9 research outputs found

    Relações solo-paisagem em uma topossequência sobre substrato granítico em Santo Antônio do Matupi, Manicoré (AM)

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    Considerando as dimensões da região amazônica e a necessidade de estudos que estabeleçam conexões entre os solos e a expressão da paisagem, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as relações solo-paisagem em uma topossequência sobre substrato granítico em Santo Antônio do Matupi, Manicoré, AM. Foi estabelecido um caminhamento de 3.000 m a partir do "espigão" da vertente, no seu sentido mais suave, com identificação dos segmentos da vertente com base na "quebra" do declive do terreno. Foram abertas trincheiras nos segmentos de vertente mapeados, e perfis foram caracterizados morfologicamente, coletando-se amostras de seus horizontes. Foram realizadas análises físicas (textura, ADA e GF, Ds e Dp, Pt e CHSS), químicas (pH em água e KCl, Ca, Mg, K, Na e Al trocáveis, P disponível, H + Al e C orgânico; SiO2, Al2O3 e Fe2O3 (método do H2SO4) e óxidos de Fe "livres" extraído com ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato e o Fe mal cristalizado extraído com oxalato de amônio) e mineralógicas (frações areia, silte e argila), usando difratometria de raios X. As variações do relevo favoreceram a presença de solos distróficos nos topos e solos eutróficos no sopé de transporte. As variáveis ΔpH, relação silte/argila, V % e relação Fed/Fet indicaram a presença de solos mais intemperizados nas áreas de topo da paisagem e solos com menor grau de evolução na encosta e no sopé de transporte. A composição mineralógica da fração argila mostrou-se relativamente homogênea, com predominância de caulinita e gibbsita e menor proporção de mica e quartzo

    Resolução espacial de um modelo digital de elevação definida pela função wavelet

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir a resolução espacial mais apropriada para representar a variabilidade da elevação, declividade, curvatura em perfil e índice de umidade topográfica de um terreno, por meio de avaliações com a transformada wavelet. Os dados utilizados no estudo têm sua origem em três transectos de 27 km, posicionados em áreas do Planalto, Rebordo do Planalto e Depressão Central na região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. As variáveis - elevação, declividade, curvatura em perfil e índice de umidade topográfica - foram derivadas de um modelo digital de elevação Topodata com resolução de 30 m. A avaliação da resolução com a máxima variabilidade foi realizada pela aplicação da wavelet-mãe, denominada Morlet. Os resultados foram analisados a partir do isograma e do escalograma dos coeficientes wavelet e indicaram que sensores remotos com resolução espacial próxima a 32 e 40 m podem ser utilizados em pesquisas que considerem os atributos de terreno, como declividade, curvatura em perfil e índice de umidade topográfica, ou, ainda, fenômenos ambientais correlacionados a eles. No entanto, não foi possível estabelecer um valor conclusivo para a resolução espacial mais adequada para a variável elevação

    Detection of antipituitary and antihypothalamus antibodies to investigate the role of pituitary or hypothalamic autoimmunity in patients with selective idiopathic hypopituitarism

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    Objective Antipituitary (APA) but not antihypothalamus antibodies (AHA) have been investigated in patients with idiopathic hypopituitarism. This study searched for APA and AHA in some of these patients to investigate whether pituitary or hypothalamic autoimmunity could play a role in their pituitary dysfunction. Design Sixty-six patients with selective idiopathic hypopituitarism were studied: 27 with ACTH deficiency, 20 with GH deficiency and 19 with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Twenty patients with hypopituitarism secondary to hypophysectomy and 50 healthy subjects were enrolled as controls. Measurements Antipituitary and AHA were evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence in sera of patients and controls. Positive sera were retested by a four-layer double immunofluorescence to identify the cells targeted by these antibodies. Results Antipituitary were present at high titre in 4 of 27 patients with ACTH deficiency (14\ub78%), 4 of 20 with GH deficiency (26%) and 5 of 19 with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (21%) and targeted, respectively, corticotrophs, somatotrophs and gonadotrophs. AHA were found at high titre only in 5 patients with ACTH deficiency (18\ub75%), mostly targeting corticotrophin-releasing hormone-secreting cells; none of these 5 patients resulted positive for antipituitary antibodies. Among the controls, only 1 hypophysectomized patient resulted APA positive at low titre. Conclusions Our results suggest that in patients with selective idiopathic hypopituitarism, detection of APA or AHA could better characterize an autoimmune process involving the pituitary or hypothalamus, respectively. In particular, detection of antibodies targeting selectively ACTH-secreting or corticotrophin-releasing hormone-secreting cells may differentiate, respectively secondary from tertiary variants of autoimmune hypoadrenalism

    Predictive role of the immunostaining pattern of immunofluorescence and the titers of antipituitary antibodies at presentation for the occurrence of autoimmune hypopituitarism in patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndromes over a five-year follow-up

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    CONTEXT: Antipituitary antibodies (APA) are frequently present in patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS). DESIGN: The aim was to evaluate the predictive value of APA for the occurrence of hypopituitarism. A total of 149 APA-positive and 50 APA-negative patients with APS and normal pituitary function were longitudinally studied for 5 yr. METHODS: APA, by indirect immunofluorescence, and anterior pituitary function were ssessed yearly in all patients. The risk for developing autoimmune pituitary dysfunction was calculated using survival and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Hypopituitarism occurred in 28 of 149 (18.8%) APA-positive patients but in none of the 50 APA-negative patients. The immunostaining pattern in APA-positive patients involved either isolated pituitary cells [type 1 pattern; n=99 (66.4%)] or all pituitary cells [type 2 pattern; n=50 (33.6%)]. All patients developing pituitary dysfunction throughout the study span had a type 1 pattern. Kaplan-Meier curves for cumulative survival showed a significantly higher rate for developing hypopituitarism in relation to positive APA tests (P<0.005), pattern of immunostaining (P<0.0001), and APA titers (P<0.000001). Cox regression analysis in APA-positive patients with a type 1 pattern demonstrated a significantly (P<0.0001) higher risk for the onset of hypopituitarism in relation to increasing titers of APA. CONCLUSIONS: APA measurement by immunofluorescence may help to predict the occurrence of hypopituitarism but only when considering the immunostaining pattern and their titers. Combined evaluation of these parameters allows identifying patients at higher risk for pituitary autoimmune dysfunction, thus requiring a strict pituitary surveillance to disclose a preclinical phase of hypopituitarism and possibly interrupt therapeutically the progression to clinically overt disease

    New insights on low vitamin D plasma concentration as a potential cardiovascular risk factor

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    The role of Vitamin D hormone in human health and disease is still debated. Recently, growing attention has been paid to its putative role in cardiovascular system homeostasis with several studies that suggested a correlation between low vitamin D levels and increased cardiovascular risk. Several mechanisms are involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases: systemic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, arterial hypertension and insulin resistance. In the present paper, we have revised the current literature supporting a role for vitamin D in the development of these pathogenetic processes. Finally, we have evaluated the current evidence linking vitamin D to atherosclerosis and its natural consequence, cardiovascular diseases

    New Insights on Low Vitamin D Plasma Concentration as a Potential Cardiovascular Risk Factor.

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