2,023 research outputs found

    POS Tagging and its Applications for Mathematics

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    Content analysis of scientific publications is a nontrivial task, but a useful and important one for scientific information services. In the Gutenberg era it was a domain of human experts; in the digital age many machine-based methods, e.g., graph analysis tools and machine-learning techniques, have been developed for it. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a powerful machine-learning approach to semiautomatic speech and language processing, which is also applicable to mathematics. The well established methods of NLP have to be adjusted for the special needs of mathematics, in particular for handling mathematical formulae. We demonstrate a mathematics-aware part of speech tagger and give a short overview about our adaptation of NLP methods for mathematical publications. We show the use of the tools developed for key phrase extraction and classification in the database zbMATH

    Iodine monoxide in the Antarctic snowpack

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    Recent ground-based and space borne observations suggest the presence of significant amounts of iodine monoxide in the boundary layer of Antarctica, which are expected to have an impact on the ozone budget and might contribute to the formation of new airborne particles. So far, the source of these iodine radicals has been unknown. This paper presents long-term measurements of iodine monoxide at the German Antarctic research station Neumayer, which indicate that high IO concentrations in the order of 50 ppb are present in the snow interstitial air. The measurements have been performed using multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS). Using a coupled atmosphere snowpack radiative transfer model, the comparison of the signals observed from scattered skylight and from light reflected by the snowpack yields several ppb of iodine monoxide in the upper layers of the sunlit snowpack throughout the year. Snow pit samples from Neumayer Station contain up to 700 ng/l of total iodine, representing a sufficient reservoir for these extraordinarily high IO concentrations

    The impact of vibrational Raman scattering of air on DOAS measurements of atmospheric trace gases

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    In remote sensing applications, such as differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), atmospheric scattering processes need to be considered. After inelastic scattering on N2 and O2 molecules, the scattered photons occur as additional intensity at a different wavelength, effectively leading to filling-in of both solar Fraunhofer lines and absorptions of atmospheric constituents. Measured spectra in passive DOAS applications are typically corrected for rotational Raman scattering (RRS), also called Ring effect, which represents the main contribution to inelastic scattering. In contrast to that, vibrational Raman scattering (VRS) of N2 and O2 has often been thought to be negligible, but also contributes. Consequences of VRS are red-shifted Fraunhofer structures in scattered light spectra and filling-in of Fraunhofer lines, additional to RRS. We describe how to calculate VRS correction spectra in analogy to the Ring spectrum. We discuss further the impact of VRS cross-sections for O2 and N2 on passive DOAS measurements. The relevance of VRS is shown for the first time in spectral evaluations of Multi-Axis DOAS data. This measurement data yields in agreement with calculated scattering cross-sections, that the observed VRS cross-section amounts to 2.2 ± 0.4% of the cross-section of RRS under tropospheric conditions. It is concluded, that this phenomenon has to be included in the spectral evaluation of weak absorbers as it reduces the measurement error significantly and can cause apparent differential optical depth of up to 2.5 × 10−4. Its influence on the spectral retrieval of IO, Glyoxal, water vapour and NO2 in the blue wavelength range is evaluated. For measurements with a large Ring signal a significant and systematic bias of NO2 dSCDs up to (−3.8 ± 0.4) × 1014 molec cm−2 at low elevation angles is observed if this effect is not considered

    Iterative maximum a posteriori (IMAP)-DOAS for retrieval of strongly absorbing trace gases: Model studies for CH_4 and CO_2 retrieval from near infrared spectra of SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT

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    In the past, differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) has mostly been employed for atmospheric trace gas retrieval in the UV/Vis spectral region. New spectrometers such as SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT also provide near infrared channels and thus allow for the detection of greenhouse gases like CH_4, CO_2, or N_2O. However, modifications of the classical DOAS algorithm are necessary to account for the idiosyncrasies of this spectral region, i.e. the temperature and pressure dependence of the high resolution absorption lines. Furthermore, understanding the sensitivity of the measurement of these high resolution, strong absorption lines by means of a non-ideal device, i.e. having finite spectral resolution, is of special importance. This applies not only in the NIR, but can also prove to be an issue for the UV/Vis spectral region

    High spatial resolution measurements of NO<sub>2</sub> applying Topographic Target Light scattering-Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (ToTaL-DOAS)

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    International audienceTomographic Target Light scattering ? Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (ToTaL-DOAS), also called Target-DOAS, is a novel experimental procedure to retrieve trace gas concentrations present in the low atmosphere. Scattered sunlight (partially or totally) reflected from natural or artificial targets of similar albedo located at different distances is analyzed to retrieve the concentration of different trace gases like NO2, SO2 and others. We report high spatial resolution measurements of NO2 mixing ratios in the city of Montevideo (Uruguay) observing three buildings as targets with a Mini-DOAS instrument. Our instrument was 146 m apart from the first building, 196 m from the second and 286 m from the third one. All three buildings are located along a main Avenue. We obtain temporal variation of NO2 mixing ratios between 30 ppb and 65 ppb (±2 ppb). Our measurements demonstrate that ToTaL-DOAS measurements can be made over very short distances. In polluted air masses, the retrieved absorption signal was found to be strong enough to allow measurements over distances in the range of several ten meters, and achieve a spatial resolution of 50 m approximately

    Retrieval of CO from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT: detection of strongly polluted areas and seasonal patterns in global CO abundances

