103 research outputs found

    Toll-like receptor 2 contributes to antibacterial defence against pneumolysin-deficient pneumococci

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition receptors that recognize conserved molecular patterns expressed by pathogens. Pneumolysin, an intracellular toxin found in all Streptococcus pneumoniae clinical isolates, is an important virulence factor of the pneumococcus that is recognized by TLR4. Although TLR2 is considered the most important receptor for Gram-positive bacteria, our laboratory previously could not demonstrate a decisive role for TLR2 in host defence against pneumonia caused by a serotype 3 S. pneumoniae. Here we tested the hypothesis that in the absence of TLR2, S. pneumoniae can still be sensed by the immune system through an interaction between pneumolysin and TLR4. C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and TLR2 knockout (KO) mice were intranasally infected with either WT S. pneumoniae D39 (serotype 2) or the isogenic pneumolysin-deficient S. pneumoniae strain D39 PLN. TLR2 did not contribute to antibacterial defence against WT S. pneumoniae D39. In contrast, pneumolysin-deficient S. pneumoniae only grew in lungs of TLR2 KO mice. TLR2 KO mice displayed a strongly reduced early inflammatory response in their lungs during pneumonia caused by both pneumolysin-producing and pneumolysin-deficient pneumococci. These data suggest that pneumolysin-induced TLR4 signalling can compensate for TLR2 deficiency during respiratory tract infection with S. pneumoniae

    The effect of age on the response to the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Streptococcus pneumoniae </it>is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly. To prevent invasive pneumococcal diseases, the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is recommended in subjects over 65 years of age. Although it has been reported to provide approximately 50-80% protection against invasive disease in the general elderly population, there is still controversy as to the effectiveness of the PPV in the elderly.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To evaluate the immune response to the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in the elderly, samples from young adults and elderly were obtained before and one month after vaccination. The quantitative and qualitative response to the vaccine were measured by the ELISA and opsonophagocytic killing assay for eight vaccine type serotypes (4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F) and one vaccine-related serotype (6A).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The response to the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine showed a similar response between adults and elderly when evaluated by the ELISA, however the functional activity of the antibodies elicited after vaccination were lower in the elderly group for more than half of the serotypes evaluated. In comparison of the antibody needed for 1:8 opsonic titer, more antibodies were needed in the elderly for serotypes Pn 4, 19F, 23F and 6A, suggesting the functional activity of antibody detected by the ELISA was lower in the elderly compared with the adult group for these serotypes. As for subjects with an opsonic titer <8 after vaccination, only one subject each for serotypes Pn 4, 9V and 6A were found in the adult group. However, up to 10 (30.3%) of the subjects did not show opsonic activity after vaccination in the elderly group for serotypes Pn 4, 9V, 14, 19A and 6A.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although the amount of antibodies elicited were similar between the two age groups, distinct differences in function were noted. This report highlights the importance of a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the immunogenic response to the PPV in the elderly age group.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This trial is registered with Clinical trials.gov. Registration number NCT00964769</p

    Candidate genetic analysis of plasma high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol and severity of coronary atherosclerosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plasma level of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), a heritable trait, is an important determinant of susceptibility to atherosclerosis. Non-synonymous and regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes implicated in HDL-C synthesis and metabolism are likely to influence plasma HDL-C, apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) levels and severity of coronary atherosclerosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We genotyped 784 unrelated Caucasian individuals from two sets of populations (Lipoprotein and Coronary Atherosclerosis Study- LCAS, N = 333 and TexGen, N = 451) for 94 SNPs in 42 candidate genes by 5' nuclease assays. We tested the distribution of the phenotypes by the Shapiro-Wilk normality test. We used Box-Cox regression to analyze associations of the non-normally distributed phenotypes (plasma HDL-C and apo A-I levels) with the genotypes. We included sex, age, body mass index (BMI), diabetes mellitus (DM), and cigarette smoking as covariates. We calculated the q values as indicators of the false positive discovery rate (FDR).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Plasma HDL-C levels were associated with sex (higher in females), BMI (inversely), smoking (lower in smokers), DM (lower in those with DM) and SNPs in <it>APOA5, APOC2</it>, <it>CETP, LPL </it>and <it>LIPC </it>(each q ≤0.01). Likewise, plasma apo A-I levels, available in the LCAS subset, were associated with SNPs in <it>CETP</it>, <it>APOA5</it>, and <it>APOC2 </it>as well as with BMI, sex and age (all q values ≤0.03). The <it>APOA5 </it>variant S19W was also associated with minimal lumen diameter (MLD) of coronary atherosclerotic lesions, a quantitative index of severity of coronary atherosclerosis (q = 0.018); mean number of coronary artery occlusions (p = 0.034) at the baseline and progression of coronary atherosclerosis, as indicated by the loss of MLD.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Putatively functional variants of <it>APOA2</it>, <it>APOA5, APOC2</it>, <it>CETP, LPL</it>, <it>LIPC </it>and <it>SOAT2 </it>are independent genetic determinants of plasma HDL-C levels. The non-synonymous S19W SNP in <it>APOA5 </it>is also an independent determinant of plasma apo A-I level, severity of coronary atherosclerosis and its progression.</p

