexural modulus of hybrid composites increase with an increase in the CPH contents, while the strength and flexural strength all decrease with filler content. The optimal composition was obtained using Grey relational analysis (GRA) at 18% CPH for both mono and hybrid composite. The results imply that the composite combination can be used in making rooftiles and/or also in applications where low strength is required