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    SCIAMACHY onboard the European environmental research satellite ENVISAT is an UV/visible/near-infrared spectrometer providing 3 near infrared channels covering wavelengths from 1-1.75 µm, 1.94-2.04 µm and 2.26-2.38 µm with moderate spectral resolution (0.22-1.5nm). From their structured absorption in these spectral regions, we can quantitatively determine the total column densities of the greenhouse gases CO_2, CH_4, N_2O and H_2O as well as of CO. A modified DOAS algorithm based on optimal estimation (IMAP-DOAS) has been developed at the University of Heidelberg to account for the peculiarities of these absorbers. CO is a relatively weak absorber whose spectral signature is overlapped by strong CH_4 and H_2O absorptions. Hence, retrieval of CO from SCIAMACHY spectra (within 2.26-2.38 µm) is a challenging task. Therefore, the calibration of the raw spectra with respect to dark current issues and nonlinearity were analysed in detail and substantially improved to enable reasonable retrieval of CO. This paper focusses on first results of the CO retrieval where various sources like biomass burning events and their seasonal variability can be clearly identified

    The mechanism of halogen liberation in the polar troposphere

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    International audienceSudden depletions of tropospheric ozone during spring were reported from the Arctic and also from Antarctic coastal sites. Field studies showed that those depletion events are caused by reactive halogen species, especially bromine compounds. However the source and seasonal variation of reactive halogen species is still not completely understood. There are several indications that the halogen mobilisation from the sea ice surface of the polar oceans may be the most important source for the necessary halogens. Here we present a 1-D model study aimed at determining the primary source of reactive halogens. The model includes gas phase and heterogeneous bromine and chlorine chemistry as well as vertical transport between the surface and the top of the boundary layer. The autocatalytic Br release by photochemical processes (bromine explosion) and subsequent rapid bromine catalysed ozone depletion is well reproduced in the model and the major source of reactive bromine appears to be the sea ice surface. The sea salt aerosol alone is not sufficient to yield the high levels of reactive bromine in the gas phase necessary for fast ozone depletion. However, the aerosol efficiently 'recycles' less reactive bromine species (e.g. HBr) and feeds them back into the ozone destruction cycle. Isolation of the boundary layer air from the free troposphere by a strong temperature inversion was found to be critical for boundary layer ozone depletion to happen. The combination of strong surface inversions and presence of sunlight occurs only during polar spring

    On the relative absorption strengths of water vapour in the blue wavelength range

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    In recent updates of the HITRAN water vapour H2O spectroscopic compilation covering the blue spectral region (here: 394–480 nm) significant changes for the absorption bands at 416 and 426 nm were reported. In order to investigate the consistency of the different cross-sections calculated from these compilations, H2O vapour column density ratios for different spectral intervals were retrieved from long-path and multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) measurements. We observed a significant improvement of the DOAS evaluation when using the updated HITRAN water vapour absorption cross-sections for the calculation of the reference spectra. In particular the magnitudes of the residual spectra as well as the fit errors were reduced. However, we also found that the best match between measurement and model is reached when the absorption cross-section of groups of lines are scaled by factors ranging from 0.5 to 1.9, suggesting that the HITRAN water vapour absorption compilation still needs significant corrections. For this spectral region we present correction factors for HITRAN 2009, HITRAN 2012, HITEMP and BT2 derived from field measurements. Additionally, upper limits for water vapour absorption in the UV-A range from 330 to 390 nm are given

    Enhanced tropospheric BrO concentrations over the Antarctic sea ice belt in mid winter observed from MAX-DOAS observations on board the research vessel Polarstern

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    International audienceWe present Multi AXis-Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) observations of tropospheric BrO carried out on board the German research vessel Polarstern during the Antarctic winter 2006. Polarstern entered the area of first year sea ice around Antarctica on 24 June 2006 and stayed within this area until 15 August 2006. For the period when the ship cruised inside the first year sea ice belt, enhanced BrO concentrations were almost continuously observed. One interesting exception appeared on 7 July 2006, when the sun elevation angle was 2 and/or HOBr is too slow to provide sufficient amounts of Br radicals. Before and after the period inside the first year sea ice belt, typically low BrO concentrations were observed. Our observations indicate that enhanced BrO concentrations around Antarctica exist about one month earlier than observed by satellite instruments. The small BrO concentrations over the open oceans indicate a short atmospheric lifetime of activated bromine without contact to areas of first year sea ice. From detailed radiative transfer simulations we find that MAX-DOAS observations are about one order of magnitude more sensitive to near-surface BrO than satellite observations. In contrast to satellite observations the MAX-DOAS sensitivity hardly decreases for large solar zenith angles and is almost independent from the ground albedo. Thus this technique is very well suited for observations in polar regions close to the solar terminator. Furthermore, combination of both techniques could yield additional information on the vertical distribution of BrO in the lower troposphere

    Multi axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS)

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    International audienceMulti Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) in the atmosphere is a novel measurement technique that represents a significant advance on the well-established zenith scattered sunlight DOAS instruments which are mainly sensitive to stratospheric absorbers. MAX-DOAS utilizes scattered sunlight received from multiple viewing directions. The spatial distribution of various trace gases close to the instrument can be derived by combining several viewing directions. Ground based MAX-DOAS is highly sensitive to absorbers in the lowest few kilometres of the atmosphere and vertical profile information can be retrieved by combining the measurements with Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) calculations. The potential of the technique for a wide variety of studies of tropospheric trace species and its (few) limitations are discussed. A Monte Carlo RTM is applied to calculate Airmass Factors (AMF) for the various viewing geometries of MAX-DOAS. Airmass Factors can be used to quantify the light path length within the absorber layers. The airmass factor dependencies on the viewing direction and the influence of several parameters (trace gas profile, ground albedo, aerosol profile and type, solar zenith and azimuth angles) are investigated. In addition we give a brief description of the instrumental MAX-DOAS systems realised and deployed so far. The results of the RTM studies are compared to several examples of recent MAX-DOAS field experiments and an outlook for future possible applications is given
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