415 research outputs found

    Ion induced weight loss and thermal gravimetric analysis of ion-irradiated poly-vinyl formal

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    Structure of tin(II) tin(IV) trisulphide, a redetermination

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    Efficacy of a text messaging (SMS) based smoking cessation intervention for adolescents and young adults: Study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Background Particularly in groups of adolescents with lower educational level the smoking prevalence is still high and constitutes a serious public health problem. There is limited evidence of effective smoking cessation interventions in this group. Individualised text messaging (SMS) based interventions are promising to support smoking cessation and could be provided to adolescents irrespective of their motivation to quit. The aim of the current paper is to outline the study protocol of a trial testing the efficacy of an SMS based intervention for smoking cessation in apprentices. Methods/Design A two-arm cluster-randomised controlled trial will be conducted to test the efficacy of an SMS intervention for smoking cessation in adolescents and young adults compared to an assessment only control group. A total of 910 daily or occasional (≥ 4 cigarettes in the preceding month and ≥ 1 cigarette in the preceding week) smoking apprentices will be proactively recruited in vocational school classes and, using school class as a randomisation unit, randomly assigned to an intervention group (n = 455) receiving the SMS based intervention or an assessment only control group (n = 455). Individualised text messages taking into account demographic data and the individuals' smoking behaviours will be sent to the participants of the intervention group over a period of 3 months. Participants will receive two text messages promoting smoking cessation per week. Program participants who intend to quit smoking have the opportunity to use a more intensive SMS program to prepare for their quit day and to prevent a subsequent relapse. The primary outcome measure will be the proportion of participants with 7-day point prevalence smoking abstinence assessed at 6-months follow-up. The research assistants conducting the baseline and the follow-up assessments will be blinded regarding group assignment. Discussion It is expected that the program offers an effective and inexpensive way to promote smoking cessation among adolescents and young adults including those with lower educational level and independent of their motivation to quit

    Nonequilibrium functional RG with frequency dependent vertex function: A study of the single impurity Anderson model

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    We investigate nonequilibrium properties of the single impurity Anderson model by means of the functional renormalization group (fRG) within Keldysh formalism. We present how the level broadening Gamma/2 can be used as flow parameter for the fRG. This choice preserves important aspects of the Fermi liquid behaviour that the model exhibits in case of particle-hole symmetry. An approximation scheme for the Keldysh fRG is developed which accounts for the frequency dependence of the two-particle vertex in a way similar but not equivalent to a recently published approximation to the equilibrium Matsubara fRG. Our method turns out to be a flexible tool for the study of weak to intermediate on-site interactions U <= 3 Gamma. In equilibrium we find excellent agreement with NRG results for the linear conductance at finite gate voltage, magnetic field, and temperature. In nonequilibrium, our results for the current agree well with TD-DMRG. For the nonlinear conductance as function of the bias voltage, we propose reliable results at finite magnetic field and finite temperature. Furthermore, we demonstrate the exponentially small scale of the Kondo temperature to appear in the second order derivative of the self-energy. We show that the approximation is, however, not able to reproduce the scaling of the effective mass at large interactions.Comment: [v2] - minor changes throughout the text; added new Fig. 3; corrected pert.-theory data in Figs. 10, 11; published versio

    Berücksichtigung des Schutzgutes Boden bei Trassenplanungen

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    Die Energiewende ist eines der zentralen Themen unserer Zeit. Zu ihrer Umsetzung sind zahlreiche neue Stromtrassen erforderlich, die unterirdisch als Erdkabel geplant und errichtet werden. Der Erdkabelvorrang ist im Bundesbedarfsplangesetz (BBPlG) verankert und ist mit erheblichen Auswirkungen auf den Boden verbunden. Im Vergleich zum Bau einer Freileitung, ist der Boden hierbei durch baubedingte Eingriffe mit dem 10- bis 20fachen Volumen betroffen. In Abhängigkeit von den Bodeneigenschaften können durch eine Erdverkabelung umfangreiche Beeinträchtigungen des Bodens und seiner Bodenfunktionen sowie der Bodennutzung verursacht werden. In Niedersachsen sind v.a. die Trassen SüdLink und A-Nord relevant, die das Land jeweils von der Küste bis zur südlichen Ländergrenze durchqueren. Es erfolgt eine intensive Begleitung der Vorhaben durch zwei niedersächsische ressortübergreifende AGs. Der Bodenschutz ist in beiden Ressort-AGs vertreten. Aufgrund der hohen Betroffenheit der Böden, der Bodenfunktionen und der Bodennutzung ist es aus fachlicher Sicht erforderlich, das Schutzgut Boden frühzeitig und umfassend auf allen Planungsebenen sowie in der Bau- und Nachbauphase zu berücksichtigen. Dabei kommt Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung und Minimierung eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Ein nachhaltiger und schonender Umgang mit dem Boden trägt dem im BBodSchG und BNatSchG verankerten Vorsorgegedanken Rechnung und fördert die Akzeptanz bei den Flächennutzern. Gleichzeitig verringert sich der naturschutzfachliche Kompensationsbedarf in Hinblick auf das Schutzgut Boden und Aufwand und Kosten für Rekultivierung und Entschädigung können reduziert werden. Eine fachgerechte Berücksichtigung des Bodens kann somit zu einer Vereinfachung und Beschleunigung des Verfahrens beitragen. Der Beitrag zeigt die Betroffenheit des Bodens und der Bodenfunktionen bei der Erdverkabelung und die Besonderheiten bei Trassenplanungen in Hinblick auf den Boden auf, stellt die relevanten fachlichen Anforderungen des Bodenschutzes vor und erläutert die Aktivitäten zum Bodenschutz in Niedersachsen bei Trassenplanungen und Trassenbau

    Nanoparticle-based highly sensitive MRI contrast agents with enhanced relaxivity in reductive milieu

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    Current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents often produce insufficient contrast for diagnosis of early disease stages, and do not sense their biochemical environments. Herein, we report a highly sensitive nanoparticle-based MRI probe with r(1) relaxivity up to 51.7 +/- 1.2 mM(-1) s(-1) (3T). Nanoparticles were co-assembled from Gd3+ complexed to heparin-poly(dimethylsiloxane) copolymer, and a reduction-sensitive amphiphilic peptide serving to induce responsiveness to environmental changes. The release of the peptide components leads to a r(1) relaxivity increase under reducing conditions and increases the MRI contrast. In addition, this MRI probe has several advantages, such as a low cellular uptake, no apparent cellular toxicity (tested up to 1mM Gd3+), absence of an anticoagulation property, and a high shelf stability (no increase in free Gd3+ over 7 months). Thus, this highly sensitive T-1 MRI contrast nanoparticle system represents a promising probe for early diagnosis through possible accumulation and contrast enhancement within reductive extracellular tumour tissue