32 research outputs found

    Attacking RO-PUFs with Enhanced Challenge-Response Pairs

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    This paper studies the security of Ring Oscillator Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) with Enhanced Challenge-Response Pairs as proposed by Delavar et al. We present an attack that can predict all PUF responses after querying the PUF with n+2 attacker-chosen queries. This result renders the proposed RO-PUF with Enhanced Challenge-Response Pairs inapt for most typical PUF use cases, including but not limited to all cases where an attacker has query access

    Breaking the Lightweight Secure PUF: Understanding the Relation of Input Transformations and Machine Learning Resistance

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) and, in particular, XOR Arbiter PUFs have gained much research interest as an authentication mechanism for embedded systems. One of the biggest problems of (strong) PUFs is their vulnerability to so called machine learning attacks. In this paper we take a closer look at one aspect of machine learning attacks that has not yet gained the needed attention: the generation of the sub-challenges in XOR Arbiter PUFs fed to the individual Arbiter PUFs. Specifically, we look at one of the most popular ways to generate sub-challenges based on a combination of permutations and XORs as it has been described for the Lightweight Secure PUF . Previous research suggested that using such a sub-challenge generation increases the machine learning resistance significantly. Our contribution in the field of sub-challenge generation is three-fold: First, drastically improving attack results by Rührmair et al., we describe a novel attack that can break the Lightweight Secure PUF in time roughly equivalent to an XOR Arbiter PUF without transformation of the challenge input. Second, we give a mathematical model that gives insight into the weakness of the Lightweight Secure PUF and provides a way to study generation of sub-challenges in general. Third, we propose a new, efficient, and cost-effective way for sub-challenge generation that mitigates the attack strategy we used and outperforms the Lightweight Secure PUF in both machine learning resistance and resource overhead

    Programmable access-controlled and generic erasable PUF design and its applications

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    Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) have not only been suggested as a new key storage mechanism, but—in the form of so-called strong PUFs—also as cryptographic primitives in advanced schemes, including key exchange, oblivious transfer, or secure multi-party computation. This notably extends their application spectrum, and has led to a sequence of publications at leading venues such as IEEE S&P, CRYPTO, and EUROCRYPT in the past. However, one important unresolved problem is that adversaries can break the security of all these advanced protocols if they gain physical access to the employed strong PUFs after protocol completion. It has been formally proven that this issue cannot be overcome by techniques on the protocol side alone, but requires resolution on the hardware level—the only fully effective known countermeasure being so-called erasable PUFs. Building on this work, this paper is the first to describe a generic method of how any given silicon strong PUF with digital CRP-interface can be turned into an erasable PUF. We describe how the strong PUF can be surrounded with a trusted control logic that allows the blocking (or “erasure”) of single CRP. We implement our approach, which we call “GeniePUF,” on FPGA, reporting detailed performance data and practicality figures. Furthermore, we develop the first comprehensive definitional framework for erasable PUFs. Our work so re-establishes the effective usability of strong PUFs in advanced cryptographic applications, and in the realistic case, adversaries get access to the strong PUF after protocol completion. As an extension to earlier versions of this work, we also introduce a generalization of erasable PUFs in this paper, which we call programmable access-controlled PUFs (PAC PUFs). We detail their definition, and discuss various exemplary applications of theirs

    Greater Expectations?

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    Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are key tools in the construction of lightweight authentication and key exchange protocols. So far, all existing PUF-based authentication protocols follow the same paradigm: A resource-constrained prover, holding a PUF, wants to authenticate to a resource-rich verifier, who has access to a database of pre-measured PUF challenge-response pairs (CRPs). In this paper we consider application scenarios where all previous PUF-based authentication schemes fail to work: The verifier is resource-constrained (and holds a PUF), while the prover is resource-rich (and holds a CRP-database). We construct the first and efficient PUF-based authentication protocol for this setting, which we call converse PUF-based authentication. We provide an extensive security analysis against passive adversaries, show that a minor modification also allows for authenticated key exchange and propose a concrete instantiation using controlled Arbiter PUFs

    Evaluation of bistable ring PUFs using single layer neural networks

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    This paper presents an analysis of a bistable ring physical unclonable function (BR-PUF) implemented on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) using a single layer artificial neural network (ANN). The BR-PUF was proposed as a promising circuit-based strong PUF candidate, given that a simple model for its behaviour is unknown by now and hence modeling-based attacks would be hard. In contrast to this, we were able to find a strongly linear influence in the mapping of challenges to responses in this architecture. Further, we show how an alternative implementation of a bistable ring, the twisted bistable ring PUF (TBR-PUF), leads to an improved response behaviour. The effectiveness and a possible explaination of the improvements is demonstrated using our machine learning analysis approach

    SIMPL systems as a keyless cryptographic and security primitive

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    We discuss a recent cryptographic primitive termed SIMPL system, where the acronym stands for SIMulation Possible, but Laborious. Like Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), SIMPL systems are disordered, unclonable physical systems with many possible inputs and a complex input-output behavior. Contrary to PUFs, however, each SIMPL system comes with a publicly known, individual numeric description that allows its slow simulation and output prediction. While everyone can determine a SIMPL system's output slowly by simulation, only its actual holder can determine the output fast by physical measurement. This added functionality allows new public key like protocols and applications. But SIMPLs have a second, perhaps more striking advantage: No secret information is, or needs to be, contained in SIMPL systems in order to enable cryptographic security. Neither in the form of a standard digital key, nor as secret information hidden in the random, analog features of some hardwar e, as it is the case for PUFs. The security of SIMPL systems instead rests on (i) an assumption regarding their physical unclonability, and (ii) a computational assumption on the complexity of simulating their output. This provides SIMPL systems with a natural immunity against any key extraction attacks, including malware, side channel, invasive, and modeling attempts. In this manuscript, we give a comprehensive discussion of SIMPLs as a cryptographic and security primitive. Special emphasis is placed on the different cryptographic protocols that are enabled by this new tool

    Lightweight and Secure PUFs: A Survey (Invited Paper)

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