248,122 research outputs found

    Shot-noise in transport and beam experiments

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    Consider two Fermi gases with the same {\it average} currents: a transport gas, as in solid-state experiments where the chemical potentials of terminal 1 is μ+eV\mu+eV and of terminal 2 and 3 is μ\mu, and a beam, i.e., electrons entering only from terminal 1 having energies between μ\mu and μ+eV\mu+eV. By expressing the current noise as a sum over single-particle transitions we show that the temporal current fluctuations are very different: The beam is noisier due to allowed single-particle transitions into empty states below μ\mu. Surprisingly, the correlations between terminals 2 and 3 are the same.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Epistemic Foundation of Stable Model Semantics

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    Stable model semantics has become a very popular approach for the management of negation in logic programming. This approach relies mainly on the closed world assumption to complete the available knowledge and its formulation has its basis in the so-called Gelfond-Lifschitz transformation. The primary goal of this work is to present an alternative and epistemic-based characterization of stable model semantics, to the Gelfond-Lifschitz transformation. In particular, we show that stable model semantics can be defined entirely as an extension of the Kripke-Kleene semantics. Indeed, we show that the closed world assumption can be seen as an additional source of `falsehood' to be added cumulatively to the Kripke-Kleene semantics. Our approach is purely algebraic and can abstract from the particular formalism of choice as it is based on monotone operators (under the knowledge order) over bilattices only.Comment: 41 pages. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Role of structural relaxations and vibrational excitations in the high-frequency dynamics of liquids and glasses

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    We present theoretical investigation on the high-frequency collective dynamics in liquids and glasses at microscopic length scales and terahertz frequency region based on the mode-coupling theory for ideal liquid-glass transition. We focus on recently investigated issues from inelastic-X-ray-scattering and computer-simulation studies for dynamic structure factors and longitudinal and transversal current spectra: the anomalous dispersion of the high-frequency sound velocity and the nature of the low-frequency excitation called the boson peak. It will be discussed how the sound mode interferes with other low-lying modes present in the system. Thereby, we provide a systematic explanation of the anomalous sound-velocity dispersion in systems -- ranging from high temperature liquid down to deep inside the glass state -- in terms of the contributions from the structural-relaxation processes and from vibrational excitations called the anomalous-oscillation peak (AOP). A possibility of observing negative dispersion -- the {\em decrease} of the sound velocity upon increase of the wave number -- is argued when the sound-velocity dispersion is dominated by the contribution from the vibrational dynamics. We also show that the low-frequency excitation, observable in both of the glass-state longitudinal and transversal current spectra at the same resonance frequency, is the manifestation of the AOP. As a consequence of the presence of the AOP in the transversal current spectra, it is predicted that the transversal sound velocity also exhibits the anomalous dispersion. These results of the theory are demonstrated for a model of the Lennard-Jones system.Comment: 25 pages, 22 figure

    Pembuatan detektor Sinar-X Isisan Gas jenis proporsional Tipe Jendela samping

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    Telah dibuat dan diteliti detektor proporsional tripe jendela samping dengan gas isian argon dan metana Tekanan total gas isian adalah 400 mmHg dengan perbandingan tekanan 95 : 5. Katoda terbuat clari stainless steel berdiameter 24,2 mm dengan panjang 100mm dan anoda dari tungsten berdiameter 0,08 mm. Jendela terbuat dari berilium, dengan panjang 24 mm dan lebar 12 mm. Dari pengujian detektor diperoleh bahwa tegangan ambang 2200 volt, plats 125 volt, slope 2,3%/100 volt, resolusi energi 11,66 % dan efisiensi 8,57 % terhadap sinar-X dengan somber Fels pada jarak 0 mm. A side window proportional counter has been made and observed. Argon and methane with the total pressure of 400 mmHg and the pressure ratio of 95 ; 5 are used as a filled gas. The cathode with diameter of 24,2 mm, length of 100 mm and anode with diameter of 0,08 mm made of stainless steel and tungsten respectively are used in this experiment. Beryllium with length of 24 mm and width of 12 mm is used as a window. The performance test of this detector shows that the treshold voltage , plateau, slope, energy resolution and efficiency for X-ray with Fe55 as a radiation source at 0 mm are 2200 volt, 125 volt, 2,3%/100 volt, 11,66 % and 8,57 % respectively

    One antimatter --- two possible thermodynamics

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    Conventional thermodynamics, which is formulated for our world populated by radiation and matter, can be extended to describe physical properties of antimatter in two mutually exclusive ways: CP-invariant or CPT-invariant. Here we refer to invariance of physical laws under charge (C), parity (P) and time reversal (T) transformations. While in quantum field theory CPT invariance is a theorem confirmed by experiments, the symmetry principles applied to macroscopic phenomena or to the whole of the Universe represent only hypotheses. Since both versions of thermodynamics are different only in their treatment of antimatter, but are the same in describing our world dominated by matter, making a clear experimentally justified choice between CP invariance and CPT invariance in context of thermodynamics is not possible at present. This work investigates the comparative properties of the CP- and CPT-invariant extensions of thermodynamics (focusing on the latter, which is less conventional than the former) and examines conditions under which these extensions can be experimentally tested.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1209.198

    Yano-Koonin-Podgoretskii Parametrisation of the Hanbury Brown-Twiss Correlator

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    The Yano-Koonin-Podgoretskii (YKP) parametrisation of Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) two-particle correlation functions opens new strategies for extracting the emission duration and testing the longitudinal expansion in heavy-ion collisions. Based on the recently derived model-independent expressions, we present a detailed parameter study of the YKP parameters for a finite, hydrodynamically expanding source model of heavy-ion collisions. For the class of models studied here, we show that the three YKP radius parameters have an interpretation as longitudinal extension, transverse extension and emission duration of the source in the YKP frame. This frame is specified by the fourth fit parameter, the Yano-Koonin velocity which describes to a good approximation the velocity of the fluid element with highest emissivity and allows to test for the longitudinal expansion of the source. Deviations from this interpretation of the YKP parameters are discussed quantitatively.Comment: 38 pages, REVTeX, 11 PS-figures, to be published in Z.Phys.

    Finite-size scaling of helix-coil transitions in poly-alanine studied by multicanonical simulations

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    We report results from multicanonical simulations of poly-alanine. Homopolymers of up to 30 amino acids were considered and various thermodynamic quantities as a function of temperature calculated. We study the nature of the observed helix-coil transition and present estimates for critical exponents.Comment: to appear in J.Chem.Phys. (Jan 99