    Gene expression profiling of monkeypox virus-infected cells reveals novel interfaces for host-virus interactions

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    Monkeypox virus (MPV) is a zoonotic Orthopoxvirus and a potential biothreat agent that causes human disease with varying morbidity and mortality. Members of the Orthopoxvirus genus have been shown to suppress antiviral cell defenses, exploit host cell machinery, and delay infection-induced cell death. However, a comprehensive study of all host genes and virus-targeted host networks during infection is lacking. To better understand viral strategies adopted in manipulating routine host biology on global scale, we investigated the effect of MPV infection on Macaca mulatta kidney epithelial cells (MK2) using GeneChip rhesus macaque genome microarrays. Functional analysis of genes differentially expressed at 3 and 7 hours post infection showed distinctive regulation of canonical pathways and networks. While the majority of modulated histone-encoding genes exhibited sharp copy number increases, many of its transcription regulators were substantially suppressed; suggesting involvement of unknown viral factors in host histone expression. In agreement with known viral dependence on actin in motility, egress, and infection of adjacent cells, our results showed extensive regulation of genes usually involved in controlling actin expression dynamics. Similarly, a substantial ratio of genes contributing to cell cycle checkpoints exhibited concerted regulation that favors cell cycle progression in G1, S, G2 phases, but arrest cells in G2 phase and inhibits entry into mitosis. Moreover, the data showed that large number of infection-regulated genes is involved in molecular mechanisms characteristic of cancer canonical pathways. Interestingly, ten ion channels and transporters showed progressive suppression during the course of infection. Although the outcome of this unusual channel expression on cell osmotic homeostasis remains unknown, instability of cell osmotic balance and membrane potential has been implicated in intracellular pathogens egress. Our results highlight the role of histones, actin, cell cycle regulators, and ion channels in MPV infection, and propose these host functions as attractive research focal points in identifying novel drug intervention sites

    Human Fatal Zaire Ebola Virus Infection Is Associated with an Aberrant Innate Immunity and with Massive Lymphocyte Apoptosis

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    Ebolavirus, especially the species Zaïre (ZEBOV), causes a fulminating hemorrhagic fever syndrome resulting in the death of most patients within a few days. In vitro studies and animal models have brought some insight as to the immune responses to ZEBOV infection. However, human immune responses have as yet been poorly investigated, mainly due to the fact that most outbreaks occur in remote areas of central Africa. Published studies, based on small numbers of biological samples have given conflicting results. We studied a unique collection of 50 blood samples obtained during five outbreaks that occurred between 1996 and 2003 in Gabon and Republic of Congo. We measured the plasma levels of 50 soluble factors known to be involved in immune responses to viral diseases. For the first time, using a cell staining technique, we analyzed circulating lymphocytes from ZEBOV-infected patients. We found that fatal outcome in humans is associated with aberrant innate immunity characterized by a “cytokine storm,” with hypersecretion of numerous proinflammatory mediators and by the noteworthy absence of antiviral interferon. The adaptive response is globally suppressed, showing a massive loss of CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes and the immune mediators they produce. These findings may have important pathological and therapeutic implications